Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 39: Back to America (2)

An hour later, a group of 3 convoys led by the Rolls-Royce Phantom drove into the business jet building of Incheon Airport. Because they had greeted in advance, the convoy could directly enter the hangar.

   Through the car window, you can see a blue and white color scheme. There is also a Jinshan Boeing BBJ business jet on the rear wing. Seen from a distance, it looks like this Jinshan breaks through the sky. This is also the symbol of Yuanshan Group.

The so-called BBJ is actually a business jet project of Boeing’s various types of aircraft. The Yang family’s business jet was ordered in 2000 and delivered in 2002. It was transformed from the Boeing 737 as a prototype, with a longest range of more than 11,000. Kilometers basically meet the needs of flying from the United States to all over the world. The fuselage with a total length of nearly 39 meters also provides more space for the interior.

In that year, the Yang family ordered this "Yuanshan", except for the bare metal of 52 million US dollars, the cost of interior decoration and modification also reached 20 million US dollars, with a total cost of 72 million US dollars. Around 2010, the "Yuanshan" was also modernized. Renovation.

There are 18 seats inside, a master bedroom suite with a separate bathroom, as well as an audio-visual entertainment area and a work area. Since delivery, the "Yuanshan" has been dedicated to serving the Yang family for more than 10 years, and has never been out once. Accidents, but with the maintenance costs rising year after year, it is time to retire.

   Yang Cheng got out of the car staringly, and waved to Li Xiuman and Sunny who got off the Mercedes-Benz from behind.

In a hurry on the road, the car drove very unsteadily. Yang Cheng, who was uncomfortable because of drunkenness, now had his appetite as if it was overwhelmed by the acid water. In addition, the suit jacket was given to sunny, and he was so excited by the cool breeze. , Splitting headache.

   Yang Cheng, with a pale face, instructed Hansen, "Go and ask the ground staff to help bring some casual outfits. I, Ms. Sunny, and President Li each have one set."

   "Chairman Li, Sunny, you two should report the size of your clothes to Hansen and let someone send you some loose clothes. This is too uncomfortable."

Yang Cheng and Li Xiuman are wearing suits, but Sunny is miserable. Evening dresses are beautiful and beautiful, but they don’t keep warm. If it weren’t for Yang Cheng’s jacket, Sunny might be able to figure out what the freezing condition will be. The weather in June is still It\'s really changeable. It\'s obviously summer at noon, and it\'s late autumn at night, which makes people caught off guard.

   The two were not hypocritical at the moment, and directly reported the size to Hansen.

The plane was making the final preparations before take-off. Yang Cheng said hello to the beautiful flight attendant, and led the two on board the plane. He was not very familiar with this set of crew members. Generally, Yang Cheng rarely used planes, probably Yuanshan The aircrew contracted by the capital, the company also has two business jets, a Gulfstream G550, and a Dassault Falcon. These are all used by high-level employees on business trips or in emergencies. They are almost never idle. Even if Yang Cheng wants to get involved, he has to approve an appointment in advance if he occasionally uses a public implement for private use.

Because the Yuanshan was originally ordered for the convenience of the elderly at home, the interior decoration style tends to be Chinese classical, and the main color is not as bright as the exterior color. As soon as you enter the cabin, you feel a solemn blow, but when After people get used to it, the faint wood scent quickly relaxes people. Of course, this is going to fly to the sky after all, not at home, and there are not many places where solid wood is really used.

   Stepping on the thick and soft carpet, Yang Cheng said without looking back, "Sit down, and after taking off for a while, sunny, go to the bedroom to rest."

Normally, the bedroom should be given to the oldest Li Xiuman. Sunny also subconsciously looked at his uncle after listening to Yang Cheng’s words, but Yang Cheng didn’t have that consciousness. It has always been his code of conduct to give priority to color and friends, not to mention Li Xiuman. His friend.

   "Well, Shun Kyu, you can go to the bedroom for a good rest in a while. I am worried that your aunt won\'t be able to sleep either." Li Xiuman didn\'t have the mood to care about this, and tried to squeeze a smile.

Sunny nodded silently. Instead of going to the row of independent seats, she sat opposite Yang Cheng. In front of Li Xiuman, the two of them kept a proper distance in tacit understanding and threw the previous ambiguity aside. Everyone is an adult. I have eaten and seen it before, and I can understand it impulsively after drinking. There is no need to think too much or even hold on.

Looking softly at Yang Cheng, who is closing her eyes and meditation, in fact Sunny feels that she has taken the wrong medicine today. Even if she usually puts the topic of the 19 ban on her mouth, it does not mean that she is a slut, really experienced Count the number of times with both hands.

In the past, if she was attacked and kissed by a man, she would have been mad, but not only did she not fight back, but she was a little greedy for Yang Cheng\'s embrace. She knew this was not a liking, and the two met twice before they had a good deal of money. , And Yang Cheng is definitely not the kind of man who can make women fall in love at first sight. His charm needs to be discovered slowly.

   What the **** is that?

   It is a pity that no one can give her an accurate answer, she can only comprehend it.

   waited another ten minutes. As Hansen and Andrew boarded the plane, the flight attendants closed the door, and the tractor pushed the plane out of the plane. After a long taxi to the runway, it was ready to take off.

   "Boss, clothes." Hansen handed the bags to the three Yang Cheng.

   "Oh, thank you, let\'s change after taking off." Yang Cheng took it and put it on the seat next to him, using the remote control to turn the seat back, facing the cockpit, fastened his seat belt and waited for takeoff.

The process of raising the plane made Yang Cheng almost vomit out uncomfortably, but after a short time, Yang Cheng drank a few more sips of water and pressed it down. After the plane cruised in the stratosphere steadily, Yang Cheng went to the bathroom for a simple rinse and changed it. With dry clothes and a cup of hot milk to drink, my appetite is better, but my head is humming, and it seems that a bad cold can\'t get away.


   More than 10 hours of flying, Yang Cheng almost spent time in a coma. In the middle, she simply ate a meal and went back to sleep. When the plane landed, Yang Cheng cheered up and said goodbye to Li Xiuman and Sunny.

   The plane replenished its fuel, and after doing relevant inspections, it took off again and flew to the east.

   Because of the time difference, when the plane took off, it was close to the early morning, and it was close to the early morning when it arrived in New York. It felt like a day and a night had passed, but in fact it only took more than 10 hours.

   When Yang Cheng returned home, Yang Sen and Liu Yun were taken aback. Seeing Yang Cheng\'s haggard face and sluggish eyes, he thought something serious had happened to him.

   "Son, what\'s the matter with you? Don\'t scare your mother?" Liu Yun took Yang Cheng to sit on the sofa, and looked around, but found nothing, and asked anxiously.

   Yang Cheng grinned bitterly, "Mom, I\'m fine, I just caught a cold, and the flying time is too long, and I didn\'t get well after taking cold medicine. I guess I have a fever now."

   Liu Yun is not needed this time, Yang Sen touched Yang Cheng\'s forehead from behind. The tentacles are hot, and there is no need to measure body temperature, at least 39 degrees.

   "John... Hurry up and call the doctor." Yang Sen called out the old housekeeper who arranged for Hansen and Andrew.

   "Okay, Jason has a fever?" Old John didn\'t have the feeling of slowness in his 60s. Instead, he rushed to the phone with a fast pace, calling and confirming Yang Cheng\'s condition.

   Yang Sen frowned, the facial features on his face were tangled together, "Well, it\'s very hot, it must be over 39 degrees."

   "It\'s so serious? Damn, why doesn\'t the doctor answer the phone." When he heard the temperature, Old John was also a little anxious. After the phone rang less than 3 times, he began to curse in a low voice, completely losing his usual grace and calmness.

Yang Cheng’s illness affected the hearts of the whole family. He naturally didn’t know. At this time, perhaps because of the reason of returning home, his strained nerves were loosened, and he could no longer hold back and fell asleep directly against his mother. He couldn\'t even hear someone calling him.

While the doctor was on the road, Yang Sen called Hansen over and asked how Yang Cheng got sick. Hansen, who had been waiting outside the hotel last night, told him what he knew. Knowing that Yang Cheng was drunk and lent her clothes to a woman to catch the cold, Liu Yun almost laughed and scolded the lethargic Yang Cheng deserved it, but she slapped her in a huff.

   Yang Cheng is now a real dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. No matter how the outside world beats him and scolds him, he doesn\'t feel it, don\'t know, and sleeps soundly.

   It was already on the morning of June 7 when Yang Cheng woke up again. Last night, she was so confused as to hear a doctor coming to give him a fever-reducing injection. He sat up and looked around blindly, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com\'s familiar post-modern light luxury furniture, familiar LV style, after confirming that it was my own bedroom, he was relieved, rubbed his hair and got up from the bed, stood by the window, and overlooked the verdant central park. This refreshing and refreshing feeling came back.

I took a shower, changed my clothes and walked out of the bedroom. I came to the restaurant on the first floor. Dad and mom didn’t know what to talk about. Old John was instructing the servant to serve breakfast. The glass curtain wall on the first floor opened outward. , The warm spring breeze came in with the breath of green grass, like a mother\'s hand holding the child\'s face, it was extremely comfortable.

   stretched out comfortably, and said hello to parents with a heavy nasal voice, "Good morning Dad and Mom, good morning Old John, how did you sleep last night?"

   "No, you\'ll toss us this time you come back. Which way is your mind?" Liu Yun\'s poisonous tongue worked again, and she didn\'t get angry when she saw Yang Cheng smiling.

   smiled and touched his nose, itchy, how can the cold heal so quickly, "Oh, I didn\'t mean to be sick."

   "Alright, let alone him, taking care of girls is also a good thing, sit down and eat." Yang Sen smiled and patted his mother\'s hand. Every time he encountered this kind of time, his father would stand up to make ends meet.

   "You know to be a good old man." Liu Yun groaned Yang Sen. She didn\'t really blame Yang Cheng.

   sat next to his mother, and the servant put up dishes for him and thanked him.

   has just gone from fever and has not yet opened up his appetite. I am not very interested in bacon and the like. I only need a bowl of millet porridge with cold dishes.

After eating a few bites, I felt a little bit appetite. I suddenly remembered about the Shanghai LV Building. I didn’t know how the people my dad sent was talking about, so I asked, “Dad, how is the LV building talking? Did you buy it?"