Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 387: Invitation from the Davos Forum

(The evil capitalist, he was sent to work overtime at the weekend! My add-on~My World Cup~!!! There is no way, I can only add it on Monday.) "Boss, I just received an invitation Letter, inviting you to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos in 10 days. How do I respond?"

Just after a fierce and friendly exercise, Yang Cheng got up from the sweaty Emma, ​​held up his mobile phone and panted and asked, "Davos Forum? Why did you suddenly invite me?"

Yang Cheng was a little unsure. So, it was not that he felt that he was not qualified, but that his front foot caused a **** storm in Switzerland, and he was invited to participate in the annual Davos event in Switzerland on the back foot, which made him a little confused and even more confused. The thing is, this kind of invitation is usually sent out a few months in advance, and then the invitee will reply whether they are invited to attend. How can it be that the invitation is sent less than 10 days before the meeting?

Susu didn’t understand the reason, and just told Yang Cheng what he knew, “I’m not sure, but it’s said that this year’s conference will be attended by more than 2,500 guests from 140 countries, including 1,500 global business leaders. This number has set a record high in the number of participants in Davos over the years."

He paused and said, “According to the staff of Davos, the theme of this year’s Forum’s annual meeting is “New Global Patterns.” According to the agenda, there will be more than 280 seminars this year, with topics related to geopolitical crisis and climate change. Change, economic growth and monetary policy, new energy pattern and other aspects.

It will also focus on environmental and resource scarcity, employment skills and human resources, gender equality, long-term investment, infrastructure and development, food security and agriculture, international trade and investment, the future of the Internet, global crime and anti-corruption, social integration and the prospects of the financial system And other issues, and more than 40 heads of countries including country Z confirmed to attend this meeting. "

Yang Cheng squeezed his eyebrows. It seems that there are a lot of important people here. It is a good opportunity to connect with feelings. If so, let\'s go for a while. By the way, solve the bank affairs and take advantage of the time to think about it. He replied with a breath of breath, "Then you can reply there and I will be there on time."

"I know the boss."

Hung up the phone, pondered for a moment, and patted Emma\'s limp body, "Go wash first, I have to make a call."

Emma opened her eyes, didn\'t want to move, turned her back and ignored Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng had no choice but to sit on the side of the bed and dial the old Gushen\'s phone.

"Good afternoon jason, suddenly I called for something?" Warren Buffett\'s vigorous voice came.

"Good afternoon Warren, I want to ask you something. Will you attend the Davos forum at the end of the month?"

"Hehe, I know you will call, of course I will attend. It is the invitation letter I asked the forum to send you. You have to attend this financial summit and Internet conference. Many people want to talk to you. This young talent has a good exchange." The old stock teased with a smile.

"Warren, wouldn\'t you dig a hole in Davos and wait for me to jump in?" Yang Cheng said with fearful temptation.

The old stockman laughed loudly, "You want more opportunities for the little guy to communicate with elites from all walks of life without barriers, but other people can\'t get it. Why does your tone sound disgusting?"

Yang Cheng complained uncomfortably, "When dealing with old foxes like you, the bones and dregs that have been swallowed are not left if you are not careful, can you still have a chance to call you here?"

"Oh, Jason, I\'m sad when you say that."

"When I didn\'t say, see you in Davos."

Throwing away the phone angrily, talking to these old shameless guys, was vomiting blood in minutes.

Going back into the bed and looking at Emma Watson’s increasingly refined profile, she couldn’t help but lament that the little magician at the School of Magic has grown up. Compared with other crippled European and American child stars, Emma is really favored by God. As he grows older, he becomes mature and charming, and the warm sun in the afternoon radiates a lazy charm. The smell of a little woman catches Yang Cheng and forgets the tiredness at that time. There is a heroic impulse to fight another three hundred rounds.

But I\'m going to play polo in a while, and now I\'m so weak that I can\'t even ride a horse, and I lose my face.

Speaking of polo, it is not only a passionate sport, it is one of the most difficult sports in the world, but also a veritable aristocratic sport.

This statement is correct! Apart from Argentines, only a relatively small number of people in the world have access to this sport. According to statistics, there are about 350 polo players in Germany, 200 in France, about 150 in Asia, and less than 50 in Z.

The reason why there are few polo players may be that as a hobbyist, they often cannot face the fear of high-speed polo movement. Of course, it is an indisputable fact that the huge cost and the need for too much time are.

Therefore, people who can truly enjoy the incomparable charm of polo competitions are all high-ranking officials, and only they have the time and money to calm down and experience the ancient and noble sport of polo. Its charm is not to play the game. People can never experience it.

Even if you consider yourself to be a master of horseback riding, you will still lose confidence on the polo field. This sport combines speed, strategy, technique, thinking and teamwork spirit, combined with speed and passion, plus unpredictable tactics. It stops quickly, turns sharply and hits the ball accurately at the same time. It is like an ancient brave warrior fighting on the battlefield, reaching the state of unity of man and horse. This also explains why polo is called "the sport of the king".

When it comes to the history of polo, people who may not understand polo will always attribute the birthplace of this sport to the empire that never sets in the sun. In fact, tracing the roots, at least 2000 years ago, polo was born in The steppes of Central Asia and the ancient country of Persia are now Iran.

At that time, polo was loved by the cavalry of the nomads and became a project for training cavalry on horseback. About 400 years later, polo evolved from this kind of militarized training into an item of ancient Persians and Turkmen. Entertaining sports, and will regularly perform in front of the audience.

And over time, polo gradually became a national sport, and won the favor of the Persian nobles and many government officials at that time.

In the 13th century AD, polo was introduced to India. The word "Polo" is derived from the Indian word "pulu", which refers to a kind of wood used to make polo. Indian nobles have always regarded polo as courage and skill. As a symbol, the princes of the Brahmins of North India also used this movement to prove who is more capable of becoming a king.

It was not until the middle of the 19th century that British planters discovered the sport in Assam in northeastern India and introduced it to the United Kingdom. This has also become the source of modern polo. Polo even Once on the stage of the Olympic Games, its history cannot be described as unrelated.

"My dear, I have only played polo a few times. I\'m not good at it. It\'s okay to play. I can\'t play the game at all." On the way to the polo club, Emma Watson\'s white face was intoxicating. Tao dizzy, a pair of Qiu Shui eyes were sentimental, and the soft and sweet Xiao Su Yin almost made Yang Cheng unable to control it again.

"It was just for fun. It really made me play games with a bunch of old men. Wouldn\'t it be so depressing to me." Yang Cheng said while sitting in the back of the Mercedes-Benz with his hands behind his head.

The Mercedes Benz was heading west along the lamb intestine trail, passing the beautiful pastoral scenery, and slowly entering the Santa Barbara Polo Club established in 1910.

This home has a long history and is an important place for wealthy families, politicians, and celebrities to play polo competitions and social gatherings. It not only represents the evolutionary history of polo in the United States, but also deservedly won the title of "California\'s oldest horse "Polo Club", "The most popular polo club on the Pacific Coast" and "The Summer Polo Capital of the United States".

It is worth mentioning that the internationally renowned clothing brand-Sao Paulo, with the logo of the Santa Barbara Polo Club as its trademark, was born here.

The Santa Barbara Polo Club is still a must for many wealthy people living in California in their old age or on vacation, especially the white sea bass migration in June and July every year ~ ~ October when the lobster opens. , And friends like migratory birds

Traveling to Santa Barbara from all over California, catching bass and lobster, playing polo in the morning, surfing on the beach in the afternoon, and having a picnic with your beloved woman and friends in the shade of green grass during lunch break, this life is better heaven.

The car placed the two in front of the red roof and white building of the club, passed through the antique hall with original western characteristics, and went straight to the VIP building behind the atrium garden.

Here, in addition to the official polo matches held by the club, there will be spontaneous polo matches in the morning and afternoon at the rest of the time. The first condition for participating in it is to be a member of the club. When you wear a member exclusive When polo club badges happen, if you happen to encounter a lack of people on both sides, you can be welcomed by the enthusiastic rich.

Yang Cheng is a member of the club, but it has been 7 or 8 years since he visited the club last time. Today is purely a whim. I haven\'t touched a polo stick for a long time, and being so close to this polo mecca , It’s a bit unreasonable not to stop playing a few balls. As for why he has to drag Emma Watson, he would not admit that he was acting as a 13. The charm of men in sports is infinitely magnified, and they are the most attractive to women. .

"Mr. Yang, I am a VIP account manager. Please call me Parker. I am very happy to serve you."

Yang Cheng and Emma had just stepped on the steps of the VIP building when a meticulous oil-faced niche with a gray polo uniform and hair comb greeted them, with one hand behind him and one hand in front of his abdomen, bowing slightly in greeting.

Emma nodded with a polite smile wearing sunglasses, Yang Cheng went up the steps and glanced at the little handsome boy, nodding, "Hello Parker, thank you for your enthusiasm, take us to change clothes."