Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 37: The bird flies in the wind?

"Oh? Jason, you are also interested in the entertainment industry?" Sun Kyung-sik was surprised.

"Hehe, I\'m only interested in making money." Yang Cheng amused Sun Jingzhi with an interesting sentence. This old guy is now the actual leader of CJ Group. He is the second largest shareholder of CJ Group. The elder Lee Jae-hyun was accused by the prosecutor and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment. It is estimated that it will take a few years to come out. Now the CJ Group, which has a big business, is controlled by Sun Jingzhi alone. Everyone has to go home with a cloth and smell it slowly.

"That\'s good, do you already have a plan? Do you want to start a new company or acquire a company to develop on this basis." Sun Jingzhi asked half-carefully and half-tentatively. Yang Cheng is not an ordinary young man. The mountain capital of the mountain, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dragon. Once Yang Cheng is determined to get a foot in the Korean entertainment circle, he must be prepared. He does not want to ignore Yang Cheng\'s words.

   Of course, in a short period of time, with the foundation of Hershey’s cooperation, there will be no conflict between the two parties for the time being. Everyone can discuss and make money together, but the cooperation is over?

And Yang Cheng didn’t intend to hide it, and he couldn’t hide it. The megabox theaters basically got it, and they waited for the money to be signed and the contract was officially announced. When the grandpa came out, the price was naturally much more favorable, and therefore there was no If you pay in installments, you must pay the full amount at once, so that the funds provided by your parents have already arrived.

Megabox once belonged to the Orion Group, but it was transferred to the Macquarie Fund in Australia in 2006 due to poor performance. In fact, megabox is not only a theater circuit, but also commercial plazas in Hong Kong and Tokyo. Of course, this time Yang Orange only bought the theater business, which cost him 120 million U.S. dollars. Before his father\'s money was warmed up, he changed hands and spent it.

   I owed my grandfather 20 million U.S. dollars for this. This is to be paid back. It feels uncomfortable to owe money, even if it is my own pro-grandpa, he will not urge to pay it back.

Fortunately, the profitability of megabox is quite considerable. It does not require additional capital injection. It can provide a stable net profit of about 100 million yuan per year, and it has the third largest theater in South Korea, a market with a population of 50 million and a developed entertainment industry. , Will completely open his arms to him.

"I have already acquired the megabox cinema chain. CJ Entertainment will have any movies in the future, don\'t forget the younger generation." Yang Cheng is reporting good news but not worrying. Megabox is almost a certainty. Even if Sun Jingzhi wants to mess with him, he can\'t find an opportunity. It will also affect Hershey\'s cooperation. Sun Jingzhi has no water in his head. This kind of thing that doesn\'t worth the loss will not be done.

   But the fact that he wants to acquire N.E.W must not be known to the outside world before signing the contract.

The whole of Korea knows that NEW can make money, especially the film made in the past two years. It was a movie. In the past, various forces could use the theater line to clamp down and make it difficult to move. But once Yang Cheng completed the reorganization, With the strong financial strength of distant mountains, NEW can really fly into the sky.

   Sun Kyung-sik\'s smile condensed, what he is really afraid of, "Jason, your shot is a big deal, it\'s really a blockbuster."

"A little trouble, it\'s not worth mentioning." Yang Cheng stopped the topic without any pain. The reason why she took the initiative to say hello was to say hello to the big guy, so as not to suddenly enter the venue when he got in. Scared that some little ghosts jumped out to make themselves messy, Sun Jingzhi came forward and told everyone that he had already visited the dock before Yang Cheng came. As for why other people didn\'t know? Very simple, not enough grade.

At this time, the tables and chairs in the banquet hall have been removed and the venue is vacated. There is a band playing dance music on the stage. Those who are willing to dance are free to find a partner to show off their style. Those who are not willing to dance can also move to the outdoor lawn. There are various alcoholic desserts prepared there. The Shilla Hotel is located at the foot of the mountain, close to the forest, and the air is fresh. On such a moderate night, there is a gentle breeze, drinking small wine, and talking with friends. Fan is also a beautiful thing.

It is a pity that Yang Cheng is not interested in these two things. Of course he can dance and dance very well. From waltz, tango, to rumba, chacha, and flamenco, everything is covered. This is a compulsory course for the rich. He is a male, and each one is just covered with fur and he can jump.

It would be terrible if he was a female. Not only must he be able to dance, but he must also be proficient and beautiful. Because most types of dance, female dancers are the protagonists who do their part, and their movements are more agile than male dancers. Outstanding color, and male dancers are more of an auxiliary foil for the female partners, driving the direction of the dance with strength.

In fact, this is all nonsense. In Yang Cheng’s view, the reason why female dancers are more likely to become the focus of attention is not because they wear less. For formal dances, you need to wear dance clothes. Qi B skirts, who doesn’t Love to watch?

At this time, in the banquet hall, there are already a few couples of dog men and women who couldn’t bear to be lonely, and they stepped into the ballroom lingering together at a rhythm. Generally, the rhythm of dance music at the beginning of the ball is relatively slow, suitable for the most basic ballroom dance. Let more beginners participate.

  As most of the people in the previous few waves have finished dancing, the band will choose a more lively dance music as appropriate, suitable for those senior dancers who have the desire to perform.

   Most of the people in the entertainment industry present today are naturally familiar with dance, and the successful men who have the opportunity to have close contact with female stars and self-healing will certainly not miss it.

   What is the name of Choi Ji-woo? How many partners have you changed?

   Yang Cheng stood on the side holding a wine glass for a while. There have been several people trying to communicate with Yang Cheng in various names. All of them were dismissed by him. He only communicated deeply with beautiful women.

   "Good evening, Mr. Yang Cheng..." Yang Cheng, who was about to retreat, was blocked by Sunny and Li Xiuman. This is an acquaintance, and Yang Cheng is not good at perfunctory.

   "Good evening, you are too far-sighted, just call me by my name after you have said so many times, or you can call me oppa." Yang Orange complained helplessly.

  Sunny stuck out her tongue cutely, "Inside, Yang Cheng oppa."

   "Is this right, this one?" Yang Cheng nodded in satisfaction. He drank a lot tonight. Although he wasn\'t drunk yet, he didn\'t start speaking through his brain, thinking about what to say.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it. This is my uncle, Li Xiuman, the founder of SM." Before that, Li Xiuman had been smiling and observing while waiting for Sunny to say hello to Yang Cheng, but did not say anything. When Yang Cheng asked Sunny to call him oppa, he knew Yang Cheng. I have a good impression of Sunny.

   "Hello, Mr. Yang, it\'s nice to meet you."

   Yang Cheng was stunned. It turned out to be Li Xiuman. This is a legendary character in Han Yu\'s novels. He shook hands with the other party, "It turned out to be President Li of S-M. The younger generation has no eyes to know Taishan."

"Don\'t dare to be, Mr. Yang is too acclaimed..." Li Xiuman only regarded Yang Cheng as a polite, but he did not expect Yang Cheng to explain solemnly, "I am not polite. SM has only one model in the world, and it has been maintained for so long. Prosperity is inseparable from Chairman Li. You sit behind the scenes, and the younger generations admire you tightly. I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

This is the truth. Looking at entertainment companies all over the world, there is really no company that can produce celebrity idols like an assembly line. Except for SM, there is really no second company. As for JYP and YG, Yang Cheng has done it. The two companies are still Suzy and Quan Zhilong. Suzy will not mention it for the time being. At least he is a beautiful woman. So Quan Zhilong is purely the product of the pride of the stick nationality. He makes money thanks to the comprehensive copyright management system in Korea. To a fortune.

Talent is indeed there. This cannot be denied, but it is not a bit worse than Zhou Jiegun, Wang Lihong and Lin Junjie. He dares to register as a song by playing a few notes on the piano. His legendary copyright library is thousands of Many songs come from this way.

   is even less worth mentioning. What is the voice of the male duck? Get a chicken shed head, dye it in colorful, and wear it as if it is sold out, and also bring the same dog leash of Wang Keke. That is also called or trendy? You really have the ability to run around the 5th Ring of Beijing without a trace, and the birds fly in the wind. Then tm is called fashion, and no one can learn it.

What’s more sad is that there are still a lot of domestic artists kneeling and licking, especially Yang Tianbao and Du Kneeling. If they go home and see their parents, they will kneel on the ground, and Dangdang’s three heads will be counted as him. With backbone, can they do it? NC has no limits. . .

   (Do not spray NC powder...)

"Cooperation is naturally not desirable, and SM welcomes a strong partner like Mr. Yang." Li Xiuman is also an old business You can meet Yang Cheng for a while, don’t have to please, each other After exaggerating a few words, he took the initiative to leave, but before leaving, he left Sunny with Yang Cheng as Yang Cheng\'s temporary female companion.

Since his wife had small intestine cancer and was receiving nursing care in the hospital bed all day long, Li Xiuman, a cold-blooded businessman, has gradually attached importance to family affection. Because of the discordant concept of cooperation, he had trouble with his brother, that is, Sunny\'s father. When Sunny first joined SM, she didn\'t take care of her. She was able to be selected into the young list because of her own efforts.

   is much better now. Not only does she often call Sunny to go home for dinner, she also often takes her with her, proactively admitting that she is her niece, and now she has even considered her lifelong events.

   Yang Cheng didn\'t think much about it. Sunny didn\'t know her uncle. She smiled bitterly and watched him leave to find an old friend.

   "By the way, are your feet good? Didn\'t go to the hospital for a checkup after that day?" Yang Cheng suddenly thought of Sunny\'s injured ankle and said with concern.

"Inside, I have been to the hospital. The doctor said that there is no major problem. I can rest for a few days. Thank you Yang Cheng oppa for your concern." Sunny did not expect that Yang Cheng, who looks very powerful, still remembers such a small matter, and quickly expressed his opinion. It\'s okay.

   Yang Cheng saw someone hesitating near him again, and wanted to come over to say hello, turned her back quickly, took Sunny\'s back with her hand, and whispered, "Help me, as a shield for me, it\'s too annoying."

Sunny today wore a small burgundy tube top dress with a large white jade back exposed. Feeling that Yang Cheng’s warm big hands were not against her skin, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned against Yang Cheng. Walk to the corner together. . .