Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 369: Donna Lande's report (2)

Donna Lande’s eyes became brighter and brighter, "Yes, I almost forgot about our overseas resources. Lionsgate itself has a good distribution capability in RB. As a result, the Asian market led by the three East Asian countries In terms of distribution capabilities and channels, it even surpasses Global."

As the former president of Universal Pictures, no one knows the foundation of Universal better than her. Yang Cheng is still very proud to hear such comments from her.

"Fourth, we need a film to gain fame, a blockbuster with global influence, which will bring us countless potential benefits, not only in numbers, but also in the branding of our new era film industry. The far-reaching impact, of course, it’s better to make this film into a series, and make it our icon, just like Harry Potter to Warner, 007 to MGM, and let’s say something frustrating, even if we other The investment has all lost. With the super IP, we can turn the tide." Donna Lande put forward her imagination in a spirited manner.

Yang Cheng believes in this. Since last year, the world has been chasing the concept of IP. As Hollywood that uses IP to the extreme, nothing is more important than IP with a broad mass base. The decline of original movies has been It is an indisputable fact that IP adaptation and the IP universe are the general trend. IP grabbing has become a new wave of competition in Hollywood. Unfortunately, Yang Cheng arrived a little late in this competition, even if he has enough capital to rise up. After chasing, the effect may not be seen in a short time.

"So, do you already have a goal?" Pinning your hopes on Donna Lande, looking at Donna Lande with a hopeful look of children looking forward to Christmas gifts.

Donna Lande did not disappoint him, "Of course, since I came to the new owner, why would I not bring a gift?"

Yang Cheng was overjoyed, "Tell me, I am looking forward to a project that you value so much."

"Jurassic! Before I left, Universal had been discussing plans to restart the Jurassic with Spielberg! But the two parties have been arguing over copyright and production costs, and the shooting is far away from the start. This is our first step. Good time, if you can really win the Jurassic IP, New Era Pictures will have its own signature.

And we can start from the Jurassic to create an ancient universe plan, using the most realistic special effects to present the ancient creatures of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods on the big screen, I think the audience will be crazy, such as , Tyrannosaurus rex fights ancient giant crocodile? "

Yang Cheng was surprised by Donna Lande\'s vision, and then ecstatic. This was indeed an exciting idea. However, in the next second, he changed his expression again and asked strangely, "The copyright of Jurassic is in Universal\'s hands. Right? They are willing to transfer? Even if they are willing, the transfer fee is not a small amount, right?"

"I also considered this question. No one stipulated that other Hollywood companies could not film dinosaurs or film related stories about the Jurassic. After all, the Jurassic era was not created by Universal. Spielberg discussed with Universal to restart the Jurassic. The plan is indeed to be adapted on the basis of the original "Jurassic Park".

But we can completely abandon the original story, find a writer to rewrite a novel about the Jurassic, and then go with the flow to get all the film adaptation rights, this problem can be solved, and in order to ensure the success rate of the project, we can invite Si As a producer, Pilberg can give him a certain amount of investment. "

Following Donna Lande\'s story, Yang Cheng fully realized that this is a good way to get the best of both worlds. She deserves to be the number one strong woman in Hollywood. This routine is too deep.

However, he likes, "If you do this, you are not afraid of being scolded by your old boss for being ungrateful?"

Donna Lande snorted softly, "I have nothing to be sorry for Universal, it is that they are not moral in the first place, trying to weaken my power..."

After a speech, "Forget it, let’s not talk about this. In addition to Jurassic IP, I am also going to work on the animation field. We have all the copyright resources of DreamWorks Animation. This advantage must be used to increase the animation part. It’s said that women and children earn the best money in this world. Animation movies are a lucrative business. We have no reason to go out looking for food with a golden rice bowl."

Yang Cheng didn’t explore Donna Land’s secrets. It’s not important to him. Following her words, “DreamWorks Animation is definitely a money-making machine if you make good use of it. I heard that Mr. Katzenberg has always wanted to make "Crazy Original In the second part of "People", we promised him, let him draw a successful end to his career, and also make us some money by the way."

This profiteer’s piety made Donna Land not know what to say, so she had to continue the surprise she brought to Yang Cheng, "Jurassic and animation are our long-term plans, and these two projects are both expensive. The project, special effects production cycle is long, we can slowly figure it out, now we must make a blockbuster as soon as possible, let Hollywood know us and face us, so that there will be a steady stream of directors and producers holding their scripts And the project came here admiringly."

Speaking of this, Donna Lande took out the iPad from her bag, called up a document and handed it to Yang Cheng, "For this, I looked through the copyright library of Lionsgate and felt that "The Hunger Games" and "Now You See Me" "It\'s time for the sequel to be developed. The investment in the two films has reached the level of blockbuster films, but the expected profit will not be too high. However, the two will appear as sequels, and there is no lack of fan base and it is not a problem to ensure a certain level of profitability.

Therefore, I decided to use the sequels of these two films as a stepping stone for the new era of film industry. In addition, "Fifty Shades of Gray", which has already been filmed and transferred to post-production, is expected to be released in the first quarter of this year, and we invest The filmed "Mission Impossible 5" will be released in the middle of the year, as well as low-cost films that will be successively shot. Before the release of our Jurassic IP, New Era Pictures will continue to maintain exposure. If all goes well If so, these films will also bring us a lot of profits, and the new era film industry will set sail smoothly! "

This is the end of Donna Rand’s report. Yang Cheng couldn’t help feeling that she had dug the right person. Donna Rand’s sense of responsibility and planning ability were fully demonstrated in this short meeting of a few hours. Regarding this, Yang Orange couldn\'t even find a place to refute the doubt. Of course, he didn\'t need to stand up in front of Donna Lande.

An extremely satisfied Yang Cheng applauded and encouraged, "Very well, I fully agree with your plan. Just let it go. The parent company will not lack financial support for you, and as a brother company, Toutiao App and Newspaper Group I will also give 100% support to the work of the film industry group. The films produced by our group will have the best publicity channels in the United States and even the world. I am waiting for the day when you will lead the new era film industry to the top six in Hollywood!"

Yang Cheng\'s unreserved support is the greatest boon for Donna Lande, who is in charge of the New Age Film Industry, and a great reward for her who has been busy day and night for several months.

Next, the two talked about the trend of blockbuster movies released in Hollywood recently, and Yang Cheng provoked another topic, "Donna, now there is such an opportunity for us to receive CW TV station completely. Do you say we should ."

Donna Rand didn\'t even think about it, blurted out, "Why not?"

Seeing Yang Cheng frowned, she couldn\'t help but said anxiously, "Jason, you should understand how important the TV network is to a media group. No matter what the current state of CW TV station, the resources of its wireless TV network are not limited to the number of cable TV stations. It\'s incomparable.

Not to mention anything else, it goes without saying that the importance of TV stations to our film industry group is self-evident. The important reason why the Big Six can become the Big Six is ​​its strong propaganda ability, even if it is an ordinary film, in the Big Six With the support of publicity channels covering the entire United States, it will also sell a good box office number. Of course, the premise is that the film cannot be too bad! "

Yang Cheng\'s face was uncertain, UU reading sighed, "I understand these too, but..."

But once the CW TV station is acquired, it means that New Times Media has been branded by the Donkey Party, and will have to look at other people\'s faces in the future. This is the last thing Yang Cheng wants to see, because he clearly knows the winner of the next general election. Who is it, this general trend cannot be easily reversed by joining the variables of the Yang family.

Of course, he can\'t say these words. 95% of people in Hollywood are diehards of the Donkey Party. There will be countless Hollywood stars who will come out to cheer for Mrs. Zipperton in the future. Donna Lande is no exception. If Yang Cheng tells She still has something to do with the Donkey Party. I am afraid that her capable cadre will spare no effort to persuade herself to accept the exchange terms.

Raising his eyes to meet the look of Donna Lande\'s expectation, he shook his head firmly, "This matter is of great importance, and I have to consider it carefully."

Donna Lande was a little disappointed, but she didn\'t say much. She was inconvenient to say more about what the big boss decided. The workplace rules are universal.

"OK, then, I\'ll leave first, and I have to catch the flight back to LA in an hour." Donna Lande put away the ipad, got up and trimmed the skirt, and said goodbye to Yang Orange.

Yang Cheng was ashamed and suggested, "When the group has sufficient funds, it is time to purchase a few business jets for the leaders of various subsidiaries who need to travel frequently. Let\'s take my plane back today."

Donna Lande would occasionally make a small joke, "Am I doing good for the company colleagues? I can\'t say no to such a good thing!"

Yang Cheng stepped forward and hugged Donna Lande, with strong confidence pouring out, "Don\'t worry, what I promised will be done."

Donna Lande smiled and waved her hand, and said in a teasing tone, "Waiting for your good news, boss!"