Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 354: The temptation of TV networks

(Thank you for the reward of "Zhou Na FLY", my brother is so awesome, I don’t know what to say, I’m working hard to add more words, but I’m not full-time. It’s the limit to produce more than 8,000 words at the end of work every day. Please forgive me if there is too little, bow~\\(≧▽≦)/~)

On December 28th, in the blink of an eye, there were only the last three days left in 2014. Yang Cheng had a sense of sight for thousands of years. However, he had no time to feel that the years went by. Yesterday, he and Georgina were strolling in the Northwest District of DC. In the afternoon, I visited several museums, and his calves trembled. Georgina stepped on 6 cm long high-heeled boots, but she was like a okay person. Sure enough, women are the most weird creatures God and his old man created.

Yi~Wan went out early in the morning. I don’t know what to do. I was bored in the room for a day yesterday and I don’t know how to discuss with her little Jewish husband. Anyway, Yang Cheng gave her only less than the deadline. In 4 hours, if the desired result is not obtained by that time, the editor of the Toutiao app will follow Yang Cheng\'s instructions to make the big mouth family\'s embarrassment known to the world.

Georgina stayed in the hotel to sleep to replenish energy, Yang Cheng was not so good. She worked hard at night to plow and fertilize the fields. In the morning, she couldn\'t sleep even a lazy night. She had to get up and go on a date, if it wasn\'t for Richard Debin. I said on the phone that there was good news. Even if I put a Gatlin on the tail of the chuang, it would not be possible to force Yang Cheng to lift the chuang.

After yawning, he traveled to Capitol Hill by car. Compared with yesterday, Yang Cheng entered the Capitol Building a lot more smoothly today, although there are no fewer security checks to pass.

It was still the middle-aged mother who introduced Yang Cheng into the office. Richard Debin had just arrived. The two greeted each other good morning and talked about business.

"Richard, look at my dark circles. You can see the national treasures of Country Z without going to the zoo. I hope your good news is worthy of the fact that I only slept for 4 hours last night." Yang Cheng said jokingly.

Richard laughed when he heard the words, "Trust me jason, this news will definitely not waste you up so early. I believe you know very well that New Era Media cannot be compared with News Corporation, even Viacom or Comcast. The reason?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Of course, we still lack concise and effective direct communication platforms, such as TV networks."

Richard nodded, "Yes, what if I can help you fill this vacancy?"

Yang Cheng straightened up instinctively, and asked, "What do you mean? Are you going to sell it to my TV station?"

Richard laughed and waved his hand, "No, no, I don\'t have a TV station, but there is indeed an opportunity for you to have a complete TV network."

"Richard, don\'t fool me. Now all the TV stations that are worth more than 90% of the United States have been divided up by the big giants. I don\'t even have any soup." Yang Cheng curled his lips, not much. Believe.

"I didn\'t lie to you. In fact, CW Television Network is eagerly seeking a new owner." Richard said with a smile.

Yang Cheng\'s pupils shrunk slightly, her breathing was stagnant, but she immediately thought of something and couldn\'t help laughing out, "I\'ll just say, what good things are left this year, it turned out to be CW TV network, but Time Warner and Columbia are willing to let go ? No matter how bad it is, it is one of the five major television networks."

The reason why he did this is because he remembered the domestic joking call to CW TV station, "American toilet station."

Although CW covers more than 95% of the population in the United States, its ratings are pitifully low, with an average audience of only about 5 million, and it is also the youngest existence of the five major television networks. It was broadcast on September 18, 2006 by CBS. (CBS) and Warner Bros. (WarnarBro.) jointly funded the establishment.

Its predecessor was WB TV Station and UPN. Due to the long-term low ratings and financial difficulties of these two TV stations, they decided to merge to establish a new TV network CW TV station, whose name CW is derived from the first letters of CBS and WB.

Because of the predecessor’s sluggish ratings, the management decided to adjust the audience. After the establishment of CW TV station, many episodes with older audiences were cancelled, and the main audience was young people. Nowadays, the audience for the series is also very biased towards young people. Idol dramas with brain damage and dog blood emerge in endlessly, but it is undeniable that with the miraculous outbreak every once in a while, CW can survive until now, otherwise it would have gone bankrupt.

Its representative American dramas Gossip Girl and The Vampire Diaries have indeed caused a lot of sao movement around the world. Oh, yes, there is also a long-lived American drama evil force, which can be regarded as one of the few pillars of CW TV.

Of course, the biggest value of this TV network is that it is a wireless station and one of the only five major wireless TV networks. No matter how bad the ratings are, it can sell for hundreds of millions with the wireless license.

Of course, Yang Cheng\'s interest in this is not too great. If he is reborn a few years in the morning, he will definitely take it down with his teeth. After all, there are a lot of American drama creativity in his mind, but he can now shoot. what? Do you want to shoot the very huang and violent Western World? The department will never agree. The review of the wireless channel is very strict. Not to mention the fact that Luo reveals the plot, it is a dirty word starting with F, and it will be subject to a series of warnings and punishments.

Besides, the Western World relies on the stimulating and spurting pictures to attract people’s attention. If the heavy taste pictures are cut off and the plot alone is not a great work, "Sin Night Rush" is a good choice, you can hit Amy The award, unfortunately, was too short and weak, waiting for the ratings to come up, the show will be over. (Highly recommended "Sin Night Run" is really a good drama, from the screen to the plot to the story rhythm control, including the concept that the TV series wants to convey, etc., it is almost a classic TV series at the textbook level, and it is very worthwhile one look)

Yang Cheng couldn\'t help thinking that if it were HBO, it would be fine. He would lose his fortune and have to take it. Don\'t make too much money. Unfortunately, Warner won\'t sell it. Even if it is willing to sell, it is an astronomical figure.

Richard Debin doesn’t know Yang Cheng’s thoughts, “Warner has HBO, CNN, and Columbia has CBS. They have no intention of operating CW at all. They were fed up with the normal operation of CW, and finally made up their minds to throw away this burden."

Yang Cheng complained uncomfortably, "Richard, you know it\'s cumbersome. Why should I take the order and obviously lose money."

Richard Debin disapproved, stood up and poured Yang Cheng a cup of English Earl Grey black tea, sitting on his desk and persuaded, "That is also the TVB network. As long as you can hire experts in the field of TV production, With two hot spots, it is possible to make CW the fourth full-time TV station. The power brought by it is enormous. In this regard, the Donkey Party has expressed full support. As long as you can succeed, we can even arrange Austria President Guanhai participated in an exclusive interview with CW TV."

Yang Cheng didn\'t know whether he was scalded by the steaming black tea or was shocked. He looked at Richard Debin with an unbelievable expression, "Are you serious?"

Richard shrugged, "Of course, the Donkey Party has no hard-core collaborators in the media field."

Yang Cheng was full of absurdity, "Are you kidding me? Except for Murdoch\'s News Corp. in the National Media Group, the others are all supporters of your Donkey Party. Tell me you don\'t have irons now?"

"That\'s just an exchange of interests. As long as the Elephant Party is willing to put aside its prejudices and trust other giants, believe me, those media groups will definitely change their courts resolutely, but that will be their biggest loss." De\'s tone is full of arrogance and prejudice. This is not surprising. As a senior high-level member of the Donkey Party, he must have this attitude.

Yang Cheng also understood the Donkey Party\'s intentions, but just wanted his own mouthpiece, but why would Yang Cheng be willing to be driven by them?

In a bad tone, he reminded, "Don\'t forget, I never promised to join the donkey party and charge for you."

"That\'s right, but if the donkey party\'s resources are tilted, your media empire will take shape as soon as possible, and it will be sooner or later to fight against the News Corp." Richard Debin drew a pie on Yang Cheng\'s shoulder.

Yang Cheng sneered, "I have a very good relationship with News Corp. I sat down to discuss cooperation a few days ago. We are good partners in the UK."

He is to report the good and not the worry. If he successfully became the second largest shareholder of Sky TV before, he is indeed qualified to say this. Unfortunately, there is no word about Sky TV. It is purely a fake ~ Sure enough, if you don’t understand the situation, you should be deceived. "I haven’t heard of this. I didn’t expect you to cooperate with News Corporation."

Yang Orange then asked, "What is the market value of CW TV? What are the prices of Warner and Columbia?"

Richard didn’t have time to think about it. He followed Yang Cheng’s words and replied, “The market value is about 1.6 billion. According to our previous negotiations with CW, it can be won with only 1.5 billion US dollars. If it’s not for our inconvenience, this Good things are not your turn, Jason."

"1.5 billion, it\'s really not expensive." Yang Cheng muttered.

This matter cannot be decided in a few words. Yang Orange shook his head, "I will seriously consider this matter. Give me some time to talk about the deal we discussed yesterday. Do you agree?"

Richard put a smile away and said with a serious face, "Jason, after a night of deliberation, I am willing to cooperate with you, but you must give me a guarantee."

Meeting Richard\'s firm eyes, he raised his hand to indicate, "What guarantee?"

"Promise to stand on the united front with me and not to step on two boats, otherwise I will lose the right to speak in the party, which is not good for us."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and she should give the other party some sweetness, "I can only promise to stand on the united front with you when it comes to conflicts of interest, but it is not the time to fully cooperate with the donkey party."

After a pause, he gave Richard a reassurance, "Don’t worry, Richard, you should understand that we Chinese are always willing to make friends and treat friends like a spring breeze. You don’t have to worry about us harming you, let alone being afraid of us. I will use you to do dangerous things. This transaction is only a transaction. The future direction of our relationship depends on time to prove."