Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 34: Super white and rich

"oppa, how about this one?"

In the afternoon, after Yang Cheng and Hannah met in Cheongdam-dong, they started the mopping mode. This was the fifth store they visited. The noble Rolls-Royce Phantom was about to turn into a truck, and the trunk was full. .

   Yang Cheng sits in the men’s lounge area of ​​fendi’s flagship store in Korea, watching Hannah shuttle among the display cabinets like butterflies. From time to time, he asks the waiter to take out the goods and make gestures in front of him for Yang Cheng’s comment.

   In the end, no matter whether Yang Cheng said it was good-looking or not, she would take it directly. This is a woman.

   Yang Cheng is not afraid of her spending money. In fact, Hannah spent less than US$100,000 to buy it now, and the value of one piece is not as good as the Hermès platinum bag that Tony won from a bet.

   "Not bad..." Yang Cheng doesn\'t remember how many times he repeated this sentence. In his opinion, these women\'s clothes are not very attractive, they are similar, and I really don\'t understand where their G-points are.

   Just when he was drowsy, the sudden ringing of the phone broke his boredom.

   "Hello, this is Yang Cheng."

   "jason, this is Li Renyuan, haha, I didn\'t bother you."

Yang Cheng\'s spirit was lifted, stood up, pointed to the phone at Hannah who was picking up clothes, motioned him to answer the call, and walked a few steps to the corner of no one, "Don\'t bother, I don\'t have President Li\'s every day. ."

   "That\'s good, let me make a long story short, there is a dinner tonight, which is jointly organized by Lotte Pictures and CJ Entertainment. I wonder if you are interested in participating?"

Yang Cheng originally thought that Li Renyuan was determined to cooperate with him. He didn’t expect to invite himself to the dinner. He was a little disappointed. He was not interested in participating. It sounds like a high-end rally in the Korean entertainment industry. He doesn’t know anyone. Go Why?

   shook his head and declined, "Uh... President Li, I won\'t go, after all, I\'m not familiar with it. I\'ll talk about it next time."

"Haha, don\'t worry, I have some new ideas about the cooperation you proposed. I will attend the banquet in the evening and want to meet and talk with you. How about? Would you like to give me this old guy a face?" Li Renyuan Said with a smile.

Yang Cheng rubbed his temples. He was most afraid of changes in the cooperation. Listening to the old fox\'s meaning, he must have different opinions on the cooperation between the two parties, and he was quite ambitious. For a while, Yang Cheng\'s heart became nervous and went smoothly at noon. The good mood of going to Park Donghai was lost.

   hesitated for a long time, thinking about meeting and talking, it is better than my own random thoughts, so he agreed, "Well, I will be there on time."

   "Haha, that\'s good. I\'ll let the driver inform the driver of the address. It\'s too late to send the invitation. Then I will arrange for someone to pick you up at the hotel entrance."

   "Okay, see you tonight, President Li."

   Putting away the phone, Yang Cheng sighed, and strolled to Hannah, "How did you pick it?"

   "That\'s it, I\'m all dazzled." Hannah Xiaoniao groaned, holding Yang Cheng\'s arm in a friendly manner.

   "Then I will buy this first today. I have something to do tonight, so I will send you home first?" Yang Cheng was thinking about what lotte is going to produce, and there is no time to play with Hannah.

   This girl is so good. She knows her face and knows how to measure. Seeing Yang Cheng\'s expression is slightly serious, she immediately stopped laughing, and nodded obediently, "Inside, if oppa is in a hurry, I can go by myself."

   Yang Cheng regained consciousness, rubbing Hannah’s hair, "How can you walk so many things by yourself? It’s not too late."

   After the checkout, Hannah was sent home. Yang Cheng returned to the hotel. The dresses were all ready-made, so no special preparation was required.

   After everything was set up, he made something in the hotel kitchen to eat half full, so as not to get hungry. He has participated in countless dinners since he was a child, and he has already experienced how to deal with it.

   Waiting for him to pad his stomach, it was time for departure, and took Hansen and Andrew, who had just returned, to the banquet venue.

Yang Cheng didn’t plan to bring a female partner tonight, because it was estimated that she would talk to Li Renyuan, because she was afraid that she would not have time to take care of her. He neglected the woman. Besides, he didn’t have a suitable candidate. Hannah was not suitable and her status was not enough. Listen to Li Renyuan’s meaning tonight. Those who are present should be top-level figures in the Korean entertainment industry, and the stars who can enter are all from the top wave. He wants to bring an ordinary plane model to the scene. Isn\'t it just to make people laugh, even if he doesn\'t care. .

He is too lazy to do things like pigs and tigers. In his opinion, people who do this kind of things are stupid. They clearly have the ability to crush everything. He has to take the initiative to create excuses for provocation and be insulted. Know how to fight back, it\'s unnecessary to fart without taking off your pants.

For example, for tonight’s reception, Yang Cheng has enough strength, wearing a couture suit, wearing a high-end watch, and riding a Rolls Royce to enter the venue, but rather maverick, wearing a sportswear and riding a bicycle unshaven. Isn’t it just waiting for others to look down on others, being turned away by the security guards, and being despised by the second generation, it’s all deserved, you asked for it.

   So the people who usually do this are either mentally disabled or mentally ill.

   When going out, he represents the face of the Yang family. Even if he doesn\'t like it in his heart, he must try his best to show the Yang family\'s demeanor. Some people say this is hypocrisy, but in Yang Cheng\'s view this is a life philosophy.

  You can\'t let society adapt to you, only you can adapt to society, no matter what status you reach, who has seen Bill Gates attend high-end banquets in home clothes? Who has seen Ma Yun wearing a hurdle vest and drinking beer in a top place? To show your perfect side is not only respect for others, but also respect for yourself.

At 7 o\'clock in the evening, the even more luxurious Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly drove into the largest banquet hall of The Shilla Hotel. The co-pilot Hansen was also dressed in a suit. He stepped out of the car and opened the door for Yang Cheng. They escorted Yang Cheng into the arena with Andrew who came around from the other side. After that, they will have someone responsible for entertaining. There are many big people here tonight, and there are not a few with bodyguards.

Yang Cheng got it with a pinch. After getting out of the car, Li Renyuan, who had been waiting there, greeted him quickly. Although Yang Cheng was a little surprised, she didn\'t dare to hold it big. After a few steps, she stretched out her hands first. Can President Li come out to meet him in person? Just arrange an employee."

   "Haha, jason, you are our guest of honor tonight. As the host of the banquet, I must take good care of you." President Li laughed loudly and attracted the attention of the staff who welcomed the guests.

  The people who can serve on this occasion are carefully selected and specially trained. It can be said that they know all the guests present today.

  Who is this person?

Is    on the invitation list tonight?

   How come the Vice Chairman Lotte personally greeted him?

  What\'s the origin?

   One by one doubts surfaced in everyone\'s minds.

   Yang Cheng naturally didn\'t know anything about it. Originally, he didn\'t have any invitations. Li Renyuan personally called to invite him.

   After a few polite words at the door, under the guidance of Miss Welcome, he walked side by side with Li Renyuan into the venue.

   As soon as he entered the banquet hall, Yang Cheng found that today\'s dinner did not take the form of a cold dinner party popular in the West, but a traditional dinner model. The guests sat on the round table and the starter, main course, dessert, etc. were carried out according to the process of the dinner.

At this time, the guests were already settled. The admission of Yang Cheng and Li Renyuan naturally attracted the attention of most people. A pair of curious eyes looked at Yang Cheng\'s young and unfamiliar face, just like the staff outside. He lowered his head and whispered, guessing which prince this is, and let Vice President Lotte treat him like this.

Yang Cheng did not feel any discomfort for everyone\'s attention, but took it easy. From time to time, she nodded her head to the left and right, showing the image of the extraordinary, gentle, and personable noble boy vividly and vividly, which is different from the feminine temperament of Korean stars. , Yang Cheng has a strong male charm, which can stimulate female hormone resonance.

   When he nodded and smiled happily, when he followed Li Renyuan to the main table, he suddenly found a familiar face.

   "She\'s here too?" Yang Cheng waved to Sunny, who also opened her small mouth slightly and looked at him in surprise. The banquet is about to begin, and it is not suitable for the past to say hello.

   After Yang Cheng looked away and sat beside Sunny, the middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses came over curiously and asked, "Shun Kyu, do you know that young man?"

This man is the founder of SM, Li Xiuman, the president. He is considered to be a big boss in the Korean music industry. His status in the entertainment industry is not low. Today, he was invited by CJ Entertainment to fly back from the United States. It happened that his niece didn’t notify him. Join together.

"Um... I only contacted once, knowing that his name is Yang Cheng, and his English name is I don\'t understand the others." Sunny briefly described yesterday\'s accident to Li Xiuman, and emphasized at the end. Yangcheng is not ripe.

Li Xiuman didn’t care about this. Although he delegated most of SM’s power to the president, Kim Young-min, he rarely participated in company management except for major decisions, but it did not mean that he completely withdrew from the business world. Apart from SM, he has other businesses. Letting go of my wife, who has recently become ill, and flying back to South Korea to participate in this gathering is not just to connect with colleagues in the business world and make new friends by the way.

   Li Renyuan’s attitude towards Yang Cheng has been seen from the beginning to the end. Such a person can know each other, and it is good to have a familiar face. Of course, with Li Xiuman’s qualifications, he doesn’t need to deliberately fawn on anyone.

   turned his gaze back to the main table. There were not many people at this table, but all of them were bigwigs. Under Li Renyuan\'s recommendation, Yang Cheng also greeted them one by one.

"I would like to introduce to you, this is Yang Cheng, the son of the American Yuanshan Capital, the Yang family in New York. This time, I made a special trip to Korea for the cooperation project with our lotte. You can take care of me." Li Renyuan arrogantly borrowed Yang Cheng as Lotte added brilliance, and cryptically said that their lotte has already connected with the United States.

   scolded Li Renyuan as shameless in his heart, but did not refute it. For follow-up cooperation, this face must be given.

"This is..." Li Renyuan was about to introduce, he was interrupted by Yang Cheng, and looked at the slightly mixed-race deep face in front of him with a little appreciation, elegant and dignified, even in the star-studded woman tonight. In the middle of the stars, the beauty who can also highlight the superior temperament, put down her figure, learned the habits of the Koreans, bowed slightly and proactively greeted, "Samsung Princess Li Fuzhen, how could I not know?"

   She is the real top Bai Fumei! ! !