Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 339: Broke into

"Great, so that we can take a pirate yacht to our honeymoon, rest assured, 3 months, no, 2 months, I will let the company have 500 million cash!"

Allen’s promise Yang Cheng does not doubt that this kind of artificially created means of inflating trading volume and stimulating retail investors to increase investment in a certain stock was very popular in Xiangjiang more than 20 years ago. Because of the small area, many investment companies A few traders can easily create rumors, and they can be spread extremely quickly. The rumors can be easily turned into facts, and then a large number of retail investors can blindly enter the market, thereby raising the stock price to search for cash.

I just didn’t expect that there are still people on Wall Street today who use such an old but effective method. Although the effect will be less than that of word of mouth before, it is now the world of the Internet. Those who collect information on the Internet There are a lot of stockholders. There are always one or two believers in 10 people. This is enough. God knows how many ignorant people who want to get rich overnight are gathered on Wall Street. Just like Allen said, earn money from such people. He doesn\'t feel guilty at all. If you are not fooled, I can\'t **** it from your pocket, right?

So you need to be cautious when entering the market, and you must keep in mind!

Parting with Alan at the entrance of the coffee shop, this fat guy went back to the hotel to accompany his girlfriend. Yang Cheng, a single dog, didn’t expect to find any beauties on Christmas. He stood at the door for a long time and didn’t decide where to go, so he had to get in the car and prepare. Come back home.

At this moment, Hansen didn\'t know where he came from, held up his mobile phone, and said anxiously, "Boss, Mr. Carson\'s call, Beihai Manor was infiltrated by a culprit and was accidentally discovered by a servant. Fortunately, there were no casualties. ."

Yang Cheng\'s complexion immediately reversed. The smile that was still like Mu Chunfeng disappeared for a moment. He answered the phone and asked, "Carson is me, what\'s the situation?"

"Master, please rest assured, everything is fine at home, except that the maid of the culprit was slightly frightened, and there were no casualties, but I\'m sorry, master, we didn\'t catch the group. They sneaked in from the forest behind the servant building. After investigation, it was discovered that there was an extremely concealed animal trail. It had never been discovered before. It should have slipped in from there. After being spotted by the maid, he escaped the same way." Carson reported. .

But in Yang Cheng\'s ears, it sounded a little weird. If Philip and the gang did it, would they be so stupid? Sneaking in openly, without any tools, expecting to carry more than 3 tons of gold bars with bare hands? It\'s a bit too whimsical, not to mention that it is 7pm London time. The servants should have just finished their dinner. It is their evening leisure time. It is the most lively time of the manor. No matter how stupid Philip is, he will not choose this time. Do it?

He told Carson the doubts, and the other side realized the same question, but no one had an answer. After all, he didn\'t catch anyone, and there was no place to ask.

"Forget it, the other party has not succeeded in an action. I am definitely not reconciled. I will not give up easily. Do a good job of security. First, we must ensure that our people do not suffer casualties. Anyway, the most valuable things in the castle have been taken away."


Hung up the phone, returned the phone to Hansen, leaning on the sports car, and said, "Hansen, send a team of 4 people over to do a thorough inspection of the manor. We must not let go of a loophole, even a mouse hole. Use cement to plug it up for me, this time you must catch the gangster."

"Okay boss, I will make arrangements."

I got on the car and slammed on the accelerator like a gasp. The 1aferrari, with track genes in his blood, felt the owner\'s grumpy mood, like a runaway wild horse, and jumped out without frustration, pushing strongly. The sense of back made Yang Cheng\'s brain suddenly awake, quickly released the accelerator, and gently slid on the brake pedal without stepping on it. Fortunately, fortunately, there is no car in front of it, otherwise it is the first time of Rafa, a serious one. You can\'t run after a rear-end collision.

He patted his chest in fear, adjusted his sitting posture, so that the sitting steed resumed their normal running posture, moved the steering wheel, and drove up the mountain.

Hansen, who followed behind, was also shocked when he saw this scene. Fortunately, nothing happened, that is, Yang Cheng, who is a regular runner, has experience. He just changed his hands and just didn’t hold the direction or brake. Going down, he rushed to the opposite lane and collided with an oncoming car.

After returning home, she changed into a pair of swimming trunks under the wait of Anna, and went downstairs and plunged into the swimming pool. Although the external temperature was not low, it was winter and the water in the pool was a bit cold. Yang Cheng swam back and forth several times before adapting. come.

While swimming, he was thinking about things in London. He was a little worried. Judging from Eiffel’s warning to him, the guy named "Fillet Steak" is definitely not a good stubborn, and he typically asks for money but not life. The ruthless man was able to endure under Eiffel for 20 years, and now he can’t help but decide to leave. It can be seen that this man is not a fool, he is a smart man with sufficient self-control ability, so why did the other party break into the castle so recklessly, Don’t you worry about screaming?

Yang Cheng almost instinctively maintained the freestyle But thinking about things in her mind, she lost her mind for a while, but forgot that the pool has an end, and the left hand extending forward was completely unprepared and stuck on the wall of the pool. As soon as there was a sharp pain, Yang Cheng instantly stopped her movements, covering her fingers, and stepping on water under her feet. It was precisely because of the pain from the fingers that his mind became clear, a flash of inspiration, and he guessed Fei Li. Possible intentions.

The group of people who broke into the castle before was not a Philip gang at all. It is very likely that he hired him to test the security line of the castle, just to startle the snake. The reason why the snake is terrible is because of the concealment and rate of its sudden attack. Normal people have been recruited before they can react, but if an adult holds a long stick and faces a poisonous snake head-on, it will not be so terrible. An experienced person can even kill the poisonous snake with one blow.

Use outsiders to test the defenses of the castle, fully expose the defenses, and then make targeted arrangements, or simply slam the sights of everyone in the castle, sneak in from another place, and even lie in ambush, a little bit of gold. Take it away, it can be completely unconscious.

Yang Cheng, who consciously guessed the truth of the matter, didn’t rush to call the castle. Anyway, Philip’s real goal was not there at all, but in Texas, separated by the distant Atlantic Ocean and half of North America. It really lurked as Yang Cheng had guessed, and in the end it was left empty-handed and disappointed.

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng ignored the slowly swollen fingers, supported one arm, and climbed onto the shore cleanly. Anna, who was waiting on the shore, quickly sent a bath towel and draped it on Yang Cheng\'s shoulders.

Yang Cheng wiped her wet head smoothly, and told Anna, "Let White call the doctor to the manor and bring my mobile phone."

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