Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 335: ZZ tendencies in Silicon Valley and Hollywood

(Take a vacation today, come up early! I have been too busy lately, and the time for conceiving the plot has been much less. Maybe the recent writing is not so satisfactory, I can feel it, and I forgot your understanding, and I will adjust it as soon as possible!)

"Shit, David, this is my sister. Although she is not related by blood, she grew up with her own sister. You can pick other women as you please. Don\'t make bad ideas about my sister."

Compared to Yang Cheng\'s nervousness, Situ Yanran looked more generous and shook hands with David Ellison, "Good morning, Mr. Ellison, I am glad to meet you."

David Ellison took a look at Yang Cheng with a look, "Look, I\'m just saying hello, why are you so nervous?"

Yang Cheng guarded Situ Yanran behind him and pushed David Ellison onto the plane, "Are you not nervous, and not your sister."

"What\'s wrong with my sister? Jason, you can\'t stop me from pursuing the legitimate rights of girls." David Ellison cried out funny.

"Fuck off, I still don\'t know what kind of virtue you are? Don\'t come to harm my sister, whoever you like to go to." Yang Cheng wanted to kick her words and caught the plane on the plane, Situ Yanran giggled behind.

Soon, under the control of the captain, the Jason steadily taxied to take off. When the plane entered the cruising stage, Yang Cheng sent Situ Yanran to the bedroom to rest, and asked her close maid Anna to help him make a cocktail. Wei Ellison and Xiao Lizi sat in the bar area chatting.

"David, and Leon, the general election is about to begin, is there any news in Silicon Valley and Hollywood?" Yang Cheng sipped a martini and asked, leaning against the sand.

David Ellison was shaking his hand shaker at the bar. He was surprised by Yang Cheng\'s question and forgot his hand. "Why are you suddenly concerned about zz?"

Yang Cheng stretched out a hand and curled his lips. "Several groups of people have come to the door and forced our Yang family to stand in line. It seems we can\'t escape this time."

To be honest, the current Yang Cheng is very entangled, because he knows the future trend, but still can\'t help his family.

The two major parties in the United States, the donkey and the elephant, are actually the losers in the next general election. Regardless of the big mouth, they belong to the elephant party, but he did not even get basic party support. The campaign funds were all raised by himself, and he was always at the end in the initial party candidate competition.

Even if he achieves a miraculous victory in the end, the evaluation of him within the party is mixed. The main reason for him is that he is not essentially a politician, but a pragmatic businessman. This already means that he has How can the elephant party accept the ability to break away from party control? What\'s more, not only the Elephant Party, but the entire American bureaucratic class has a certain degree of fear in taking office with Big Mouth.

Because this person’s character is unpredictable, he knows from his election manifesto that his coming to power will bring about a violent storm of reforms, and for those in power, stability prevails, whether it is surname or surname. In society, nothing is more important than stability. After all, instability means that one\'s power is under attack, and no one in power is willing to see such changes.

Why does the establishment not support the big-mouthed zz proposition? In a word, they originally represent different interests.

Big Mouth is a real estate developer. His propositions, such as trade protection of the United States, require that capital must preferential treatment of the United States and American labor, which are completely different from those of the Bush family in power.

For example, American pharmaceutical companies support those in power such as Bush, and their interest is to allow cheap trade products from country Z to enter the United States in exchange for country Z’s market to protect American drug dealers (country Z has severely cracked down on infringement of US drug patents).

Moreover, some of the people in the Elephant Party are actually Christian fundamentalists. Bush and others have always treated them with a strategy of satisfying them in religious interests, but harming them in economic interests.

For example, Bush’s Middle East policy and the U.S. oil reserve policy have effectively pushed up global oil prices. Assuming that after the U.S. occupation of Iraq, it is for the purpose of obtaining oil supplies, just like MacArthur did in Little Japan. Relying on the management of the former Social Baath Party, Iraq can quickly restore the basic social order, which is completely contrary to Big Mouth’s interest demands.

Therefore, after Big Mouth succeeds in taking office, without stumbling behind his back, it is considered that the elephant party has done its utmost righteousness. Do you still expect the elephant party to fully support him in carrying out his great idea? Go dreaming!

Just like Aoguanhai, everyone knows that he is a good man. The campaign slogans and policies of the year also represent his determination to do a lot of work. The voters are not blind. They can see it, but it is a pity that Aoguanhai will take office. Without the ability to contend with the various forces that restrict him and deal with all interest groups all day long, how can there be time to promote his ideas? You can only look for presence in the corner areas, such as homosexuality, skin color issues, and so on.

Therefore, Yang Cheng also knows that no matter which direction he chooses to stand in, it is a zz investment failure for the Yang family, because after the next general election, for the United States, there is actually no winner.

Suddenly, David continued to shake his cocktail shaker, "You know, Silicon Valley has been a supporter of the Donkey Party these years. This is in line with the idea of ​​Internet globalization. Recently, many Internet companies have seen their own shortcomings and tried to enter the industry. The parallel path requires political support from the party. Of course, the general direction is still on the side of the donkey party. You can rest assured."

Little plum disliked the lack of taste in cocktails, so he poured a glass of vodka, enjoying the excitement of spirits, and grinned, "Hollywood is about the same. In the past few years, the big zz is correct, and he is almost the son of the donkey party."

Yang Orange asked jokingly, "So you will also support?"

Little Lizi shrugged, his expression was taken for granted, "Do I have any other choice? I don\'t want to make myself appear maverick in Hollywood, and I will not only support it, but even take the initiative to raise the flag for the Donkey Party candidate. TM is a good opportunity to gain fame. The people of Hollywood are very willing to see their idol stand with themselves."

Yang Cheng scolded with a smile, "shit, you are really practical."

"Of course, otherwise I don\'t care about who is the **** president. Anyway, no matter who it is, as long as I don\'t bother me in time, he is the good president in my heart." Xiao Li did not hide his contempt for zz. It\'s in line with Yang Cheng\'s perception of him. This is definitely due to his character. A man who loves the flesh, would he be idle and covet power? That would have delayed him doing "business".

"What about you? Jason, what do you think? Which side do you think will win the next general election?" David Ellison adjusted the wine, took a sip and sat across Yang Cheng and asked.

Yang Cheng was taken aback, and pointed to himself, "Me? I have the same idea as Leon. It doesn\'t matter who is the unlucky president. As long as I don\'t shake my interests, it\'s a pity that I can\'t avoid this zz vortex. As for where I really support it. One party, maybe the elephant party?"

The ambiguous tone made David Ellison shocked and asked in disbelief, "You want to support the Elephant Party?"

He is very clear about what the Yang family’s decision represents. Even if the number of Chinese in the United States affects only two-thirds of them, it is equivalent to a state-wide vote. If the two sides refuse to give in to each other and become deadlocked when voting in the general election , Then the intervention of the Yang family can completely control the situation and even establish victory.

Of course, once the Yang family played an important role in this general election, the zz liquidation faced in the future will also be more intense.

Yang Cheng waved his hand quickly. He just said casually, but didn\'t want to show his inclination so easily, "It still depends on whose price is high. Since the Yang family is forced to enter the market, it is impossible not to pay a price."

David Ellison is not surprised by this, this is the rhetoric he should hear most.

Little Lizi smiled, "I don\'t care what I do, it\'s almost 2 years before the real vote. It\'s too early to say anything."

Yang Cheng sighed, and said with a point, "It\'s not early, and the caring people have already begun to prepare for the throne." He pointed to the big mouth.

David Ellison deliberately asked, but he changed to a relaxed topic, "I haven\'t been to Hawaii for a while. It\'s a shame that there is no beautiful woman in such a beautiful place."

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes, raised her middle finger, and spit out unceremoniously, "You are the first stallion, can\'t you live without a woman?"

"Get How much purer do you think you are than me?" Ellison fought back with a big laugh, and then asked Xiao Lizi again, "Leon, it\'s up to you, so adjust some models."

The vodka is not small, Xiao Lizi drank two cups, his face seemed to be soaked in red dye, "fuck, are you pimping me?"

However, he just complained, his hand movement was not slow, flipped through the phone, found the phone number, and asked for a satellite phone to contact Yang Cheng.

If it were to change to normal, Yang Cheng must be happier than anyone at this time, but unfortunately there is still a beautiful girl in the bedroom who can see but can\'t eat, and he can only choose to bear it.

. . .

After more than ten hours of long-distance flight, I also landed in Dubai to replenish fuel. This arrived at Hilo International Airport on the east side of the Big Island of Hawaii on the afternoon of December 2o. Because the sugar cane plantation is at the southeast corner of the Big Island, I chose Hilo Airport. Landing is more convenient.

Before landing, the plane flew from west to east. Situ Yanran who woke up deliberately let the airport fly over the Mauna Loa volcano, looking down through the porthole, at a glance, a piece of black rocky ground, at the fractured part of the rock , Sporadic growth of green vegetation, people can\'t help but feel the tenacity of its vitality, tens of meters away is shrouded in dense fog, red lava is boiling, even at a distance of kilometers, you can feel the heat of magma, it seems Can spray out at any time.

However, the plane could not stay over the volcano. It was filled with smoke, which tested the pilot’s skills and was dangerous. Suddenly deviated from the course and took a peek at it. I really want to enjoy the volcano’s wonders up close. After landing, rent a helicopter. , You can fly to the crater, or find someone to take them near the volcano and grill them with magma. That\'s the real excitement!

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