Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 333: Urge marriage

"Thanks, for the sake of your refreshment, I will send you a free message. Philip has life in his hands, and he does everything by no means, although the gold bars are no longer in the castle, but you have to be careful that he jumps the wall in a hurry, I don’t want to Seeing that innocent people were killed." Eiffel said sighfully.

Yang Cheng\'s heart moved, this is a person with a conscience, just to this point, the previous dissatisfaction and resentment against Eiffel\'s idea of ​​hitting him gold bars disappeared slightly, at least he will not set up a game to solve Eiffel to eliminate hidden dangers, but listen to his words The meaning of, seems to continue to take action against Edmond, an earl family that has lasted for several generations must have saved a lot of gold and silver treasures, right? So do you want to eat black? This is a very questionable issue.

Of course, Yang Cheng will not be merciful to the guy called the filet mignon. For anyone who dares to infringe his own interests, he has only one principle, let him die!

Hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng thought for a while, and asked, "Hansen, is there still protection over the manor?"

Hansen turned his head and said, "No, we didn\'t have enough manpower. When we left the manor, we adjusted all the security. Oh, yes, there should be two people left in the monitoring room."

Yang Cheng thought for a while and still felt that a few people should be sent to protect the manor, so as to prevent innocent servants from being harmed. After all, they ate with themselves, so why did they suffer on their behalf?

"We don\'t need too many people here. Send a team of four to fly back to the manor and protect the family. Make no mistakes. Eiffel\'s words are still credible."

Hansen also vaguely heard the conversation between Yang Cheng and Eiffel just now, so he did not raise any objections, "Good boss."

Back at the Ritz Hotel, everyone was eating breakfast on the terrace. In the form of self-service, Yang Cheng took an empty plate and picked a few favorite meals and came to the table. "Grandpa has flown away. You will be notified when you land. we."

Yang Sen sipped the creamy mushroom soup and asked suddenly, "This flight is the limit of Yuanshan\'s voyage, right?"

Yang Cheng was slicing the fried eggs and looked up and replied, "Yes, I asked the captain. He said that if you fill up the gas and no accidents, you can fly to Texas without any problems. It is really not possible. You can fly to Miami halfway Land and refuel."

"That\'s good, I was worried that the Yuanshan voyage was not far enough, but it is time for us to change another plane. The Yuanshan should retire." Yang Sen said jokingly.

Yang Cheng became interested in an instant. Both adults and children like to buy new toys, "Buying the 787, I have not been staring at this model for a day or two."

Liu Yun wanted to fight, after thinking about it, and then letting go, angrily picked up a piece of breakfast bread and stuffed it into Yang Cheng\'s mouth, "If you pay for it, we will buy it, how about it?"

Yang Cheng chewed the bread and swallowed hard, "I\'m not suggesting it, I can\'t afford it, and the money for the renovation is 150 million U.S. dollars, a little extravagant, 200 million is not a problem, I am poor. what."

Liu Muqian smiled and said, "It\'s really time to change the plane, anyway, I will use it in the future. I will sponsor one-third of the plane money."

Yang Cheng hurriedly flattered, "Grandpa is magnificent!"

How dare Yang Sen ask the old man to pay, "Dad, no, Xiaoyun is joking, I can afford it."

Just as Liu Yun was about to stare, she was stopped by Liu Muqian\'s tougher gaze, "You can\'t afford it, and you can\'t let you out alone. That\'s it, Xiaocheng, you go and place an order with Boeing."

"Good grandpa, I also sponsored 200,000 yuan. I really can\'t get it out if I have more."

Liu Yun felt distressed, and muttered, "Why do you buy so many planes? Just use one."

Liu Yun said everything at home, Yang Sen didn\'t dare to interrupt at all, and he drank soup and didn\'t dare to talk.

Yang Cheng had no choice but to express his relief, "Mom, do you think, our family used to travel, there was only one bedroom on the Yuanshan ship, and the others could only sit on the sand to rest. How tiring this is. Change to a big plane. There will be more space to build bedrooms and entertainment facilities. Whether it is for the whole family to go out to play or do business, it is always important to have a comfortable resting place."

In this way, Liu Yun doesn\'t feel so distressed about money. As long as it is for the sake of her family, the money will not be a waste of money, and her face will turn from overcast to sunny, "Well, if your kid makes sense, I approve it."

Yang Cheng grinned and joked, "Telling, Lafayette."

"Get out~ beg!" Liu Yun scolded with a smile.

Liu Muqian smiled and watched the mother and son arguing. This is the joy of family. "By the way, Xiaocheng, it\'s time for your marriage to be on the agenda. When I was your age, your mother could make soy sauce. "

Yang Cheng had a big head instantly, and the headache caused by the hangover was not healed. This added another hammer, and it was really impossible to live. How could he give up a whole forest for a tree.

I froze for a long time, and could only deal with it with vulgar reasons, "Grandpa, this matter is not in a hurry, mainly because I did not meet the right one."

"There are so many women in the world, and our family doesn\'t ask for the right person, can we still find a suitable one? I think you just refuse to give up the colorful world outside." Liu Muqian still doesn\'t understand Yang Cheng\'s careful thinking.

Yang Cheng looked at her father for help, but Yang Sen didn\'t hesitate to return a helpless look. His mother was even more gloating and didn\'t mean to help. After all, she was more concerned about this matter than her grandfather. It’s okay to expose his grandson to his granddaughter. Liu Yun’s envy and jealousy are not a day or I feel that things are going to hang up. Should I force him to go out on a blind date next? With his head running high, he vowed that even when he was making money, he would not consume as many brain cells as he does now.

Before he could come up with a reason, Liu Yun made up his knife and said, "Did you bring a girl during the last New York financing reception? A Korean? I think it\'s pretty good. The little girl is beautiful and has a quiet temperament. , When he grows up a few years, he is definitely a gentle and good wife and mother."

It\'s not over yet, "And that little assistant next to you is called Susu? It\'s also pretty good, or a national Z, who is cleverly pitiful, and obedient and pleases me. Are you not satisfied? "

Finally, I put a big move directly, "By the way, I also have a girlfriend\'s daughter, who was born in 1994. She is a little smaller, and she is not as beautiful as the woman around you, but she is definitely a lady who knows the foundation. I haven’t been in a relationship yet. How about you think about it and I arrange for you to meet? If you think it’s inappropriate, just go out for a meal without any delay."

Yang Cheng felt like he was hit by hammer after hammer into the soil and couldn\'t climb out, so he didn\'t let people live? Quickly stop it, he is afraid that it will be a second later, this matter will be given by his mother, "Mom, please rest quickly, you still let me handle this matter, and if you don\'t agree, give me some time Huh? Anyway, just wait for me to take your daughter-in-law home."

Liu Yun hummed the egg with a fork, "When you take the initiative to take it home, I don\'t know that it will be the year of the monkey. Anyway, you\'d better give me some numbers. How can you let your grandpa hug your great-grandson soon!"

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly and nodded, "Yes, I must hurry!"

But what I thought in my heart was: "I\'m anxious, I\'ll give you two or three things to play with. I want me to get married, but there is no door!"

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