Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 320: Why don't you come and eat black?

The materials from Eiffel and other five people were received by Yang Cheng last night. It is also a coincidence that before going to bed yesterday, Hansen and Carson came to report at the same time. One was from the information obtained from a private detective, and the other was from The two materials obtained in the Royal Archives verified each other, and the true face of Eiffel, the team leader, emerged.

According to the data, Eiffel is also a genius to a certain extent. He graduated from Imperial College with excellent grades at the age of 20, but did not choose to go to the United States for further studies like other British students. Instead, he joined as soon as he graduated. It was one of the best architectural firms in the UK at the time. Of course, it\'s now yellow!

After 4 years of work, Eiffel led the team as an outstanding structural engineer in charge of the royal family\'s order for the renovation of the North Sea Manor. Originally, this would be an opportunity for him to reach the pinnacle of his life, but he did not expect it to be because of temporary greed. , Almost ruined his life.

According to the information, the Eiffel 20 years ago can be described as beautiful, but since completing the task of renovating the North Sea Manor, this man seems to be possessed. He did not put work first, but went to participate in one interest class after another. , The training class, it seems that I want to make myself an all-rounder, but this was intolerable to the architectural firm at the time. After all, no one wanted their own employees to be enterprising and not doing their jobs properly. In short, it didn’t take long for Eiffel to be involved. Dismissed.

However, he didn’t seem to care. In the next few years, he relied on the savings he saved over the years of work to fund himself and those workers to gain knowledge. But for some reason, they hadn’t taken action for a long time, so that her The wife died in depression because she couldn\'t see the status quo, leaving only an unwise daughter and Eiffel to depend on each other.

Probably because of this blow, Eiffel seemed to figure it out in an instant and started working hard again, but because of the delay these years, there were stains left by the office on the archives, which made him difficult in the process of re-entering society. , The meager salary earned by desperate hard work was just barely enough for him and his daughter to fill their stomachs, and there was no funds for more entertainment activities, let alone saving money for her daughter to go to school.

In general, Eiffel\'s life is quite legendary and bumpy, but this is the path he chose himself and can\'t blame others.

On the phone, Eiffel\'s endless aggrieved roar not only interrupted Yang Cheng\'s threat, but also frightened the Yang family.

"What do you want?" Eiffel asked dullly. He thought Yang Cheng was threatening his daughter.

Yang Cheng gave his family a reassuring gesture and signaled Hansen to set sail. He came to the stern deck, casually lay on a sun chair, looked at the bright sky, and chuckled, "I don’t want to be so. It’s your insatiable greed, trying to threaten me to hand over the gold bullion. I will naturally fight back. The facts prove you are vulnerable.

This is to irritate Eiffel deliberately, just want to see if Eiffel loses his mind, whether this person is sensible, the way to deal with it is quite different.

"I don\'t want your gold bars, I only want the money we deserve!" Eiffel roared angrily.

Yang Orange curled his lips and said with disdain, "What is your money? International law stipulates that whoever finds it counts. If you only know that it counts as yours, then I know how much gold the Fed has? Shouldn\'t it also count as mine? Stop talking nonsense, Eiffel, you should apologize honestly now, in exchange for my forgiveness, and then I will take my Yangguan Road, you cross your single-plank bridge, we meet by the water but don\'t know each other, what do you think?"

Eiffel was so congested by Yang Cheng\'s savvy teeth that he could only spit out angrily.

"30 million, I only need 30 million."

Yang Cheng sneered and said that the other party was naive, and the price dropped too fast. Unfortunately, it was useless, "Eiffel, just give up, I won\'t give you 1 dollar. If you have this time, you might as well go. Check your big plan carefully, so as not to make any mistakes in the details of the operation and leave the police with a handle. If you haven\'t got the money, you will have to take the rest of your life in. Have you thought about what your daughter will do?"

What this said, Yang Cheng couldn\'t help but give himself a thumbs up, she has the potential to become a negotiation expert.

"Damn, don\'t mention my daughter again!" Eiffel yelled like crazy, it seems that this guy also has his own inverse scales.

"Then I won\'t say anything, you hung up quickly, my yacht is already accelerating, and it will take a long time to sail into the high seas. Unless you chase in a speedboat now, I can only say goodbye to you." Yang Cheng There is really no interest in continuing to talk. In his opinion, this Eiffel is already on the verge of madness, and it is unreasonable to talk to a lunatic.

"Wait, wait, damn, I have a new cooperation plan that is related to our big plan, don\'t you want to listen to it? That\'s a billion-pound business." Eiffel suddenly suppressed his throat and said to Yang Cheng Send out temptation.

Sure enough, Yang Cheng frowned when she heard it, and did not answer.

Eiffel thought that Yang Cheng\'s heart was moved, and immediately turned his anger into joy, and laughed triumphantly, "Hehe, you deserve to be a descendant of a capitalist. It doesn\'t matter if you are addicted to money. I like to deal with people like you. Listen, we are early A few years ago, he began a detailed investigation of a nobleman, to be precise, an earl. This earl was engaged in real estate business on the surface, but actually secretly made a living by selling national intelligence and land resources. He has accumulated for most of his life. The black gold is crazy enough to make people crazy. I wonder if Mr. Yang is interested in joining hands with me to carve up this black gold for the people?"

"This nobleman is cheating on your British money. What does it have to do with me?" Although Yang Cheng is very greedy for the billions of pounds, he knows what he can touch and what he can\'t touch. He will not let go of eating black. As for how to make money, hehe, this question shouldn\'t be too easy for him.

"Of course it matters, don\'t you want to get a large amount of cash?" Eiffel continued to seduce.

But Yang Cheng never played cards according to the routine. Of course he was interested, but he must never admit it on the phone. What should I do if the other party records?

"I\'m not interested. If you have nothing else, our call will stop here. I hope you don\'t call me again, otherwise there will be consequences. You know better than me."

After hanging up, Yang Cheng went to the cockpit, whispered a few words to Hansen, and then returned to the viewing hall as a winner with a relaxed smile. The family was gathering here to chat and wait for food. Breakfast.

To be honest, this Sunseeker yacht is too far behind in terms of power, comfort, luxury, etc. according to their Emerald, and it is completely incomparable. Of course, such a horizontal comparison is really not appropriate. After all, the Emerald is a private booking. This is a mass-produced version of Sunseeker Yachts. It is said that this company was acquired by Wang Da Wang last year. It is really rich to buy an obvious loss.

Yacht manufacturers all over the world are losing money. The only difference is how much they lose. Top brands like Leshun and Falati can at least ensure that there are jobs to do. Those workers will not be out of food, so buy at this time. Yacht manufacturers are really not wise enough, except for a wave of fame, nothing more.

Because there are only a few people in the world who can afford yachts, and if you make a round of calls following the list, you can know what to do.

What\'s more, yachts are not something that is updated too frequently. As long as a yacht is properly maintained, it can be used for at least 10 years. Except for those idle guys in the Middle East, who will buy a yacht in a leisurely way to compare and compare others. Yachts are bigger and more advanced.

Anyway, Yang Cheng couldn\'t do such a brain-dead thing, and he would not do it if he had money, even if he did have the idea to order a superyacht with a length of more than 100 meters.

"Grandpa, grandpa, what are you talking about? So excited?" Yang Cheng ordered a glass of champagne, sat down close to the sofa, with a sea breeze-like smile on his face, and put his hands on the back of the sofa comfortably with a Asked in an extremely stretched posture.

"Talking about the bank, your grandfather said that he is going to open the bank to Southeast Asia in the future. He is angry with his old guys and asks them to transfer the deposits to our bank by the way." Yang Yuanshan said with a cigar in his mouth. .

Yang Cheng agreed, "This is a good idea. Those Chinese in Southeast Asia have a solid family base. Instead of making others cheaper, it\'s better to cooperate with After a pause, I suddenly remembered something and said again," By the way, grandpa, don’t put my name on the bank. I’m too high-profile now, countless eyes are staring at me. Suddenly buying a bank will arouse others’ suspicion. Let’s put it in your name first, in the banking industry. Your reputation is very high. You should have a bank of your own for a long time. I can take a few shares to facilitate the flow of funds in our company. No one can say anything. "

Liu Muqian nodded with satisfaction, "If you can think about it this way, it proves that you are really mature. Okay, do as you say. I will account for 40% of the new bank, 30% of Lao Yang, and 10% of each of you. It’s yours, so arrange it now."

Yang Yuanshan looked upset, "Don\'t arrange shares for Lao Tzu. You old fox has a bad stomach, and you may want to cheat me. I don\'t want it. If Xiaocheng can\'t hold too much shares, just give it to Yang Sen, or Xiaoyun."

Liu Muqian didn\'t call him angrily. "You old man, what\'s wrong with going out to do something for your grandson? You have to hide in that rural area in Texas to keep cattle and sheep to be comfortable?"

Yang Yuanshan\'s eyes widened, "What happened to the cattle? Have you eaten the cattle raised by Lao Tzu for 30 years? You eat the red ones, and now you feel disgusted?"

Yang Cheng covered his face, yes, the two old men couldn\'t communicate normally, five sentences would be noisy.

"Stop, stop, grandpa, let grandpa arrange this matter, and I won\'t let you be in charge of specific matters any more, just put a name, with this level of identity, you are lucky to be active in Texas? These years, our Yang family has been tolerant If not, it’s time to work hard in the ZZ field. Texas is our basic market. With the bank as a talisman, I believe it will attract a group of like-minded friends. The Chinese should wake up and fight for their own interests!"

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