Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 318: Threats cannot be countered!

"Mr. Yang, it doesn\'t matter who I am. What is important is that I can speak next. I hope you can seriously consider it. After all, it is about 10,000 gold bars, ha ha ha."

Now it was impossible for Yang Cheng to stop thinking about it. Numerous messages popped up in his mind, but none of them were useful. He couldn\'t figure out what the other party was going to do, and this uncontrollable feeling was very uncomfortable.

"What do you want to say?" Yang Cheng tried his best to keep calm. He needed a sober brain to analyze the other\'s words and actions.

The other party simply said, "Mr. Yang, I think you probably guessed our action. We sent more than 20 elite bodyguards to guard the gold bars and blocked the water around the pool. To be honest, we are not able to break through the heavy forces. Guarded line of defense."

Yang Cheng laughed, this person was quite interesting, and even admitted that he was inadequate? But he didn\'t speak, just holding the phone, keeping the sprinting posture of kneeling on the bed before, listening quietly, Susu was also cleverly motionless, and his little head was buried under the pillow to recover his strength.

"So I want to make a deal with you to exchange 50 million dollars for the secret of that batch of gold bars." As soon as these words came out, the harsh metallic sound became less unpleasant. At least it proves that the other party is some sane criminal, as long as he is sane. If it survives, Yang Cheng will be able to deal with it, and I am afraid that those desperadoes who do not take their own lives will not be able to deal with desperadoes with IQ or anything. They can only use violence to control violence, but then it is bound to appear. Casualties, this is what Yang Cheng did not want to see.

Before Yang Cheng could speak, the other party said again, "Don’t rush to refuse. First of all, we are very clear about the number of gold bars, 10,200, with a total value of more than 100 million US dollars. We only need less than 50% of the cash. This is not excessive;

Secondly, Mr. Yang had no choice. He found that the gold bullion had not been reported to the British royal family for so many days, which proved that you wanted to swallow it alone. In that case, you definitely don\'t want the news that the castle dug up the gold bullion exposed;

Finally, I will give you a piece of information for free. The gold bars were registered by the British Royal Family. They were war money plundered from the colony, but they were privately detained and hidden by the then King William IV. But once The re-emergence of this batch of gold bars, the British royal family will certainly be able to think of the missing gold bars in the documentary record, and will inevitably seek compensation from Mr. Yang. However, I have a way to help you deal with it, provided that we get the share we deserve. "

The smile on Yang Cheng\'s face became thicker the more he heard it. Compared to those who dared to rob the Fed\'s vault, this group of guys who had beaten their own gold bullion were too naive, and they wanted to separate themselves with a few words. Half of the income is really silly and naive.

"Are you the workers in charge of renovating the castle?" Yang Cheng was silent for a while before suddenly asking.

Obviously, this question made the other party at a loss for a while, but the more the other party didn\'t speak, the more sure Yang Cheng was of his guess, and only with this identity could he know the existence of gold bars.

Yang Cheng continued to ask, "I have a question. How did you endure until today, 20 years later, before you were ready to take out the gold bars?"

"Mr. Yang, these questions have nothing to do with you. Now you just need to go back to whether I agree to cooperate." The other side increased his tone, perhaps because he was irritated by the rhythm of the conversation being controlled by Yang Cheng?

Yang Cheng smiled and patted the smooth pi~gu in his hand, "Give me some time to think about it. Call me at 6 tonight."

Without waiting for the other party\'s response, he hung up, his eyes rolled around and he had an idea. Seeing Su Su lying on the bed like an ostrich, he whispered, "It\'s really disappointing. Let\'s take a break."

"Got it." Susu said in a buzzing voice.

Yang Cheng was not in a hurry, took a shower in the bathroom slowly, changed into home clothes and called Carson together to the study room, and briefly described with his family before and after answering the phone, and said, "Basically certain The person who called and threatened me was the worker who participated in the renovation of the castle 20 years ago. The other party threatened that if we didn’t give us $50 million, we would poke the news out to let the British royal family know. Think about what we can do."

"What do you want? Tell them to play on their own. They don\'t have a dollar. If you want to file a complaint, let\'s go. Our Yang family is still afraid of threats?" Yang Yuanshan, the hottest temper, started doing it if he didn\'t agree with him. He has never feared anyone in his life. Of course, the momentum is there, but there is no reference value.

Liu Muqian was too lazy to complain about her relatives, tasting the mellow Pu\'er tea and said, "According to Xiaocheng, we should be able to find out the details of each other easily."

Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, "Indeed, people who work for the royal family should have basic information on file, right? Carson."

"That\'s right, but the information is scattered in Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle. It is impossible for us to know exactly where it is. Moreover, to access the information, the person in charge needs to sign and confirm it, otherwise it will be difficult for outsiders to enter the archives to read it. "Carson said embarrassedly.

However, this is not a difficult problem for Yang Cheng. "Look for someone to come forward and buy the staff of the archives for help. Just take a photo. And the information we want is not important. I want to see the face in the pound. Someone will be willing to help."

Carson thought for a while and bowed, "Yes, sir, I think I have a suitable candidate."

"The gold bars still have to be transferred out as soon as possible. As long as you leave the British Isles, even if the royal family learns the news, it will be difficult to pursue it. If we can complete the recasting of the gold bars before the British royal family can detect it, all problems will be solved." It does not seem to agree with the use of violence to solve problems.

"Then we will make two-handed preparations. Carson stepped up the investigation speed and found out the details of the other party and we had the bargaining chip. In addition, the island birthday party had to speed up the preparations, and whichever plan was implemented would be implemented." Yang Cheng In a final word, he said that the weight of his speech at home is getting heavier and heavier, and the old people are happy to cooperate with Yang Cheng. After all, it is very hard to use brains when people reach a certain age.

. . .

At 6 p.m., the Yang family gathered in the study after dinner early, waiting for the call to arrive. At the same time, Hansen has set up tracking equipment to try to track down the other party’s location, but I don’t know if this opportunity is available. When answering the phone, I can detect the other party\'s caution, but some ideas are still naive. To be more precise, there may be no previous criminal experience, resulting in insufficient experience.

At 6 o\'clock exactly, the desk clock rang six times, and when the last reverberation was still echoing, Yang Cheng\'s cell phone rang on time.

Hansen stretched out his hand to signal Yang Cheng to wait, quickly turned on the monitoring device, and gave an OK gesture to indicate that he could answer the phone.

Without hesitation, Yang Cheng turned on hands-free answering, "I am Jason Yang."

"Mr. Yang, I\'m very happy to be able to call again. I don\'t know what you are thinking about?" It was still the tearing sound of metal friction and collision.

According to the previously discussed plan, Yang Cheng adopted the drag-word technique, "How do I know that after giving you 50 million US dollars, you won\'t regret it and threaten me again?"

The opposite voice said, "You have no choice, Mr. Yang, I don\'t think I need to repeat the reason again?"

Yang Cheng deliberately slowed down his speech, and looked at Hansen\'s direction as he dealt with it. Hansen gave a procrastinating gesture again and sighed, "Ah~ if you want me to say you don’t want cash, I will divide you. After 5,000 gold bars, let’s go back home. You can live a good life if you have money. And after we all have gold bars, I don’t have to worry about you going wrong. After all, we are on the same boat. What do you think? "

"Mr. Yang, you don\'t have to delay, I know your subordinates are tracking my location."

Yang Cheng was shocked, looking up at Hansen with the same surprise on his face, quickly packed his emotions and calmed down, gave Hansen a wink of\'you continue\', and chuckled lightly, "You know, I\'m here. Where can a breeder be easily slaughtered."

The opposite was not as angry as expected, "Mr. Yang, don’t you want to know why we endured for 20 years? In fact, the answer is very simple. We have been preparing plans and constantly enriching our professional knowledge. A partner who specializes in hacking technology."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly. It would take 20 years to learn knowledge just for the more than 100 million gold bars. The price is a bit high. "Your goal is probably not just this batch of gold bars, right?"

He intended to be a temptation, but he felt that the other party\'s purpose would never be as simple as gold Otherwise how stupid they are, it takes 20 years to learn knowledge and technology?

Unexpectedly, the other party affirmed Yang Cheng\'s thoughts indifferently, "You are right, Mr. Yang, we have a bigger goal. We originally wanted to practice with this batch of gold bars. Who knows when we come to investigate. , The royal family actually sold the manor to you, and you discovered the existence of gold bars in such a short period of time, which completely disrupted our plan. After analysis, we know that our strength is not enough to be undamaged. We got the gold bars, so we decisively chose to negotiate."

At this time, most of the doubts in Yang Cheng\'s heart were solved. If what the other party said was true, he would admire the perseverance of these workers, but they were all eggs. This was not the reason why he was willing to deal with the other party.

With a stern face and expressionless face, he said very strongly, "Since you are so honest, I might as well tell you the truth. This batch of gold bars is of great significance to me, and it is absolutely impossible to agree to trade with you. US$50 million is not a small amount. , I may not dare to pick it up if I give it to you!

As for your threat does not have any deterrent to me, you now have only two choices. First, I will assume that I have never spoken to you. You and I do not know each other. You also assume that gold bars do not exist. What big plans should you do? To do it, even to looting the British Museum has nothing to do with me;

Second, you can choose to attack, or use your brain to come up with a perfect plan to challenge my security line. If you can succeed, I will recognize it.

I only give you 24 hours to consider. I will not take any action against you during these 24 hours. You are safe, but before 6 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, if you fail to make the right choice, don’t blame me for being cruel, trust me, It\'s easy to find your details. )

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