Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 311: Visiting Kensington Palace (1)

"By the way, are they just observing from the periphery?"

Yang Cheng was puzzled. Is the other party looking for loopholes in the manor and then waiting for an opportunity to steal?

"So far, they have not done any substantial behavior." Hansen answered truthfully.

Yang Cheng thought for a while, since the other party has not received military training, then there is no need to worry too much, at least in terms of force, Hansen and the others are crushed.

"Don\'t act rashly, let\'s catch turtles in an urn. By the way, how are the peripheral probes hidden? Is there any possibility of being discovered?"

Carson replied first, "Impossible. I participated in the whole process of installing the probes. They are all placed in dense foliage. Unless they are specifically climbed to check, they are basically invisible from the outside."

"That\'s good, wait, and ask the servants who go out to register so that they won\'t be dropped."

When Hansen went down to set up the security task, the Yang family lost the mood to continue having breakfast, and gathered in Yang Cheng\'s study, drinking coffee and discussing.

"Someone still leaked the secret." Yang Yuanshan said angrily.

Yang Orange shook his head, "It shouldn\'t be an insider who leaked the secrets. I had doubts about the reason why these gold bars could be hidden until now. Now, it seems that my incredible guesses at the time were correct." He told the card before. Sen talked about it briefly. As he thought, the workers in charge of the renovation work discovered the gold bars but did not report them. They wanted to embezzle the huge wealth.

But there is still one question that has no answer. Why do the workers only prepare to do it after nearly 20 years? One person can understand it, and two people can explain it, but the current situation is that there are at least 5 people. Participating in the action, can these 5 people be able to withstand the temptation to get rich overnight? Waiting 20 years? This is a bit of a fantasy.

Yang Orange shook his head. This question can only be answered by them after catching the suspicious persons. Besides, what if someone actually leaked the secret and attracted the theft gang?

However, the Yang family unanimously decided that they could not wait any longer. Regardless of whether anyone or who was thinking about this batch of gold bars, they must transport the batch of gold bars as soon as possible and completely turn them into their own. The province has many nights and dreams, who knows tomorrow. What will happen.

Each has a clear division of labor, and Yang Cheng is responsible for communicating with the Royal Yacht Club in London, renting a large yacht for the family to go to Spain on vacation at sea on the grounds of holding a birthday party at sea;

Liu Muqian contacted his old friends and subordinates and screened the bank targets for acquisition all over the world;

Liu Yun made more than 20 calls in succession, and finally contacted a forger with a good reputation, negotiated a good price with the other party, and agreed to meet at the ranch in Yangyuanshan, Texas;

Yang Sen was not idle either. He and Carson were responsible for making invitations, inviting family and friends to Liu Yun\'s island birthday banquet. Finally, after a family vote, the Canary Islands were chosen as the destination of San Mao\'s former residence.

Originally, according to Yang Sen\'s idea, it was to directly contract a small island, but the research found that there is no airport on the island that can be contracted. The islands with an airport are all permanent residents, and there is no possibility of being privately contracted. It is very convenient to choose the Canary Islands, which are relatively sparsely populated and known as the site of Atlantis, and the Canary Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean. The European, American and African continents are within the range of the aircraft.

Everything is proceeding step by step, and it will take some time to start. For example, it takes a lot of effort to purchase the same style of fresh-keeping container.

At noon, Hansen came to report that the suspicious people who had been wandering around the manor since the morning retreated quietly, but they didn’t know that their actions were taken by a probe hidden in the dark. .

"Have you sent someone to follow?" Yang Cheng asked after looking at several photos of suspicious persons intercepted by Hansen from the surveillance video.

"Yes, boss, and I hired a private detective to investigate the background information of these people."

"I see. If you have any news, report it in time."

In the study, Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee and glanced at the time on the antique clock. At 1 pm, he picked up his mobile phone to find William\'s number and dialed out.

"Hey, Jason, you are a god. Your phone call followed immediately after I landed." William\'s teasing in the receiver came along with the wind.

Yang Cheng was taken aback, this was really an accident, "Coincidence, how did I know that you just landed and came back from a visit to the United States?"

"Yes, did you call me to go out to play? First declare that it won\'t work today. You must let me rest, right?"

Yang Cheng glanced, and vomited unceremoniously, "On William, you have a private jet when you travel. When you come to the United States, it means eating and drinking. At most you can brush your face. What can you get tired of?"

"OK OK, I can\'t tell you, what is the matter?"

"Help me ask Edmond, when will I have time to invite him to dinner, and talk about the shares of Sky TV by the way."

Yang Cheng won\'t be able to stay in the UK for a few days, so he has to deal with important matters quickly.

"That\'s it? You didn\'t exchange your contact information last time?" William was unable to complain about Yang Cheng, his dignified Prince, the Duke of Cambridge, became a secretary liaison officer in Yang Cheng?

"No, I was too anxious last time, forget it! Would you like to be there with Kate?" Yang Cheng explained slyly.

"I really convinced you. Let\'s do it. I invite you and Edmond to have a dinner at Kensington Palace tonight. I think I thank you for your £1 million donation." William pondered for a while and felt that he would take this opportunity to take Yang Orange invited to be a guest at home, which helps to close the relationship between the two. Seeing that Yang Cheng wants to increase investment in the How did Prince William miss this opportunity to make money? No matter his reputation or money, he is indispensable. of.

Regarding William\'s intentions, Yang Cheng could probably guess it, and was happy to cooperate, "Then I\'m welcome, what time is it at night?"

"It\'s 6 o\'clock. The dinner starts at 7 o\'clock. Let me show you around my new residence first." William said in a proud tone.

Yang Cheng laughed, and the prince also had a show-off side, "OK, then I will be there on time at 6 o\'clock."

Just about to hang up the phone, William hurriedly said, "Wait, I heard that Emma Watson will also be in London, won\'t you take her as a female companion?"

Yang Cheng raised her brows and said with a playful smile, "William, you are too famous for stealing fishy."

William smiled and scolded, "Fuck off, am I that kind of person? Also, don\'t talk nonsense, Kate is by your side."

Yang Cheng was even more puzzled, "Why is that?"

William helplessly explained, "It\'s Harry, this guy is a big fan of Emma Watson. Since meeting her at the party again a few months ago, the whole person has followed me like a demon and told me that it’s not Emma. Marry, damn, that girl is not a serious girl in the eyes of our family. I took the opportunity to let Harry see that Emma Watson has a lot to do with you to make him give up."

Yang Cheng touched her nose, what is this, he is a scapegoat? Still a shield?

Now that William spoke, he couldn\'t refuse, "Well then, I\'ll call and ask, if someone has an appointment, I can\'t help it."

When William heard Yang Cheng agreed, he immediately sighed with joy, "It\'s okay, you can ask, if it doesn\'t work, there will be more opportunities in the future."

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "I see, I have a good relationship with Harry. After tonight, he won\'t treat me as a love rival, right?"

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