Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 301: Beihai Manor

Was warned again! This book is getting harder and harder to write!

An ordinary pop song does not exceed 5 minutes in length. Similarly, people’s dances cannot be endlessly jumped down, enjoying the thrill of stealing Yang Cheng in the corner, and letting a woman leave it to the end. Pulling it out, handed over a glass of red wine full of anger, "Although you can\'t see your expression, you can still feel your inner reluctance."

   The corners of Yang Cheng\'s mouth hiding under the mask twitched a few times, and shrugged helplessly, "You know that when a man\'s anger is hooked out, it\'s hard to calm down easily."

   A woman\'s silver bell-like laughter came, stepped forward and leaned against Yang Cheng\'s chest, looked up at the black eyes, and asked curiously, "Your pupils are very special."

   Yang Cheng was still immersed in the rich kissing skills of the woman just now. He didn\'t think much about what the woman said, and joked, "Indeed, don\'t you guess which country I am from?"

   The woman was taken aback, her red lips half exposed outside the mask rose slightly, "Sure enough, are you Asian? Speaking of which, I haven\'t tried Asians yet."

   This time it\'s Yang Cheng\'s turn to get lost. She won\'t be a stamp collector. It\'s a pity that she has a different temperament.

   "Have you tried many people?"

   The woman was amused, and she trembled in Yang Cheng\'s arms.

   "Then do you want to try?"

   "Why not? But, not now." The woman glanced at Yang Cheng charmingly and gave a chilling answer, but the next second reversal, it seemed that Yang Cheng had poured cold water on her head.

   Yang Cheng asked depressed, "When is that?"

The woman lowered her eyes to search for something. When Yang Cheng was wondering, she suddenly raised her head, turned her hand to the back of her head and took off the crystal hairpin. The hair that had been trapped behind her head poured down like a waterfall in an instant. Completed the change in temperament.

Tucked the hairpin into Yang Cheng\'s hands, stood on tiptoe as hard as he could, exhaled like a blue in Yang Cheng\'s ear, and said softly, "Man, let\'s play a game. If we are destined, we will see you again. If you can recognize me, you will satisfy all your wishes. This hairpin is a token, don’t lose it! Haha"

   After finishing speaking, without giving Yang Cheng time to react, she dragged her skirt and left, leaving Yang Cheng standing there in a daze, silent for a long time.

  . . .

On December 8th, on a rare sunny day in London, in the royal suite of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Yang Cheng was sleeping with a doll-like susu, and returned to the hotel last night with the fire that was picked up by an unknown woman. , The endless resentment turned into motivation to show off on Su Su, and it took more than 3 hours to give up. If it weren’t for today’s appointment with William and his wife to visit the castle, he really wanted to be incarnate. Qijiro overnight.

   Unconsciously wandering through Susu\'s delicate skin like a porcelain doll that can be broken by a bomb, he faintly climbed up the high ground occupied last night and began to patrol wanton.

The old-fashioned telephone on the bedside of "Dingling Bell" suddenly rang, and Yang Cheng, who was half asleep, jumped up and sat up. It may be the reason for getting up too quickly. The blood supply to the brain was insufficient, so that it appeared. Brief dizziness.

   Yang Cheng shook his head to make herself more awake, then twisted her body and stretched out her long arms, picking up a hypnotic phone, "Hello!"

   "Good morning, Mr. Yang, this is the front desk of the Waldorf Astoria. Your guest, Prince William, has requested to talk to you." The front desk politely greeted and explained the reason, and waited for Yang Cheng\'s instructions.

   Yang Cheng reacted slowly, until he saw that the alarm clock on the bedside showed that the time was 9:20am, then he patted his head and said annoyedly, "Give him the phone."

   "Wait a minute."

   "Hey, jason, don\'t tell me you haven\'t gotten up yet!" William\'s voice sounded high-spirited, without dissatisfaction.

   Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly told a white lie, "It\'s true that I got up late, but I\'m washing myself, so I\'ll get down immediately."

   "This is almost the same, then we will wait for you in the cafe downstairs."

   Yes, Yang Cheng can also be relieved that he can let the dignified prince of the British Empire wait for him to get up. This card is no longer there, and he will have bragging capital with future children.

Yang Cheng didn\'t dare to delay, turned her head and saw Susu fell asleep again in a daze, touched her little head dozingly, couldn\'t bear to wake her up, rushed into the bathroom and rinsed quickly, and changed her body to lake blue. In a casual suit, after leaving a note for Susu, he went out and rushed to the elevator. The whole section took no more than 5 minutes, and the speed was amazing.

   When I arrived at the coffee shop on the first floor, I saw the royal guards surrounding an open space from afar. The same combination as yesterday, a group of people were drinking coffee and chatting.

   ran over, full of apologies on his face, and began to apologize after a few meters, "Sorry, I\'m really sorry, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

   William waved his hand indifferently, "Don\'t worry, we just arrived, do you want something to eat? It\'s still early."

   greeted Princess Kate and Beckham again. As for Xiaoli and Ellison, there was no need to be polite, and waved their hands, "No, we\'re rushing to the castle now, and we can have lunch there just after a while."

"This is a good idea, then let\'s set off. I have already asked the butler to lead the team to rush over in advance. I must be ready to clean up when we arrive at Shao Desen. You should also check whether the butler I arranged for you is appropriate. If we can\'t, we will change." William got up and straightened his clothes.

Today, Prince William deliberately prepared the Rolls-Royce motorcade for the royal family. After he picked up the crowd, he followed the A12 highway all the way east. There were two mounted policemen in the front who opened the way. Although they did not sound the horns, the battle was so big. There was no blockage on the road. It took 70 minutes to arrive at the Beihai Manor, the love nest of William IV and the royal residence.

Generally speaking, British castles are divided into two major types. One is wartime defensive castles, which are currently the most common historical sites on the British Isles. They are currently used for exhibitions and archaeological research, and they are almost untouched. Used for residence

The second category is after the reunification of Great Britain. In order to show their comparison, the nobles of the upper class invested huge sums of money to build luxurious castle estates, covering a large area. When the transportation was not convenient a hundred years ago, they were almost their own independent kingdoms. The foresight family took into account future needs and played a certain military role when building the castle. On this basis, the Gothic and Baroque architectural aesthetics were brought to the extreme.

The North Sea Manor that William introduced to Yang Cheng belonged to the latter. When William IV built a home for himself and his princess in his later years, he took into account the possible future civil strife and deliberately built a perfect defense system around the castle. In the chaos of war, the army can be stationed at any time, relying on the solid wall to defend and counterattack.

Therefore, when the convoy drove into the manor, Yang Cheng looked through the window of the car and found that many walls and towers remained on the periphery of the manor, covered with traces of erosion over time. Yang Cheng felt that these broken stones were also part of the history of the manor. Once he acquires this manor, he is bound to spend a portion of the money to repair these towers, at least to provide some help for his own safety, after all, it is impossible to use cameras to protect such a large manor.

Following the winding lanes in the manor, the open English garden unfolds in front of the main building towards the waterfront. The brickwork on the facade of the main building is clear. It can be seen that the castle once absorbed the essence of Gothic architecture, with a towering spire. The use of pointed rib vaults and flying buttresses creates a light and slender flying feeling. The arched windows are covered with neat and dense window edges, which are unified with the brick marks.

But perhaps because it was later used as a royal residence, the castle and gardens were renovated into a typical Victorian style, with triangular gables, protruding eaves, shaft wheel or fan arches, turrets, and balconies with portico columns. In short, the castle is from From an architectural point of view, it is like a hodgepodge, which contains the characteristics of various architectural styles. It is a little messy in the eyes of professionals, but from the perspective of bystanders or ordinary people, this castle still has a very unique beauty.

Especially in today’s rare sunshine, the beige building seems to be coated with a layer of golden light. It stands on the shore of the North Sea and is guarded by the green forest, like a burly lion crawling on the grass. It looks like a king. .

The convoy quickly stopped in the forecourt square of the castle. A butler in a black uniform with more than 20 servants in various uniforms lined up in front of the gate. After William and the others got out of the car, this figure was slightly fat, The butler with gray hair and an accent similar to Earl Edmond’s face with a kind smile bowed and greeted Prince William, "Dear Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, North Sea Manor welcomes you and The arrival of the princess."

   William kindly patted the butler on the shoulder, and called Yang Cheng over to jokingly, "Carson, you should welcome this person the most. He may be your future master."

"Jason, this is the butler I chose for you. Carson is the youngest son of a butler who has served my mother for many years. He has received the most orthodox butler education from the royal family since he was a child. He has been serving in Windsor Castle before and is now transferred here by me. Come, you can\'t treat him badly." William turned his head and introduced Carson\'s glorious history to Yang Orange.

Yang Cheng stepped forward and looked at this butler who might have been with him for decades, and unconsciously compared Carson with White and the old John of the Yang family. Let alone Carson’s inheritance. , Is what White and Old John can’t compare, like a strong horse, White and Old John are the offspring of a champion horse hybrid, and Carson is the most pure and **** BMW, well, such a metaphor may not be appropriate , But this is the intuitive feeling for Yang Cheng.

   Especially the thick sword eyebrows that stood above Carson\'s piercing eyes, looked more like old nobles than Yang Cheng and William, and left a very deep first impression on Yang Cheng.

   "Carson, I believe you will not disappoint William\'s recommendation, right?" Yang Cheng said with an elegant smile

"Yes, my lord mylord, it is my life\'s honor to serve you." Carson bowed slightly, using the highest honor for Yang Cheng, and immediately let Yang Cheng find the pleasure of being a noble, and suddenly returned The sense of sight a hundred years ago! ...