Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 3: plan

"Sorry, Jason, I overslept."

After washing, Megan changed into a dress, bare white calves, bare feet on the soft carpet, slightly curled blond hair was pushed to one side, after a whole night of moisturizing, the skin is white and red, very Seductive.

The skin of white people, especially white women, is particularly good when they are young, but once they get married and have children, they quickly decline. Therefore, in the eyes of Orientals, many white women aged 3 to 40 are the same as those aged 4 to 50. Megan This age is the pinnacle of her life.

   Yang Cheng greeted her, wrapped her arms around Megan\'s waist naturally, and pecked at her attractive mouth, suppressing her excitement, "White, get Megan something to eat."

   sighed inwardly that there is still a long way to go from Diaosi to Gaofushuai.

"Thank you..." Megan thanked White politely. At this time, she was not the goddess who shined in Victoria\'s Secret, but she was prettier than others, Cinderella who struggled for life, she spoke and did everything. He was shy.

"You\'re welcome, Miss Megan, this is what I should do. Please wait a moment. The dishes will be here soon." White has considerable experience in how to deal with Yang Cheng women. Today, this is obviously a favorite of Yang Cheng. Otherwise, no matter what will wait for her to eat, let White directly take the money as a gift.

   Meghan sat alone at the dining table and waited, and brought coffee and newspapers. White brought Yang Cheng to the study and handed over a folder.

   "Sir, this is the information you asked me to check last week, because I can\'t mobilize more resources, I can only find these..." White explained from the side.

Yang Cheng was taken aback, took a look, quickly searched for relevant memories in his mind, and soon remembered that Yang Cheng arranged for White to investigate the information of major North American airlines, including the real financial reports and personnel changes in the past two years. As well as the background of the shareholders of various companies, the reason is that he is more optimistic about the upward trend of aviation stocks in the medium and long term, so he can easily make some quick money.

Yang Cheng keenly realized that this was a good opportunity. He did not have the heart to be the richest man in the world, nor did he have the huge ambition to change the world. He just wanted to be a gentleman safely, read all the beauties in the world, and face anyone. They all have the confidence to talk, and occasionally they can find some excitement, bullying and bullying the second generation of brains, but all of this is based on having enough money and status, of course, if a nickname is better, he would be very envious of those who are not moving. Just the second generation of entertainment news.

   Even if you are not self-motivated, and wait to inherit the wealth of your parents safely, you must have the ability to be worthy and get the respect of your employees. Otherwise, who will work for you?

In his previous life, he was just a small editor on a certain news app platform. His daily job was to go around the world on the Internet, and then find interesting news or videos from it, and publish it with humorous language. The money he made barely supported himself and made a living. Fate to get a pretty good joint venture car, go to the nightclub bar, the ignorant little sister, to meet her physical needs, the serious girlfriend dare not talk about it.

This work did not leave him with any valuable experience. The only thing is that he has read the current affairs news in major media and mainstream newspapers around the world every day. Regardless of the section, he will read all the news, and he has many interesting news. It will be carefully recorded and read repeatedly, and the relevant links may be used when it is determined.

And 5 years before his rebirth, his biggest advantage is that he can rely on the information asymmetry of his foresight and use the financial knowledge left by Yang Cheng to enter the market in advance before others have acted. When others are still caring and don’t know that the cliff is right in front of them, they should stop the horse in time to save the biggest and most complete victory.

   just turned to the second page. The two eye-catching names reminded him of a piece of news he saw in his previous life and a discussion with friends who played stocks.

   Berkshire Hathaway, a little bit of common sense knows what this company represents, yes, stock **** Warren Buffett.

  American Airlines, just last year, American Airlines parent company AMR and the American Airlines Group reached a merger transaction, forming a new and the world\'s largest airline operator.

   There is nothing related to the two, but Yang Cheng once saw a piece of news about Berkshire’s low-key entry into aviation stocks and an increase in American Airlines stocks.

   At that time, Yang Cheng said casually, "Isn\'t Buffett hitting himself in the face?"

   When his friend who played stocks heard this, he sneered and joked, "This is not the first time."

The reason why the two had this conversation was entirely because Buffett had bought a stake in US Airways at a cost of nearly 400 million U.S. dollars and purchased US Airways preferred stock. The current 400 million pairs of Buffett are only a fraction of the price, but that was more than 20 years ago. At that time, Buffett\'s entire net worth was only more than 3 billion US dollars. As a result, the stock began to fall as soon as Buffett entered the market. A few years later, the net value of this stock fell to 10 million US dollars, which was a heavy loss.

   It is also for this reason that Buffett ‘vowed’ never to touch aviation stocks again, and said that the pricing and competitive strategies of airlines are simply suicidal.

These words have a factor of venting anger. The main reason is that the U.S. aviation industry was in a period of separatism, wars, and rapid expansion. Even the big-mouthed Trump who was preparing to run for president had a Sichuan. General Aviation (later sold to American Airlines).

   Although in the end, Buffett still made a profit of more than 200 million yuan, but until the arrival of the financial crisis in 2007, he still had a grudge about the aviation industry.

   Of course, for Buffett who often makes big 180-degree turns, everyone has long been used to it. This time, the purchase of American Airlines stocks calmly gave Yang Cheng a taste of it.

What is the taste?

   The smell of money!

   No one knows better than Yang Cheng. In the next two years, Buffett will slander him many times and fully prove that your uncle will always be your uncle.

   If you keep up with Buffett\'s footsteps, making money is inevitable, but at this time Yang Cheng thinks farther.

   Once, the old stock **** put forward a theory called "moat":

   When choosing a company to invest in, the most important criterion to consider is whether the company has a "moat" and whether it has the ability to maintain the width of the "moat", making it impossible for other competitors to compete.

Of course, it does not depend on whether the company’s profits are growing every year, because profit fluctuations are normal, but whether the "moat" is getting wider and stronger. This is the fundamental reason for whether to invest in this company. If the "moat" begins to wither and become fragile, the risk will increase.

After the previous expansion and mergers and reorganization of the US aviation industry, it has two indestructible "moats": external competition cannot enter, and the major internal airline shareholders maintain a high degree of consistency to resist foreign enemies together, and "harmony makes money." The industry atmosphere gradually formed.

In connection with the recent fluctuations in oil prices, although production and market demand are growing, in the long run, the increase in supply is far greater than the increase in demand, and the gap between supply and demand has repeatedly hit new highs. Wall Street predicts that the Fed has plans to raise interest rates again, which indicates The U.S. dollar continues to strengthen, and commodities priced in U.S. dollars, such as crude oil, will be "tragically washed."

The lower fuel price has the most direct impact on the aviation industry, because fuel accounts for as much as 30% of airline operating costs. In theory, fuel prices and airline profits are negatively related. Buffett chose to enter the market at this time. Needless to say.

   I want to understand the cause and effect. Is the problem of eating soup or eating meat still a problem? I am afraid that no one would choose to drink soup. Drinking water will not last long and will be hungry. Wherever there is meat, he is not afraid to eat and support. At most, he will exercise and digest slowly, but when he is hungry, he will not have more food. You ate.

Not only that, but he also had to build his own moat, where a lone city stood, surrounded by a plain, how insecure he looked, everything he has now benefited from the family, but no one can guarantee that the family will continue to prosper forever. "We are not rich for three generations" is a well-known saying, he needs to arm himself, protect himself, and have enough ammunition to resist foreign invasion.

In addition, the analysis just now gave Yang Cheng another opportunity to make quick money. If he remembers correctly, in the next month, Brent crude oil and wti crude oil will usher in a sharp drop, and the price will be very close. .

There are many reasons, but the fundamental reason is that as mentioned above, the government\'s fiscal revenue of the major oil-producing countries in the Middle East led by Saudi Arabia depends on oil extraction and export taxes, and the current oil price level is much lower than that of the major oil countries. At breakeven, OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, insisted not to cut production. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

   On the other hand, the major oil consuming countries led by the United States are gradually increasing their oil reserves, which has caused oil to enter a period of oversupply.

  The imbalance between supply and demand is often a key factor in determining the changes in commodity prices.

   Of course, it doesn\'t make much sense for Yang Cheng to explore the reasons. He is not going to be an economist, let alone being a Virgin and saving the world economy. For him, making money is the top priority.

But after so many years, he can\'t remember the exact time, and he is not sure whether his little butterfly waved its wings, will it cause a butterfly effect, once the incident does not happen, he will lose it, and he is not. Never thought of shorting oil, just like some heroes in novels, earning him tens of billions, and then dominating the aviation industry.

   It’s better to think about it, but it’s better to be realistic. Eggs can’t be put in the same basket.

   waved his hand to signal White to go out, took out his phone, found a name in the address book, and dialed it out.

The beeping sounded a few times, and when Yang Cheng was pouring her mouth to hang up, a hoarse, obviously hangover-unwake voice sounded, "fuck, jason, if you don’t have a good reason, I swear I will Use my thunder hammer\'s **** to sit you as a specimen."

   Hearing this, Yang Cheng chuckled. The fat man was quite humorous. He cleared his throat and joked, "Allen, it\'s okay to sit me as a specimen, but only if you have to catch me."

"Shit, bastard, jason, you are dead, completely, 100%. I have seen the tragedy of you being made into a specimen and hung on the wall of my living room." Allen yelled at the phone, shaking. Yang Cheng took the phone far away for fear of breaking her eardrum.