Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 299: Veteran nobility

"I don\'t care, this happened because of you, you have to be responsible for cleaning me up, and how to solve this fat man? I want to eliminate the roots, I don\'t want to be sneered!"

"Shit, what can I do about this? Did you come to tell Lindsay\'s husband that your wife has a man outside, so you don\'t know if you don\'t know it?" Xiaoli laughed angrily, leaning on the car with a cigarette in his mouth, his teeth and claws Tucaodao.

David Ellison clapped his hands and laughed. Watching the excitement is not afraid of the big incident, he has a bad idea, "Yes, it\'s better to force his husband to sign a contract. The big deal is to let Jason give his husband $10,000 a month, which is enough to silence him." As for the fat man, turn around and ask Mrs. Yang to say hello to Leslie Wicks, and let the fat man surrender the shares and withdraw from the company. Without the talisman of the director of LBrands, why don\'t you take it?"

Yang Cheng gave these two bad friends a middle finger, and said angrily, "David, since you are so interested in this matter, why don\'t you be responsible?"

"Gotohe11 (Go to hell), knowing that you want to embarrass me, I just couldn\'t be fooled."

Several people laughed for a while. The William and his wife and Mrs. Xiaobei came out from the front entrance and gathered to Yang Cheng. Xiaobei asked curiously, "Something seems to have happened backstage just now. It was suddenly blocked and even met with the guests. All links have been cancelled, do you know?"

Yang Cheng just wanted to say that he didn\'t know, but David Ellison\'s big mouth popped out and shouted, "Of course I know that the protagonist is Jason, and there is a hero to save the United States in the background."

She covered her face and didn\'t want to see the talkative **** Ellison, all she was thinking about was how to seal his mouth.

I don\'t know how this guy\'s lips were practiced, so he gurgled up and gave a brief description of the matter before and after, making the William and his wife smile completely without image.

Yang Cheng looked at the people who were laughing together, and completely gave up the treatment, and said helplessly, "Laugh, laugh, just as I give you Christmas presents, will you still have a show in a while? If not, just leave. Yes, tomorrow I will visit the castle that William said."

Victoria took Beckham\'s arm and suggested with interest, "You have to experience the nightclub culture when you come to London. Besides, we finally got together. It\'s a shame to leave so early."

Xiaobei is a woman who sings and sings her husband, agreeing, "Yes, the style of London nightclubs is very different from that of New York. It is a pity not to experience it in person."

William had a lot of fun today, holding Kate\'s hand in approval and saying, "Then go to Annabel, lest you be disturbed by the paparazzi."

David Ellison and Xiao Lizi don’t need to say too much. They are both nightclub masters who want to party all night. How can they raise objections? So now Yang Cheng is left. Fortunately, his emotional intelligence has not been lost. People have to go to play, how can they be disappointed, "What are you waiting for? 1et\'sgo!"

The Annabelle Club that William said is a legendary nightclub with a history of 50 years. It has always been known as a dedicated nightclub for the royal family. At the same time, it is also the first membership-only nightclub in London, and his membership is difficult to obtain. It can be said to be the best in London and even in Europe. Not only does it require an outstanding social background and reputation, but also a recommendation letter from two current members.

Among the many Annabel fans in the past 50 years, the most well-known elites are undoubtedly the Prince of Wales, Princess Anne, Princess Diana and US President Richard Nixon. In addition, there are also many top international players. Superstars like Ladygaga, Tom Cruise, etc. were also photographed by the paparazzi to linger here all night. The Beckhams and Prince William before marriage are even more frequent visitors of Annabel.

Started by the Land Rover Range Rover of Prince William the groundbreaker, a series of three Rolls-Royces of different colors, plus the suVs of their respective bodyguards, form a luxury convoy of nearly 10 cars, double flashing all the way to the upper social circles in London. The Mayfair area of ​​the luxurious and noble residential area, in fact, if there is no address, it may not be easy to find the Annabel Club. There is no sign on the navigation map. It seems that the higher-end places are more mysterious. Anyway, those who should know must know Know that there is no need for publicity.

The convoy drove into the Mayfair area. It seemed to turn around before turning into an alley. After putting everyone on the side of the street, Yang Cheng drove away. Yang Cheng had never been here before, and he didn’t know where the nightclub was. Waiting for William to lead the way in place, in fact, Annabel\'s entrance is an inconspicuous small iron door between the two mansions. There is no sign on the outside. Entering from the ground entrance is a narrow staircase leading directly to the ground.

Yang Cheng followed Kate, stepped inside, stepped on the soft dark red carpet, under the dizzy yellow light, and the walls on both sides were covered with photos. The eyes were full of awesome people, which also reflected the top private club’s positively. "International influence": former US President Nixon, Greek ship king Onassis, British Crown Prince Charles and his wife, such as ZZ, economic and cultural celebrities, according to Kate, the Annabel Club still retains some old-fashioned traditions, such as No photography, no mobile phone, formal dress code, etc. are required.

After passing through the promenade, I came to the spacious reception hall. The soundproofing effect is very good. You can\'t hear the hot music inside. The fire in the fireplace on one side is very hot. A waiter in a servant uniform comes up to ask each guest\'s preference All the waiters will naturally lean forward 15 degrees when talking to the guests. They will not look directly at the guests and maintain the most respectful posture to provide services.

While waiting to arrange a place, the impatient Yang Cheng and David Ellison took a waiter and asked about the situation. They learned that a nobleman was holding a masquerade in the club tonight. Normally it is not allowed. Outsiders came in, but because Prince William was here, the club was helping to communicate with the prom owner, asking if Prince William and his guests could be invited in, so the waiting time was a bit long.

Annabel is the perfect combination of fashion and nobility, wild and private, exaggerated and classic in all of London. Not only are international big-name stars often hosting various fashion shows or themed parties here, but even the royal Halloween dinner of the Duke of York is here. Held (the classic of Princess Diana as a police officer).

Soon after communication, a handsome middle-aged man with elegant manners and aristocratic temperament walked out of the passage and exchanged greetings with William and Kate with a smile. Yang Cheng guessed that this should be the host of the masquerade. Well, to take care of Yang Cheng and several Victorians who are not familiar with the club situation, they introduced in a low voice at the right time. This person is the heir of an old earl, a direct heir who can inherit the title of earl, and the family business is not small. People are very well-respected and well-respected in Britain, and Xiaobei came forward to say hello politely.

Silently watching them pretend to be 13, Yang Cheng, who thought there was nothing wrong with him, did not expect that William suddenly pulled the earl’s heir over and introduced to Yang Cheng, "Jason, let me introduce you, this is love Demon, don’t you want to buy shares in Sky TV? You can talk about it."

He turned his head to introduce Yang Cheng to Edmond, "This is Jason Yang, chairman of New Times Media, heir to the Yang family in New York. You should know his grandfather, Mr. Liu Muqian, director of Royal Bank of Scotland and Huifeng Holdings, you should There will be a common language."

"It turns out to be Mr. Liu\'s grandson? It\'s a great talent. We will have a drink later." Edmond is exactly a copy of the duke in Downton Abbey. He has a shiny gold and straight suit. He speaks with a very accent and voice. The method takes the corners commonly used by the nobles. It sounds like I was born in southeast London since he was a child, and the vocabulary used by Edmond, not to mention the British, is not used by ordinary viscounts or barons, and can only be heard from the queen. This kind of background can be easily felt by people who have received noble education.

But this kind of so-called nobleman\'s words and deeds are very contrived. Didn\'t you see David Ellison\'s disdainful lip? As a new generation of wealthy families, they are very unhappy with these traditional schools that still retain the old aristocratic habits, because traditional aristocrats cannot look down on mobsters in their bones. This is an inherent contradiction and no one can reconcile it.

Yang Cheng pursed her mouth and smiled, but did not dare to relax in etiquette, nodded slightly, and shook hands with Edmond with an elegant smile, "That is my honor, Earl Edmond."

"Oh, jason, your accent is very charming, but I am not yet an earl." Edmond looks like he is in his 40s, but his figure is well maintained, his back is straight, and his warm smile always feels like in Yang Cheng\'s eyes. It is the emperor who is sympathetic to the people, well, he is narrow.

Yang Orange blinked, and said in a pun-like you for your compliment, the title is only a matter of time. "

Regarding how to flatter, Yang Cheng’s essence is to hold the other’s favorite and most proud things. For these titled nobles, they have been proud of inheriting the title from birth, and there is nothing more than others’ recognition of his status. What made them even more happy, especially Yang Cheng\'s own unique identity.

As for Yang Cheng’s attitude, it’s still not flattering. It’s the same sentence. The communication between the upper class is to give face to each other. Hello, I’m hello, everyone. It’s a skill that Yang Cheng has cultivated since childhood. The family of David Ellison is an example, so the reputation of the Ellison family is also very bad, probably because their family never gives face to the traditional forces, um, to be precise, they don’t give face to whoever they are. , Communication is all based on mood, and you can talk about your appetite. Once you feel bored, even if you are rich in the universe, it is useless.

The two styles of doing things can\'t be said to be better or worse, but from the perspective of Yang Cheng, he is the kind of maverick who admires the Ellison family. He never needs to look at people\'s faces. What are they afraid of offending people? Just do it, can you kill me?

But the cruel reality tells Yang Cheng that this kind of character is just a matter of thinking about it. The Yang family\'s background is not yet free. Of course, this situation is developing in a good direction as Yang Cheng\'s career grows. It’s not good. One day, Yang Cheng can really follow his heart completely, without worrying about anyone’s ideas, but hope that that day will come soon!

Edmund kindly took Yang Cheng\'s hand, and the two walked side by side in front to guide everyone into the arena, and patted Yang Cheng\'s hand, a bit like "Haha, Jason, I have to say, I like your character." , Come, let\'s go in together, I hope you can have a nice evening."

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