Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 295: Buy a castle and be a prince (2)

"William, haven\'t seen you for a long time, are you okay? How do you feel that you are fat again?"

Yang Cheng’s original intention was to be polite. He would not care about the daily life of the prince in a leisurely manner, but William replied in a serious manner, "Why, I have lost 3 catties this month, you know, mine My work is not about charity, or I am going to visit all over the world. It happens that I am going to visit the United States the day after tomorrow. The first stop will be New York. The charity dinner will be held at the home of Sir Martin Sorrier that evening.

Yes, I know that there is no simple thing in the royal family. Look at other princes and Qiufeng said so great, Yang Cheng slandered a few words in his heart, and said in a high-sounding voice, "I think there is nothing more important than charity, of course this matter. I can’t be missing, but I will stay in the UK for a while, and there are a few official duties to deal with, so let’s go back and donate 1 million pounds to Princess Diana’s bereavement fund, just be careful.”

When William heard this, he hugged Yang Cheng and patted Yang Cheng **** the back. His big mouth was almost grinning behind his ears. Can you be unhappy? Several charity foundations of Princess Diana are now owned by William. Li, "Oh my God, Jason, you are so generous, thank you very much, why don\'t you serve as an honorary director of the foundation?"

If he could kill people intentionally, William didn\'t know how many times he had died at this time, bastard, still staring at Lao Tzu? Even the wool can\'t hold a sheep, is it strong?

But so what, who made Yang Cheng want to make a difference in the UK? It really wouldn\'t work without the help of William, the local snake, and it was considered a protection fee.

Twitching the corners of his mouth, pretending to be happy, "That\'s my honor."

After that, for fear that William would find out why he should donate, he quickly brought the topic aside Princess Kate, who was always holding her husband, wearing an emerald jumpsuit with warm orange broken flowers, perfectly highlighting the slenderness. The waist is elegant and dignified, but the temperature outside is only a few degrees above zero. She is wearing a single skirt with bare legs and high heels. It feels cold after thinking about it. There is no way. Who will let her join the rich? This is the rule. Have to suffer.

"Kate, you are becoming more and more attractive, no wonder William is so fascinated by you." A very beautiful sentence, both praised Kate and praised William, Yang Cheng ignored William behind, pretending to be disgusting. David Ellison, who said a few nice compliments without spending money, will not be embarrassed to open his mouth when he asks for help later.

"Thank you, jason, this sentence is also given to you. Congratulations. New Times Media acquired the New York Times, and your career has taken a new step." Kate accepted Yang Cheng\'s praise generously and smiled in congratulations.

"Luck is better, there are noble people to help~" Yang Cheng still thought of continuing to exchange a few words, David Ellison interrupted impatiently, "Okay, everyone is acquaintance, don\'t be so polite, first sit down and let the waiter Have a snack and talk slowly."

Yang Cheng went down to the donkey, sat beside Beckham, and greeted the couple briefly, and the waiter brought the teapot and the dessert plate. If you follow the formal tea ceremony, you should eat the sandwich at the bottom. At first, this was to fill the appetite, so as not to drink tea to speed up digestion and feel an empty stomach. After that, scones and all kinds of desserts, but everyone is friends, and no one is poor. The William and his wife are no exception. After a cup of black tea, each of them chose their favorite style and ate a few bites, and then they started chatting.

Yang Cheng took a piece of chicken breast with parsley cream and malt bread sandwich. The sandwich was cut into a size that was easy to eat at one time. It won\'t appear to be harmful to the nobleman\'s face such as the sauce falling on the clothes.

"Jason, you ask me to help you find an old castle. I asked someone to do a simple screening according to your requirements. I don\'t know what other specific requirements you have?" When Yang Cheng called William to have afternoon tea, by the way Speaking of the castle, I took the initiative to provoke this topic at this moment. It seems that I was also careful, and I suddenly felt that the 1 million pounds just paid were still in place.

Yang Cheng swallowed the food in his mouth, drank the black tea and rinsed his mouth, jokingly asked, "William, you won\'t fool me with those long run-down castles? I know that the most valuable castles in Britain are in you. Family."

"Jason, do you want to live in the UK?" Beckham brought Victoria a theater cake and asked in surprise.

Yang Orange shook his head and denied, "No, no, I am going to increase investment in the UK. I will not spend less time in the UK in the future. I don’t want to stay in a hotel all the time, and I have a feeling of living in a castle. The experience is more curious."

Victoria took a small bite of the cake with a cake spoon and found it interesting. He poked his head and said, "Believe me Jason, you will lose all interest in three days and then yell at selling the castle."

William also likes to joke, making a two-bi gesture, "I bet for two days."

Yang Cheng laughed absurdly, "on, don\'t you welcome me to England?"

The kind-hearted princess Kate slapped her husband with an aura, and explained with a chuckle covering her mouth, "Why wouldn\'t you be welcome? Mainly because you have no experience and don\'t know how troublesome it is to live in a castle. "

David Ellison interrupted Princess Kate’s kindness by schadenly. "Leave him alone. This guy has made a lot of money recently. There is nowhere to spend money. The benefits of the castle have to be experienced by yourself."

Yang Cheng gave David Ellison an angry look, "Go away, I\'m crazy."

"Haha, David, don\'t make jokes about Jason. In fact, living in a castle is more expensive, and everything else is fine." William shrugged and gave a vague answer.

This made Yang Cheng very incomprehensible, so she had to look for help at Princess Kate. Kate, who brought her own aura of the mother\'s ritual, would naturally not refuse, with a graceful smile.

"If you want to live comfortably in the castle, you must have at least 20 servants, including a housekeeper, personal servants, maids, cooks, gardeners, drivers and other necessary personnel. This is just ordinary The benchmark for small earls and viscounts castles, if large ducal castles, the number of servants will double, otherwise your life will immediately become a mess, and this expense is indispensable.

In addition, there are maintenance of gardens and ponds, and the dilapidated castle has new problems almost every week. The butler will hand you a signature pen with the warmest smile and ask you to sign your name on the check. In general terms, in the first five years or even ten years before you move into the castle, you have to prepare a fixed expenditure of at least 1 to 2 million pounds per year.

If you buy a castle built nearly a hundred years ago, at least the circuit does not need to be re-layed. If it is a castle a few hundred years ago, I really suggest that you consider it carefully, because the re-installation of various lines and heating and cooling equipment Money is enough for you to buy an apartment in Hyde Park.

By the way, I almost forgot to remind you. The lighting of the castle is not good. The lighting system is a necessary project when you rebuild the castle. Therefore, you have to prepare an extra fund dedicated to paying electricity bills. The figures of each quarter Accumulation will definitely make you feel bad. "

Regardless of the expressions of the other people watching the jokes, after listening to the jokes anyway, the dumbfounded Yang Cheng had only one thought in her heart, "I am a poor man, can\'t I just buy it?"

Beckham was about to burst into tears. She stammered and patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder to persuade, "Jason, I advise you to think about it, but if you really bought the castle, please remember to invite me to be a guest."

"And me~" Xiao Lizi raised his hand in agreement.

David Ellison was even more ruthless, "Just leave me a room, and I will be with you when I am in a good mood."

Yang Cheng really wanted to cry without tears, didn\'t she just want to buy a castle? As for the stabs one by one?

The look of "hate" passed over this group of unconscionable guys. Yang Cheng took this down. As the saying goes, if you have grudges and don\'t retaliate against non-gentlemen, when these people are unlucky, he must ridicule them back a hundred times, huh~ , He is so careful.

However, the joke is a joke, this castle is still to be bought, not just £2 million a year? Small meaning, after a big deal, if you don’t go out a few times, the money will be saved.

He cleared his throat and said to William, "I have bought this castle, and you have to come up with some good I am also generating income for your royal family."

William smiled. As Yang Cheng said, this is a good thing for the royal family. It can not only get rid of the burden, but also win over a super-rich living in the UK, why not do it. Besides, the relationship between several people, he Naturally not going to pit Yangcheng.

I sipped my lipstick and thought for a moment in my mind, and said, "I really have a castle that meets your requirements. It was the residence of King William IV and the princess in his later years. It was later used as a summer residence by the royal family in the 1980s. After a large-scale renovation and modernization, the total area is more than 60 acres, and the castle construction area is close to 60,000 square feet. Part of the land is leased to farmers to cultivate farmland."

After a pause, he continued, "The only problem is that it is far away from London. The castle is located on a highland peninsula in Southend on the seashore. It takes more than an hour to drive by highway, but the landscape is invincible. The sea and sky are all surrounded by forests. It has good privacy. There is only one way to enter and exit the entire castle territory. It is very safe. If you want, you only need to pay 10 million pounds, and other taxes and fees are free."

I have to say that William\'s description is still very attractive. Without the actual look and feel of the picture, Yang Cheng has a general impression, and it sounds very good.

"It is indeed a little far away. If you really live there, you will have to travel by helicopter." Yang Orange muttered softly.

When William heard Yang Cheng’s words, he thought about it and added, “However, there is an airport in Shoreson on the waterfront. If you fly from Liverpool or abroad, you can land directly at Shoreson, which is much more convenient. The airport is only 10 minutes away from the castle. Of course, if the journey is only within the UK, the helicopter is indeed more convenient, even if it takes just over an hour to fly to Liverpool."

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