Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 293: Signing matters

Because yesterday was a match day, and it was an away game. Conventionally, the team will give the players a holiday on the second day of the match day. One is to relieve fatigue and restore physical strength, and the other is to create a time for the players to spend with their families.

Today is no exception. The entire Melwood base appears to be very empty. Looking at the huge stadium through the rain curtain, it is empty. Even the birds who usually fall on the lawn for a nap, don’t want to go out in this cold and humid weather. So as not to wet their gorgeous feathers.

Yang Cheng and the others sat in the lounge area of ​​the cafeteria, sending everyone else away to work, leaving only Ian Al, Loew, and technical director Michael Edwards, who had just put forward a good idea, and even Su Su let Yi Enair’s secretary took it to visit the club’s wall of honor. A few cups of hot tea were steaming on the table, and there was a dessert plate in the middle. All kinds of peach pastry cookies were piled up into a hill, which was very chatty.

"Tell me, what do you think about the team\'s lineup? Do you need additional support during the winter break?" Yang Cheng took a bite of the cookie, and the sweet and greasy taste made Yang Cheng frown. No way, the base\'s After all, the level of chefs can not keep up with the hotel.

Loew was prepared for this, took a sip of tea, and asked firmly, "Of course, in my opinion, there are still shortcomings in the current team lineup, especially in the midfield. Gerrard is getting older, except for him. No one outside can take on the heavy responsibility of the front and rear hubs. This is not allowed in the tactics I envision. Therefore, a midfielder who can link up and down, hold the ball, and make precise scheduling is our primary goal. ."

Technical director Michael sighed, "Mr. Love, we are also aware of this problem, but looking at today\'s football, there are not many players that meet your requirements, and they are all provided as treasures by various clubs. We You can\'t buy it if you have money."

Ian El agreed, "Yes, especially Tonick Ross is your general in the German team. He definitely has the potential to become a midfield master of Harvey. Unfortunately, we are a step late. If we invite him as early as summer Mr. Love joined, it is not good that we can **** people from Real Madrid."

The two Liverpool executives’ admiration for Love’s generals gave Love a light on his face and coughed and said, “I have different opinions. Tony is indeed good and the best candidate for my tactics, but he is not the only one. Didn’t you realize that after Tony went to Real Madrid, there was someone who was particularly embarrassed in his position?"

   "Who?" Ian El asked subconsciously.

   It was Michael Edwards who took the call, slapped his thigh, and shouted with green light in his eyes, "Modric! Damn, why didn\'t I expect it."

The corners of Love\'s mouth raised, revealing the iconic charming smile on the court, "Yes, if Luka Modric and Tonikros complete the break-in and find a tacit understanding, then the energy that bursts out is endless, but now? But it’s our opportunity."

Michael Edwards followed Loew’s thoughts and added, “With Modric’s organizational talent, coupled with Coutinho’s offensive talent, my goodness, this is definitely the most gorgeous midfield combination in the Premier League and even Europe. , But will Real Madrid release people?"

This question is not something Love can answer, because this is the job of the CEO. Ian Al and Yang Cheng whispered and nodded, "I will try my best to talk about it. Luka Modric is currently worth 45 million. Around the pound, there is still hope."

   "Money is not a problem." Yang Cheng said only this sentence, but it was enough to stabilize people\'s hearts.

"In fact, Balotelli is not in my plan. If you can, it would be a good choice to cash out a sum of money from him or exchange with Real Madrid." Loew is not just a coach who only knows to support money. Nei is still very willing to consider for the boss. After all, no one\'s money is a bottomless pit. If you can save it, you can save a little. And what he said is the truth. Since Balotelli is not in the plan and keeping it is pure waste, it is better to sell it. Contribute to the team.

Ian El and Michael Edwards smiled bitterly at each other. If Rogers knew that his baby was used as a bargaining chip, I wonder if he would be mad, but both of them swallowed tacitly in their stomachs. Not stupid, how could Yang Cheng turn a blind eye to Loew’s support? At this time, he touched the boss’ brow for a former head coach. Isn’t that a lantern in the toilet-looking for shit?

"In this way, we still need a striker who can hold the ball and have a certain breakthrough ability. Young players are the best and convenient to adjust. After all, Sturridge\'s feet are not detailed enough to barely serve as a fulcrum. ." Loew continued to make his request.

   "This is harder to choose than a midfielder." Michael Edwards murmured from the side.

   Ian El glared at him and motioned to him not to talk nonsense. Yang Cheng didn\'t care. Whether it was a club or a company, there must be some different voices. Otherwise, the unity below would be united.

   Love also understands that his requirements may be difficult for a strong man. "In fact, the team\'s front line is enough to cope with this season. It is really difficult to choose a suitable strong support during the season. It is okay to wait for next summer based on the tactical running-in situation."

Yang Cheng sees that Love is so good at being a man, so naturally he can’t be, you decide for yourself, I’m still saying that, the club’s support for you is 100%, even if you name Messi and C Luo, I dare to write a check. "

   Ian El is holding his forehead, his boss may know these two stars, is it really interesting to them? As a qualified subordinate, you must learn to appreciate the holy will, so he coughed twice and asked, "Boss, do you like Messi and Ronaldo?"

   Love also looked at Yang Cheng in surprise. He knew that there are many local bosses who like to accumulate stars, but they often fail to score in the end and still need a coach to back up their skills. Wouldn’t Yang Cheng be such a person? Love felt unsure.

   Yang Cheng was stunned, and then laughed, "What do I like two men for? I just heard that they are the two most powerful stars on the planet. If so, why can\'t you play for us?"

   After finishing talking, I was afraid of Love’s misunderstanding, so I quickly made up for it, "Of course, everything depends on Mr. Love’s tactical requirements. No matter who buys it, it still serves the tactics."

The one who didn’t say anything was Yang Cheng. He was very anxious and hoped that Love nodded to Messi or Ronaldo, so he could ask Bernard Arnott for a blank check. This old guy wanted to take his own. Cheap, how can I do without a little blood? There are also major sponsors, one family paid a little, and it is not good that Yang Cheng would pick up a superstar for nothing without paying a penny. Thinking of this, his saliva almost came out. Unfortunately, Loew did not make a statement in the end, so much. Yang Cheng\'s heart convulsed, as if he saw countless small coins leaving him.

   And Love heard that Yang Cheng was so "sensible", and finally let go of his hanging heart. As long as the club\'s senior management does not interfere, he is still confident to lead the team.