Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 288: Unfamiliar number?

Yang Cheng finished his long speech and glanced at Musk. Although he still has some good feelings for Musk and his temper is very appetizing, but he is not soft at all. Goodwill and moral integrity are the two least valuable things in the world. He wanted to send out a wad at any time.

Of course, Yang Cheng is not really digging a pit and burying Musk, just want to take this opportunity to make some money, anyway, the large amount of cash in Tesla\'s account is almost useless except for car research and development. , In that case, why not make Yang Cheng cheaper?

Although the land in Yuanshan’s hands burned into charcoal due to the forest fire, and it is far away from the city center, the traffic may not be so convenient, but this does not prevent investment in the construction of a factory, as long as Tesla is sure to be on this land To build the factory, San Francisco City Hall must be very willing to provide infrastructure services for Tesla.

Musk is naturally ignorant of Yang Cheng’s careful thoughts. He is still immersed in Yang Cheng’s adversarial advice. In fact, many people have said similar things to him, such as Wall Street investors or his close partners. And his confidantes, but at that time the spirited Musk couldn\'t listen at all. The idea that "there are always people who want to harm me" has been lingering in his mind.

People on Wall Street, Musk felt that they were intending to embezzle his company; partners and subordinates were also misunderstood by him as jealous and seeking power to usurp the throne. To this day, Yang Cheng told him this as an outsider, almost everyone With all the ills that can be seen, Musk really dropped his heart to reflect, and it was the first time that he had doubts about the blueprints of the past.

   Trulla Riley is like a little sheep, and he can\'t even see what Yang Cheng, a cunning fox, hides what is not known for its nasty purpose under the words of ‘heart-and-heart’.

   This lunch finally ended in a harmonious and beautiful atmosphere. When he left, Musk held Yang Cheng and didn\'t let go. Yang Cheng was also happy to cooperate and cherish each other, wishing to treat each other as confidants immediately.

After bidding farewell, Yang Cheng took the elevator back to his private room, still recalling the scene when talking with Musk, a meaningful smile hung on the corner of his mouth, thinking about how to strengthen the relationship with Musk. , After waiting two or three times, you can almost propose to sell the land, but before that, you have to buy the land from your father.

   As for Yang Cheng\'s shorting of Tesla, in the end, Musk didn\'t mention it again. I don\'t know if he really forgot? Because of Yang Cheng\'s face, I am embarrassed to be entangled. Anyway, Yang Cheng didn\'t plan to keep going short. When he earns the expected number, he will leave the market immediately without any delay.

As soon as he entered his private room, a warm stream with a warm breath rushed over his face, Yang Cheng instinctively relaxed his nerves, removed the heavy "invisible armor" on his body, and took a sip of ice water from the refrigerator, refreshingly removed He hiccups comfortably after absorbing the heat in the body, and pushing open the bedroom door, he found Xu Xianzheng shrinking in the bed, eating fruit salad, staring at the TV with relish and laughing nonstop.

"Laughing so happy? Can you understand?" Yang Cheng took off her jacket and threw herself directly on the bed, but Xu Xian was shocked. The Feather Show is being replayed on TV, and the host Jimmy is showing his American humor and teasing Recent hot topics.

   Xu Xian patted the proud Shuang~feng who had lost her restraint strangely, and the white~flower~flower trembled and trembling, which easily made people dizzy, "I won\'t say a word when I come back."

Yang Cheng moved her body up, and put her head on Xu Xian\'s legs across the sheet. She found a comfortable position and smiled and explained, "It\'s you who are obsessed with watching TV, and I didn\'t even open the door to come in. Hear."

"Hey~ the show is so interesting." Xu Xian shook up her hair, put the glass plate with the salad on the bedside table, suddenly patted her forehead, picked up the phone and clicked on the screen for a while, and found a phone number Pass it to Yang Cheng.

   "Not long after you left, an old man called to the room to find you. I said that when you went down to eat, he left a phone number. When you come back, he will call him back."

   Yang Cheng glanced at the unfamiliar number on the phone in confusion, turned his head, and looked up at Xu Xian, who was facing the sky, "How do you know it is an old man?"

Xu Xian\'s big eyes blinked, put off his hair, turned his eyes, and his black pupils looked towards the upper left corner. This is a subconscious sign of people recalling something, "I can guess, the voice sounds like Very old."

   "Does that person leave a name?"

   Xu Xian thought for a while, and made sure that he hadn’t missed any important information, before shook his head, “I didn’t say anything, so I left a call and asked you to return it to him as soon as possible.”

Yang knew in his heart that the old guy Morgenthau could not sit still, but he was wondering, "Why didn\'t Morgenthau call on his cell phone? Instead, he called directly to the private room of the hotel. Don\'t you worry about the room being empty? Saying that this is Morgenthau\'s intention, is to warn yourself?"

Looking up at Xu Xian with a curious expression, his mind became heavier. Yang Cheng\'s instinct told him that Morgenthau hadn\'t taken any kindness during this call. I\'m afraid the other party just wanted to use Xu Xian\'s presence to remind himself, "Don\'t The lion speaks loudly, you also have weakness\'.

   Seeing Yang Cheng\'s brows frowning and tightening, Xu Xian was surprised, and at the same time, he cleverly stretched out a small and gently smoothed Yang Cheng\'s brows, "What\'s wrong with you?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, quickly cleared up his mood, and put a smile on his face again. He didn\'t want Xu Xian to worry about it, so he said relaxedly, "It\'s nothing, do you want to go out for a while? Change to a fresh tone, always bored in the room. not good."

Xu Xian was keenly aware that Yang Cheng was unspeakable, and she opened her mouth and wanted to let Yang Cheng say that she could share the burden together, but I don’t know how, those women of Yang Cheng appeared in her mind. Sunny sister, who is very close, couldn\'t say anything to her lips, and her eyes began to flicker.

Yang Cheng\'s thoughts were on the old fox Morgensau, and he didn\'t notice this scene. Soon Xu Hyun suppressed the complicated mood and shook his head, "I don\'t want to go out. There is no such thing in Korea to let go of everything and do whatever you want. You must not miss the chance to sleep until you are full."

Hearing this, Yang Cheng smiled helplessly, with a trace of pampering, rubbing Xu Xian\'s tender face, and sighed, "Well, then I will go back to the company first, and come back to pick you up for dinner after work? "

   "Well, I got it." Xu Xian nodded obediently, and had not forgotten to send the number on the phone to Yang Cheng to remind him to remember.

  . . .

After returning to the company, Yang Cheng sent Susu to help him make coffee. He picked up the phone and dialed the number Xu Xian left him. After waiting for tens of seconds, the phone was connected. The familiar voice was familiar. Taste, "Jason, you finally called back."

   It was you, Yang Cheng thought in his heart, and asked frivolously, "Mr. Morgenthau, what is it for me? Is it so mysterious?"

   "Tim Decay is with you, right?"