Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 279: Cigar Bar Secret Talk (2)

"Obicorn Estate? Yes, it is the champion wine brewed by Dimax in 1989 by Obicorn Estate for 30 years. This wine industry scores almost full marks. Now we have to find a bottle of 1989 in the market. It’s almost impossible for Obicorn Estate red wine. It seems that I have a good taste today, Mr. Murdoch, am I right?"

   Yang Cheng has a unique talent for wine tasting. It seems that every wine that enters his mouth can leave a mark.

"Yes, jason, don\'t waste such a good talent. With your tongue sensitivity, you should brew a wine yourself. You can definitely find the most beautiful and harmonious taste. I will save him thousands of bottles by then. Taste slowly.” Murdoch is not joking, but sincerely suggesting.

"As you say so, I also feel that I am very suitable for the job of winemaking. It seems that I have to send someone to the Bordeaux region to investigate and see if there is a suitable winery for acquisition." Yang Cheng seemed to be concerned. Really thinking about acquiring the winery to make wine by yourself.

   "Well, if you need help, even if you speak, I still have some connections in France." Murdoch took the initiative to lead the way very angry.

Yang Cheng used a spray gun to heat the cigar a little bit and slowly lit it. The flames circled the cigar head. "Then I thank Mr. Murdoch first, but before that, should we discuss Mr. Murdoch\'s housework? "

He quickly raised his eyes to see Murdoch’s gloomy face for an instant, and continued without being surprised, “Don’t worry, I will abide by the principles. I am not interested in interfering with Mr. Murdoch’s family affairs, but this afternoon, Mrs. Murdoch, oh no , She is already your ex-wife. Ms. Wendy mentioned to me a very interesting cooperation project."

   Murdoch knew that Yang Cheng hadn\'t finished speaking, and he didn\'t dare to relax. His expression was tight, and he even forgot to smoke a cigar.

Sure enough, Yang Cheng continued self-consciously, "Ms. Wendy hopes that I can help her obtain her share of the joint property of the husband and wife, which is the shares of News Corporation, for the sake of being a Chinese. As a reward, she will I did my best to help me win Sky TV. I have to say that I almost agreed at the time. Only the old man of God knows what a delicious cake Sky TV is."

   Hearing Yang Cheng’s words of regret, Murdoch really wanted to seal the mouth with a cigar. It was annoying.

   Of course, this is a joke. The truth is that Murdoch can\'t wait to kill the bitch. She just wanted to buy her own property, and it was unbearable to share her wealth with outsiders.

   could not help but said coldly, "Sky TV is indeed delicious, but it also depends on whether you have enough appetite, otherwise you will lose more than the gains if you die. What do you think?"

Yang Cheng narrowed his eyes, took a cigar beautifully, let the smoke swirl in his mouth, and exhaled slowly. The aroma and fresh stimulation of tobacco brought him double enjoyment, and he did not care about Murdoch\'s threat. , Retorted meaningfully, "It\'s better to die than to starve to death."

   Murdoch was frustrated, and Yang Cheng couldn\'t help it. After all, if you think about it, put Murdoch in Yang Cheng\'s position at this time, facing such a tempting reward, it is inevitable that you will not be moved.

However, he has lived for more than 80 years in this life, and the fairy reincarnated like a character. I dare not say anything else. He definitely has more grasp of the human heart than most psychologists in the world. "Since you come to meet with me and take the initiative to inform, you must Don’t want to be an enemy of me, let’s talk, what do you want?"

   Yang Cheng did not go around the corner, and said straightforwardly, "I want Sky TV."

Murdoch pressed his face down again, and was about to open his mouth to be interrupted by Yang Cheng, "Listen to me. If you want to completely take down Sky TV, including the 39% stake in News Corporation, it will take at least 20 billion U.S. dollars. I can\'t take it. With so much money, even if I had it, I would not gamble all the 20 billion on Sky TV. The reason that eggs cannot be placed in the same basket. I want to come to Mr. Murdoch to understand better than me.

After a pause, looking at Murdoch’s attitude, he was indeed listening attentively, letting go, and said, “And now News Corporation’s reputation in the UK is not good, or to put it bluntly, it’s already stinking on the street. Downing Street will not scorn public opinion and pass News Corporation’s application for a wholly-owned acquisition of Sky TV, but it will be different if it is replaced by an individual."

   Murdoch looked at Yang Cheng thoughtfully, bit his cigar and asked vaguely, "So, you mean to invest in shares, but not to participate in operations?"

   Yang Cheng smiled confidently, "Yes, but the premise is that you have to remove your trash son from Sky TV and hire a professional manager and team to take charge of the operation."

   "Impossible, News Corporation will not allow outsiders to intervene in internal affairs." Murdoch flatly refused without thinking.

   Yang Cheng was not in a hurry, "Nothing is impossible. Besides, Sky TV is not originally a wholly-owned subsidiary of News Corp. What about internal affairs?"

Murdoch was full of aura, trying to suppress the young man Yang Cheng with his aura, letting him retreat when he was in trouble, and even more mercilessly making things difficult, "Well, let’s not talk about the question of whether you intervene or not. Even if I agree to your admission, how can you guarantee that you will not fight News Corporation for the controlling stake in Sky TV in the future? I don\'t believe in the contract, let alone lead the wolf into the room."

Yang Cheng shook his head repeatedly, "Mr. Murdoch, don\'t think of me too narrowly. You and I are both businessmen. Although I am much younger than you, I am also a serious business man. The most important thing is interest. It is impossible to ignore billions of dollars of investment, go into endless internal fighting with News Corporation, and sit back and watch my own interests suffer."

For Yang Cheng’s seemingly correct and logical point of view, Murdoch’s eyes are full of loopholes. In his opinion, young people are more gambled. For the greater good, they will fight desperately. After all, Once News Corp. is driven out and owns the huge Sky TV station alone, then the potential benefits in the future will be the most lucrative. At least if Murdoch is 20 years younger, he will definitely do so in Yang Orange\'s position.

It’s a pity that Murdoch made a mistake. What Yang Cheng dislikes the most is endless struggle, because struggle will make him lose his optimism about life. He needs to enjoy the world and the life now, instead of fighting people. Dou Qu, watching the numbers on his book keep rising every day, but the actual expenses are still those.

Even if he sits on the throne of the richest man in the world, life will not become more fun, and the things that can be bought will still be those, and there will be nothing that can only be enjoyed by being the richest man in the world. In that case, he Why waste that energy?

   However, Murdoch did not express his thoughts, but asked, "How many shares do you want?"

   Yang Cheng was prepared for a long time, "38%, I will buy from other shareholders, up to 38%."

"Young man, you are really a lion open your mouth. This shareholding ratio has already approached News Corporation’s status as a major shareholder. As long as you don’t abide by your promise and freely acquire the shares of a minority shareholder, you can surpass News Corporation. I will definitely not Probably agree." Murdoch was furious, and the sofa armrest was photographed loudly.

   Yang Cheng buttoned his ears, slandering in his heart, "This old guy is not weak."

   said on his mouth, "Mr. Murdoch, I must remind you that if I stand with Ms. Wendy, you may not be in the mood to enjoy the cigar anymore."

   "Then you have to be prepared to become the lifelong enemy of News Corp and the Murdoch family." Murdoch is not afraid of Yang Cheng\'s threat. This is his confidence.

Yang Cheng stretched out his hands regretfully, "Why bother Mr. Murdoch? Although New Era Media has not yet formed, and may not be the opponent of News Corporation in the end, there is still great hope for causing serious damage to you. Wouldn\'t it be cheaper? Opponents? Such as Comcast and Viacom."

   "Hmph, kid, don\'t be sophistry, your ambition has nowhere to hide under the sun." Murdoch sneered coldly.

"Why not? We sign a secret agreement with a 15-year period. After 15 years, New Times Media will unconditionally transfer the shares of Sky TV to News Corporation at the market price. During the agreement period, New Times Media only needs to transfer the shares, News Corporation All have the right of first refusal, how about? I have stepped back again and again, and I hope Mr. Murdoch will give serious consideration to Yang Cheng once again proposed a new plan. He originally wanted to talk about 10 years. But I was afraid that this old guy would live a long life, so he retransmitted his words to 15 years. I didn\'t believe that Murdoch could live to be 100 years old. When everyone went to heaven to travel, who would care about the agreement?

   Besides, the world is changing so fast. Who can predict what kind of TV stations will exist in fifteen years from now? Maybe Sky TV is worth nothing in fifteen years. After the agreement is transferred, Yang Cheng will not lose money. Moreover, with the current Sky TV revenue, the investment can be recovered in less than 10 years, let alone the acquisition of Sky TV shares. How huge are the hidden benefits brought, in short, if this deal is concluded, it will be harmless to the new era media.

In fact, this kind of trick of stealing posts and changing posts is easy to be punctured, but Murdoch is old after all. The wolfishness that was once invincible has long been flattened by the years, and he has an attitude similar to Yang Cheng in his heart. For the few moments, to enjoy life as much as possible, for work, more with the idea of ​​supporting future generations, and then desperately expanding like when he was young, he is also powerless.

Therefore, for Yang Chengxin’s suggestion, even if he sees the flaw, he will not say it is broken, but is thinking about the feasibility that is most beneficial to him. No matter how hard he said before, it can’t resist the cruelty of reality. As Yang Cheng said, once confronted by New Era Media, even if it wins in the end, it will hurt both sides. News Corporation, which consumes a lot of vitality, can hardly stand in the first sequence in the global media field. The result is that he and the entire family. Are unbearable.

   Thinking of this, Yang Cheng doesn’t seem to leave Murdoch room for rejection, right? ...