Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 273: Reasons for divorce

(This chapter can be subscribed selectively, there are a lot of private goods, and I didn’t stop writing it...)

Looking back at Murdoch’s elevator slowly descending, Yang Cheng couldn’t help but slander, “This old guy is really weird, saying that personality is everything. Lao Mo can give up Anna who has been married for 32 years and Wendy who has been married for 14 years. Not surprised, this is the third divorce."

   The external media said that he was firm, ruthless, and decisive. Watching him buy and sell the company, he seemed to be very quick when buying and selling real estate. He never procrastinated. Even the marriage to Wendy was a flash marriage. Of course, the divorce was also very simple.

   And one thing Murdoch is extremely shrewd is that he has never given Wendy any News Corporation title, neither is on the board of directors of the group, nor even a management, let alone compensatory stocks.

   But Wendy is an extremely ambitious woman who is unwilling to take care of a one-year old man at home. She is more willing to wander around in various social occasions, use her long-sleeved dance skills, and enjoy the eye-catching life under the flash.

Since 2008, Wendy has used the resources of her husband’s family to get involved in the field of film and television production, and established the independent film production company "Giant Foot". As soon as she took action, she recruited the two Chinese and Korean beauty queens, Li and Jun Jixian, and led the starring Snowflake. Secret Fan is a big international movie, in which there are many international movie stars like Hugh Jackman joining to cheer, but the final box office is only 11 million U.S. dollars, not a problem on the street, changing other small companies can just jump off the building.

   There are many **** things in this movie, such as the Pomo Gate of the International Chapter! Bingbingfan took the initiative to give up the opportunity to enter the international film scene, and came to the international chapter with a deep affection! Bingbing Li relied on his sleazy English to win over Wendy\'s big thick legs and so on. In short, the gossip story involved in this movie can be a single book, called "Women\'s War" , Is absolutely a big fire in the urban sector.

Anyway, the ambitious Wendy was unfavorable, and then moved to the art investment field. Not only did he fail to help News Corp. make money, but instead lost the time to take care of Murdoch. The old guy wanted a woman who was so cold and inquisitive when he got older. Not only did his wife not take care of herself, but instead went out to make unreliable investments. Could it not make Lao Mo feel uncomfortable? This is one of the main factors for their divorce.

   What\'s more, Lao Mo is a quiet and indifferent person privately, but Wendy is lively and enthusiastic, loves lively and loves to attend parties, the polar difference in personality has long been doomed to them not going on forever.

In fact, by carefully analyzing and analyzing this stunning marriage, it is not difficult to find that interest is the fundamental reason for the two to go together. At that time, Murdoch, who was before Wendy, was at a time when the scenery was infinite. News Corp. killed all parties in Europe and America. With the exception of the country Z market, Asia has surrendered to the foot of this media empire. How could Murdoch fail to see how broad the future of the world’s largest single market, country Z, is?

  Unfortunately, when they entered the Z country ambitiously, they realized that the method they were used to was not applicable here. They hit a wall many times and never found an effective way.

At this time, Lao Mo got acquainted with Wendy who had come out of Country Z and received many seemingly beautiful suggestions. Moreover, based on the aesthetics of foreigners, the young Wendy is a big beauty, and it is estimated that she has never tasted the taste of Asian women. The attractiveness of the exotic atmosphere is very powerful. Just like many oriental men eager to conquer the Ocean Mare, under Wendy’s deliberate seduce, Lao Mo fell for a while, and decisively took Wendy into the palace of marriage, and soon Xing~ the crystallization of "love".

Later, some gossip media reported that Wendy had tossed for 14 years to help her husband enter the country Z, but found nothing. Under her suggestion, the cost of managing a certain family was calculated in billions of dollars. Spreading money tried to get through the ZF relationship, but within two years after finishing this house, he had to manage another one.

What\'s more deadly is that News Corp. has thus formed a reputation for being kind and generous. Everyone goes up to them for help and help. They use News Corp. as a cash machine. Even if they don’t do anything with money, Lao Mo has to admit it. The bigger you cannot give up, because the price of giving up is too high.

But in the final analysis, it was the magical land and huge space of Country Z that made Wendy\'s Cinderella story, but it was also this weird market that made Wendy finally break up with Lao Mo. Lao Mo paid a lot during this marriage. Yu harvest, or even a fiasco, may be that Wendy\'s ability or fortune could not help him. In short, he has now lost confidence and is ready to completely withdraw from the Z market.

As a result, Wendy’s meaning naturally becomes smaller. As a successful businessman, it is almost impossible to choose someone who does not help his career to be his wife. Even his ex-wife is also his employee and work assistant. Her private life is only organized, and turning her home into a warm harbor is also a help, but Wendy doesn\'t have them all. In Wendy\'s view, Lao Mo is just her stepping stone to the upper class.

   Of course, the most important thing is that Wendy’s own belly is unsatisfactory, and her two children are daughters. For Lao Mo, a staid media tycoon, only his son can inherit his family business.

The same is true of the facts. Currently, News Corp. only has Lao Mo’s 2 sons in operation, and none of the other 4 daughters are involved. Anna’s daughter Elizabeth once asked to be in charge of News Corp., but Lao Mo pours cold water on her head: once a woman is married, she cannot 100% devoted to work.

Therefore, if Wendy is left with a son, at least until the son reaches adulthood, she can guarantee that her status will not deteriorate, and she will be more confident to compete for her son’s huge wealth. How can she take the initiative? Do things that destroy the relationship between marriage?

   The reality is cruel. Wendy, who did not give birth to Murdoch’s son, naturally did not have the energy to spend time with an old man, get out as soon as possible, and get more money is the kingly way.

   However, Yang Cheng has also heard of some conspiracy theories. For example, the divorce between the two was caused by the pressure of the European and American ZZ forces on Lao Mo, asking him to cut off the chains of marriage as soon as possible.

   This argument is not without basis, everyone knows the British Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher, right? It can be said that Murdoch’s News Corporation held it up in one hand, and other British prime ministers also tried their best to please Old Mur. For example, Blair is the godfather of Wendy’s daughter, and even President Xiaofei Shoe has to visit his house and join Wendy. They have dinner and invited them to visit the White House. It is important to know that when they raise political views during the campaign or in power, they need the cooperation of the media to propagate. Lao Mo controls the media of the two major countries in Britain and the United States, and newspapers and Internet TV share more than 40%.

Basically it is equivalent to controlling the microphone. Give it to whoever wants to give it. Increase the volume if it suits his wishes. Let the common people know it. If it is unsatisfactory, mute it, so that you have nothing to say. This may be an exaggeration. But it cannot be denied that Lao Mo does have such power!

Now that News Corp. is divided into two, it is the critical moment of the transfer of power. Lao Mo is 82 years old. Those foreigners in high positions are naturally not fools. Knowing that Lao Mo may pass away at any time, Wendy will have children as his widow. , It is entirely possible to exploit legal loopholes or use other means to finally achieve the goal of controlling News Corp.

   (The argument that Wendy is a spy of country Z in Europe and America has a lot of room for survival)

   This empire that controls half of the world\'s media, once controlled by the people of Z, is equivalent to that Z can control half of the public opinion of Western society! This is naturally a good thing for Country Z! But the West will be afraid. In the future, whoever becomes president of the United States or the United Kingdom will be controlled by the people of country Z, and they will feel fear! So put pressure or lobby on Lao Mo! For example, they would tell Lao Mo: "You want to enter China, but Z~F will not let foreigners control public opinion. When you pass away, the wife of Country Z will be in charge of the group and give away the achievements of your life to Country Z for free."

   Can Lao Mo not worry about this? This is not a simple family property dispute. It has risen to control the political, economic, and weight leaders of European and American countries. It involves the interests of too many people. There are bound to be many invisible big hands manipulating and influencing them. It seems that only Wendy is Only by completely losing the influence on the group can their interests be guaranteed, and divorce is the only way to completely lose her rights.

   The legend is a legend after all. I am afraid that only the person involved knows whether it is true. At least for now, Yang Cheng is unable to grasp the exact information and can analyze the real reason for the divorce.

  . . . . . .

   looked back in the elevator hall of Wendy\'s mansion, and as Murdoch left, Wendy changed into the iconic wry smile again.

That\'s right, in Yang Cheng\'s eyes, Wendy\'s smile carries a natural bitterness, which is very awkward in her stepped forward to hug Wendy and veneer, after handing over the snack box, Yang Cheng He put his hands in his pockets and smiled and said in Chinese, "Thank you for inviting Ms. Wendy. This is the first time I have come here. I don\'t know what to bring. The dim sum in this restaurant has a special taste with black tea."

Wendy took the gift box, refused the help of the maid, and showed her intimate side. She also said in standard Mandarin, "Jason, you are too polite. It is our greatest honor to be here. You will definitely taste it later. Come, talk to you in the living room, and introduce you to some beautiful women. You can tell me who you like, and I will help you connect."

Wendy speaks very fast, her unconsciously strong side of her speech, of course, when facing Yang Cheng, she is more or less restrained, and the latent meaning in her words is very clear, the woman inside It may be prepared for Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng was very vigilant in his heart. He would never touch the woman Wendy introduced. He didn\'t want to leave the other side with yan~ photos, videos, etc.

This is not unfounded worry, her husband or ex-husband is the originator-level figure in the candid shooting world. News Corp. holds the black material of countless celebrities. Useful ones are reserved for profit exchange, and those that are useless are directly exposed in the newspaper and added to the newspaper. Sales, the eavesdropping incidents in the previous two years have not eliminated the impact. It is unknown whether Lao Mo will return to her old business, Yang Cheng, but Wendy’s unscrupulous work style in order to achieve her goal is clear to Yang Cheng.



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