Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 268: Call a hundred kilometers away

"It\'s hard to say, but once the FBI intervenes, it won\'t be a trivial matter." Eddie pondered for a while, but didn\'t dare to easily conclude.

Yang Cheng pressed the calling machine and called Hansen in, "Hansen, go and spread the news with your friends on the road, catch the gunman, and offer a reward of 500,000 US dollars. I just need to breathe alive and die. No money."

   "It\'s ~ Boss, but I watched the video of the crime scene. The gunman should have been on the battlefield." Hansen hesitated for a moment, and still said his judgment.

"Have been on the battlefield? How did you know?" Eddie instinctively didn\'t believe it. It is difficult for a righteous person to believe in the existence of a conspiracy, and vice versa. A pessimist like Yang Cheng never thinks that there is justice in this world. coincidence.

   Hansen grinned, murderous, and Sen said awe-inspiringly, "Because I have also been on the battlefield."

   Yang Cheng laughed silently, compared to a thumb, this one is better than pretending, it can score 99 points, one point less is afraid of his pride.

   "It\'s no wonder that in such a chaotic scene, you can still hit the target dozens of meters away, but why? Is a reporter worth hiring a killer to commit the crime?" Yang Orange muttered speculation.

   "Unless~" Yang Cheng felt that he had touched the truth, and his eyes became brighter.

"Unless he has something of high value in his hand, but I have read this information called Bill. It\'s just an ordinary free media person. There is no real estate under his name. There is only a second-hand Ford Mustang. What an ordinary person would be worth What people value?" Hansen is also a soldier who has led the special forces to perform various tasks. His analytical ability is many times stronger than that of Yang Cheng, a man who has only been trained by Sherlock Holmes and Conan.

   "News, reporters, videos, it\'s videos!" Hansen muttered a few key words in his mouth, suddenly he slapped him and found his idea.

Excitedly said, for the violent machine on the battlefield, nothing excites him more than human life, "That Bill must have taken a video of someone’s criminal evidence and tried to kill someone after being discovered, but he just didn’t know that. Where is the video now, was it found by the killer? Or was it hidden by Bill? Or it fell into the hands of the FBI."

Yang Cheng thought for a moment and nodded, "There is indeed a possibility, Hansen, this matter is left to you, let me check it, even if there is no video, I still have to know which big tiger the reporter struck. beard."

"Yes, boss! I must find out." Hansen licked his lips. The bloodthirsty look was terrifying in the eyes of Eddie, a literati. He subconsciously took a step back, pushing his glasses and said, "Boss, there is this in front of you. What to do?"

   Yang Cheng said suddenly, "What else can we do? The entire platform condemns the murderer and mobilizes the people to mourn the dead. Our company tries its best to make compensation within a reasonable range. After all, Bill is not a full-time employee of our company."

If you encounter this bad luck, there is no one else. Not to mention the damage to the holiday, you still have to pay a sum of money for fame. Although this money may not be enough for Yang Cheng to spend a day in weekdays, but it is not happy, because the money he The heart that digs is unwilling.

   Of course, if the video under speculation does exist and is taken by Yang Orange, it would be a different matter.

   After thinking about it, he added, "Remember to guide public opinion. I don\'t want to see our company being kidnapped by morals."

Eddie believes in this point. He has been in the media industry for dozens of years and has a clear deterrent to public opinion, so he simply agreed, "Boss, I have organized the navy to target bad actors on the Internet. Leave a comment and respond. I believe that if no one deliberately guides, you should not be able to turn the waves."

   "Also, can you inquire about the reason for the FBI\'s intervention from the side?" Yang Cheng nodded in appreciation, then leaned on the desk with his shoulders folded, frowning and asked with anxiety.

"Boss, on the contrary, I don’t think it’s necessary to keep an eye on the FBI’s movements. In order to compete with the CIA and NSA for resources and funding these years, they have become more and more flexible, looking for opportunities to participate in everything, not to mention what happened in New York. The shooting?” Hansen had many comrades who chose to work in the FBI after coming down from the battlefield. It is not surprising to have such an opinion.

   However, Yang Cheng still insisted on his own opinion, "Ask me, I don\'t want to be involved in any ZZ struggle."

   Hansen immediately replied, "Then I will use my comrades to inquire about the situation, and then report to the boss."

   "Okay, then everyone gets busy and solves this tricky thing as soon as possible, so that we can sleep peacefully."

  . . .

   Not long after Eddie and Hansen went out, the office door was pushed open again. Xu Xian poked his head and looked at it for a long time, making sure that Yang Cheng was alone, and then generously opened the door and walked in.

   "Why didn\'t you sleep for a while?" Yang Cheng heard the footsteps and raised her head to see that it was Xu Xian.

   Xu Xian turned off his hair, blinked his big shiny eyes, and asked with righteous indignation, "I can\'t sleep, lying in bed and watching the news, that murderer is really damn, how can he shoot innocent people."

Unexpectedly that this little guy is so jealous and hateful, Yang Orange clicked on Xu Xian’s full little Qiong nose and comforted, “Okay, things are unpredictable. All we can do is to catch the murderer for the victim as soon as possible and let the murderer get The punishment is due to comfort the victim’s spirit in heaven."

   "Boss, supper is coming." At this time, Susu was carrying the dining box in both hands, but stood at the door alive, and the old Gao with a small mouth could almost hang up the soy sauce bottle.

   Xu Xian, with his back to the door, popped out of Yang Cheng\'s arms, holding his hair awkwardly, and his cheeks instantly turned charmingly ruddy.

Yang Cheng did not have the consciousness of being caught, anyway, it was his women who had to meet each other sooner or later. What\'s the big deal, but he didn\'t pull Xu Xian back into his arms. Both were thin-skinned girls, lest they could not get off. Taiwan, beckoned to Susu, "You two should eat first, add some strength, and then go back to rest."

   "Aren\'t you going to eat the boss?" Susu was obviously more concerned about Yang Cheng\'s body than being jealous, and she didn\'t know if she came over to take the oath of sovereignty and asked with incomparable tenderness.

   How can I hide this little thought from Yang Cheng, let alone Xu Xian who came out of the intriguing entertainment circle.

Yang Cheng slapped Susu’s **** with a slap. The feel of the bomb made people feel refreshed. He stared and said, "What are you eating? Obedient, you should eat first. I have to watch the development of the situation, hungry. Do it yourself."

   However, just as Yang Cheng sat looking at each other, eating supper silently, feeling speechless to the two girls who were fighting silently, a phone call from a hundred kilometers away mentioned Yang Cheng\'s name.

More than 100 kilometers away from New York, on the highway to Boston, there was a dilapidated Toyota SUV parked with its lights off. If it weren’t for the flickering sparks in the window, it would have been a scrapped vehicle that had been abandoned for many years. Sitting in the driver’s seat is Yang Cheng and countless Americans who want to catch the murderer of the shooting. It doesn’t look like a patient with mental problems at all. On the contrary, judging from his logical thinking on the phone, he is still extremely shrewd and smart. Extremely calm professional killer.

The man looks very ordinary, with a round face, a beard, brown curly hair, a thin body, an ordinary height of less than 1.8 meters, without any identification, thrown into the street of Los Angeles, the group of homeless people, can not be found for a long time, but Who would have thought that such an ordinary middle-aged man would be a gangster who kills without blinking an eye.

   At this time, the gangster was reporting something to the phone, "What you need is not on Bill\'s body, I think it was hidden by him."

   The unknown voice on the other side, if heard by Yang Cheng, he would feel very familiar, but he couldn\'t remember who it was, "As long as I get the result, if you can\'t see the USB drive, you won\'t get the bonus."

The gangster slammed a fist on the steering wheel, "I will do what I promised you, but my daughter is waiting for the money for surgery. I hope you can be accommodating, otherwise you should know my ability. If my daughter has an operation If there is a difference, even if I chase it to the end of the world, I will kill you with my own hands."

   The unknown voice was very indifferent, and counter-threatened without fear, "Then you should also know that it will not fulfill my request, not to mention your hapless daughter, even you will be thrown to Alaska to feed the brown bear."

   "Huh, don\'t worry, I will find the U disk and hand it over to you before the deadline, and I hope you can believe it." The gangster squashed his anger and whispered.

   "Of course, I am not short of the 100,000 dollars. You called at a huge risk for this matter? I have to say, I am very disappointed in you."

"I just remind you of course not for this. Friends on the road told me that someone offered a reward of $500,000 for arresting me, and the person who issued the order was a bodyguard next to a rich Chinese man named Jason Yang. , I want to know what\'s going on? Why am I being targeted by a rich Chinese man?" The bandit quickly calmed down and asked.

The unknown voice was stagnant, and he was puzzled, "Jason Yang? Me too" he wanted to say that he didn\'t know, but suddenly the conversation changed, "Wait, when I think about it, Bill seems to be the headline of New Times Media. App feed, right? That\'s Jason Yang\'s business, **** it, this is a problem."

Of course, the gangster knew that it was troublesome. It was uncomfortable to be targeted by a top rich man. If he dared to take the risk of shooting and kill people in public for the operation fee of 100,000 US dollars, then it would be dangerous to protect them. The high bounty was given to him, which was half a million dollars.

   "The reward will make me think of a way to relieve Jason Yang. Before that, you should be careful and warn you again. Once you are caught, you know what to do. Before making any decisions, consider your short-lived daughter."

  The fierce bandit listened to the busy tone in the phone, snorted coldly, threw the phone down the window of the car under the bridge angrily, a few seconds later, it was crushed by a speeding heavy truck, and it was broken into slag.

   restarted the old SUV and drifted away in the direction of Boston. . .


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