Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 247: Palm Beach (2)

Although Palm Beach is located in the northern hemisphere, and the northern hemisphere has entered late autumn at this time, snow has even fallen in high latitudes, but Palm Beach also ushered in the peak of the flow of people at this time, but even so, there are not many people on the beach. First, because most of the beaches here are private areas, tourists from other places can only go to a few free beaches.

Second, and most importantly, many residents of Palm Beach do not live here for long periods of time. Instead, they use the properties here as holiday houses in winter. They only live for 2-3 months a year to shelter from the cold. The rest of the time is worth a hundred Tens of thousands or tens of millions of dollars of real estate are left unused. The resident population of the entire island is about 10,000, even if it is only about 30,000 in the current peak season, so you will never see the crowds in Palm Beach. The sight.

When Yang Cheng and the others arrived at Palm Beach, it was already 6 o\'clock in the evening Eastern Time. Under the orange-red romantic sunset, there was a peaceful and serene atmosphere wherever they went, and only occasionally a few elderly people were relaxing. Under the shade canopy by the sea, silently looking at the sea and sky, enjoying the beautiful sunset on the sea.

After getting off the plane, the convoy welcoming Yang Cheng and David Ellison went to Worth Avenue because they received the\'task\' arranged by Xiao Li. Worth Avenue is comparable to the existence of New York\'s Fifth Avenue. Major luxury brands and individuals The boutiques are all gathered on the avenue. The beautiful weather and the beautiful scenery like oil paintings, which are hard to buy, are the unique advantages of Worth Avenue, which is also unmatched by Fifth Avenue.

After getting off the bus, strolling on the street to the winery, many old ladies who seem to be in their 60s have stiletto heels and bright pink lips. They are as elegant as ladies, and they wear decent and decent clothes. , Wearing expensive jewelry, painted delicate makeup, even in middle-aged and old age, they still maintain a healthy and broad body and exquisite from head to toe.

Some of them are shopping with their best friends, some are holding their husbands, and the gentlemen are all in good spirits. The neat greasy heads, bright shirts and shorts, paired with shiny leather shoes, show off their strong muscles generously.

There is a saying, "A good man by your side is better than wearing countless gold and silver jewelry." These rich ladies seem to have both. If the conservative Z people see their dress, they will most likely criticize them. No Keeping women\'s way, but in fact this is a manifestation of a mentality, a young mentality that is not taken away by time.

Yang Cheng and David Ellison made an extraordinary move. They directly packed most of the wine stored in a winery. They loaded the truck and followed the convoy to Xiao Lizi’s manor. This guy organized a pool party and found the wine in the wine cellar. Not enough, it’s not just a call to Yang Cheng’s friends for help.

Driving on the endless coastal road, one side is the white sandy beach and the blue Atlantic Ocean, and the other side is the countless mansions. The private mansions of Palm Beach have a strong exterior design and each has its own characteristics. Unlike the Worth Avenue, it was planned by the Palm Beach District Committee. The manors around the waterfront are all tailor-made by the architects according to the preferences of the mansions. The owners of these mansions come from all over the world. Palm Beach has almost condensed the architectural and artistic features of the earth.

But there are also the same places. These mansions use a lot of green plants, such as palm trees, to shield the entire manor, not only for beauty, but also for privacy.

Little Plum\'s home is located on the southeast coast of Palm Beach, a manor full of Caribbean style.

"Hey, David, Jason, welcome your coming. In addition, thank you for your red wine." The little plum who received the notice greeted him outside the gate early as the host, and waited for the two to get off the car and send a warm hug as soon as possible.

"Leon, you still know how to play! How about? Are the girls here? I can\'t wait." Yang Cheng looked around, as if looking for a slim figure.

Little Li Zi shook his blond hair and joked, "Don\'t worry, the girls have just finished a day of training. It takes an hour to get from Miami."

David Ellison also added, "Don\'t mention it, if I hadn\'t stopped this kid, he would have rushed over the day before yesterday."

Yang Cheng gave them both a middle finger, "Don\'t pretend to be innocent with me. Why are you here? Don\'t you have a B number in your heart?"

Seeing the bickering, David Ellison had to change the subject, visiting the lush manor and saying, "Palm Beach properties are getting more and more expensive. Or did you start early with Leon. How much did it cost to buy this manor?"

Xiao Lizi led the two into the house and introduced the landscape of the manor by the way, "I bought it for less than 30 million U.S. dollars. A few days ago, my neighbor just sold his manor, which is slightly smaller than mine. It’s big, it sold for a full US$65 million. Although my place is not valued, how can I sell it for 60 million.”

Yang Cheng looked at the sparkling infinity pool. There was a busy scene by the pool. The workers had set up DJ stations and laser lights to prepare for the evening party.

Hearing the conversation between the two interjected, "To be honest, I am really speechless about the typhoon in Palm Beach at every turn, and it will not last long every year after I buy it. It is a waste."

Leon felt the same way, "You are so right Jason. The annual maintenance money makes me hard to fight. If someone offers a reasonable price, I will definitely do it."

David Ellison inherited his father’s style of being a tyrant, and waved his hand, "Leon, just transfer it to me? How about 55 million?"

Little Plum asked in Are you kidding? If it’s a serious 55 million, it’s okay. After the money is available, go to the north to buy a smaller manor. "

"Will I make a joke about this? That\'s it. When the party is over, I will send a lawyer over to complete the transfer procedures, but you have to give me ample time for the payment of the house and settle it in half a year." I can see David Erie Sen really likes this manor, walking along the way, touching the statues in the garden from time to time.

"It\'s easy to say, let\'s take you to meet some new friends. They are all neighbors who live nearby."

As a result, the three of them walked through the garden and walked into the main building. They swept their eyes, and they didn\'t have to spend much time on Xiao Li. They were all familiar.

Konrad Koch, the eldest son of the Koch family, Martin Gurus of Wall Street finance, printing giant Peter Brandt, Broadway producer Terry Klama, Robert Forbes, vice president of the company, and Schwarzenegger Ge, Tiger Woods, Beckhams and other celebrities in the cultural and sports circles, in addition to these business tycoons and entertainment big names, there are also several retired political celebrities, luxury designers and other fashion big names. No wonder Little Li has raised this manor for so many years. Refusing to let go, Xiao Lizi is a wise man who can weave such a rich network of resources, worth all the money!

Yang Cheng and David Ellison separated to greet the group of tycoons. Although people from the business and cultural and sports circles sat in the same living room, they were very distinct. Beckham was concentrated in the bar area, while the business leaders They were all sitting on the sofa, and only Schwarzenegger, who was the governor of California, sat with him in the last position.

Saying hello to Xiao Lizi, Yang Cheng and David Ellison came to Konrad Koch and found an empty sofa to sit down. They each asked for a glass of red wine. Then someone raised a topic, "Jason, New Era Has the media successfully acquired DreamWorks Animation?"