Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 231: Double ?????????

(Recently, I’m struggling with the plot direction. I’m afraid that everyone will feel flat when I walk in a relaxed style. I am afraid that everyone will be upset and difficult to choose. I am also thinking about new books these days, and I am a little confused. I\'m extremely sorry that the quality of the characters has dropped!)

The tea restaurant on the second floor of the Waldorf Astoria serves refreshments 24 hours a day. Yang Cheng ordered a few sandwiches, bacon, and asked Jansen for a cup of coffee and dessert. They found a quiet spot in the corner. Hansen four people And Yang Sen\'s bodyguard team sat around to ensure that the conversation between father and son is not affected by outsiders.

Meals still need time to make. Yang Cheng suddenly remembered what Jack Ma said last night and asked, "By the way, my family should also buy a few properties in Shanghai and Beijing. This time market regulation has to go up."

Yang Sen said suspiciously, "The house? We have it."

Yang Orange stared, "When did I buy it? Why don\'t I know?"

Yang Sen glared back, "I need to tell you when I buy a house?"

Yang Cheng touched the back of his head uneasily, "Ahem, isn\'t I depressed? If there is a house, I didn\'t tell me, I knew I would not stay in the hotel."

"You don\'t live often. The house is not taken care of, so it\'s convenient to stay in the hotel." Yang Sen was also joking. The waiter came to serve the food, and the two stopped talking temporarily.

After the waiter left, Yang Cheng took a sip of the orange juice and asked, "Where is the house? I will find someone to clean up, and I will go home to live in Shanghai afterwards. There is no comfortable hotel in the hotel."

"I didn’t buy the house for Tang Chen. Your grandfather had a good relationship with the Tang family. The founder of the Tang family passed away due to illness. Your grandfather never saw his old friend for the last time. I took the full amount of one of the top-level duplex units and gave it to your mother, and it has been four or five years in a blink of an eye." Yang Sen recalled the past with a moment of sorrow.

Yang Cheng didn\'t have that many feelings. Life, old age, sickness, and death conform to the laws of nature. Immortality is against the nature of heaven. People who dared to guard against the sky have not ended well since ancient times.

However, my grandpa’s contacts are really amazing, as if the Chinese under the world are all his friends, "This house has risen a lot. It is also a rare riverview mansion in the core area. There will be room for upward movement in the future. It’s worth doing."

Yang Sen glanced at Yang Cheng irritably, "Your kid is in the eyes of money, your grandpa doesn\'t have these nasty thoughts."

Yang Cheng retorted unconvincedly, "If I guessed correctly, Tang Chen\'s first product must have not sold a house when it first opened, right? If Grandpa didn\'t take the whole set, they might not be able to open it. As for the sales, the Tang family should be grateful to Grandpa for the reason."

Yang Sen laughed and shook his head, "Almost, it\'s really hard to talk about who owes whom. If you love it, go live, and we will have a place to go back to Country Z after we clean it up."

"Okay, leave it to me, just talk about business. I just flew over from London yesterday and met Abu at the Chelsea game. He talked to me... Brabura..." will cooperate with Abu. The matter was briefly described, including the new plan just reached.

"Are you saying that Abramovich has joined forces with several forces to rob the North Sea oil field?" Yang Sen asked in surprise.

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, "I was as surprised as you at the time, so that I ran away in an unimaginative way. If I hadn\'t had the inspiration yesterday and came up with such a solution, I would not dare to meet Abu in my life. "

"You are right. Our family can\'t participate in this matter, but the new plan you propose is not difficult to achieve. After all, if Delta Air Lines fully purchases Abramovich\'s fuel products, it is only the largest shareholder. The right to speak is not enough. The current Delta Air Lines board of directors has all kinds of ghosts and monsters. Who knows which side they represent? The tens of billions of dollars in fuel purchases can be solved in one sentence." Yang Sen repeatedly shook his head and said.

"I also considered this point, so I didn\'t say anything, but I think this is a good opportunity to introduce Abramovich and others to Delta Air Lines, and all shareholders who oppose our entry will be cleared from the board of directors, and there is fuel purchase. The contract is bound, and I am not afraid of Abu and the others." Yang Cheng chewed the caviar sandwich in his mouth, and did not savor it carefully, swallowing it in half.

"How many Delta shares do you own now?" Yang Sen asked, frowning.

"Less than 4%." Yang Cheng blurted out without thinking.

"Okay, keep this ratio and don\'t increase your holdings. It is more appropriate for Yuanshan to keep its shares at about 11%~13%. It seems that you have to ask your grandpa to increase your holdings indirectly through several banks." Said to himself.

Yang Cheng added, "Actually, we can also bring in Citigroup and use the conditions of increasing the purchase of Boeing aircraft as a bait. We don’t believe that the greedy Citigroup will not take the bait, and Citigroup will be on the board of directors, specifically responsible for blocking Egypt. For Sam Mobil’s troubles, wait until the time is right to find a way to kick Citi out."

Yang Sen emptied Yang Orange, "It\'s still your cunning kid."

"Fake Daofang Guo, my favorite book since I was a child is Thirty-Six Strategies." Yang Cheng shrugged and gladly accepted his father\'s ‘praise’.

"Alright, you can give me Abu\'s contact information. Don\'t get involved in this matter. Just concentrate on getting the New Era Media listed on the market. After all, it is the kingly way to hold a large amount of funds."

Not only did Yang Cheng not be upset, but rather happy. The one who laughed was called a heart-felt, heartless Yang Sen who looked at him for a while. It didn’t take much effort, there were people who made money for him and won the lottery. Isn\'t it fun?

Originally, Yang Cheng didn\'t like business wars and intrigues. His favorite was to spend time playing with women. Being an entrepreneur is the most troublesome thing.

In fact, don’t blame him for having this idea, but blame him for not choosing the timing of his rebirth. As early as 5 or 6 years, he could earn him tens of billions from the financial crisis and then dominate the world. , But what do you let him do at this time? There are pits and valleys, and good resources have long been divided up and exhausted, leaving Yang Cheng with a pile of leftovers. What do you ask him to do? Carrying a gun to robbery all over the world? Sorry, he is afraid of death.

However, he does need to make some money. Injecting 500 million US dollars into the acquisition of the Z movie theater line, so that the funds available to Yang Cheng once again fell to the more dangerous edge. After all, no one knows what the final purchase price of DreamWorks will reach. Astronomical numbers, it is better to prepare early.

Yang Cheng and Yang Sen chatted in the tea restaurant for more than an hour. After sending the old man away, they returned to the suite alone, looking at the beautiful scenery of the Huangpu River from the balcony, and reading the real-time news released by Bloomberg News from time to time, hoping to find inspiration in these news .

After working hard, I finally saw a piece of news about the continued decline in global oil prices, which had a knock-on effect on the new energy industry. It reminded Yang Cheng that just this year, Tesla’s stock price seemed to have experienced a sharp decline in a few months. Nearly one-third of the domestic market value has evaporated, and the magnitude of the decline has caused a follow-up report by the Z country media on the other side of the ocean. Yang Cheng also learned about this new energy company from the United States for the first time at that time.

In fact, it is not difficult to analyze the reasons for the decline in Tesla\'s stock price this time by combining Yang Cheng\'s experience in this life: First, the decline in oil prices. Crude oil prices have been declining for several months, which has directly led to the continuous decline of gasoline prices in the United States. Now the average price per liter is only 0.7 US dollars (about 4.3 yuan). This obviously has a great impact on the sales of Tesla, which is the main new energy. The monthly sales of Tesla\'s newly launched models in the United States will reach about 1,000 units, which is almost down to the level of the initial startup period;

Second, the battery factory to be built increases risks. Just a few months ago, when Yang Orange was browsing the business news, he read that Tesla announced that it would build a new "super battery factory" in Nevada. This factory is expected to be capable of producing 500,000 vehicles per year by 2020. Provide battery pack.

However, due to the large scale of this battery factory, the pressure on costs and budgets has risen sharply. More than that, the production of this battery requires the cooperation of many accessory suppliers, which inadvertently increases the risk of possible problems in the future. But the problem now is that if this battery factory is not built, Tesla’s third-generation car will not be available at the price and in the way it hopes. This is a complete dilemma, let alone holding Tesla shares. The professional investment institutions in China, even investors with a little bit of common sense have also analyzed it. It is strange that the stock price does not fall;

Third, insufficient production capacity and delayed release of new products. In the earnings conference in the first two quarters of this year, the CEO Elon Musk, who is as notorious as Larry Ellison, repeatedly emphasized that Tesla’s problem is not demand, but production capacity. Tesla has also delayed When the new car ModelX was released, the original plan was to launch this model by the end of this year, but this problem cannot be solved in a short time, and it is reasonable for the stock price to enter the downward channel;

Fourth, more and more competitors. Although there is no similar product on the market that can compete with Tesla’s Model S, more and more auto giants have joined the competition for electric vehicles. General Motors in the United States, Toyota and Honda in Japan are also They have announced that they will release new fuel cell models next year, and BMW in Germany has already released i3 and i8 models. These increasingly fierce competitions have further compressed Tesla’s equity ~The above are all important reasons why Tesla stock has suffered continuous sell-offs and the stock price has been on a downward trend.

In fact, the periodic rise and fall of the stock market is not news, but for a listed company, it is rare to see the stock price fall for several months, and for bloodthirsty vampires like Yang Cheng, there is no chance of sucking blood. It\'s even rarer.

I quickly searched for Tesla’s stock from the software and found that the stock price is still at a high level of about 300 US dollars, but the shorts have gradually gained the upper hand in the game with the longs. That is to say, if there is no accident, Yang Orange’s memory The short feast begins immediately.

Standing up to face the sun, spreading his arms intoxicated, embracing nature, and a ghostly smile from the corner of his mouth, there is nothing more happier than making money. Turning off the software, I found Ryze Khan and dialed out. . .


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