Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 228: High-end bureau (2)

"20%?" Yang Cheng and Jack Ma looked at each other, and then they both lowered their faces at the same time.

   In order to ease the atmosphere, the historical giant interjected, "You are going to jointly enter the theater industry? Don\'t you think it\'s too late?"

   After all, it was Jack Ma’s subordinate who had just spoken to. Yang Cheng was not good at swearing. After changing his own employees, he had already started spraying directly. Xiaoye’s money was blown by the wind? Is the budget made for nothing? To say that you are over budget is over budget.

After taking a sip of wine, he pondered for a while and replied, “Currently, in country Z, nearly 30,000 screens belong to less than 50 cinema chains. The market share of the top ten cinema chains is about 66%, and the top 4 The market share of large theaters is about 40%, compared with the top four theaters in North America, which account for 60%, the top three in South Korea accounted for more than 95%, and the top two in Australia accounted for 50% of the mature market. Domestic theaters still have huge integration space."

   Listening to the data that Yang Cheng opened his mouth, everyone\'s perception of Yang Cheng once again improved a step. This is because there are real talents in their stomachs, and they do not rely entirely on family help.

   The history giant nodded clearly, but still held a different view, "The cost of building a new theater is no more than 10 years ago, and I am still not optimistic about the development of this field."

As the tycoon of the entertainment industry, Huayi veteran Dong Wangjun has the most say, and he said for the first time tonight, "Indeed, the commercial real estate in core cities has become saturated, the space for new theaters is getting smaller and smaller, and the movie market has slowly After the ultra-high-speed growth stage, the premium space of movie theaters has been squeezed, and it will be even more difficult for new theaters to pay back."

Yang Chengchong Wang Jun raised his cup and respectfully said, “Wang Dong sees highly, so more and more large theaters are embarking on the path of merging small theaters. This will not only reduce the waste of resources, but the large theaters can also gain more upstream. At the same time, the procurement cost is lower, and the negotiations with film parties and suppliers are more confident. Moreover, the larger the theater chain, the more stringent and efficient business strategies it can bring to reduce costs.

Of course, these benefits are only small profits for ambitious theaters. Their real goal is to establish a giant company that runs through the upstream and downstream of the film. At present, the only hope that country Z can achieve this ambition is Wan Da. , And Jack and I saw this and started our cooperation on a snap. "

   Wang Jun responded with a cup and nodded and sighed, "Jason, your knowledge is rare among young people in China. Fortunately, you have not developed in China, otherwise Huayi will face a powerful and energetic enemy."

"Dong Wang is overly acclaimed. My personality is unconstrained, and I can’t let go of my hands and feet in China, and I don’t have the strength to settle down as a company. Even my new era media is left to professionals to take care of. , I would rather spare time to accompany the beautiful women to travel around the mountains and rivers." Yang Cheng was very clear-headed and admitted his shortcomings frankly.

   Everyone laughed~

Jack Ma, who didn’t know what he was thinking about, came back to his senses. He still had a sullen face and drank wine alone and said, “Although I am not a professional filmmaker, I am interested in this art and have done a lot of research. In this industry, the closest link to making money is always distribution.

Just like Bernard, after entering the 21st century, it has always been the largest distribution company in country Z. Later, Huayi used the power of capital to surpass Bona and become the leader of private distribution, and now Guangxian and Lux, including Jason said Wanda One after another, among these giants, Wanda has incomparable advantages in terms of ground publicity and film arrangement by taking advantage of the terminal advantage of the theater chain, so we still have a long way to go. "

   When Jack Ma mentioned Le Shi, Yang Cheng laughed subconsciously, which attracted the attention of several big guys.

   waved his hand awkwardly, "Don\'t get me wrong, Jack, I suddenly remembered an interesting event."

   "Oh? Say it, everyone is happy and happy together." Shi Giant joined the audience.

"It’s nothing, it’s what Jack said about Lux. My subordinates also submitted to me the financing report of Lux. I rejected it. To be honest, the fake music stopped in my opinion like a big fool, a typical example. As an idealist, ability is inversely proportional to brain power. I am not optimistic about the development of Lux. There is a big bubble as a whole." Yang Cheng is also on the top of alcohol and didn\'t care too much.

   Lin Ying\'s face changed, Yunfeng Fund also participated in the financing of Lux Sports, or she led it, "Jason, is there any basis?"

   Yang Cheng didn\'t want to say much. It can be seen that everyone who has looked over, wants to hear his different opinions from this young talent from Wall Street. You must know that Lux is the most popular Internet company in recent years.

That being the case, let’s pretend to be 13, organized some words in my mind, and smiled confidently and slowly said, “Le Shi’s biggest problem at present is that the business is too complicated. When its core business is not stable, it will I am eager to enter the ecosystem of upstream and downstream industries, such as mobile phones and TV. I heard that I will also enter electric vehicles. The ambition is too big, and I am obsessed with blindly spending money. The acquisition has no purpose, especially in the short-term sports such as sports. Long-term investment in the industry.

There are beautiful visions that are close in front of you but far away. I don’t deny that once they succeed, they will inevitably bring great profits, but all of these require a lot of funds to support. The rapid expansion of Luxe in a short period of time does not Compatible strength. "

In fact, this analysis is not difficult It’s just that people are used to walking on bright roads and unconsciously avoiding dirty and smelly waters. At the peak of Lux, everyone is chasing fake music stops. , Touted his great strategic conception, excellent and superior thinking, but deliberately did not think about the rationality of it, and was blinded by interests.

"Of course, this is just my family\'s words, so you don\'t have to take it seriously if you listen to it." Yang Cheng then added another sentence. As for people who are not serious, he can\'t control it. If things happen, they can hide their merits and fame. The highest level of 13.

   did not give everyone a chance to compliment, turned around and said back to the topic of the theater, "Jack, I think we have to change our plan, and continue the acquisitions one by one. I am afraid that we will miss the best time for the integration of the theater."

   At present, the joint team of New Times Media and Ari Films is in the first and second tier cities in Z country one by one in the north and south, and adopts the strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside. After that, the north and the south merge to form a new national theater.

   But now, it seems that this idea is a bit unrealistic. Is it necessary to withdraw funds and concentrate on a large-scale theater? Always raise the banner first before there is a play to sing.

   "Yes, but the top ten theaters in China are currently operating well. I am afraid it will be difficult to win without paying a price." Jack Ma approved Yang Cheng\'s suggestion.

   "Old Ma, Jason, you must bring Huayi with you in this matter." Wang Jun interrupted at this moment.

Hearing Wang Jun’s anxious tone, Yang Cheng couldn’t help but secretly laughed. He had heard of Wan Da’s grievances with Hua Yi. It’s not a day or two since Hua Yi tried to break free from Wan Da’s encirclement. Unfortunately, your uncle will always be your uncle. Got a thigh? Even if Pan Jinlian is reborn, it is useless!