Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2121: The meaning of rebirth (the finale)

For those who like to drift, this challenge is nothing at all.

But for a group of big men who had to have four bodyguards to walk their dogs, their ignorance of drifting and ignorance of the actual local situation caused them to stray into LAKELABERGE and were attacked by strong winds, but they almost collapsed.

In the past few days, they have experienced various psychological shocks such as excitement, panic, depression, grief, joy, etc., have endured huge physical exertion and mental pressure, and even experienced despair!

But in the end, they relied on their own strength to overcome all the difficulties and struggled to the end. This is definitely a memory worth remembering!

After experiencing these, they deeply realized that the world is full of joy and happiness, and felt the beauty of life and the preciousness of life.

When they returned to the world, their feet were down to earth, and it felt so good!

At this time, they have gray heads and faces, swollen hands and feet, scalp and body have been bitten by mosquitoes, and they have an unpleasant odor. Several young models who were very delicate at first have become like rural women. , But no one cares, everyone is immersed in the joy of success.

Although the whole process was full of twists and turns, it was due to their adequate preparation. They did not weaken their body due to lack of food and drink, that is, because they were exposed to the rain for a few days, which caused the whole body to feel cold, but this is not difficult to solve. The problem is that a cup of hot cocoa heats up their bodies.

Went to the small hotel booked in advance, and rushed into the restaurant and gobbled up a hot and delicious local home-cooked meal. They agreed that it was the best delicacy in the world they had ever tasted.

Each went back to the room, drank two cups of hot cocoa, took a quick hot bath, changed into wet, wet and dry clothes, the stiff body gradually recovered, the nervous spirit slowly relaxed, happy and happy It feels spontaneous.

Although they live in a simple "carbine" cabin, but the temperature of the fire envelopes them, it feels like a heavenly enjoyment!

According to the original plan, they slept beautifully in the cabin for the whole night. The next morning, they set off to the airport under the call of the bodyguards. The plane was full of fuel and could carry them across the Pacific at any time.

The wedding is finally coming!

. . . . . .

July 7 was originally an ordinary day, but I don’t know why, the celebrities in the entertainment, sports, political and business circles became extremely busy, and those who didn’t know thought that something major had happened.

However, when people search for news and there is nothing, the first hot-searched news in the headlines is still a livelihood news-the broken book of a certain unscrupulous dog author is finally over, and everyone is celebrating!

In fact, the excitement has started one after another since the day before yesterday. There are many self-media and paparazzi who have taken photos of celebrities and dignitaries appearing at the airport.

Journalists with good news went up to inquire about their destination, and the unified reply they got was a mysterious smile.

In the United States, in addition to the well-known Hollywood stars, there are more wealthy business people, especially Wall Street. The number of private jet departures at the two airports in New York has absolutely set a new record these days. flew away.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. The atmosphere on Wall Street has not been so suppressed in the past two days. It’s all because the big bosses who moved their fingers and the index will fluctuate are gone, the big bosses of various companies are not there, and the employees are not letting go. self?

If anyone is bored, you can take a look at today\'s timely flight status. There are countless airplanes flying towards Fiji. The simulated animation is like a tornado centered on Fiji.

Luo Yue and two other families flew to Fiji a few days in advance. Only Yang Cheng hadn’t arrived yet. He was late the day before the wedding. For this reason, Liu Yun was often complained by Liu Yun. As the protagonist of the wedding, he even did it. What the finale trick, too much.

Fortunately, the other protagonist Luo Yue doesn\'t care much. Anyway, the preparations are done. By this time, she is also a tool person. She is called by the wedding planner. She will try on clothes, rehearse, and try dishes. In free time, people don\'t think crazy when they get busy.

After Yang Cheng arrived, he was constantly trying on clothes and rehearsing. At the same time, he was also responsible for receiving guests who arrived one after another.

Although the island and Fiji’s airports have undergone several expansions, all for the cost of Yang Orange sponsorship for this wedding, the unstoppable situation is that the parking lot is full and it can’t fit. Some planes took off directly and flew to the nearby airport to park, and then came to pick up people after the wedding.

The family of the Yang family, led by Yang Yuanshan, took the Emerald Yacht and docked at Xiaodao Wharf early. Across the pier plank road from the Jade, the new super adventure yacht lory was docked.

This name has two meanings: one is Luo Yue\'s English name, Lorry; second, lory means parrot. The famous submarine in Verne is called the Nautilus, so this name also has the meaning of adventure. , In line with the attributes of a yacht, will carry Yang Cheng and his family to explore the secrets of the earth.

Luo Yue was naturally satisfied with the name. After the yacht arrived, he went up to visit from time to time, and took the initiative to arrange the master bedroom.

After Yang Cheng arrived, he immediately went up and turned around. Sure enough, the designer of the shipyard was still very professional. He perfectly fulfilled all his requirements and carried out reasonable planning and layout, so that the yacht would not become messy.

For example, the designer specially designed a mahjong room for the entertainment of the elderly at home, and did not put the mahjong table in a prominent place, otherwise it would appear very disharmonious.

The yacht integrates a wealth of entertainment facilities, as well as a small submarine for submarine expeditions. You can also take the submarine to run the road at critical moments.

The staff of the yacht manufacturer have been waiting on the island, seeing Yang Cheng showing a satisfied smile, their nervousness finally let go, which means that the final payment will be completed smoothly.

They didn\'t hesitate about this, because Yang Cheng was the happiest customer they had ever worked with to make payments. You must know that the Middle Eastern princes, who have always been known as local tyrants, also demand a lot of troubles when paying bills.

Luo Yue’s girlfriends group also arrived early and stayed with her, which made her feel that she was not so lonely. Moreover, on the eve of the wedding, the pre-marital ladies party organized by Kate personally made her play thoroughly. Of course, Yang Cheng was there. Women didn\'t dare to be too crazy. They didn\'t dare to use any tricks like a muscular man, for fear that it would make Yang Cheng mad.

Of course, the men\'s day group is not showing weakness. Although they have a pre-wedding party trip, they do not drink, and a pre-wedding party that does not drink is not perfect.

As a result, under Xiao Lizi\'s Zhang Luo, the male Tian Tuan was squeezed onto the Lory, consuming Yang Cheng\'s wine.

This time, Yang Cheng took out most of his wine for the wedding. His wine cellar was rarely empty. It is estimated that after marriage, his housekeepers will be busy again. It is their job to fill the wine cellar. One.

Drink all night, and within a few hours of sleep, the wedding officially arrived.

The sun was shining on this day, and the gentle sea breeze mixed with the faint fragrance of flowers lingered on the people on every island. This year, most of the roses produced in Damascus were rounded up by Yang Orange, so the island became a sea of ​​roses. Looking at the sky, the red roses and the blue ocean complement each other, which is beautiful.

The wedding adopts a combination of Chinese and Western styles. Before the ceremony, the procedures of receiving relatives and making trouble in the bridal chamber are incorporated. This is the first time for celebrities and big names to experience this kind of custom weddings. One by one was originally drunk, but the lively process was played out Up.

In fact, in terms of entertainment, Westerners play more openly, especially these big people who usually carry the shelves, here are their own people, there is no reporter, they don\'t have to worry about putting down the baggage of their idols and being sprayed by fans.

As a result, they completely liberated their nature, and a game of snatching relatives was played out of Skyrim by them. Little plum was the most active and became a tricky object for everyone.

In order to satisfy the strong curiosity of the bridesmaids, the group of best men, who are known as brothers and sisters, instantly betrayed the brotherhood and threw them into the swimming pool with the little plum.

Luo Tang Ji Yi Xue was taken by him!

The bridesmaids put on a trick, Yang Cheng let go of the words in advance, as long as they don\'t have the bottom line, they can play whatever they want, all they want is a joy.

In this way, under the gaze of those political and business leaders, Yang Cheng successfully snatched the bride from the torture of the bridesmaids, and personally carried him off the boat and boarded the wedding car. The convoy ran around the island and finally arrived. Amman Hotel, here has been arranged into a sea of ​​flowers.

The next step is the purely western-style process. Put on the formal wedding dress, walk on the red carpet, change the ring, take the oath, say Ido, kiss under the attention of hundreds of VIPs, and formally declare that they are married.

After that, it’s time for the chefs to show off. The combination of Chinese and Western dishes made all the guests enjoy themselves. The seemingly expensive ingredients are not available to the VIPs every day. Today, At Yang Cheng\'s wedding, it can be said that they have everything they need to eat.

Of course, these wealthy big men are not so shameless, and they have never seen them. After all, there are no alien ingredients, right?

Yang Cheng led Luo Yue to toast one by one at the table. The kind without water, really drank it. At the end of the drink, his whole body was broken, and he didn\'t know how he came here.

The most anticipated part of the bridal chamber was ignored by him. . .

This secret wedding of the century was finally exploded by the media. There was no other way. With so many people present, there were always a few who couldn\'t keep their mouths open. They not only revealed specific details to the media, but also exposed a batch of photos.

Yang Cheng didn’t bother to pursue it. It’s unnecessary. Besides, at this time, others are already floating on the sea and starting their honeymoon trip. They don’t see what is happening. Anyway, in this era, the popularity of any news lasts at most for a week. , No one will care a week later.

In this way, the Lory started its voyage, heading straight to the Great Barrier Reef from the Fiji Islands, during which time it would replenish fresh water on the uninhabited islands marked on the chart.

Then they went to Tahiti, which is called the closest place to paradise. After a few days in Tahiti, they went south.

This season is the midsummer in the north and the midwinter in the south. After the yacht sails over the equator, the temperature gets lower and lower. When it arrives in the waters near New Zealand, the people on the boat have already put on down jackets.

Now is not the best time to go to Antarctica. Although the yacht is big enough and stable enough, it is not enough to watch in front of the murderous westerly wind. They are honeymooners, not an adventure after all. There is no need to take a family to spit on the sea.

So they turned east before the westerly winds and drove towards the west coast of South America.

Traveling along Chile and Peru all the way north to Los Angeles for a short rest, not only the boat needs maintenance, but people also need to step on the ground to find a sense of solidity.

However, Yang Cheng returned to New York on the grounds of handling official duties. Luo Yue was left in Los Angeles by him to supervise the maintenance of the yacht, because the next phase of the journey will be longer. As their support, the Lory must guarantee The best condition.

But in fact, Yang Cheng\'s mind is all about the element that is about to be born. This girl who never asks him anything, even if he is not around, has no complaints, it is worthy of him to tell a big lie after the wedding!

Susu, who entered the hospital in advance, was in good condition at this time, because she was waiting for Yang Cheng, the biological father of the child in her belly, a man who told her what love is.

With Yang Cheng’s company and top-notch medical staff and equipment, the production process went smoothly. What made Yang Cheng gratified was that this child was a daughter, so he didn’t have to worry about competing with his real prince in the future. happened.

And the daughter is good. It would be better if she could be as beautiful as her mother. Yang Cheng would definitely make her the happiest little princess in the world.

As the first child in his two lives, this girl who was destined to be extraordinary at birth received a loving kiss from her father. At that moment, an angelic smile bloomed from her tender little face. The long eyelashes blinked and blinked, as if saying: You must be nice to me, I am the little angel sent by God to accompany you!

At that moment, Yang Cheng\'s heart melted. It turned out that having children is such a happy thing.

Reluctantly, he handed the child to the nurse and sent it to the incubator. Only then did Yang Cheng hug the woman who gave him such a beautiful daughter.

All kinds of emotions can only be translated into one sentence, UU reading "work hard~"

Susu who was exhausted, shook his head gently, "Is it a daughter? That\'s great~"

Yang Cheng\'s heart was shocked, this woman, who is still thinking of him at this time, what else can she say? Call yourself a scumbag? No need, the scum is scum, why are you still talking about these useless things, just double the care in the future.

He personally pushed Su Su to the room to rest, and after going out, Yang Sen asked, "The child hasn\'t named yet, do you think about it?"

Yang Cheng thought for a long time, and suddenly showed a meaningful smile, and said softly, "You can pick up the Chinese name. Find a nice and poetic name. As for the English name, it\'s Renee, right?"

Yang Sen whispered the English name, "Renne?"

Yang Cheng nodded heavily, "Well, Renne, it means rebirth!"

. . .

(End of the book!)

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