Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2102: Ask for monthly pass

"America indulge in life (

The Americans are still doing it. In August 1953, the United States C~I~A and the Sixth Division of the British Army jointly planned an operation code-named "Ajax", which directly overthrew the Mosadtai government through a zheng change. Satai himself was banished.

Although Mossadai is no longer in power, the nationalist sentiment of the Iraqi people is very high. Mossadai is the first ZF leader in Iraqi history to be truly elected by the people. When benefiting, this criterion can be trampled on.

Iraqi Lang refused the British-Iranian company to develop Iranian oil independently. The oil companies of the United States, Britain, France, and the Netherlands jointly divided the assets that originally belonged to the British-Iranian company and formed a new company: the Iraqi Lang Petroleum Joint Venture Company. Companies account for 40%, five American companies share 40%, Shell accounts for 14%, and French companies account for 6%.

The revenue of the new company is divided into fifty-fifths with Iran’s ZF. Iran can finally split the revenue equally with Occidental Petroleum, just like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. This is an important development before complete nationalization, and it can also be called quasi-nationalization.

The world laid down by the British-Iranian company in 50 years has suddenly become divided among the people. It must be in a bad mood. Fortunately, the Iranian ZF decided to spend 25 million pounds, and several new companies paid a total of 32 million pounds to compensate the British- The Iraqi company also received a royalty of 182 million pounds in royalties.

However, I don’t know if it’s outrageous. Yingyi Company officially changed its name to BP. Although this trademark has been used for a long time, it just doesn’t want to have any connection with Yilang anyway.

After a series of blows, BP\'s strength has declined severely. If there is no new cake to eat, I am afraid that the gradual decline will be their end.

But God has not forgotten BP. In 1969 and 1970, BP discovered large oil fields in Alaska in the United States and the North Sea in the United Kingdom. This gave BP a new opportunity to make up for its losses in the Middle East.

However, this has also forced the company to substantially increase its investment in exploration and construction, especially since the natural environment in these two places is extremely harsh. Wind and waves in the North Sea have swallowed BP\'s exploration ship "Ocean Treasure" and caused heavy casualties.

The tundra of Alaska, the interests of indigenous peoples and Greenpeace also put pressure on BP, so BP decided to sell some shares in oil fields in exchange for cash. In 1972, it sold 45% of the shares in Abu Dhabi oil fields to RB. , Received 700 million US dollars in cash.

Two years later, the conservative Dang stepped down and the stock price plummeted. BP’s major shareholder Burma Petroleum was on the verge of bankruptcy. In order to obtain funds and repay the loan, Burma transferred the 23% stake pledged to the Bank of England to the bank.

In this way, the British ZF and the National Bank together hold 74% of BP’s shares. Derek is very worried about ZF’s majority shareholding. He once told the Labor Party’s ZF Energy Minister Tony Ben, “ZF’s shares in BP should be controlled. Below 50%, so as not to damage the company’s reputation in the United States, New Zealand and more than 80 other countries and regions.

I hope that part of Berma’s shares should be sold publicly, as long as they are not sold to foreign ZF".

Tony Ben is one of the few staunch supporters of oil nationalization in the Labor Party ZF. As the Minister of Energy, he does not want the North Sea oil resources owned by Britain to be divided by foreign countries.

The differences between Derek and Ben are actually right from each side. As ZF, what he cares about is its own resources and ZF\'s control of strategic resources. He is not happy for unexpected countries to intervene in North Sea exploration.

Derek is concerned about the overall situation of the company. In other words, he only saw the North Sea, but Derek had the whole world in his mind. At this time, Derek probably wanted to say the most: You just know that you don’t want others to adopt Britain. But the oil we extract in other countries is far more than that of the United Kingdom.

However, because of the intervention of other European countries, the United Kingdom has less than half of the exploitation rights in the North Sea to which the United Kingdom belongs, and Tony Ben has completely abandoned the nationalization of oil.

At this time, the British economy was in its most critical period. The new Prime Minister Callahan had to ask the International Monetary Fund for assistance, and the Ministry of Finance also made a decision to sell some BP shares.

In 1977, ZF entrusted nine brokers to sell the 66 million BP shares it held. The proceeds from this "sale of the century" totaled 540 million pounds, alleviating financial difficulties.

Prior to this, the British ZF established a national oil company to maximize the possession of North Sea oil resources, but it was later acquired by BP. This is something later.

Until the autumn of 1986, the British ZF still held 32% of the shares in BP. The historical background of this era was the conservative prime minister, Iron Lady, who was making every effort to promote a series of economic reform measures, replacing Keynesianism with Thatcherism in an effort to reshape United Kingdom.

As a cure for the "British disease", state-owned enterprises were fully privatized. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance notified Walters, the then chairman of BP, to sell all the shares held by ZF.

This sale is fundamentally different from the 1977 Labor Party Callahan ZF’s need to sell shares to rescue the finances. For ZF, money is not the most important thing, but the reform is the most important.

The person in charge of the London Stock Exchange suggested that ZF, UU read www. "Because the amount of stocks sold on the market this time is quite huge, setting a record for the largest transaction on the exchange, it can be sold in three times within three years to avoid stock market shocks."

However, ZF did not accept it, and insisted on selling out. Obviously, the British ZF did not estimate the seriousness of the matter. They probably did not notice the prudent approach of the US ZF in handling the DuPont holding of General Motors in accordance with the antitrust law. DuPont It took many years to sell shares in General Motors as planned. In 1987, all of BP\'s state-owned shares were listed for trading, and ZF finally retained only 1.8% of the shares symbolically, but they were all sold in the end.

Because of the huge amount, the London stock market plummeted. As a remedy, ZF arranged for the Bank of England to buy some shares.

BP Chairman Walters warned the exchange that a large number of stocks may fall into the hands of foreign capital. This is a result neither ZF nor BP wants to see.

Walters’ warning soon became a reality. Since Kuwait, the Gulf country, completed the nationalization of its oil industry for more than a decade, it has accumulated huge foreign exchange earnings. With this proceeds as capital, the Kuwait National Investment Agency was established.

The wealthy bureau bought 13 of the shares of BP sold by the British Treasury, which is a 10% stake in BP.

The British ZF persuaded the Kuwaiti authorities not to increase their holdings, but within a week, the shares controlled by the bureau rose to 15%, 18% and 22%.

During this period, the British Foreign Secretary Jeffrey Howe and the US Secretary of Energy Parkinson met with the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Khalifa, and demanded Kuwait to end with the order of the two major powers. However, the Kuwaiti authorities turned a deaf ear to it and took the shot when it was time to do so.