Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2085: More pandas than councillors

In addition to oil resources, the North Sea has a high position in the global strategy.

It is the marginal sea of ​​the northern Atlantic Ocean. It is a relatively closed and open sea area with Great Britain and Orkney Islands to the west, Shetland Islands to the north, and Norway and Denmark to the east.

To enter the Atlantic Ocean, the Polar Bear’s Baltic fleet must pass through the North Sea, or it can only go to sea through the English Channel controlled by the United Kingdom.

Germany also faced the same problem. In the two world wars, the German Navy failed to break through the Royal Navy\'s blockade in the North Sea and could not obtain war resources from overseas. It had to fight land warfare honestly and eventually lost the war.

It can be said that the way out for the two continental power countries of Germany and the polar bear is blocked by the North Sea. Whoever controls the North Sea will have the right to speak in the marginal regions of Asia and Europe, and then squeeze the central area to complete the occupation of the world island.

After World War II, the United States squeezed the Soviet Union based on the theory of marginal zones. Europe was a very important strategic node. The North Sea was the top priority of the European defense zone and was responsible for the heavy task of encircling the Soviet navy.

And now, if Scotland becomes independent, it will inevitably regain control of the North Sea, and then become the capital of the United States and receive strong support from the United States. Presumably the United States is also happy to see a divided Britain.

It is foreseeable that Scotland will obtain a huge ZZ capital after independence. Together with the oil and gas resources in the region, it will account for 2/3 of the UK’s fisheries, 1/2 of the animal husbandry, and 1/2 of the optoelectronics, microelectronics, and life sciences. And the unique whiskey, as well as the developed tourism industry, will definitely become a small but very rich country, and the level of prosperity is probably no less than that of the four Nordic countries, or even more.

On the contrary, Britain will lose one-third of its land and one-tenth of its population, and its hard power will further decline. The most important thing is the lack of strategic resources and military fortresses. The blow to Britain is by no means measurable by data on paper.

Losing Scotland is equivalent to losing the barrier of the North Sea, which is equivalent to walking naked on the street without lifting your pants after going to the toilet, with the back door chilly. Can you feel safe?

Why else is William worried? Don\'t look at him, the current second-in-line heir, has little power, but the royal family is also based on a powerful country, so they have the confidence to be a mascot, right?

Otherwise, the king of a poor tribe in Africa will come to your house to dominate. Not only will your wife not give you money if he wants to sleep, but he will also spit on your face when he turns around. Would you take care of him in exchange for you?

It\'s all the same. From the current point of view, this life should be entered into the coffin with glory, but maybe William will face a fragmented Great Britain. What should he do?

Unless he has the confidence to regain control of the army and lead the army to **** Scotland back by gun. . .

Think about Ireland back then. Note: It\'s Ireland, not Northern Ireland!

In fact, looking at the map, Ireland and Northern Ireland are on the same island, the island of Ireland. This island is on the Atlantic Ocean, across the sea from the British Isles, and is not connected to England, Scotland, and Wales. It should be a country with Britain.

In fact, it was precisely because of the geographical separation that Ireland and the United Kingdom were not originally a country.

Since the 12th century, Ireland has been eroded by the British. In the 16th century, Henry VIII of England became the king of Ireland. However, the Irish people did not want the British to establish colonial rule on their islands. Therefore, at that time, everywhere Just uprising.

However, Britain was strong during the industrial revolution.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Ireland was officially incorporated into Britain and became a part of Britain, but this did not mean that the Irish gave up their pursuit of national independence.

In 1845, there was a great famine in Ireland. However, the British failed to provide effective assistance, which caused Ireland to starve and die. Coupled with the religious conflicts between the two sides, the already tense relationship became more fragile, and the Irish independence movement gradually became weaker. Kick off.

At the beginning of the 20th century, under the control of the pursuit of independence, Ireland established its own Parliament and Republican Army.

Subsequently, the Republican Army began to kill Royal Security Guards, ZF officials, and **** weapons and money. Faced with this situation, the British would of course send troops to suppress it, and the Irish War of Independence broke out.

Taking advantage of Britain\'s mire in the quagmire of a world war, Ireland really won many victories in this internal struggle.

Of course, neither was a large-scale battle that could be called a battle, or a small-scale guerrilla warfare, which made the British really unbearable.

Finally, at the end of 1921, the two sides reached an armistice agreement, and the British made a compromise. At that time, Britain had just experienced a war and was still in the stage of recovery. ZF believed that endless wars would weaken Britain\'s national power.

Moreover, the king also tended to reconcile with Ireland and gave a speech on "Irish Reconciliation".

In the end, the United Kingdom allowed the establishment of the "Ireland Free State", but the king of the Free State was still the King of England, a bit like the current Commonwealth member states. Of course, the Central ZF and the King of England had more power in Ireland at that time.

Nevertheless, once the gap is opened, the ultimate independence is only a matter of time.

Although Ireland launched a war for independence, it did not gain independence because it defeated Britain in the war, and from the perspective of the war situation, Britain seemed to be in a more advantageous position.

However, Britain finally chose to compromise and let Ireland move towards independence step by step. The current situation in Scotland is similar to that of Ireland back then. William has absolutely reason to be wary.

However, although the British had no choice but to accept the independence of Ireland, they dug a hole for Ireland. As early as the 17th century, a large number of English and Scots who believed in Protestantism, with the support and encouragement of the British ZF, immigrated to the northeast of Ireland. Area.

During the British bourgeois revolution, Cromwell promulgated the "Migration Act" after suppressing the Irish national uprising, deporting a large number of Irish people to the desolate and barren County of Connacht and the Bayou Coral. Since then, the British Protestant immigrants gradually gained an advantage in the northern region.

While the United Kingdom recognizes that Ireland has gained independence, but the six northern counties dominated by Protestant forces still remain in the United Kingdom. Of course, the British will not take people back, and Ireland will not be able to massacre its own compatriots. There is no other way but to pinch its nose. The division made the north become Northern Ireland under the rule of the Queen of England.

However, although the Northern Ireland region remained within the British territory after World War II, the choice of ZZ in this region was obviously maintained by the number of Protestants in the territory of "voting with their feet", which would inevitably lead to weaker localities. Strong dissatisfaction with the Irish ethnicity.

After all, this part of the Irish in Northern Ireland accounted for one-third of the number. They still hope that the six counties of Northern Ireland can join the Republic of Ireland, so these Northern Irish nationalists formed the "Irish Republican Army" and began to cooperate with the British government. Armed struggle for more than half a century.

The local English people also formed a royalist militants and clashed with Irish nationalists.

According to the agreement signed between the United Kingdom and Ireland, the Republic of Ireland recognizes Northern Ireland as a British territory, and the United Kingdom also guarantees the autonomy of Northern Ireland and the power of local Catholics.

After 2005, the various factions in Northern Ireland were in a state of ceasefire, but the issue of Northern Ireland did not end there. The hatred between the local Irish and English people in Northern Ireland will not be completely eliminated because of this armistice agreement. The issue of Northern Ireland will continue. .

Looking at the\'big brother\', Scotland has begun to take the lead in making troubles, and Northern Ireland can\'t sit still. Recently, the wind of independence has been raging, but compared to Scotland, Northern Ireland is much less in terms of geographical location and natural resources, so The importance of the British side is certainly not as high as that of Scotland, but it cannot be ignored.

If the loss of Northern Ireland and Scotland all of a sudden is equivalent to a one-half of the area of ​​the United Kingdom, then it is ashamed to be called a kingdom? Is it called Great Britain?

Just call Little England!

Aside from historical issues, Scotland’s growing independence is at least half of the reason attributed to the conservative British guests.

Historically, the British conservative dang has been unwelcome in Scotland. The conservative dang has resolutely opposed granting Scotland the right to "autonomous" like Ireland. The "head tax" was first implemented in Scotland during the Thatcher period and it has also intensified the conservative dang and Scottish voters. The contradiction between.

In the three general elections since 2001, there is only one conservative Scottish member in the British Parliament.

There is a joke circulating in the Scottish zheng community: There are more pandas in Edinburgh Zoo than conservative dang councillors in Scotland-there are two pandas, and there is only one conservative dang councilor.

Cartwheel, which came to power in 2010, implemented stringent fiscal austerity for Scotland, drastically cut welfare expenditures, and provided financial assistance to Scotland far inferior to its predecessor ZF.

So the Scottish national dang took the opportunity to create a trend, saying that after "separation", it can implement flexible economic and fiscal and taxation policies and reclaim its jurisdiction over the North Sea oil and gas fields, so that the Scots can live a good life.

The Scottish Secession Movement is driven by both economic interests and ZZ, but this does not explain everything.

It is worth noting that the Scottish separatists have found a new "theoretical basis" for independence: The British ZF ignores the fact that Scotland has better preserved its own language, judicial and cultural traditions, and blindly emphasizes Scotland\'s ZZ and social values, such as free Higher education, generous pension policies and a positive attitude towards European integration are completely different from other parts of the UK.

The logic can be simplified as follows: "I" (Scotland) and "you" (England) are different in "values", so "I" must be independent.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to add to the crime-Lao Tzu wants to be independent, how can you help me?

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