Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2082: A farce without a future

Outside the Spanish territory, the foreign power that has long shown interest in Catalonia is neighboring France.

However, there is an insurmountable Pyrenees mountain range between France and Catalonia. The reason why Charles the Great’s grandfather was able to block the attack of the Arabs also benefited from this mountain range. Niya’s support and control are destined to not last long.

This is why Catalonia ultimately had to be integrated into the modern Spanish map.

However, the special location close to the Mediterranean economic circle has won Catalonia a unique advantage.

Compared to the dry-climate capital Madrid, located deep in the plateau, Barcelona, ​​the central city of Catalonia, is undoubtedly a sea city with great potential. Driven by it, Catalonia, which has a land area of ​​only 6% of Spain, has 20% of Spain’s population, and at the same time created 25% of Spain’s GDP, and its economic strength is significantly stronger than that of other parts of the country.

In order to balance the national economy, since the end of the last century, about 10% of Catalonia\'s GDP has been used to subsidize poorer provinces.

Therefore, like almost all developed regions in the world, Catalans are also complaining about transfer payments from the country and have never had a good impression of poor areas far inland.

Especially after the 2008 financial crisis, Spain\'s economic recovery has been slow, and the unemployment rate has been higher than 10% for a long time, and it was even as high as 26% at one time, all driven by the engine of Catalonia.

In 2010, Catalonia’s response to Spain’s economic recession was to elect the nationalist Atulmas as the regional chairman.

With the support of this independent promoter, Catalonia once held an independence referendum in 2014.

The promoters of the referendum ignored the Spanish Constitutional Court’s ruling on the illegality of the referendum. More than 2 million questionnaires were sent out across the autonomous region and a “symbolic vote” more like a poll was conducted. The interviewer supported the establishment of an independent nation-state. This is the end of Catalonia\'s disappointment with the Central ZF.

However, will Catalonia gain more economically after its independence? The answer is difficult to say.

On the books alone, Catalonia after independence will become a small and rich country with a GDP per capita exceeding Italy, and Spain\'s main part will be on par with its small neighbor Portugal, or even worse.

But such good data is only on the books. Catalonia’s main source of income is the shipping industry and the supporting industrial system. The infrastructure in Spain and the agricultural products needed by the northern countries are the income of Catalonia. Solid guarantee.

If the region becomes an independent country, the "border effect" in foreign trade will appear: trade frictions within the same political entity are in any case lower than foreign objects with similar conditions.

At that time, Spanish products may refuse to go to Catalonia to go to sea, and prefer to be transported from Valencia in the south or Santander in the north to the European continent.

From this perspective, the Valencia and Santander regions are very supportive of Catalan independence, and they will reap huge benefits from it. Maybe it is the second Catalan.

This is still under the assumption that the Spanish ZF does not use retaliatory policies. If Madrid uses its advantage of controlling the lifeline of European food to coerce EU countries to block Catalonia, the lives of people here will be more difficult.

In terms of currency, once Catalonia chooses to leave Spain alone, it will inevitably face the temporary absence of the euro as a legal tender.

The best case is to reapply to join the Eurozone, but with Spain\'s strong opposition, this road is destined to be difficult. If you choose to use your own currency, rebuilding the exchange rate system will still be devastating to business development.

It’s okay if you don’t join the Eurozone, but there is really no way out. The neighboring countries are in the Eurozone. Can Cathay and Thailand cut off contact with neighbors?

In addition to economic uncertainty, Catalonia\'s ZZ identity is also embarrassing.

The European Union has not yet dealt with the history of joining regions first withdrawing and then joining. Catalonia will find it difficult to reintegrate into this big family and become a vacuum zone between France and Spain even if it is an independent country.

NATO is also unable to provide legal protection for it within a short period of time, and its defense system must also be built on its own, which is another heavy burden.

Of course, all these troubles are based on the true independence of Catalonia, and in the current situation, they are not qualified to think about them.

Madrid has made it clear that all forms of resistance, whether it is demonstrations, referendums or riots, cannot change the fact that Catalonia is Spanish territory.

The European Union has also stated that it does not support Catalan independence. Brexit has exhausted the European Union and greatly increased Europe\'s geographic instability.

In the context of Europe’s desire for unity and peace, the chaos in Catalonia will only bore European leaders.

In fact, some Catalan customers asked the European Commission whether Madrid’s approach complies with the rule of law and whether it violates human rights.

But the European Union seems to have no enthusiasm for investigations. European Commission President Juncker reiterated that this is an internal affair in Spain and that the EU is inconvenient to intervene, and called on the Catalans to "see unity and stability, not division."

It would be great if they could apply this calm and restrained mentality to the internal affairs of other countries.

In short, recently everyone\'s independent mood has been very high, and these lonely nobles are also ready to move. These people are probably all dreaming of the restoration of the country, and imagine that one day, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is back to the monarchy, but now, unless the world is lighted up, it will be difficult to reproduce their past glory.

Compared to the Baron, William seemed to be dissatisfied with this independent mood, and seemed not cold about regaining the power of the royal family.

He took the initiative to divert the subject, "Don\'t talk about this, or talk about our business. Is there a chance to get out of Bavaria in the future?"

William\'s eyes were fiery. He felt that this trip to Germany was really worthwhile. At the same time, he admired his business vision. It can be said that investing in Yang Cheng is his most powerful handwriting.

After all, since the cooperation with Yang Cheng, his net worth has more than doubled. Outsiders thought he was a gnawing old clan, but in fact, he had already got rid of the shadow of his father and walked out of his own way. , He is the richest person in the entire royal family.

Well, it seems that a dignified nobleman shouldn\'t talk about money. It\'s a bit vulgar, but vulgar is vulgar. What things in this world are not bought with money?

What love? Oh, this word is not in the royal dictionary!

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