Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2078: Independence of Bavaria?

Three powerful, powerful and wealthy men got together and inevitably talked about ZZ. The Baron said meaningfully, "Britain Brexit has brought a good start~"

William was inexplicably, "What do you mean?"

"Initially, the mood for independence was very high. Recently, because of the British taking the lead, the voice of Bavaria\'s independence has been higher than the waves~"

Yang Cheng asked, "What do you think? You also want independence?"

"From the perspective of the family, independence is indeed good for us, but this is not realistic."

What the baron said is true enough. In recent years, due to the overall economic downturn in Europe, a large number of nationalism and regional separatism have risen, and European countries that have always regarded themselves as democratic and equal have begun to worry about the issue of sovereignty.

In addition, Brexit has caused a counter-integration trend, which makes the European integration model of the European Union widely questioned.

As the engine of the European Union’s economy, Germany has always been praised for its strong Germanic national will. However, even in seemingly monolithic Germany, there are also internal divisions. It is the largest federal state in southeast Germany-Bavaria. In the latest survey, more than one-third of Bavarian respondents wanted independence from Germany, which is not low.

In fact, Bavaria joined in halfway, so how could they expect them to have one heart and one heart toward Germany?

Open the history book, after the fall of the Carolingian dynasty of the Charles Empire in 843 AD, the entire East Franconian kingdom, that is, the German region, consists of four regions, namely the four principalities of Saxony, Franconia, Swabian and Bavaria.

Since the dynasty is almost gone, a king has to be elected to rule. The representatives of the four principalities of the East Franconian Kingdom have discussed and decided to let the West Franconians be the East Franconian king.

But this again caused dissatisfaction from the nobles. They said that they would find someone to be the king after the division. Is this waiting for restoration? But the upper-level decision can\'t be opposed.

As a result, a West Franconian duke named Conrad became the king of the East Franconian kingdom.

The following year, the ruler of the Duchy of Saxony, the Duke of Saxony, passed away. The new Duke of Saxony was the son of the former Duke, Henry the Birdcatcher.

When Henry first came to the throne, King Konrad proposed to deprive the Duchy of Saxony of the land of Thuringia. This move angered the newly appointed Duke Henry, but he did not directly confront the king. After all, he directly declared war on the king. In case the king unites with the other three principalities, he has no chance of winning.

So he angered the King’s adviser to the Archbishop of Mainz and drove the Mainz church out of Thuringia.

King Konrad was not stupid, knowing that this Saxon had the idea of ​​rebellion, but in other principalities, Henry did not directly oppose the king, so the king could only send his own brother to crusade, and the result was the battle of Eresburg. , Duke Henry won a big victory, the king could only lead his army to come.

Henry avoided his edge and chose to retreat to his own territory to stick to it. The long-term confrontation was only harmful to this new country. Therefore, the king had to sign an armistice agreement with Henry. This also made Henry the first in history to defeat the king. The duke who kept his possessions.

Not only that, in 918, before his death, King Konrad believed that "the luck of the king" had been handed over to the Saxons, and Henry changed from a duke to a king. This was also the first king from this region in German history.

The matter has not ended this way. Swabian and Bavaria, who have always been unknown, jumped out. Why are you Saxons king? Swabian is relatively safe, Bavaria directly elected its own king, wanting to be independent from the East Franconian kingdom, that is, the German region.

The newly appointed King Henry saw this situation and knew that he would not do anything. The throne was also unstable, and first took down the vacillating Principality of Swabia.

The isolated Bavaria did not flinch upon seeing this, intending to start a protracted war.

In fact, Henry was also involved in another battle at the time, and that was fighting with West Franc for Lorraine near the Rhine.

The two-line battle made Henry unexpected. On the one hand, Lorraine changed hands to West Franc, which meant that there was no hope of regaining. On the other hand, the siege forces against Bavaria could not be withdrawn. As a last resort, they had to negotiate with the King of Bavaria, and Bavaria gave up its independence and vowed to King Henry. , And King Henry guaranteed the independence of Bavaria. On the surface, Germany completed the unification for the first time, but power was still not concentrated on the king.

Everyone can tell that Bavaria is now a country within a country. Henry didn\'t think it mattered. His son Otto I didn\'t think so. My dignified king couldn\'t control the affairs of his own territory? However, there was a previous contract, and there was nothing to do with Bavaria.

It was not until the death of the former King of Bavaria in 937 that King Otto I felt that he could test the attitude of the Bavarian region towards unity and made a small request to withdraw the privileges of the Bavarian church.

The young king implemented his plan too early, causing the new duke to directly raise the flag of rebellion, but he did not expect that this was just the tip of the iceberg that the duchy was dissatisfied with the Saxon king.

Earlier, Otto’s half-brother, Tangkmar, had asked for a frontier title. Otto rejected his proposal, which made Tangkmar resent, and the eager Duke of Franconia and the Duke of Lorraine colluded with West Frank. Foreign forces elected another brother of Otto to openly revolt, and the whole country was in chaos, and the throne was in jeopardy.

Okay, Otto understood why his father had compromised back then. Everyone obeyed the royal family\'s orders and only gave the royal family face.

In 939, the Duke of Lorraine on the Rhine once pushed the king to a desperate situation. At a critical juncture, Swabian, who had been silent among the five duchy, entered the war and decided to stand on the side of the king. Otto finally put down the rebellion and saved his father. The pioneering dynasty.

Otto also learned a lesson from it. After that, Otto used a series of methods to "retaliate" the duchy. Frankia even lost the duke forever, and the entire duchy was directly taken over by the royal family;

The person who took over Lorraine was Otto’s friend; for the hero Swabian, Otto allowed his son, the next emperor, to marry the daughter of the Duke of Swabian to establish relatives; and Bavaria was later awarded The canonization was given to another surrendered duke who was in the rebellion not long ago.

In other words, since the Carolingian Charlie Empire split into the middle and east parts, the true rule of Bavaria has never been owned by the king of East Franconia.

Henry the birdcatcher did not take back his sovereignty, and his son Alto only handed over his sovereignty to an unrelated surrender duke.

In the next hundred years, all the kings who took office were unwilling to interfere in the relations between several principalities. It would be easier to stay away if you had time to settle down.

Germany first smashed Bohemia, which is now the Czech Republic, to the east, and then directly intervened in internal disputes in Italy. Although Italy was half pushing Germany, it ostensibly joined the Kingdom of Germany, and then rebelled immediately after the army withdrew.

Thus, based on today\'s German territory, a new country called the "Holy Roman Empire" was formed.

One more thing, this Holy Roman Empire is neither sacred, because it has nothing to do with Catholicism; nor is it in Rome, just because the emperor of the country needs to go to Rome for coronation, which is simply the vest of the German Empire.

Indulgent Bavaria was gradually controlled by a family named Welf. At first, as the Duke of Bavaria, Welf III only married his sister to the royal family, and then ensured that the Welf family would rule Bavaria forever. Welf IV’s His son Hei Henry forcibly planned part of Saxony\'s land to Bavaria based on royal relations.

Hei Henry\'s son also married the daughter of the then Holy Roman Emperor Lothar II, and even relied on being the son-in-law of the former emperor to run for the throne of the Holy Roman Empire.

Most of the territories, including the Saxony region, were controlled by the Welf family from Bavaria, and the Holy Roman Empire was gradually eroded by this family.

At this time, an emperor of the Shenluo Empire came to the throne, he was the famous "red beard" Frederick Barbarossa.

The title of "Red Beard" comes from his six expeditions to Italy. The blood of the Italians dyed his beard red, which is enough to show his cruelty.

Frederick\'s mother was born in the Welf family, but in order to become the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and consolidate his position, he decided to strongly weaken the Welf family that controls Bavaria.

Although Frederick succeeded in ousting Henry, the Duke of the Welf family in Bavaria, the power of the Welf family can only be suppressed, but cannot be eliminated.

The family power is deeply rooted in all walks of life in Bavaria, and it strives to insert the family members into the top empire.

Frederick’s operation similar to the “cutting of Tibet” in the history of our country, UU reading can only stop the Welf family from expanding its power, and let Bavaria, the family’s nest, continue to rule. , But don’t be too independent, just give the emperor some face.

By the end of the Middle Ages, the Holy See\'s economic extraction of various places reached its peak.

The wealth that Germany handed over to the Holy See in the early 16th century was more than twenty times higher than the taxes levied by the emperor at the end of the 15th century.

The oppression and exploitation of the Holy See were resisted by people. Martin Luther from Germany set off a vigorous religious revolution. However, his reforms were not thorough yet, and people who were persecuted by the Holy See still felt that they were not enjoyable enough.

So the broad masses of the people defected to Minzel, another leader who advocated more radical anti-Holy See, and it was under the leadership of Minzel that a large-scale peasant uprising broke out in Germany.

The insurgents mainly came from three places, namely Franconia, Saxony and Swabian.

As an ancient principality, Bavaria is absent.

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