Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2052: Bringing goods in India?

Anyone who has a certain understanding of finance knows that in mature capital markets, they must only speculate in large-cap stocks and only speculative long-term value investment stocks.

This is the case in the United States. Most of Nasdaq\'s trading volume is concentrated in a few companies such as Apple, Google, and Facebook.

But in the current country Z, it is an examination and approval system, not a registration system, and it will continue to speculate on small, poor, and chaotic.

Of course, the people of Country Z are very smart, and they all understand the principles of mastering barbarians to control barbarians. Gradually, they will absorb excellent foreign experience and apply them to themselves. For example, the science and technology innovation board that country Z is currently engaged in is registered. Slowly, the ChiNext and the Main Board will also start the pilot registration system. It can be seen that the registration system is a historical trend and is irreversible.

Therefore, the concept of speculation and the tricks of speculation and speculation must be increasingly difficult to make money, and it will become an increasingly important trend to monopolize outstanding core assets.

Especially as more and more foreign capitals come to the Z stock market, they must choose outstanding assets to invest.

The same principle applies in India, but the key is to take advantage of the time difference.

Whether it is basketball or football, playing fast counterattacks with a time difference is the easiest way to score, and there is a time difference in making money.

In the past, a new industry basically started from the United States, to Europe, to RB, to the Four Little Dragons of Asia, to India and Southeast Asia. The United States led by about 30 years, Japan led by 20 years, and Dawan and Xiangjiang led the mainland for 10 years. .

The simplest example is that Daiwan Xiangjiang started real estate speculation more than 20 years ago. The concept of real estate speculation was only introduced in the mainland more than 10 years ago, or the concept is well-known to the people.

Ten years ago, in Dawan Xiangjiang, after-school tutoring was a very profitable business, but now, there are many large cities in mainland China.

Not all cities in the mainland start at the same time. In the case of real estate speculation, starting from the four super-first-tier cities, then to the second-tier provincial capitals, then to the third, fourth and fifth-tier cities, and finally to the small county town. This routine can take advantage of the time difference.

From city to city, the time difference is getting smaller and smaller with the birth of the Internet, so the trade industry is getting more and more difficult to do, the news is no longer blocked, how to fight the time difference, the front foot opened an Internet celebrity milk tea shop in Beijing, and the back foot was chained to the whole country The time difference between the front and rear feet is only one month at most. After one month, you will not be able to catch up with the trend. What money do you make?

But when you put it between countries, the time difference here is still huge. Now the per capita GDP of country Z is 10,000 US dollars, India is 2,000 US dollars, and India is country Z about 20 years ago.

But it does not mean that there is an economic time gap to make money. Two conditions must be met. One is that the market is huge, and the other is that the product is just in demand.

Now India meets these conditions. The population base is the same as that of Country Z. The Internet market is huge and rigid. India’s smartphone penetration rate has become very high. The Internet is about 3-5 years ago.

The popularity of smart phones in big cities reaches 80%, and in rural areas it reaches 50%. The era from 3G to 4G is being experienced. Mobile phones are basically monopolized by country Z brands. Well-known domestic mobile phone brands can be found in India.

Whether it is in the rural areas of India, urban-rural areas, or slums, you can see small M, V, and O terminal retail stores. Whether it is an airport or a highway, there are V and O billboards everywhere.

The three M/O/V companies have become India’s national mobile phones. The most important thing is that the sales of these three companies are in short supply in India. All three companies are building new factories in India to meet India’s huge sales demand.

The sales volume of the V family in India in one year is moving towards the 50 million mark. You must know that the total sales volume of V in the mainland of the country Z in one year is less than 50 million. No way, the H family’s recent reputation is too big. It is normal to support, but it is normal, after all, the positioning is also different.

But in India, V is a high-end brand. Perhaps in the near future, India will surpass the mainland and become the largest market for domestic mobile phones.

Not only mobile phone brands, but also those influential domestic mobile phone component suppliers have also made a fortune in India!

Due to the rapid popularity of mobile phones, Internet products are developing very fast in India!

Of the 2 billion Facebook users worldwide, 800 million are accounted for in India. MS short videos under New Times Media have been downloaded close to 1 billion in a short period of time in India, and the stable users are close to 200 million. The global growth rate has surpassed several Facebook posts. street.

Not only the Internet, even if you are a GLD player, as long as you grasp the time difference, you can make a lot of money in India.

There are particularly many poor people in India. The poor account for 90%. Credit cards and consumer loans are things that specialize in making money for the poor. In the past few years, P2P, which was notorious in Country Z, has plenty of room in India!

Because Indians are particularly good at singing and dancing, MS short videos are especially suitable for the Indian market. Yang Cheng also met with the employees of MS India branch this time. One of the senior officials from country Z proposed to rely on MS short videos in India. Build a platform similar to TB, and online celebrities will live broadcast the goods. Some will definitely do it.

Since MS entered India, the number of Internet celebrities cultivated has not been enough. The channels for this group of people to make money are actually very narrow. In order to tie up their traffic, MS has been trying to find a way. Live streaming is absolutely desirable. The general psychology of the poor They are all willing to buy discounted items. This is not discrimination. When you have no money, you will naturally find ways to save money.

Therefore, online celebrities bring discounts on goods, which will definitely make 90% of the poor in India obsessed, and if there is cheap, it is not for nothing!

But there is a problem mentioned earlier. The problem of logistics cannot be solved, and it may be difficult to carry goods on a large scale.

Think about it. I finally got a discounted item, but I found that the freight was added when it was shipped home. It was the same as when it was not discounted. What is the purchase? Fun?

Not only is the freight issue, but the efficiency is also very slow. Indians are too lazy, and expect to deliver goods 24 hours a day. It is better to expect them not to eat curry.

Of course, whoever raised this issue will find a way to solve it. Yang Cheng has no ability to change the taxation policies of various He also wants to try the water in Mumbai, if the water is deep enough. If possible, Allen’s scourge will have a place to play next.

It is convenient for foreigners to trade stocks in India. An intermediary company provides one-stop service. Yang Cheng wore sunglasses and restored his identity as a rich second-generation. He opened a trading account with an intermediary company and smashed $10 million into it with a wave of his hand. .

Several Indians almost kneeled to serve.

Yang Cheng waved away the redundant staff, leaving only one young trader who seemed pleasing to the eye to help place the order.

"Man, don\'t be nervous, I don\'t eat people, let\'s just play around. If it\'s convenient, please give me a list of today\'s increase rankings first?"

The young man is nervous. In fact, he is considered to be a high caste in India, but his deep-rooted class concept tells him that in front of people like Yang Cheng, it is better not to sneer. His high caste can only bully India. Low caste, fried hair with Yangcheng? I don\'t know how to die.

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