Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2038: A 3's gust of style

If Asan’s 1.4 million army is nothing but an understatement, curry is still a bit nutritious.

After all, although Ah San didn’t take the Ba Tie, but Ba Ti could not help Ah San, but seeing that Ah San was such a behemoth but it could not help Ba Tie such a small country, I always felt that Ah San is a "soft persimmon", anyone can The kind of pinch, of course, there is no inversion here, they are indeed soft persimmons, but the core inside is very hard, and it is still quite toothy.

How can I say that Ah San is an extremely unconfident country. In the past, because of insufficient cultural level and insufficient popularization of national education, the overall quality of military soldiers was not high. I often see that Ah San particularly likes to model some fake military heroes.

In contrast to Ah San’s lack of self-confidence, Pakistan Tie is the opposite. The Pakistan Tie brothers have never shown weakness in the conflict with Ah San in Kashmir.

We must know that the annual military expenditure of the Pakistani brothers is less than 10 billion U.S. dollars, and the annual military expenditure of Ah San has reached 44.7 billion U.S. dollars, ranking fourth in the world. Ah San, who should have been quite tough, is soft and soft in front of the Pakistani iron. Persimmon means to force a wolf with a big tail!

Ah San\'s lack of confidence is manifested in his command of the army and the quality of the army.

Pilots crashing fighter planes in the Pakistani railway often happen. Originally, fighter plane crashes were caused by machine failure or improper operation by the pilot. However, the A-San media and the Air Force Command had to create a flying hero. It was portrayed as a "hero who fought wits and courage with the Pakistan-Tie fighter" and even claimed that its own pilot shot down a Pakistan-Tie fighter, but in fact this is a lie.

Afterwards, the pilot himself had a poor face and admitted through social videos that he had been shot down. Then Asan went mad, a national sensation, and the Asan Air Force directly became the target of Qianfu.

Similar things happen every year. If you don’t drop dozens of planes a year, you won’t even be up to standard this year!

In fact, this country is still a bit similar to South Korea, but the Koreans will at least pretend to produce a bunch of movies to criticize ZF, but Ah San is completely disdainful of doing such things, just praise it!

But regardless of him, Yang Cheng doesn\'t care about the nature of Ah San. If he is allowed to take a share of the huge military expenditure every year, he is willing to do anything!

But what\'s the selling point? Fighter? It seems that there is no shortage of Asan. Dassault Company has just delivered the first Rafale fighter to Asan, and Asan has ‘opened up’ it. At this time, if Yang Cheng carried the F18 up, he would definitely be scolded back.

However, there are still follow-up training, cargo delivery and other procedures to be carried out after the delivery, so the Asan Air Force will have to wait until around May 2020 to officially install the first batch of Rafales, and we will wait.

Yang Cheng couldn\'t help regretting, why didn\'t he think of this big local tyrant, what happened to the French?

It should be known that the process of Asan’s acquisition of Rafale can be described as twists and turns. The medium-sized fighter bidding plan gradually took shape in the late 1990s. Model research began in 2001, but the selection was not completed until 2012, and only the initial import of French Rafale fighters was reached. intention.

It was not until last year that a formal purchase order was signed. A total of 36 complete machines were imported. The total order amount was about 8.7 billion US dollars. After more than ten years of tossing, Ah San finally married Rafale home.

In the early 1990s, the A-San Air Force began to realize that the number of multi-purpose fighters it was equipped with was seriously insufficient, and could not provide sufficient precision strike support to ground forces.

From the perspective of the composition of fighters, the main air superiority fighters of the A-San Air Force at that time were the Polar Bear’s MiG-29 and MiG-21. The ground attack was mainly carried out by the Jaguar and MiG-27 attack aircraft. The only multi-purpose fighters were The French "Phantom-2000" has a clearly unreasonable fleet structure and poor multi-purpose performance.

So by the end of the 1990s, the A-San Air Forces began to simultaneously promote three types of bidding plans for heavy, medium and light fighters, including orders for 126 medium multi-purpose fighters, with an investment of about 9.8 billion U.S. dollars.

The heavy fighter in the bidding plan for the three fighters was the later Su-30MKI, which is the main air dominance fighter of the A-3 Air Force.

In the next eleven years, there were a total of six types of fighters bidding, including the American F-16 and F-18 modified models, the European joint research "Typhoon", the French "Rafale", the Swedish "Gryphon", and The MiG-35 of the polar bear.

The U.S. F-16 and F-18 fighters have outstanding overall performance and rich experience in actual combat. However, after the nuclear test at the end of the last century, Ahsan had lingering fears of being subjected to strong sanctions by the U.S., and the U.S. requires that arms exporting countries must be strict. Compliance with the restrictions on the use of weapons also made Ah San subject to the United States.

Asan not only restricts the technical specifications of the bidders, but also considers factors such as the degree of comprehensive technology transfer and payment flexibility. From this perspective, the purchase of F-16, F-18 and even F-35 The possibilities are very small.

This is regarded as blocking the way for Yang Cheng to get a vote.

In addition, the U.S. was upgrading the F-16 fighter jets for Pakistan Railways at the time, and there was a plan to continue exporting F-16s to Pakistan Railways. Asan was naturally unwilling to buy a weapon that his opponent was very familiar with. Moreover, Asan did not use US-made weapons. System experience, the replacement cost is also relatively high.

As a country that has been equipped with a large number of polar bear fighters since the 1960s, the MiG-35 improved from the MiG-29 seems to be a good choice for Asan, but the 35 was still in the initial development stage at the time. If you want to buy, you must share part of the research and development expenses.

When the T-50 was jointly developed with the Polar Bear, Ah San intended to let the Polar Bear transfer the key technology of the aircraft, but how could the Polar Bear agree that Ra San joined the partnership to make them be taken advantage of. As a result, Ah San invested about 200 million US dollars in research and development. The cost has been lost.

According to the polar bear\'s usual routine for dealing with Asan, this R&D expenditure will only increase, and the quality of the final product is still unknown. In fact, it is equivalent to Asan paying money to help the polar bear develop weapons.

Even if Ah San is stupid and reluctant to continue to do this "success" At the same time, due to the diversification of defense equipment sources, Ah San will not buy 35 immediately after purchasing the Su-30.

In addition, Sweden’s “Gripen” light fighter was directly out of the game because it could not meet the technical specifications of A3’s medium-sized fighter. The “Typhoon” fighter was jointly developed by many European countries and was easily dragged down by complicated export restrictions and was abandoned.

Brazil, which also had a demand for multi-purpose fighters, finally chose the cheaper Gripen, mainly because it was cheaper. 36 Gripens only cost $4.8 billion, and the hourly flight cost was only one-third of the Rafale. about.

Of course, the lion can\'t replace the role of the gust, and the gust should be bought.

However, the "Rafale" fighter was independently developed by France, with almost no constraints of the ZZ problem. It has good multi-purpose capabilities, and the shipboard requirements were considered at the beginning of its development.

This is the best choice for Asan, who has used the "Phantom" series fighters for many years and has extremely strong aircraft carrier ambitions, even if the price of Rafale is more than twice that of the Lion!

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