Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 203: Celestial being

The game takes some preparation time to start, and on the Sunset Boulevard where Yang Cheng was crashed yesterday, a conversation about him is being staged in a red Porsche.

"Siqian, your car has been rear-end collision?" The question was Liu Tianxian\'s mother, Liu Xiaoli, a woman with many demeanors and classic style of the Z country.

Liu Tianxian, who was driving, glanced at his mother and nodded blankly, "I didn\'t pay attention when I was reversing and hit a sports car."

Liu Xiaoli frowned, "Are you okay? Why are you so careless? The other party didn\'t bully others, right? How did you deal with it in the end?" All the energy of Liu Xiaoli\'s life was put on her daughter. It can be said that her daughter is her life. There is nothing trivial about the daughter.

Liu Tianxian turned the steering wheel helplessly, parked the car on the side of the road, turned his head and explained solemnly, "Mom, I am fine, and the other party is also very good. No one is bullying me. I left the phone number for the other party and the maintenance bill came out. Will contact me, and I will pay the price."

"You child, doesn\'t Mom care about you? Why is she still impatient?" Liu Xiaoli raised her hand and pointed her forehead with her index finger, and said with a smile.

If it were changed before, Liu Tianxian would definitely put her arms around her mother’s arms and act like a baby, and fool around, but now it’s different. She wants to change something, “Mom, I just want to tell you that I’m not young anymore. I can take care of some things by myself. Don’t look at me like a child anymore. This burdens me a lot. Even if you want to fall in love, you must consider whether you will agree. Please give me some space. ?"

Liu Xiaoli stared blankly at the daughter who inherited her beauty, and suddenly realized that her daughter has grown up, no longer a child, but an adult, and knows how to distinguish right from wrong. This is a good thing, so Liu Xiaoli is no longer like before. That way, because my daughter lost her temper because of her disobedience, she said with a gratified expression, "Well, you should be in charge of your affairs, but I still have to pay attention to the crash this time. I can afford to drive a sports car. People are definitely not ordinary people, and it is easy to provoke right and wrong if they are handled carelessly."

"Mom, I\'m already 27, um~ wait, mom, do you agree?" Liu Tianxian continued to persuade along the way, and suddenly reacted, did his mother agree?

"Yes, I agree, silly boy, did you hear what I said?" Liu Xiaoli asked lovingly, touching her daughter\'s hair.

"I heard, thank you mom, don\'t worry, the other person is nice and talkative, he has neither lost his temper nor deliberately made things difficult for me, and he is of Chinese descent." Liu Tianxian smiled like a flower, and his bright smile seemed to infect the whole street. It cannot be suppressed for too long.

"Chinese? Hearing your description, that guy should be of good character, or would you take the initiative to call and ask about the situation? It\'s also a good destiny, don\'t you want to fall in love? If you don\'t say it\'s an opportunity this time. "Liu Xiaoli chuckled jokingly.

"Mom, that\'s what I said. How can it be so easy to talk about a relationship seriously with my current status?" Liu Tianxian put his mother\'s arm around and refused to follow the way. If her fans saw this scene, I\'m afraid they would drop their jaws. Come down.

"I\'m not suggesting it. Besides, this is the United States. There are not so many flashing lights chasing you. Forget it, you think about me. I\'ll just get off here and go shopping. You can go and go home early in the evening." Now that Liu Xiaoli agreed to her daughter, she naturally did what she said, and she pushed the door and got out of the car after telling her daughter.

Watching his mother disappear into a storefront, Liu Tianxian wiped the corners of his wet eyes emotionally, took out the phone after hesitating for a moment, found the number saved yesterday and pressed it down.

. . .

"Hello, this is Jason Yang." Yang Cheng, who was in the golf club, was changing clothes and sneakers in the locker room. His pants were only half off, and he could only answer the phone with his shoulder.

"Em~Good afternoon, Mr. Yang, I am Crystal, do you remember me?" Liu Tianxian\'s weak voice sounded, making Yang Cheng take off his pants as a pause, and then pressed the ecstasy in his heart, but this girl took the initiative Come home.

"Oh, of course, do you have something?" Yang Cheng asked calmly.

"It\'s okay, I just want to ask if the bill came out? I feel very sorry to hit your car." Liu Tianxian replied truthfully.

"The bill hasn\'t come out yet, so let\'s go. If you are okay, you can find me at the golf club at this address. When I am done here, if you invite me to dinner in the evening, it will be your compensation. How about?" At the door, Yang Cheng was not polite, and decisively used routines to create opportunities for the two to meet.

"Is this bad? How about I book a restaurant and see you in the restaurant at night?" Although Liu Tianxian grew up under the wings of his mother, he is also one of the most famous Xiaohuadan in the country. He suffered from rumors. Since ordinary people have collapsed early, can they grow up in such an environment without any vigilance?

It\'s a pity that Yang Cheng didn\'t give her a chance to refuse again, and directly made a choice for her, "What\'s wrong, it\'s so decided, come here quickly and give me my name when you arrive, someone will bring you to me. "

After speaking, he hung up the phone, whistling frivolously, the rhythm was very cheerful.

A few minutes later, a group of people stood on the tee area terrace and pointed in the direction of the first hole. The first hole of this course was designed very directly, with a par four and a spacious passage. If the strength is used properly , Enough to drive the ball to the edge of the river, and then fight for the green with the next shot.

"Mr. Eisner, you tee off first." Yang Cheng did not bring his own exclusive club, but rented the club’s top clubs. The feel is also good. As a sportsman, Yang Cheng has enough Confidently defeated Michael Eisner to win the gambling game. He has been an invincible player in the amateur world. If even an old man can\'t do it, he will lose face in playing golf in the future.

"Huh, I know how to respect the elderly. Okay, I\'m not welcome." Michael Eisner\'s stinky temper was changed and ordinary people would never be able to stand it. Yang Cheng just smiled and didn\'t say much, raising his arm and making a please gesture. .

With a crisp sound with metallic sound, the white golf ball rose into the sky against the setting sun, and flew towards the river in a beautiful parabola.

Yang Cheng didn\'t stingy with applause. This shot was really good. It was excellent in strength and angle. Even compared with the young and strong guy, it seemed that the old guy was determined to win.

After the applause fell, Yang Cheng did not hesitate, stepped forward and placed the golf ball on the tee, stepped back and tried to swing. After the body became familiar with the strength to be used, he stood in a standard posture in front of the ball with his feet Slightly wider than the shoulders, looking from near to far, waiting for the moment when the skin feels a slight stagnation of the breeze, the lower body is tightened, driving the upper body to twist and exert force, if you make a rendering of Yang Cheng at this time, you will see a wave of strength from The lower body condenses, as he swings to the highest point, all his strength is concentrated on the club head, and then draws an arc to fall and act on the golf ball.

It was also a "pop", which was crisper than Michael Eisner’s serve, and everyone clearly felt that the golf ball’s momentum was faster than Eisner’s, but it had not yet climbed to the highest level. point.

This time not only the friends who watched the game, but also the spectators and caddies who heard about the gambling game coming to join in the fun, they all made exclamation sounds, because watching this posture golf can easily fly over the river, in other words, Yang Orange has a tee shot of at least 260 yards, which is already a distance that professional golfers can hit. You must know that on the tour three years ago, the average teeing yards of all players was only 290 yards.

When the golf ball landed and bounced a few times, but still did not stop the potential energy of forwarding, everyone was watching the referee of this game closely, because the gambling game between Michael Eisner and Yang Orange, the club deliberately opened After using the monitoring equipment used in professional competitions, the referee quickly looked at Yang Cheng with amazement and announced loudly, "Mr. Yang, the kick-off yardage is 279 yards."

"Wow..." a loud admiration sounded.

Yang Cheng threw the cue stick to the caddie with a calm expression on his face, got into the battery cart, drove to the next hitting spot, and installed a good bi~.

People habitually chase the strong, but forget how difficult it is for Michael Eisner to drive 190 yards at the age of 70. However, under the dazzling performance of Yang Cheng, he becomes a foil, which makes Ai, who is competitive for a lifetime How could Sina accept it, gritted his teeth and got on the battery car and followed.

Thanks to a good Yang Cheng\'s second shot steadily sent the ball to the green, less than 10 yards from the hole, which will greatly improve his first hole. The odds of bird ball, and Michael Eisner\'s performance is really amazing. A long shot will send the ball to the edge of the green and the par is in sight. This also means that if everything goes well, Yang Cheng will take a one-shot lead. Win the start.

Things were not unexpected. Michael Eisner was very stable and Yang Cheng was more stable. Both of them are people with excellent psychological qualities. They will not be easily disturbed by the outside world. Instead, they will become more courageous in the war. The next second hole, The third and fourth holes were won by par. That is to say, by the end of the fourth hole, Yang Cheng only took the lead temporarily by a slight advantage. Such fierce competition is even more at the club. Under the internal publicity of the club, it attracted the attention of all the guests who came to play the ball. The nimble director made a real-time broadcast on the giant screen in the club lobby.

At this moment, the two were resting between the games. Yang Cheng drank saliva, wiped her face and hands with a wet towel, lifted the white ball cap, exhaled a heavy breath, and looked at the person not far away. Eisner said in his heart, "MD, the old man was beaten up, so desperate?"

Yang Cheng said so for a reason. For the first four holes of serve, Yang Cheng couldn’t control such frequent violent serve, let alone Eisner, this old man. He rubbed his slightly sour shoulder and wanted to come. Eisner is not so good.

So far, the game has nothing to do with gambling. This is the charm of sports. When he was about to get up and go to the next hole, the caddie who kept his belongings came forward to ask for instructions and said that Yang Cheng\'s friend had arrived.

Yang Cheng then walked down a short distance from the graceful figure of the battery car, and a deep smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.