Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 20: White-eyed wolf

Zhang\'s translation was very respectful, as if she was afraid that Yang Cheng would be dissatisfied with her.

   "Oh? What idol? Big stars? Men and women?" Yang Cheng didn\'t think much, but became curious about those stars.

   "It\'s a boy group called exo under SM..."

As soon as he heard that he was a man, Yang Cheng suddenly lost interest, and he was very disgusted with the group of babes in South Korea. Apart from his brain damage, I really don’t know who would like such a man. A broken finger is like the end of the world for tm. I beg my sister to comfort me and beg my sister to hug me. Those women who can be their mothers really eat this set. It\'s too bad. Is there an Oedipus plot one by one? It\'s BT\'s aesthetics, MD, it\'s disgusting when I think of it.

   It\'s too far away, just when Yang Cheng\'s group was eating.

The two uncles and nephews of Park Tae-young who were already in the car were not in such a good mood, and their faces were longer than the other. Park Donghai again put on an angry expression, "Uncle, you won\'t really agree to the kid surnamed Yang? 10 billion Really dare to open your mouth and bully others."

   Park Tae-young was also angry, his old face covered with dark clouds was full of resentment, but his words were surprisingly calm, "This is a society where the weak and the strong eat the strong, don\'t you think I should agree?"

   "Of course I can\'t promise! What can 10 billion do? It\'s not enough for us to pay the bank interest. The big deal is that we are looking for Samsung Real Estate, didn\'t they always want that piece of land?" Park Donghai said without thinking.

   "Stupid, you are about the same age as that Yang Cheng, but this knowledge is far worse, you think Samsung people will give us more money because we are all Koreans? What dreams.

   The reason why the top ten consortiums are today is that they relied on the fierceness of eating meat without spitting out the bones and crumpled up their competitors and swallowed them into their stomachs, and they were relieved.

   In fact, selling that piece of land to Yuanshan is not a bad thing, at least it can attract artillery fire for us, divert attention, and create a relaxed environment for us, but the 10 billion is really too low. "On the surface, this passage was meant for Park Donghae, but in fact, it was more like Park Tae-young\'s reason to convince himself.

   The spirit of fighting hard before languished again and leaned back in the chair to rest.


   Park Tae-young\'s physical condition is not within Yang Cheng\'s concern. Even if he is going to die, he has to sign a land transfer contract before he can die.

   After eating, he sent Zhang Translation into a taxi, and Yang Cheng took Liu Jianjun and the black and white double evil spirits and started walking along the Han River enthusiastically.

   "Old Liu, I asked you to check the Korean film and television company before. How did it go? Tell me about it." Yang Cheng asked as he walked, breathing in fresh and humid air while doing chest expansion exercises.

"Yes, because of time constraints, I only investigated about it. At present, Korean entertainment companies are mainly divided into several types, one is the four major film companies headed by CJ Entertainment, Lotte Films, NEW, and Showbox. Production distributors, these are also at the top of the entire entertainment industry pyramid;

The second type is entertainment companies headed by SM, JYP, and YG. They mainly train idols and boy and girl groups. They are the three leading players in the music industry, and they are the pioneers of spreading their so-called Korean wave culture, so they are in the entertainment circle. Not low, it is possible to talk directly with the TV station.

   The third type is a brokerage company that mainly trains actors. Except for a few companies with top actor brokerage contracts, the rest are not worth mentioning. "

After a pause, when Yang Cheng was listening carefully, he sorted out the words and continued, “I don’t know how the entertainment companies operate. I only judge the value of acquisitions and the difficulty of acquisitions. Two of the four major film and television companies Home, CJ Entertainment is a subsidiary of CJ Group, and Lotte Film and Television is the same. There is absolutely no possibility of acquisition.

Showbox is backed by the Orion Group, one of the four major food companies, and once owned megabox, one of the three largest cinema chains. However, because of the decline in film profits year after year, it was sold to an Australian company as early as 2007. There is a precedent for this. If you are willing to spend a lot of money, it is possible that the acquisition will be successful, with a 50 to 50 chance.

I am most optimistic about NEW company. This film and television company was established in 2008. It has no theater foundation and no large consortium as a backer. It was established by a group of filmmakers with a passion for production and distribution. Many films with tens of millions of people at the box office have become one of the top four with word of mouth. At present, they have been suppressed by the industry. Not only do they have no advantage in arranging films, they are also owed box office share by theaters. They are preparing to obtain financing through listing Development funding. "

Liu Jianjun’s introduction is very detailed. It is roughly the same as what Yang Cheng knew in his previous life. He is also more optimistic about this company, but this matter must be grasped. If he remembers correctly, after the listing of Ari Barbar this year, it will set off Z The frenzy of overseas mergers and acquisitions by the State Capital, due to the upper-level policy relationship, will be the two most frequent communication between the entertainment circles of Z and South Korea in the next two years. It was not until the death of South Korea and the SD incident that the madness was extinguished. .

He wants to take advantage of the most delicious piece of meat before the group of local tyrants in the country have acted. "Old Liu, you can personally contact the NEW side, explore their style, you can properly show their muscles and let them know that I have acquired them. Is the best choice."

   Before the words fell, there was a twitch in his heart. It was not a heart attack or a myocardial infarction, but he suddenly discovered something.

whats the matter?

   He has no money.

   All the cash that Yang Cheng has on hand is invested in oil futures with Allen. This is the period of time for consumption or credit cards. Not to mention making money, but instead owes a sum of money to the bank. It makes sense.

Intentionally tell Liu Jianjun that he has no money now, and let Liu Jianjun slow down the negotiation speed, at least until next month, when he has ample funds, let’s talk about it, but then think about whether this will undermine his majesty in the hearts of his men. Where to put this old face.

   After a series of analysis struggles in the end, face won the victory. After all, they said that if the company sells it or not, even if it does not pay immediately, it is normal to postpone raising funds for a month.

I walked for a while by the river, and there was no beautiful woman by my side. It was boring. I lost my interest after a while. I sat in the rented Mercedes and went back to the hotel, took a shower and fell asleep. It\'s dawn.

  . . .

   The next morning, Yang Cheng rarely woke up early. It was not that he didn\'t want to sleep in, but unexpected guests visited. After a simple wash, he came to the hotel restaurant with drooping eyes.

Yang Cheng took a plate, took a few breakfasts at random, ordered a cup of hot milk, and came to the corner of the restaurant. Park Donghai, who had just met last night, was sitting there, eating bread slowly, his eyes were empty. Think of something.

   Inexplicably, Yang Cheng thought of the smirk of Park Donghai when he was leaving last night, put away his curiosity, sat across from Park Donghai, did not speak, just watched him pretend to be 13.

   After a while, Park Donghai came back to his senses and looked at Yang Cheng in surprise, "Good morning Mr. Yang, when did you come?"

   can speak English? That was great. He was worried about how to communicate without a translator.

   "Hehe, morning, it hasn\'t been a while since I came here." Yang Cheng was too lazy to expose him, silly X, he can\'t see him sitting in front of him when he is such a young man? Blind!

   "Sorry, I must have interrupted your rest, right?" Park Donghai said apologetically.

   "Nonsense, it\'s less than 6 o\'clock." Of course this is Yang Cheng\'s mental activity.

Shrugged, picked up the bread, spread butter and jam, and said weakly, "I\'m curious. It stands to reason that Mr. Park should discuss with your uncle how to deal with me at this time, instead of sitting here with me early in the morning. breakfast."

   Park Donghai chuckled, "Mr. Yang, I must hurry home before my uncle wakes up at 7 o\'clock. I have something to say. This time I want to cooperate with Mr. Yang."

   "Cooperation? Did you agree to sell me that piece of land?" Yang Cheng ate the bread and asked inexplicably.

   "No, it\'s not this cooperation, but cooperation with me?" Park Donghai waved his hand and pointed at himself.

   "Cooperate with you? I don\'t seem to have much to cooperate with you, right?" Yang Cheng was surprised.

"Of course, you and I have the same purpose. You are interested in Tairong Real Estate, and I need to destroy Tairong Real Estate. This is the basis of cooperation." Pu Donghai\'s words were like thunder. There was an explosion in his ears.

   At that moment, he thought he had crossed into a world of Korean dramas. Are these heirs?

   looked at Park Donghai no longer contemptuously, put down breakfast, took a sip of milk and was shocked, "I don\'t understand."

   "In fact, you don\'t need to understand." Park Donghai said silently.

   Yang Cheng spread his hands, "Then I\'m sorry, I can\'t cooperate with you."

   "why?" Park Donghai was a little angry.

Yang Cheng shook the milk in the cup and allowed Pu Donghai to stare at him. Until the other party lost patience, Shi Shiran smiled, "Why? Because you are dangerous. If there is no good reason, I will not follow Cooperate with the white-eyed wolf who started with your relatives."

After meeting this Pu Donghai last night, he asked Liu Jianjun to check Cha Pu Taeyong’s family relationship. It turned out that Pu Taeyong lost his fertility due to a car accident. His eldest brother and sister-in-law also died in the accident. Only his son, who was under 5 years old at the time, was Park Tae Young’s nephew Park Dong Hae. Since then, Park Tae Rong has treated Park Dong Hae like his own son.

But now Pu Donghai wants to attack his uncle who has nurtured him, ruining his life\'s foundation, and even under the guise of Yang Cheng, no matter what reason is unreasonable, and cooperating with such a cold-blooded person, Yang Cheng is afraid of himself Not long to live.

Although Yang Cheng had a faint speculation in his heart, maybe there was something unknown about the car accident. It was not a natural disaster and it was a man-made disaster, but Yang Cheng was too lazy to pay attention to it. It was an internal contradiction in the Pu family, so he wouldn\'t get bored and participate. If it is not good, it is easy to get into a show, and the gain is not worth the loss.

   However, Pu Donghai\'s next words made Yang Cheng\'s greedy little heart about to move.