Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1969: Warm up

Yang Cheng wanted to come to the Bank of America Stadium for project information because he wanted to know more about the trends of his competitors. In the real estate industry in the United States, a recognized problem is the old city reconstruction.

Precisely because of difficulties, more opponents are blocked from the threshold in disguise, which also means that the field of old city reconstruction is a huge blue ocean.

Regarding the dilapidation of American cities, many people who have just arrived in the United States have had questions and even disappointments.

Because the imagined high-rise buildings and lights feasting did not appear. For example, the entire Los Angeles is like a super clean and quiet town. Except for a few cities where there are not many high-rise buildings in the city center, most places are one to two-story bungalows. Ask the locals, you will be surprised to find that many buildings were built around 1900, and most of them were buildings from the 1960s and 1970s, and houses from the 1980s and 1990s are considered new.

And today’s country Z does not talk about super cities like Shanghai stock market and Beijing. Even the second and third-tier small cities have been developed very modern. If you stay abroad for a few years, you will not be tempted to return to the country to see you. You don\'t know anywhere, you can\'t find the way without navigation, various viaducts can stun you, and the nightlife is super rich. This is a huge change.

But when I arrived in the United States, I couldn’t find a few bars at night. There were quite a few nightclubs for drunken fans. I couldn’t even see luxurious restaurants, large baths, Internet cafes, and karaoke. Even if I stayed for 20 years, there were almost no urban construction and urban life. Too much change.

In fact, this is related to living habits. Although the United States is not like country Z, where there are big restaurants and various entertainment venues everywhere, their spiritual life is very rich. It is just their work pressure, social interaction methods, urban planning, etc. Culture has caused Americans to lead a different amateur life from that of the Z people.

For example, in the center of big cities, there are various art exhibitions, concerts and other elegant art activities almost every day; there are uninterrupted national sports events throughout the year, such as NBA, baseball, rugby, and golf leagues.

There are national parks and virgin forests where you can fish and hunt everywhere. Fashion sports are popular among the people, such as flying, surfing, skateboarding, sailing, skiing, diving, rock climbing, fitness, and cycling. Every city and community has more practical The small library is crowded with people studying and reading. On weekends, the scenic spots and seasides everywhere are also full of people, and sometimes even the parking lot has to be parked several kilometers away.

Except for certain holidays and weekends, on weekdays, there are relatively few people going to nightclubs, and most of them are young people. In short, it is estimated that except for Las Vegas, it is difficult for you to experience ‘drunk gold’ in other cities in the United States.

Turning to the issue of architecture, many people think that the United States is not only not lively, but also "backward". There are low-rise houses everywhere, and even ZF and schools are also backward and ancient buildings. This is true.

But it cannot be said to be dilapidated. In the eyes of Americans, if a house has reasonable rent, reasonable maintenance costs, complete functions, and safe use, why should it be rebuilt?

The common people will consider the cost of reconstruction and changes in income, as well as the additional real estate tax that ZF has to pay after the appreciation.

A foreign student who has just arrived in the United States, don’t be surprised if you rent a house built 100 years ago, don’t panic, because at that time, your current house is a mansion, so don’t worry about quality problems, there are occasional leaks. Just like the landlord, most Americans have very strong hands-on skills. There is no way. The labor is too expensive.

As for the construction of those public facilities that vomit, the governor and mayor actually said nothing.

It is impossible for ZF to build their office building, because every financial expenditure has to be discussed in the listing council, and the seats in the council are in the hands of different dang factions.

It is basically a fantasy to build a magnificent office building for a ZF. Let alone building an office building, sometimes even some departments of the ZF can be cut by the people.

There is a small city called Monovia in the United States, which does not even have a JC station or a fire station. Daily patrols, investigations, and firefighting are entrusted to the neighboring city of Arcadia! It is quite an outsourcing service contract.

This is not only the case for a small city, but also for the management of large cities, counties, and states. In fact, fiscal revenue and expenditure are managed based on the opinions of voters.

If voters do not agree to renovate a road, then they can only repair it. Therefore, what you can see in the United States today is that there are patches everywhere on the road in the United States.

The oldest highway in Los Angeles, No. 110, was put into use in the early 1950s. Although it was narrow and repaired many times, compared with the domestic roads that were built in a few years and were pitted and almost scrapped, the quality of this construction is not much. It\'s still the same sentence, if it works, why should it be rebuilt?

Los Angeles also has a famous "decapitated" highway, called the 710 highway. It was originally designed to pass through the old town of Pasadena. However, local residents think this is a historic city that cannot be crossed by a modern highway. Many associations and residents objected, because the number of voters always did not reach the required number of votes, so decades later, it still cannot penetrate Pasadena City.

It is not just a problem of road construction. ZF and schools, post offices, police stations, immigration offices, and taxation offices will not build tall buildings. They do not work in old buildings or lease ordinary commercial buildings.

This can understand why the old city transformation is so difficult in the United States, but everyone knows that as long as this bone can be gnawed, the US rich list is expected to undergo a radical change, and the Internet companies will no longer dominate the list. The boss is a giant in the real estate industry!

Yuanshan once participated in a section of the old city reconstruction project, but that project involved not many residents. To put it bluntly, it did not infringe the interests of the people, so it went smoothly and it was considered a practice.

But if it really involves the interests of ordinary people, this matter can be difficult to handle.

We must first seek the approval of the parliament, then we must find a way to do the work of the common people, and finally it is the question of money.

In other words, for a project to start construction, Yuanshan must overcome two difficulties.

Fortunately, when the stadium was built, Yuanshan had successfully opened up the relationship with the parliament. What they are doing now is to come up with a sufficiently convincing renovation plan.

Not long ago, the city council just approved a subway station project, located below the intersection of Second Street and Broadway in downtown Los Angeles. Once the subway station project is completed, passengers can board from here to Santa Monica , Pasadena and Long Beach trains.

The reason why Yuanshan Capital fully promotes the subway station project is to build a high-rise building with office space, multi-family residential units and street retail stores on this land.

The project is planned to be a 30-storey building that will span the entire second street between Spring Street and Broadway. The project content will include the construction of 107 residential units, approximately 534,000 square feet of office space and 7,200 square feet of retail space on the ground floor.

It is worth mentioning that part of the design of this building was completed by Luo Yue Company. After the renderings came out, it caused a lot of repercussions in the city council. This nearly 450-foot tall building will consist of a series of Composition of stacked\'glass boxes\'.

Each independent cube is staggered and stacked and is used to create a series of open-air platforms for residents and office space tenants.

The additional open space is planned to be divided by a pedestrian passage between Spring Street and Broadway Street, providing access to the adjacent garage.

The location where the project sits and the adjacent parking lot were once an annex of the Times Mirror Plaza Complex. In other words, this place itself is owned by the Los Angeles Times, but because it involves a small portion of residential land, so There were no small obstacles in the process of advancing.

Local residents do not want to relocate, and do not want their century-old buildings to be destroyed, so they joined the bookstore ZF and expressed their appeal. In the initial voting process, all members voted against it.

However, Yuanshan has forcibly kidnapped the city council because the subway station project is their appeal. When the developer and council reach an agreement on the project, the problem is much easier.

While giving money while doing work through ZF, with a big stick and sweet dates, the residents\' consent was finally obtained.

After the project is completed, this will be the only tall building within a few kilometers, and it will undoubtedly be a beautiful landscape in downtown Los Angeles.

It is conservatively estimated that Yuanshan will earn more than US$200 million in net profit on this project. It is no wonder that Yang Cheng is so concerned.

But the problem is that only the renovation projects involving less than 100 situations have been involved in public relations for nearly half a year. What if 1,000 or even tens of thousands of residents are involved?

Think about the boss, but fortunately, the Los Angeles old city revitalization plan is the general trend and the main development direction of Los Angeles in the next ten years.

From this perspective, Yuanshan Capital also has strong allies support.

The transformation of the old city of Los Angeles is a big piece of cake. Many well-known construction companies in the industry, including HKS, are all looking forward to it. If Yuanshan wants to compete with them, it still has to pay a considerable price.

Fortunately, the Yang family chose the right team this time, and it was time to reap a wave of bonuses.

Before that, Yuanshan will strive for the renovation project of another small California town. Compared with the 12-inch big cake in Los Angeles, the renovation of the small town is at most equivalent to a 4-inch cake, which can be eaten by one person.

This city is Fresno, an agricultural city in central California, covering an area of ​​296 square kilometers. Fresno has convenient transportation and has many highways, including California Highways 99, 180, and 41 passing through and connecting Fresno and Yosemite National Park, San Francisco Silicon Valley area, and Los Angeles area.

It is worth mentioning that Fresno will have the first high-speed rail station in California. The high-speed rail is planned to connect Los Angeles and San Jose by 2029. It was the wind that was received in advance that Yuanshan looked at this small city. , If we say that the 30-story building above the subway station is just an appetizer.

Then Fresno\'s transformation is equivalent to the first set.

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