Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1913: Roast goose

"...Salt Yin seems to be important, and it is also the core of the whole system, but it is the officials, not the businessmen, that can play a fundamental role.

Only officials can fundamentally control the price of Yanyin. Therefore, in the late Ming Dynasty, Yanyin gradually became a tool for high-ranking Ming Dynasty officials to collect money.

In addition, after the Jiajing Dynasty, the so-called sprout of capitalism has actually begun to appear, and the commercial activities of domestic civilians have become more frequent.

Facing the huge profits of selling salt, a large number of private salt began to appear, and the old salt import system has no longer been able to earn enough profits for the country.

Therefore, in the forty-five year of Wanli, the Ming Dynasty officially abolished the old Yan Yin system.

The budding of capitalism was uprooted before it grew. Since then, the national salt sales have been handed over to some established large salt merchants.

At that time, these big salt merchants could be described as rich and enemy countries, which is not an exaggeration.

But in the same way, behind these big salt merchants, there are often the shadows of officialdom bosses, and some are even royal relatives.

The Lianghuai Salt Program Law promulgated at the end of the Wanli Dynasty is tantamount to completely eliminating the newly emerging capitalist market.

At the same time, private financial activities and the establishment of capital markets have also received a huge impact. In addition, less than 30 years later, the Ming Dynasty completely perished. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, more stringent financial measures were adopted. The policy basically eliminated the possibility of private financial innovation.

Therefore, Z national capital lost its first opportunity to rise.

Objectively speaking, the salt-introduction trading system that emerged in the middle and late Ming dynasty played a very important role in the development of the private financial industry at that time. If it can persist, it will only be a matter of time before a complete futures system emerges.

So, from this perspective, is there any difference between salt merchants and market makers who speculate in futures? And do they all belong to the side door? "

Yang Cheng\'s long talk left Yang Yuanshan speechless. According to Yang Cheng\'s philosophy, indeed, the current Wall Street is the source of all evil and should be completely banned. In fact, it is true.

But the question is can it be banned?

Without the regulation of the financial market, companies will become stagnant water, which will smell over time. Can this water still be used?

If you think about it this way, it seems that selling arms is not a big deal.

When Liu Muqian saw that his old opponent was speechless, he couldn\'t help but laughed, "Small, you are still arguing with Xiaocheng for your kindness, right?"

Yang Yuanshan glared at Liu Muqian fiercely, but didn\'t refute it. It seemed that he had acquiesced.

Yang Sen also said at the right time, "Dad, don\'t worry about it. Your children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. As long as Xiaocheng does not commit crimes, how can you make money instead of making money?"

Yang Yuanshan said angrily, "Okay, let\'s not say, I am old and useless, you can do whatever you want~"

By saying this, it means passing the test, and Yang Cheng exhaled fiercely.

He stepped forward and took his grandfather to the restaurant, "Walk around, eat first, and say anything after eating~"

"Yo~Wang Ji’s roast goose~"

At the dining table, the servant was putting the roasted goose bought by Yang Cheng on a plate, and Liu Muqian saw the logo on the plastic bag at a glance.

"That is, I bought it by driving to Chinatown~"

"Yes, Xiaocheng has filial piety~"

"Hey~ I know how good your second is."

"Speaking of speaking, I have eaten roast goose all my life. Although I can\'t eat a few pieces now, I can\'t get tired of eating it~" Liu Muqian couldn\'t hold back, and directly moved his chopsticks and put a piece in his mouth.

Yang Yuanshan said unceremoniously, "You old boy is cunning, take the opportunity to swallow the best place~"

Yang Cheng smiled. Just now, the place where my grandfather clamped was the\'food sac\', where the neck and the body were connected. At first glance, he would eat it. The meat of the food sac was tender and tender, with a little bit of broken bones in it. The soft, crispy and fragrant roasted goose skin has a first-rate taste.

Liu Muqian didn\'t care, "Who makes you move faster than me, you can\'t eat even if you want to eat~"

But while eating, Liu Muqian frowned, "This Wang Ji\'s goose is getting worse and worse, don\'t buy it in the future~"

Speaking of eating ducks, Yang Yuanshan is an expert, but when talking about eating geese, Yang Yuanshan really dare not blow his hair in front of Liu Muqian.

The two often argued over which is better, duck or goose.

"North Roast Duck, South Roast Goose"-this is a word that has been circulated in the gourmet world for a long time. It means that in the North and South cuisines, roast duck and roast goose can best represent the taste and memory of the locals. , Nan Murong".

Although the methods of roasting goose and roasting duck are similar, the cultural heritage behind them is completely different.

Roast duck restaurants in Beijing are generally very particular about ostentation, whether it is the now popular "Cheapfang", the time-honored "Quanjude", or the luxury representative "Dong", even the most popular cheap restaurant among them, the restaurant decoration is also very particular , The manners of the waiters when serving dishes are very rigorous, and everywhere represents the pomp of the imperial capital.

And a set of roast duck is served on the table, from lotus leaf cake to sliced ​​duck, the details are well done.

The Cantonese roast goose is a thorough civilian food. You will always find food stalls and roast meat shops in the streets and alleys. There must be roast goose hanging in the window. A lunch box is packed, and dinner at home will add a delicious meal. Of course If you compare the price of roast goose in Xiangjiang, one goose can buy two roast ducks.

In the GD people\'s concept, if guests come to their homes, cutting an extra piece of roast goose at the siu-mei stall is the way to entertain the guests, but few people from Beijing go back to the roast duck restaurant to buy a roast duck to entertain the guests.

The reason may be that roast duck is not tasty when it is cold?

In all fairness, if there are no other supplements and meat alone, in Yang Cheng\'s opinion, roast goose is slightly better.

Even if it is the best roast duck, if it lacks the lotus leaf cake and many condiments, it is difficult to eat a few more pieces except for a "fresh and tender". And because of the history of hundreds of years, add God to add, the roast duck is naturally With a style, this is incomparable to roast goose.

Roast goose is not the same. You don’t need to eat roast goose with shredded green onions or lotus leaf cake. At most, you can dip it with a special sauce, but it’s okay to eat it alone. At the first entrance, the goose skin is crispy and delicious, and the flavor is overflowing; slightly bite, goose The oil immediately flows between the teeth and cheeks, gently touching each taste bud; after careful chewing, the meat of the goose is delicate and plump, with a long taste.

In short, roast goose is about crispy skin and smooth meat. If you can\'t do these two things, then don\'t open a roast goose restaurant.

Of course, this is only one of them. Cantonese roast goose is generally divided into two schools, one is the crispy roast goose just mentioned. During the marinating process, the marinade in the roasted goose\'s chamber is selected with dry spices and cooked. Afterwards, the secret sauce is poured on the goose meat, which emphasizes the "crispy skin, elastic meat, and oily flavor".

I often watch TVB\'s Hong Kong dramas. The well-known deep well roasted goose belongs to this faction. This school of roasted goose is equivalent to the martial arts orthodox Shaolin in ancient martial arts and almost dominates the taste buds of GD people.

The handle of Sham Tseng Roasted Goose, "Yu Kee Roasted Goose Hotel", uses traditional charcoal roasted goose with new Western technology. The black and brown goose is soaked in salt water to let the flavor of spices penetrate deep into the skin. Keep that little if there is no fragrance, let the color and fragrance form multiple layers, and leave the fragrance.

When Yang Cheng was in Xiangjiang, she often begged her grandfather\'s housekeeper to help buy Yuji roast goose.

The other is crispy roast goose, which is marinated in a moist sauce. After the roast goose is cooked, the gravy and goose fat are poured on top of the goose meat, and they are served with plum sauce to relieve greasiness. The representative of this first-class school is Yongji. Although it claims to be the first of its kind, it actually originated from the classic northern practice. However, it is rare now on the market and almost impossible to eat in other places. If you want to eat it, you can only go to Xiangjiang.

Before Yong Kee, most of the roast goose restaurants in Hong Kong followed the Cantonese style of roast goose with crispy skin, while Yong Kee was unique in that it was dedicated to roast goose with crispy skin.

The crispy roast goose is a mixture of skin and meat, which absorbs all the soup and goose fat, plus a thin layer of goose fat glue in the middle, the taste is very beautiful, the best pastry Roasted goose, fresh but not salty, crisp but not rotten, moderately fat and thin, plus rich goose juice, and dipped in some plum sauce to serve with it, it is absolutely appetizing, and the lips and teeth are delicious.

Whether it is crispy roast goose or crispy roast goose, the essence of a roast goose is goose fat.

The melting point of goose oil is only around 16°C, and it slides at any time. It is the least burden on the human body among animal fats, and is comparable to olive oil in French cuisine.

Therefore, it is not easy to roast the goose skin so that it is oily and crispy, but after roasting, the goose fat penetrates to the goose skin and penetrates into the goose meat ~ makes the goose meat delicate and tender, unlike ducks The meat is easy to dry, and the goose belt has a healthy and sweet aroma.

Although the GD people traditionally say that the "left tuck" is the most delicious, in fact, Dr. Tan thinks that the belly close to the abdomen also has a unique flavor, because when the goose is hung up for barbecue, all the seasonings are gathered there. Place, so that the skin and meat are more delicious.

Traditional roast goose emphasizes "thin meat, crispy skin, fragrant bones, and more sauce". However, with the development of the times, people\'s tastes are becoming more and more sophisticated. In order to achieve the ultimate in these four aspects, generations of chefs have not adhered to the original " "Litchi charcoal fired Wuzong goose" approach, but constantly using new methods to pursue a better taste.

For example, the big-head Hua roasted goose that has been on the Yangma food documentary, long-term selection of 90-100 days of Kaiping Magang goose, this goose breeding method is natural, non-artificial fattening, the goose bones are crispy and slippery, and the use of "grouper" "The charcoal grilling is carried out because the charcoal has a firm texture, no smoke, and has a plant fragrance, which can ensure the original flavor of the roast goose. The air-drying process uses a high-power blower to make the goose skin extremely crisp.

Yang Cheng had eaten it once. At first, it looked fat and delicious. It was still worth eating, but he was always obsessed with the taste. After eating so many, he still felt that the crispy skin was the best.

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