Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 191: Series B financing (1)

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At 7pm on September 21st, New Times Media’s Series B financing reception was held on time in the small banquet hall of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Compared with the grand occasion of the first round of financing, the number of guests invited to this reception is not the same. Language, but the quality is high, and all are heavyweight guests.

After all, the first round focuses more on financial strength, and the second round focuses on whether the introduction of shareholders can bring practical help to the company in terms of technology and expansion. It is not so easy to enter the market with money alone.

In the lounge next to the banquet hall, Yang Cheng, as the host, was supposed to greet the guests at the door, but she was a bit too happy last night, and she has not recovered yet. If you don’t hurry up and take a break, the reception will begin soon. Embarrassed.

And Xu Xian, who leaned on his shoulder, couldn\'t hide the thick dark circles under those big eyes even with delicate makeup.

Last night’s Yang Cheng was like a scalper who had been stimulating, desperately plowing the land, as if not ploughing all of the land, the next day it was the end of the world, and the brave Yang Cheng demanded it like crazy and fought hard. Tianming, the famous saying, that there is no bad land, only exhausted cattle, has been countered by Yang Cheng.

Take a look at Xu Xian, who hasn\'t regained her energy after a day of sleep. The whole person is like an eggplant beaten by Shuang. She herself doesn\'t know how many times she passed out last night, the hearty joy like washing essence, or the first experience in her life. .

But that matter, once is cool, twice is comfortable, three times is perfect, and more times it becomes pure animal mating, there is no happiness at all, it is because she practiced dance all year round. With a strong physical fitness, Xu Xian regretted it more than once. He had known that he would not stop Yang Cheng before. The anger accumulates for a long time and the volcanic eruption is easy, and the same is true of the essence!

In fact, Yang Cheng is not doing well. Walking is the same as stepping on cotton. Her feet are weak and she can\'t feel the footing. After a few more steps, her calves start to tremble. The reason why the performance is not so obvious is that she is concerned about the man\'s face. Don\'t show up in front of women.

"Get up? The reception is about to begin." Yang Cheng rushed in to inform his staff and nodded, then touched Xu Xian\'s hot face and said softly.

"Bad guy, don\'t you all blame you, are you happy now?" Xu Xian sat up with Yang Cheng\'s thighs, and looked at Yang Cheng with a slight angrily.

Yang Cheng grabbed a smirk at the corner of her mouth, and squeezed the richness with her big hand through her armpit through the cloth, "You are also very happy? I don\'t know who called it so attractive, otherwise I can\'t mention it. Are you interested? I didn\'t expect that there is a wild heart under your pure appearance..."

"Yeah~ Stop talking, badass!" Xu Xian slapped Yang Cheng\'s arm, stood up angrily, turning her head and biting her lip with shame.

Yang Cheng is not willing to let go of the chance to watch jokes. A woman is the most beautiful when she is shy and she never gets tired of it. "What are you afraid of? There are no outsiders. Let’s talk about it. Of all the postures unlocked last night, you like the most Which one? Which one makes you feel the most?"

"Go! I don\'t know!". . .

The joking voices of the two drifted away, and the lounge fell into silence again, only the quartz clock ticking tirelessly. . .

Xu Xian walked into the banquet hall with Yang Cheng models. Of course, they were not as dazzling as the protagonists of the TV series. Maybe it was because everyone was busy greeting each other and didn\'t notice the newcomers.

However, the staff of the 4D Space Administration Department was the first to discover that their boss had entered the venue and hurriedly greeted him. After asking a good voice, they began to introduce the reception process to Yang Cheng. There was nothing special. Yang Cheng will be on stage twice tonight. At the end, the speech and everything are ready, but it is estimated that Yang Cheng will not use it.

As he walked to the temporarily erected stage, while listening to the introduction of the staff, his trembling calves kept reminding him to end the reception as soon as possible and go home to sleep.

Xu Xian beside him was even more unbearable, if it weren\'t for holding Yang Cheng tightly, he wouldn\'t be able to walk.

In order not to embarrass Yang Cheng tonight, she came up with the highest specifications. She stepped on a pair of nearly 15 cm high heels under her feet, accompanied by a rouge pink tube top dress showing a proud upper circumference, and an embroidered waist. The slender figure highlights her youthful and vigorous side while still being elegant and decent. The high-grade silk material is smooth and close to the body, making it comfortable to wear, especially a set of pink gemstone jewelry hanging in the appropriate position, the whole person is like a flower fairy Coming in general.

Suddenly, Yang Cheng\'s body stopped, and even Xu Xian did not stop the brakes. Fortunately, the floor of the banquet hall tonight is covered with high-quality soft carpet. If this is replaced by a marble floor, Xu Xian would have to fall into a shit.

She was able to stabilize her figure, and was about to ask Yang Cheng what she was doing. She realized that someone was in the middle of the road when she raised her head. It was a pair of affectionate couples, the man was noble and elegant, and the woman was gentle and dignified. And the careful Xu Xian saw Yang Cheng\'s shadow between the couple\'s eyebrows, that is to say. . .

Sure enough, Yang Orange\'s embarrassing opening confirmed Xu Xian\'s guess, "Mom and dad, why are you here?"

Liu Yun didn\'t even look at Yang Cheng at all. Yang Sen snorted and replied, "Why can\'t we come? Yuanshan is not qualified to participate in the financing of New Era Media?"

Yang Cheng touched her nose in a serene manner, "Why, how could it~"

"Girl, what\'s your name?" Liu Yun looked at Xu Xian for a long time, then finally changed a look of satisfaction and asked kindly.

It\'s a pity that Liu Yun used to ask questions in Chinese, but Xu Xian didn\'t understand, so she could only keep a polite smile.

When Yang Cheng saw this, she didn\'t know what his mother was thinking, so she hurriedly broke out, "Mom, her name is Xu Xian, she is a Korean, just my ordinary friend."

As a result, Liu Yun glared at Yang Cheng and asked in English, "Your name is Xu Xian, isn\'t it? You are so pretty~, how old are you this year? Are you American Korean? How many people are there? What do you do?"

A series of problems hit Xu Xian\'s head like hail. She was in the post-disaster period of pain, her head was half a beat slower than usual, and she almost didn\'t react, so that she had a good heart in her years of stage career. With quality and perfect etiquette, he pinned a strand of hair behind his ears and said with a reserved smile, "It’s good for my aunt to call me Xiaoxian. I’m born in 1991 and I’m not an American. I only have parents in my family. Now I’m a singer. Also an actor."

All the answers corresponded to Liu Yun\'s questions one by one, and they were very logical, which touched Liu Yun\'s heart.

Yang Cheng looked at his watch and interrupted, "Mom and dad, it\'s already 7 o\'clock, I should take the stage to give a speech, what else can I talk about later?"

"You\'re going to be busy with you, don\'t worry about leaving Xiaoxian to take care of you? Walk around~" Liu Yun would not be so gentle and polite to her son, and urged with a wave of her hand like a fly.

Helpless, Yang Cheng left Xu Xian with a self-seeking look, and took a step away from this place of right and wrong.

. . .

On the stage, Yang Cheng stood in front of the microphone with a glass of champagne, scanned the audience, gently touched the microphone, and made a sizzling sound. After he attracted the attention of the audience, he calmly said, "Ladies Gentlemen, welcome to the New Era Media Series B financing reception. Everyone here today is a friend, so I won’t waste my tongue to introduce myself. If you don’t know me, please leave by yourself to avoid embarrassment."

A slightly arrogant opening remark ignited the atmosphere of the scene, and the guests laughed in cooperation.

The golden crystal chandelier exudes a bright light, reflecting the colorful light on the glass wine glass. Yang Cheng stands in the center of the stage, as if surrounded by stars, with sharp edges.

The void pressed his hands, the aura filled, the banquet hall became quiet again, and everyone was looking forward to the wonderful performance of this young Chinese.

"In fact, I myself did not expect the B round of financing to come so quickly. Even before the cocktail party, when I communicated with the investors who participated in the first round of investment, they all expressed their surprise by coincidence. I said, hey, jason, are you crazy? You spent less than three billion dollars in a month? Did you burn it?"

Yang Cheng paused and waited for everyone to chuckle, and then continued, "I did burn it. The headline app is like a Bugatti supercar. You need to continuously pour the dollars in as gasoline to make it abundant. Energy rush forward, once there is no energy support, it is a pile of scrap iron, worthless.

From a few users in the first round of financing more than a month ago, the overall user scale has exceeded 10 million today, and we are making great strides towards the 50 million mark. Ladies and gentlemen, this miracle was created by us together. Shouldn\'t you be proud of yourself, shouldn\'t you give yourself the warmest applause? "

Yang Cheng\'s energetic speech set off the first gc tonight, and the thunderous applause conveyed investors\' confidence in the Toutiao app.

Yang Cheng’s performance is not over yet, just listen to him continue, "I won’t talk about the goal of round b financing. After all, I have to take care of some people’s emotions, but friends who should know must also understand it. I just want to say that the new era media needs more people with lofty ideals to join, and this big family needs your help.

Not much nonsense, the reception has officially started. I have prepared millions of dollars of aging for everyone to taste tonight. Friends who have any questions about financing, welcome you to come to me to discuss, I will answer them one by one, tonight Hope we won’t be drunk, chee. "

"Chee!" As Yang Cheng raised his everyone raised their glasses in unison and shouted.

Yang Cheng stepped down, and the scene became lively again. Before he took two steps, his father stopped him, "I did a good job, but I came with the board of directors this time. How many shares you leave me to figure out."

After finishing talking about Yang Cheng\'s plan to refuse, she turned around and left. Yang Cheng wanted to cry without tears, md, can she still play like this? Is this unknown?

He shook his head to clean up his emotions, and started wandering in the court at a not-so-steady pace. There was no way. The people who came tonight were all big people, who could not tolerate the negligence of his juniors, so he took the time to glance at his mother\'s direction and see her While still pulling Xu Xian to chat, he temporarily relieved his mind and began to concentrate on dealing with the various questions raised by the investors.

"Jason, I finally found you. Your speech is wonderful. It must be another successful night. Congratulations!" Bill Ackerman and his wife found Yang Cheng sweating profusely and said.

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes, "Bill, do we still need to be so polite? Besides, if I succeed, you will also make money. What congratulations?"

"Hehe, I understand, I just want to remind you that Pershing Plaza is leading the vote tonight."