Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1908: traitor?

"Kari, it\'s been a long time~"

"Hey, Jason, how have you been recently?"

Yang Cheng said, "If we have a good time, we won\'t meet this time~"

Not long after eating, Yang Cheng received a call from Kari, and the others had already arrived in New York.

The two met in a private place to talk, and some things had to be discussed in private before they could be dealt with in the open.

After all, Kari has no law enforcement power in New York, he can only use official coercion to help his colleagues in New York~

"Well, jason, don\'t worry, I\'m here this time to help you solve your troubles, right?"

Yang Cheng smiled slightly, "Now you are a big figure with F~B~I, and I will rely on you this time~"

"Hey, man, don\'t be so dismissive, you know, I can\'t do without your help the most today. Don\'t worry, I\'m not a cold-blooded guy."

"Of course, otherwise you won\'t come~"

"Ha~ you laughed~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand casually, "Okay, let\'s talk about the business, how do you think about F~B~I this time?"

Kari\'s expression became serious, "To be honest, the amount involved in the case is not too large, but the impact can be very bad. The victim group is as high as a thousand people. I did an investigation before coming. Some people\'s lives will be seriously affected. Shock, buddy, I have to say, Yuanshan stall is in trouble~"

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Pay attention to your words, except for the name, the whole thing has nothing to do with Yuanshan~"

"But don’t you say that the two scammers were driven by Yuanshan? This is a causal relationship. If they were not expelled by Yuanshan, they might not hold a grudge, and this fraud did not happen~"

Yang Cheng frowned instantly, "Do you mean that Yuanshan bears joint responsibility?"

"No, no~ I\'m just explaining a fact, you have to know that this is a point that can be used to handle~" Kari\'s words were a bit irrational, but Yang Cheng couldn\'t find a reason to refute it.

Before he could continue to speak, Cary said again, "I have an appointment with David Ricardo, the director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the New York Branch. When he comes, he will tell you what to do. In addition, I suggest you take the information you have obtained. Share it so that F~B~I will try his best to help~"

Yang Cheng\'s eyes were already cold, and he didn\'t like Cary\'s current attitude very much.

The ambition of this man Kari was revealed as early as the first meeting. Now that he has helped him realize his wish, is it satisfied?

Do not! He will never be satisfied, and will even attack a higher goal, but in his heart, it seems that Yang Orange is no longer qualified to be his partner, and now, it is just his former favor.

Yang Cheng leaned back, laughed playfully, and suddenly changed the subject, "Kari, you know that people do multiple-choice questions all the time in their lives. Sometimes it doesn\'t matter if you choose the wrong one, and it won\'t affect you.

But sometimes as long as you don’t pay attention and make the wrong choice, you are faced with an abyss~"

This beating made Kari look stunned. He is not stupid. On the contrary, people who can reach this level are extremely smart. As for the support of the nobles, it is also a clever performance, isn\'t it?

Would the nobleman be willing to support a fool?

To Kari, Yang Cheng is a noble person, but this is also inseparable from his own ability, otherwise Yang Cheng would never waste resources on a fool.

But smart people have a shortcoming, they are talented and proud. They think they are smart enough to control everything, but they forget that nobles are nobles, and they can kick you down if they can support you up.

If I remember correctly, Yang Cheng had reminded Kari before, hoping that he would not be clever, and Kari performed well at that time.

Maybe it’s been a long time since I haven’t contacted him. Kari made him forget his own strength. This is too much. Yang Cheng felt that it was necessary to wake him up so as not to step on the cliff and fall off the cliff. I was wronged.

Facing Yang Cheng\'s ‘warning’, after Cary was stunned, he remained silent. From his drooping eyes and trembling corners of his mouth, it could be seen that he was caught in the choice Yang Cheng said.

More precisely, it is tangled! He is entangled whether he should turn his face directly~

However, before he could understand, the box door was knocked, and the waiter brought in a black man in a suit.

Cary instantly forgot the little friction with Yang Cheng, stood up to welcome, and introduced to Yang Cheng, "Jason, this is David Ricardo, the head of the criminal investigation department I said~"

"David, this is Jason Yang, you should know him~"

Unexpectedly, Yang Cheng did not get up after his introduction. This was a bit impolite, but it was not over yet, and he didn\'t even look at the black man with his eyes. He just pointed to the empty road opposite, "Sit down, Mr. Ricardo. , I’m a bit unhappy with Kari, and I hope you don’t mind.

Of course, I will not stop if you mind. "

These words were overbearing and rude enough, and David Ricardo, who had a smile on his face, froze.

Cary frowned, trying to say something, "jason, we..."

Yang Cheng interrupted him by raising his hand and looking at David Ricardo, "David, can I call you that? Do you know how Cary got here today?"

Kari seemed to have guessed what Yang Cheng was going to say, and said with a calm face, "jason~"

Yang Cheng ignored him and said to David Ricardo, "I think you should know, otherwise you won\'t be here. In that case, I believe you will not doubt my ability to hold someone on stage again. ."

Kari panicked, "ja...Mr. Yang~"

Yang Cheng still ignored him, but further tempted David Ricardo, whose breathing was slowly becoming rapid, "But what I hate the most is betrayal. I never show mercy to a betrayer.

Of course, Mr. Ricardo needn\'t take these words to heart, so let\'s be practical. Are you interested in the position of the boss of the New York branch?

Or want to enter the Hoover Building directly?

I can satisfy you~"

"Mr. Yang~" Kari was trembling as he stood there, he suddenly remembered that the young man in front of him might not be able to help him go further, but it would be too easy to ruin him.

However, this is only his wishful thinking. In fact, Yang Cheng is really capable of talking about the next boss of the Hoover Building, but he does not have full confidence.

But one thing Cary was right, it was too easy to destroy him!

"How about? Mr. Ricardo? You have a minute to think, and after a minute, what I just said will be invalid. You have to do this multiple-choice question?"

After that, I stared at the watch intently and imitated the sound of the second turning, "click~click~click~"

At this time, the box that was originally opened with a constant temperature system, but because the two people became hot and cold alternately.

Cary naturally exudes a chill, while Ricardo\'s blood is boiling.

Both people are faced with a choice at this time, and they both know that once the result of this choice occurs, it will affect their lives for the rest of their lives.

Compared to Cary, David Ricciardo’s inner shock is obviously a bit more shocked. God knows what he is thinking at this time. It is most likely to be foolish. After all, he hasn\'t said a word since he entered the door. There was a large piece of pie on the head, and it was crumbling above the head. Did you take it down with your hand and put it in your mouth? Or let it fall to the ground?


When the time entered for half a minute, Yang Cheng suddenly began to count down.

Kari even rushed to Yang Cheng\'s and shouted anxiously, "Mr. Yang, please give me a chance to explain~"

Yang Cheng didn\'t lift his head, "24~23~22~"

But David Ricardo’s choice is very good. It’s all to the point. The fragrant pie is still steaming, so the fool will not eat it. He exhausted all his strength and shouted, "Thank you Mr. Yang for your support. Will not disappoint your cultivation~"

At the same time, he lowered his high head, which meant that he was surrendering to Yang Cheng.

"Ha~ You made a wise choice, much better than some people~" Yang Cheng raised his head and said quietly.

"Then David, what are you going to do with this matter?"

David Ricardo is a rare and clever black man. He didn\'t even look at Cary, who had collapsed on the sofa at this time, let alone his desperate look. Instead, he asked, "What does Mr. Yang want me to do?"


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