Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1901: Disgusting charging method

((.??_??.)?? I’msorry~I just got home from get off work, so I can only post the manuscript~)

In addition to eating and sitting, it is completely different from the airlines of country Z. If you have luggage to check, you also need to pay for it. A piece of luggage costs about US$15-20.

Many people are wondering why the U.S. aviation service is so bad? Why are they unwilling to give passengers a better flying experience? In fact, the answer is very simple, it is one of the most basic analysis methods in economics-the cost-benefit method.

This method means that when we are doing anything, we only need to consider the relationship between the cost paid and the benefit. Only when the benefit is greater than the cost, we will take action, and when the benefit is less than the cost, we will choose Don\'t do it.

First of all, from the perspective of income, I believe that no one will refuse the beautiful flight attendants, first-class cuisine and spacious and comfortable space.

But if the airline tells you that in order to provide you with first-class cuisine, they need to buy more advanced ingredients, hire more experienced cooks, and in order to expand the distance between the seats, they have to reduce each The number of seats on the plane, so now each plane ticket will not only increase from 150 US dollars to 250 US dollars, but also does not necessarily guarantee that you can buy.

In this case, would you still choose to fly?

Like many people who like good value for money, for most Americans, whether the air ticket is cheap may be more important than the quality of the service.

On the one hand, flying by plane is a relatively extravagant behavior for many Americans, especially for those who pay for flying by themselves. They may only fly one or two times a year, as long as they can quickly reach my goal. Without spending a lot of money, service quality is not so important.

What\'s more, if you really care about the quality of service, first-class steaks, ice cream, and luxurious seats that can lie down at 180 degrees are not without them. They are there, and you can enjoy them at any time. Of course, the price has doubled several times. Therefore, after comparing costs and benefits, it is not difficult to understand why American airlines are so stingy.

Everyone is profit-only, and more money is reflected in the stock price, which is green, and vice versa, red. No one wants to let their work ability be undervalued.

Taking a domestic flight in the United States is definitely the worst travel experience in the world, except for routes on the African side.

But at the same time, the United States is the world\'s most profitable aviation market, with the worst services and the highest profits. American airlines are advancing courageously in such a contradictory environment.

The above is not the most disgusting. Think about it. When you arrive at the airport with excitement and are ready to embark on a romantic holiday trip, after passing through the security check, you arrive at the boarding gate and suddenly learn that because of a thunderstorm at your destination, it was temporary. You have cancelled your flight. Don\'t expect the airline to arrange a hotel for you at this time. If you want to change your booking, you have to wait until the day after tomorrow. What is your mood at this time?

Of course, you can choose not to change your booking, stay in the hotel for one night at your own expense, rent a car the next day, and drive for nearly 10 hours to arrive at your destination. It is also necessary to pray that your destination is a place that can be reached by car, otherwise renting a car will not So good.

As for the ticket payment that was originally scheduled to be refunded within ten working days, you need to make at least three calls and it will take one and a half months to refund.

Don’t be surprised, this is something American Airlines often does. In comparison, Delta’s punctuality is definitely a miracle that can make Americans cry!

If it’s just canceling the flight, it’s all right. But taking a United Airlines plane is life-threatening. It’s not two incidents of violently dragging passengers off the plane. God knows how disgusting United Airlines did in the era when the Internet was not so developed. thing!

But no matter how the outside world criticizes, American Airlines and United Airlines don\'t care about it. No matter how flooded you are, I don\'t move. This Nima is the foundation of Taijiquan. How can I change the plane to play rogue?

The key point is that recently, in order to further increase profits, American Airlines and United Airlines, two big hooligans, ignored passengers\' complaints and began to promote "basic economy class" tickets on a large scale, which triggered a wave of bad reviews from the American media and private opinion.

The newly launched basic economy class ticket is probably cheaper than the standard economy class by a dozen to dozens of dollars, but many passengers often pay no attention when buying the cheapest ticket: this kind of ticket cannot be selected in advance and cannot be changed. Family members can’t sit together, can’t use the overhead luggage compartment, and can only carry one piece of carry-on luggage under the seat. The most speechless thing is that they may be denied boarding due to oversale. The possibility of the machine is written in the clause.

What concept? You buy my things. I can stop selling them at any time and use violence to drive you away. You can’t shout, fight back, let alone call the police. Of course you can report it, but the report is useless. The right of interpretation is in my hands.

This is telling you clearly that I am going to be a rogue. It doesn\'t matter whether you are active or passive.

In order to crack down on its opponents, Delta requested the New York Times to take action and severely criticize its opponents in public opinion. Although it is useless, it can at least breathe out a wave of goodwill.

"New York Times" As a \'conscience\' of the media, sent a reporter to experience a lot, this reporter took his family to buy a basic economy class ticket, take the United Airlines from San Francisco to Boston, they checked in as usual After one piece of luggage, each person brings two pieces of carry-on luggage on the plane.

As a result, they were stopped before boarding down, the reporter himself was to pay $ 50 extra requirements, and his wife were asked to pay $ 60 in order boarding.

Husband to pay $ 5 because the new regulations he can only bring one carry-on luggage must be checked Another, asked shipping is $ 25, and he had to pay $ 25 gate fee.

Because his wife has a piece of checked baggage, the second checked bag is $ 35, plus $ 25 gate fee, so is US $ 60.

Reporter couple were stunned this charging method, charging from these two together because they have tickets more expensive than standard economy class.

And the so-called gate Fee = are new charges, the passenger is required to check their luggage at the gate is excessive pay.

This brazen money means simply scared to Heaven, anyway, after reading reports Young orange, not stunned by the open mouth for three seconds, but for their skin color can easily lead to attacks by hostile forces, he wants to do it , nonsense, who can make money lying stand?

The so-called YuanJ two months, after half a lifetime of happiness, which is the most basic cost-benefit analysis, to be their own simple analysis to know how to do it.

As for the face, Ha ha ha. . .

When the "New York Times" reported that the news came out, not only did United repentance, and no reflection, but expressed satisfaction that: Because the basic economy class passengers can not use the overhead luggage compartment, the proportion of the company\'s flight luggage compartment stuffed reduced 30% What does this mean? It is to save jet fuel ah!

United Airlines also predicts that basic economy class services will increase the company\'s revenue by 200 million US dollars this year. For his grandfather and grandson, one of the most basic measures will increase revenue by 200 million, which makes Yang Cheng want to spread his thighs to shout customers. officer to play a.

Ultimately, though this is changing airline to maximize profits made in these years, the airline ticket will get more complicated the more system: first class, business class, super-economy class, economy class standard, basic economy class.

As a result, the original standardized ticket services are subdivided into various grades of extremely complex.

The introduction of the basic economy class, like the K remember only sell chicken burger, and then ask the customer if you want fries, plus without Coke, if Coke with ice, when you add up each item afterwards, certainly higher than the final payment standard package price.

Is routine, the original total price of refined into a small item like a kind of additional money, so that customers think an advantage, in fact, earn big head is always airline.

This increase in recent years in the way the US airline industry is popular, tickets only the most basic services, add money to choose seats, with luggage to add money, add money to be altered tickets, add money to pets, children fly alone, plus the money, of course, Airlines will advertise that air tickets are getting cheaper, but the actual travel cost of passengers is actually getting higher and higher.

Since American Airlines began to levy baggage fees, even one piece of checked baggage must be paid when traveling in the United States. Later, the change fee increased to 200 US dollars, and the difference in the change was also paid. Then, United Airlines required 15 years old children flying alone have to pay $ 150, while the previous requirement is 11 years old.

This charging model has an extremely obvious effect on improving the profits of the aviation industry. Last year, American Airlines collected US$4.2 billion in baggage fees and US$2.9 billion in change fees. The sum of the two even exceeded the US aviation industry last year by US$13.5 billion. half net profit.

Poor service, complex system charges, high fees ~ ~ make the United States to become the world\'s highest profit aviation market.

It stands to reason in a free competitive market system, businesses can not wanton disregard of the interests of consumers raking in profits, but the US aviation market is also not to mention the free competitive market.

Because this is a monopoly, but also the root causes of ignoring the interests of consumers dare to American Airlines.

Four aviation divide up eighty percent of the US aviation market, you want to travel, closed eyes can see signs of the four Air Division, passengers no choice, then what to talk about the right to speak?

Have better service is the common aspiration of each American passenger, Terry Doherty is now made out of orange Yang did not know how to answer.

Is it difficult to improve service? Difficult, Delta is a gradual doing, can essentially, Delta Air Lines did not break the tacit agreement of the four co aviation, otherwise immediately be rushed to the attack.

Tyrrell did not say this proposal is not only in place, but a bit to death on the way to the Delta force meant.

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