Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1880: The crystal skull appears

"As for metal, the explanation is actually very simple, similar to wheels.

Because America’s ecological environment is relatively simple and there are no large livestock that can be used to ride, America has never had any nomads, so most American civilizations are agricultural civilizations.

The core task of agricultural civilization is to grow food. Because there is no such interference as being invaded by nomadic civilization, their concentration on agricultural technology actually exceeds that of the civilization of the Old Continent, which in turn caused the Mayan civilization to be extremely developed in agriculture. .

Through the large number of high-yield crops it cultivated and the precision agricultural system established, the Mayan civilization was actually very rich in many cases.

Therefore, it can maintain its existence for a long time in the absence of mechanical civilization, and carry out in-depth research on knowledge such as mathematics and astronomy. At the same time, literature and art have also flourished.

Because of this, there is no urgent need and motivation, and naturally there is no need to continue to develop metal machinery. Without foreign invaders, there is no need to fight, and no need to fight, there is no need to bother to develop sharper and more threatening weapons. Under the circumstance of worry, the pursuit of efficiency is not so strong. Naturally, metal and wheels such as convenient production operations are born.

But the Maya actually mastered the relevant technology, but because of low demand, they did not promote it on a large scale.

Moreover, the Maya may have discovered the destructiveness of the weapons developed by metal. In order to prevent large-scale mutual infringement and persecution between races, metal, which is extremely destructive, was also strangled in the cradle and used at most as currency. Or decorations.

To be honest, this kind of civilization, which is extremely partial in modern eyes, is far too fragile compared to the civilization of the Old World.

As a result, the nightmare came naturally, the Mayan civilization collapsed, many cities were abandoned, and the level of civilization also regressed.

Of course, no matter whether it is my research or the research of other scholars, there is no conclusive conclusion on this kind of civilization retrogression that can be widely agreed. The relatively mainstream view is that the Maya may have reached the endurance of land due to excessive population expansion. Limits, and the lack of resources has led to years of war between different states, and finally led to the complete collapse of the environment and the ZZ system.

In addition, the prevalence of the plague may also be the possible cause of the collapse of the Mayan civilization, which can also be said to be a typical manifestation of the fragility of the single American agricultural civilization. "

The logic was okay, and it was tenable. This time Yang Cheng couldn\'t question it.

Can\'t help but feel a little disappointed, "So, it is almost impossible to find clues of memory metal from Maya civilization?"

Zafra grabbed her hair and hesitated, "It can\'t be said that it\'s impossible. Maybe the Maya really mastered the technology of memory metal?

I’m not surprised what the Maya did anyway~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, yes, this is probably a stubborn fan of Maya. Asking a stubborn fan about his idol, the answer will always be the most positive and positive, which is a waste of saliva.

Without getting the answer he wanted, Yang Cheng was about to say goodbye. There was nothing to stroll around in the courtyard anyway, and he didn\'t expect Safra to entertain them to eat food. In that case, there was no need to keep it.

I took the opportunity to say goodbye to Zafra, but he didn\'t expect Zafra to keep him and said, "Wait, let you see something."

Without waiting for Yang Cheng\'s reaction, she ran out of the room without knowing where she went.

Yang Cheng and Luo Yue were left with dumbfounded faces.

It was not until Zafra came up with a small safe and opened the safe by fingerprints and passwords, and took out a\'crystal skull\' from it, that Yang Cheng and Luo Yue woke up from their awkward state and fell into trouble. In an almost alarmed mood.

Of course, the panic appeared more on Luo Yue, and Yang Cheng did not panic, but was only surprised, but did not expect that this time there would be a ‘surprise’.

Pointing to the skull, he shivered and said, "Is this the legendary crystal skull?"

Zafra couldn\'t hide his pride, "Exactly~"

Many people\'s knowledge of the crystal skull comes from the movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", in which the crystal skull is the skull of mysterious aliens who created ancient human civilization.

Although in reality archaeologists cannot be sure that the crystal skulls come from extraterrestrial bodies, the legend of 13 mysterious crystal skulls really puzzles people. Most of them appear in Central America, Honduras, Mexico and other places. People associate them with the mysterious Maya. Civilization and pyramids are connected together.

The crystal skulls are all made of high-purity transparent crystal. There is no obvious sign of cutting tools on them. They are made without taking into account the natural axis of the crystal. This is also difficult to do in today’s science and technology. When entering the nasal cavity of the crystal skull, the skull will emit light, and the surface of the skull will have the prism effect.

What’s interesting is that about 7 or 8 years ago, a research team composed of British and American scientists used electron microscopy and X-ray crystallization technology to conduct a study on the crystal skulls collected in the British Museum and the Smithsonian Museum in the United States. Detection.

According to a detailed analysis of the surface of the skull, there are extremely fine rotating scratches near the eye sockets, teeth and skull. It is obvious that this cutting and polishing technique originated from a jewelry processing equipment called a "rotating wheel". At that moment, fools knew, It was impossible for the ancient Mayans to master this processing technology. This tool did not exist before Columbus discovered the New World of America!

Therefore, the researchers infer that these crystal skulls were manufactured in Europe, and the material is Brazilian colorless crystal.

It is possible that these crystal skulls were specially made by people with a heart, and sold to collectors at high prices under the name of the mysterious relics of the ancient Mayans.

After the research results came out, many museums cancelled the display of the crystal skull, questioning its origin, thinking that it did not have archaeological research value.

What is interesting, however, is that the research results have not been announced to the world with much fanfare. In other words, the research results have not been recognized by the industry!

There are currently 13 mysterious crystal skulls scattered all over the world, and the most famous one is the "doomsday skull".

The Doomsday Crystal Skull is held by Anna Mitchell Heggis, who inherited it from her adoptive father, British adventure writer Mitchell Heggis.

According to Anna, the history of this crystal skull can be traced back to 3,600 years ago. The eyes of the skull can emit blue light. When placed next to the computer, it has repeatedly caused the computer\'s hard drive to "crash".

At present, this crystal skull has never undergone any experimental testing because the current holder is not allowed to do so.

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