Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 188: Warwicker

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At 9 o\'clock in the morning, in Yang Cheng’s huge office, bathing in the warm autumn sun, enjoying the refreshing blue sky and white clouds in autumn, Xu Xian sat alone in Yang Cheng’s exclusive leisure area like a daughter-in-law. A cup of Geisha coffee that I have never heard of. It is said that the price of this coffee bean produced in Panama is as high as 350 US dollars per pound. I feel the unique floral aftertaste in my mouth. Read the commercial books that Yang Cheng found for her and enjoy the high Quality of life.

After I was awakened by Yang Cheng in the morning, I was tired of being on the boat with Yang Cheng for a while, and got up after being taken advantage of by men. After that, I ate a good breakfast and came to the company to work. Yang Cheng had an appointment with Warwick’s people. , I wanted her to ask her friends to go shopping and buy some new clothes.

But Xu Xian seemed to enjoy working with Yang Cheng very much. She pressed her red lips lightly and said naughty "No", then Yang Cheng had to leave her alone.

Introduced a few introductory business books, and asked Su Su to freshly grind a cup of Geisha coffee for Xu Xian. The refreshing sensation of passing through the throat after the entrance and the exhaled floral aroma after drinking coffee for a few hours. Let Gexia coffee beans become the new king of specialty coffee in recent years. Yang Cheng doesn’t like this coffee so much. He drinks less. It feels that Gexia coffee beans can better grasp the tastes of girls. Vegetarian appetite.

. . .

For a long time, Warwick has been trying to enter the U.S. market by cooperating with local U.S. operators, but it has repeatedly suffered setbacks.

On January 24, 2003, Cisco filed a lawsuit against Warwick’s software and patent infringement in the Federal Court for the Eastern District of Texas. A 77-page complaint accused Warwick of misappropriating its source code in a variety of routers and switches, making the products even flawed. There are similarities; the allegations also include that software such as routers and switch command interfaces infringes at least 5 patents owned by Cisco. Warwick finally settled the lawsuit without admitting mistakes and agreed to stop selling routers.

In 2005, Broadcom filed a lawsuit with the U.S. International Trade Commission, arguing that Qualcomm’s chips and chipsets infringed its patents.

After Broadcom won the lawsuit, the International Trade Commission issued a limited exclusion order on June 7, 2007 to exclude Qualcomm’s chips and chipsets and "all handheld wireless communication devices, including mobile phones and PDAs" containing Qualcomm chips from the United States. Once this exclusion order is executed, it will prevent the products of many mobile phone and pda manufacturers using Qualcomm chips such as Warwick, Foxconn, Samsung, and Motorola from entering the US market.

On December 8, 2010, the then U.S. Chinese Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke admitted in an interview that he had called Dan Jose, the CEO of Spiel, the third largest mobile operator in the United States, and asked Warwick, the country’s telecommunications equipment manufacturer, to participate in spiel. The purchase of network equipment upgrades is "deeply worried", which makes Warwick out of the very hopeful bidding for equipment totaling US$5 billion.

The old American government has continuously and implicitly put pressure on the three major mobile operators of Verizon, at&t, and sprint+t-mobile through different occasions, and has repeatedly blocked the possibility of Warwick from entering the US market.

In addition, there are lobbying by competitors, mainly companies that have competing businesses with Huawei. As far as Yang Cheng knows, the investigation of Warwick in 2012 was fueled by lobbying forces such as Cisco;

Patent protection, because high-end models such as the Warwick mate series use its own HiSilicon Kirin chips, Qualcomm has proposed "protection measures" to the government;

Insufficient localization, Warwick’s localization level in the United States is not enough, and authorization is not enough. Unlike the American company of Lenovo, which has relatively independent powers, it also has more communication with local communities. In other words, Warwick has no frontier position in the United States. It is easy to land on the beach, but there is no basis for the soldiers who landed to rest. How can this battle be fought?

Of course, leaving aside the so-called information security issue, it is still a kind of market protection in the final analysis. The so-called market economy is just a joke in the two superpowers of the United States. On the surface, Yang Cheng will not accept the olive branch thrown by Warwick. No need to look at other people’s glances, but he is extremely scared to think carefully. His skin color itself is synonymous with sensitivity. If Yang Cheng ignores this single "business", will he give those stubborn racists a handle? , Fired at the Yang family.

"Boss, the visitor has arrived." Just when Yang Cheng was in entanglement, Susu opened the door and reported.

"Well, let people come in."

Without waiting, Eddie led a group of 4 people into Yang Cheng’s office, and enthusiastically introduced to the leading lady, “Ms. Chen, let me introduce to you, this is the chairman of New Times Media Holdings-Siwei Space. Mr. Yang Cheng."

Turning his head to look at Yang Orange, "Boss, this is a communications company from Country Z, Ms. Chen Ruifang, Senior Vice President of Warwick and President of Public Relations."

Wearing a beige suit and trousers, Chen Ruifang was shocked in his heart, reaching out elegantly and dignifiedly, saying hello in fluent English, "Mr. Yang, I am honored to meet you. I have to say you are so young."

"Haha, everyone is the descendant of Yan Huang. We can communicate in Chinese. It is my honour to meet such an outstanding woman as Ms. Chen." Yang Cheng\'s standard Mandarin has once again subverted Chen Ruifang\'s cognition, and she wanted to turn her head. I scolded the employees fiercely. The work investigation was too intricate. I didn\'t even find out such important information as Yang Cheng can speak fluent and standard Chinese. Do I still have the face to work in the public relations department?

"Mr. Yang is not only young and promising, but he hasn\'t forgotten his ancestors. It\'s really commendable. It makes me feel ashamed." As expected of the talent of the public relations department, the beautiful polite words came with open mouth.

Yang Cheng shook Chen Ruifang\'s well-maintained hand. After releasing it, she raised her hand and said, "You are welcome, just call me jason. Shall we sit here? Tell my assistant what you want to drink."

The sofa set in the reception area is large enough to be crowded with 6 or 7 people. Chen Ruifang and others often deal with foreigners. They would not be polite when they heard Yang Cheng, and they ordered drinks that suit their tastes. Chengjing was clearly sitting on both sides of the coffee table.

After Chen Ruifang took her seat, her eyes were unconsciously attracted by a beautiful back not far away, but she didn\'t ask impolitely. He turned his gaze back to face Yang Cheng, and did not take it lightly because Yang Cheng was young. After all, Yang Cheng\'s personal wealth and the people behind him The family is enough to look up to this elite To be honest, you are my first friend who is willing to communicate with us in depth after coming to the United States. This makes me feel the blood of the same Chinese. Family affection is endless. If you have the opportunity to return to China in the future, you must give me a chance to fulfill the friendship of the landlord. Let\'s have a drink. "

Chen Ruifang’s gentle image and super communicative skills are vividly displayed at this moment. The opening remarks of formal talks often determine the trend of the next conversation. Like Chen Ruifang, he seized the opportunity and used the unique advantages of women to draw each other closer. Distance, to start a conversation with friends and fellow villagers, will make it easier for her to make difficult requests. After all, everyone is a friend. You can’t save your friend’s face, right?

However, after this period of experience, Yang Cheng is no longer Wu Xia Amon, who can deal with it easily. "Of course, the Chinese have been alone overseas for many years, and life is not easy, but they are haunted by their hometown. If they have the opportunity to return to the country as a personal visit to relatives. , I must not forget to talk to Ms. Chen, I heard that Warwick’s recent development in the European and American markets has been difficult?"

The implication is that if you return to China as a business, then it’s a different matter. When you remind the other party that business is business, don’t talk about money in front of your friends, but also express your tough attitude, not because of the same skin color and race They are treated differently because of the factor of "Z". This is the charm of Z Wen, which seems to be a simple greeting, but hides the sarcasm. In this first round of confrontation, Yang Cheng is slightly better.