Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1847: Peruvian cuisine

The boss enthusiastically recommended Yang Cheng to take the tourist bus. He smiled and refused. He only asked the boss to hire an English-speaking tour guide. Not to mention, the service facilities in tourist resorts are comprehensive. Of course, the money is sufficient. Really may not be able to find it.

The southern hemisphere is in summer at this time, and it is the peak of tourism, especially the Inca monuments, where countless tourists rush to come.

After the arrangements were made, when the tour guide came to meet, he walked onto the street, walked out of the alley where the hotel was located, and came to the fairly wide main urban road. The streets and sidewalks are paved with flat stones. Don\'t worry, this is definitely not Originally from the Incas, it is estimated that the Spaniards even opened several layers of soil in order to find gold, not to mention the slate.

The tour guide is a native of Cusco, with Inca, Spanish, and Portuguese ancestry gathered on his body, he is a mixed race of the three countries. Unfortunately, he looks a little sorry for his compatriots. At first glance, he is a typical representative of mixed failure.

The young man used to study in South Africa. He has an accent but can understand English. After graduation, he returns to his hometown. One is to take care of his elderly mother, and the other is to see the bustling city of the big city. Still think the petty bourgeoisie of his hometown is more suitable He, yes, his name is Rodriguez, a name that has nothing to do with Inca half a dime.

However, this name comes from the Gothic dynasty and is used to remember the glory of the dynasty at that time, so the people who sit in the Latin world and the surname Rodriguez also have family inheritance, of course it is not absolute!

Walking one block along the street towards the city center, there is a circular fountain at the entrance of the street, which is quite interesting. A bronze statue of an Inca woman carrying a clay pot stands on the edge of the pool, and water flows continuously from the mouth of the pot.

Rodriguez said that in front of many Inca families in Cusco, there will be a sculpture with a strong Inca style, which is different. If you are interested, you can pay attention to it.

While taking pictures, I walked for two blocks, and I arrived at the main square of Cusco-Plaza de Armas. Yes, it’s no surprise that 95% of the squares on the west coast of South America are called this name. It’s not for laziness. .

Moreover, most of the Plaza of Arms is similar in shape, surrounded by arched passages made of large stones, and two stone Catholic churches are located beside the square.

Although all the buildings around the square are built with large stones, they are not the Masonry skills of the Incas. The Incas built the stone walls. There are no gaps between the stones, and the stone walls are never built with mortar. .

So the stone walls in front of us were basically built by the Spaniards later, but most of the stones used to build the walls were from the Incas. However, Rodriguez pointed to a restaurant in the northwest corner of the square and said there was still a remnant there. Inca stone wall.

Rodriguez said that hundreds of years ago, this square was the center of the Inca Empire. It was called the "Warrior Square". Its area was more than twice as large as it is now. According to legend, the Inca king designed the city of Cusco as an Inca. The shape of the puma, the beast of man, is the symbol of the sports brand Puma.

The Warrior Square is the heart of the puma, where there used to be extremely exquisite and majestic buildings such as the palace and temple of the Inca Empire.

It is a pity that these exquisite Inca buildings were demolished by the Spanish, but their foundations are still there. The churches and other buildings on the square are basically built directly on the foundations.

It is now in the afternoon in Peru, and the two beautifully built churches are very spectacular under the rays of the setting sun in the afternoon, and they also reveal a trace of sacred driving.

Although the palaces and temples of the ancient Inca Empire are no longer here, these monuments are hundreds of years old. Tourists who like historical sites will inevitably max out the camera memory card here.

I haven\'t eaten at noon, and Yang Cheng feels hungry now. Hansen and the others are actually hungry, but their endurance is better. As long as Yang Cheng doesn\'t speak, they won\'t speak.

After asking Rodriguez’s advice, he took Yang Cheng and left the square. The restaurants around the square were opened for tourists. They were expensive and tasted ordinary. Anyway, tourist places all over the world have a bird-like appearance, nothing unusual. Crows in the world are generally black.

Soon, Rodriguez led them to a street near the square and found a restaurant decorated in a Peruvian style. After entering, a waiter came over, speaking in Spanish and hello in English. , This is right, it must be an indigenous restaurant for locals, and only in this place can you eat the most authentic specialties.

Fortunately there is Rodriguez. This guy is very sensible. He didn\'t order Spanish food that can be eaten outside, but ordered some of the most local dishes.

For example, Seviche, this is a classic Peruvian dish, and the locals have been improved to add seafood elements. Raw sea bass is the protagonist of this dish, and it needs to be paired with "tiger milk", lemon, onion, red pepper, and corn. ,sweet potato.

Yang Cheng was most impressed by the raw sea bass. The meat remains elastic and fresh after marinating. It is tender and refreshing after being marinated. The sweet potato cubes topped with tiger milk are definitely a new appetizer.

The tiger milk here is not really tiger milk, but a sauce, which is also the finishing touch to this dish. It is made of lime, garlic, ginger, coriander, chili, and salt and pepper. For the sauce, raw sea bass needs to be marinated in advance with tiger milk. The locals prefer a richer taste, so when serving, they have to serve a plate of tiger milk separately, which is definitely enough to eat!

In stark contrast to the seviche is the roasted beef heart. The thinly sliced ​​beef heart is coated with a secret sauce and is roasted. The aroma is full, but the taste of this sauce is very strong. This seems to be done to cover up the faintness of the organs. But I have to say that most people may not be able to accept it. Anyway, Yang Cheng tasted two pieces and didn\'t touch it again. They were all rounded up by Andrew alone. I don\'t know if he is mixed with Inca blood in his bones.

Rodriguez\'s main dish is a bit of Chinese origin-stir-fried beef tenderloin.

The **** beef tenderloin and the black pepper on the surface burst into the mouth with the essence of the red meat dish—the meat is full of aroma.

This dish is very simple in terms of the name and ingredients, but the chef is very skilled. I did not expect to see such a slippery foreign chef playing with fire in Peru.

The tenderloin is sliced ​​into strips, moderately heated, and not overwhelming. With refreshing tomatoes, a very simple and common fried beef tenderloin, especially after exercise, is absolutely satisfying.

The beef tenderloin is matched with homemade potato chips, which is also one of the specialties of the Incas.

Rodriguez said that you can crush potato chips and eat them with tenderloin strips. Not to mention the rich taste, but also enhance the complex aroma. Yangcheng tried it and it was really good.

However, what interests him most is a sour wine called Pisco, which is actually a strong wine made from grape distillation, with an alcohol content of around 40%, and is known as the national wine of Peru.

Pisco adds Peruvian national characteristics to the traditional brewing process of European brandy. The biggest feature is that it is 100% brewed with grapes without adding any other ingredients. Its history can be traced back to the middle of the sixteenth century.

Although it is called sour wine, it feels a bit sweet. The sourness only shows up slightly at the end, and there is an aftertaste, which makes people who have eaten enough have an urge to continue eating after drinking.

Unlike brandy, the taste of Pisco sour is more silky, but the degree is not low at all. Just drinking a small glass of orange will feel the alcohol on top.

I just bought two bottles from the store, ordered a few snacks, and brought them back to the hotel to eat and drink. Travel, don’t be in a hurry, stop when you’re interested in something, and leave when your curiosity is satisfied. One day, there is still time to go to the Inca ruins.

The wine was drunk until midnight, and people became more sober as they drank. Standing on the balcony looking up at the bright starry sky, the Southern Cross, which is rare in the north, flickered in the sky, seeming to welcome Yang Cheng.

But then, he shivered with a cool breeze, and then he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. He knew this was altitude sickness. After all, Lima is below 3000 meters above sea level, while Cusco is 3400 meters.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng didn\'t give up exercise. He has good physical fitness. In addition to exercise since childhood, his lung capacity is better than that of ordinary people, and he soon adapted to it.

Entering the house from the balcony, Hansen just put down his phone and said, "Boss, Mr. Sanchez called and said that there is news from Jose. It should be good news. Hearing Sanchez’s tone is very excited~"

Yang Cheng said oh and waved his hand, "No hurry, tell him that we will return to Lima the day after tomorrow, and Jose will let him hang out first~"

Now it is not that he is anxious, but that the other party is anxious. I believe that the Peruvian side should be aware of the changes in Chile in the past few days. Since I have been aware of it, coupled with my own flicker, it is estimated that the Peruvians are determined to pay.

That being the case, there is no need for him to rush back.

It’s too late to go back after visiting the Inca ruins with peace of Drinking late at night, everyone lie down and rest.

When they got up the next morning, they had breakfast in the hotel.

The breakfast was buffet style, very rich, bread, eggs, milk, sausages, and Yang Cheng when they went down, a few early tourists had already eaten them.

Seeing a group of big men behind Yang Cheng, they ran out hastily, for fear that Yang Cheng and the others would violently kill.

It made Yang Cheng very depressed. He looked back at Hansen and the others, in suits and black sunglasses, with a stern face as if the whole world owed him billions. Not to mention being timid, normal people would feel guilty in their hearts.

After breakfast, the boss made a cup of coca tea to relieve altitude sickness.

After drinking tea, Rodriguez was already waiting outside. Today they will visit the Inca ruins, which is the highlight of the trip.

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