Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 18: Get off the horse

"Where is Jin Jingdao?" Yang Cheng squeezed his anger and shouted at Liu Jianjun, who was trembling and restless.

Liu Jianjun has recently felt that he has recovered his youthful passion for work. Everyday life is no longer a boring work day, not to mention Huang Lianpo’s things like firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea as soon as he gets home. He doesn’t love work, but he loves it. Life, and he has taken care of Yang Cheng this time. Feihuang Tengda is not a matter of flicks.

   However, Jin Jingdao, a rascal boy, interprets for him what is happiness and sorrow.

   Today is the day when Yang Cheng made an appointment to meet with Park Tae Young. Yang Cheng does not speak Korean and does not expect Park Tae Young to speak fluent English. The communication between the two parties depends entirely on an interpreter.

Originally, Jin Jingdao could speak Korean on Yang Cheng’s side, and he was from Liu Jianjun. He knew the roots and was not afraid of leaking secrets. Who knew that this kid had completed the task that Yang Cheng gave him, and took the bonus directly to Jeju Island. .

   It is no wonder that Yang Cheng was so furious. At first, he felt that Jin Jingdao was worth training, and he was a manufacturable talent. From now on, the typical mud can\'t help the wall, don\'t know the priority of things, and is overwhelming.

Liu Jianjun is now in a cold sweat on his forehead and can\'t care about it. He scolded Jin Jingdao\'s ancestor 18th generation in his heart, but he defended him, "Young Master, I blamed me for this matter, so I didn\'t have time to tell him... "After all, he brought it out, and he can stand on his knees!

"Fart, you don\'t know how to find a good one if you are looking for excuses. If you Liu Jianjun can\'t do this well, get out as soon as possible, we won\'t raise waste in the mountains..." Yang Cheng changed the image of a gentleman and pointed at Liu Jianjun. , Young people in their 20s taught middle-aged people in their 40s, but there was no sense of disobedience.

It stands to reason that Liu Jianjun is Yang Cheng’s elder no matter how he counts, and he shouldn’t be treated this way. But one after another accidents wiped out Yang Cheng’s good temper. The small volcano in his heart was already on the verge of eruption. Mars can cause disasters, but if there is a gun next to him, there is nothing to say, just copy it and don\'t worry about it.

After all, you have not lived to be 30 years old in two lives plus one piece. This is not simply one plus one equals two. It does not mean that you have lived for 30 years in your previous life and 26 years in this life. Then your age in your heart is more than 50 years old. At different ages, you will encounter difficulties of different ages, and as you face the difficulties again and again, will enrich your experience and increase your life experience.

And Yang Cheng’s past and present lives have not passed the young and frivolous stage, and now this sudden huge pressure makes him breathless, like a person swimming in the sea, suddenly being pressed by the huge waves on the bottom of the sea, struggling desperately As he went upstream to the surface of the sea, he changed his breath, but the next wave hits again. How did the song sing, one wave has not calmed down, and another wave hits.

The temperature in the room seemed to drop to freezing point. The black and white bodyguards looked at each other, using the lurking skills learned in the SEAL team, they escaped quietly outside the door, and they were sent to Yang Cheng as a guard. In this period of time, this is the first time I have seen Yang Cheng make such a big fire. Thirty-six plans are the best plan to avoid being implicated. It is not easy to make some money. By the way, I mourn for the trainees inside.

   Liu Jianjun lowered his head tightly, and suddenly heard Yang Cheng say, "Say, what should I do?"

Don’t hesitate to take out the plan he prepared in advance, “Shao Yang, Z-Korea trade has been frequent in the past few years, and it has nurtured many professional business translators. I’ll contact you now, please rest assured, I will use the strictest The harsh confidentiality agreement sealed the interpreter\'s mouth firmly." Liu Jianjun assured Yang Cheng with all his strength.

Yang Cheng considered it for a while and shook his head, "It\'s not right, they are even less reassuring. If so, the confidentiality agreement must be signed, but don\'t go to a professional translation company. Go to college students. It is best for students from country Z to be proficient. Z Korean language, familiar with business vocabulary, better control if something goes wrong." He undoubtedly trusts people in his own country more than Bangzi.

   How dare Liu Jianjun refute, and nodded again and again, "Okay, Young Master, I\'ll get in touch now."

   "Well, after you find it, you must ask for it. Don\'t be too troublesome. You don\'t need to bring it to the hotel. Go directly to the hotel you have set. I will wait for you near the hotel ten minutes in advance."


   Liu Jianjun was anxious to make up for his work, but Yang Cheng fell on the bed exhausted. As the saying goes, Fu Wushuang is not alone. He feels that drinking cold water is congested.

   Just when Yang Cheng was depressed and furious, he didn\'t know that there was a discussion about him in the office of the top chairman of Tairong Real Estate headquarters.

"President Nim, what is the origin of this Yuanshan Capital? And what Yang Cheng, too arrogant, I want to send someone to inform you to invite you to dinner? There is not even an invitation." A square-faced, short, small Eyes flew up and down, obviously a treacherous, villainous man stood at the desk with his hands on his lower abdomen, and his body leaned forward and bowed, respectfully and cautiously.

   It is Park Taeyong, the chairman of Taeyong Real Estate, who is called the chairman. He is sitting in the boss chair behind the desk with a cane in his hand. If it weren\'t for the piercing eyes, no one would think he was just an ordinary old man.

In fact, Park Tae-young has just passed 60. It’s just that over the past year or so, the group’s cash flow has nearly dried up, and debt has increased sharply. He rushes to raise funds and loans every day. His strong body is deteriorating, and it seems to outsiders that he is always sick. This hero who can stand out from the top ten consortiums and has experienced countless storms in his life, how could he fall so easily.

"Oh... Donghae, when can your impetuous temperament be changed, how can this huge group let me put it in your hands?" Park Tae-young who said this at this time was quite heroic and courageous. mean.

   Pu Donghai immediately bent down, "I\'m sorry, uncle, I let you down." But his face facing the ground was full of disdain.

Pu Tairong raised his hand, propped on the crutches, stood up tremblingly, and sighed, "Yuanshan Capital, it is not surprising that you have never heard of it. Except for those in the industry, the outside world has rarely heard of this name. The real big crocodile playing real estate finance, in front of them, we are no different from the fledgling elementary school students. This time the son of Yuanshan Capital came to the door personally, and he did not know whether it was a blessing or a curse."

Park Donghai smacked his tongue secretly, but still insisted, "I think you filtered out, uncle, maybe they are coming to ask for cooperation? Besides, even if they are not good, this is South Korea, our territory, there is no need to be afraid Right?"

Park Tairong glanced at Park Donghai disappointedly, and shook his head, "Yuanshan Capital never cooperates with real estate companies that are at the peak. Most of the companies they look at are companies that have gone bankrupt or are on the verge of bankruptcy. I\'m afraid in their eyes, Tairong The real estate is already lingering and dying."

After a pause, his tone changed, and he muttered to himself in confusion, "No, it is said that the only son of the Yang family has never participated in the company\'s affairs. This time he personally came to take over the group. Do we sacrifice the flag?"

   "Uncle, don\'t think too much about him, let him be a jackal, tiger and leopard, we will know it at night." Pu Donghai walked around the table and sat down again with Pu Tairong, while persuading him.

   Finally said something useful, Park Tae Young nodded without objection this time.


As night falls, the lights are beginning to shine, and the hazy moonlight like a veil envelopes the water of the Han River. On the neon-crossed Han River Bridge, the endless stream of vehicles carries people who have been busy for a day to the safe haven, which is for those energetic young people. , This night has just begun. . .

   Samwon Garden, located in Sinsa-dong, JN District, is a top Korean restaurant with a 38-year history and is listed in the Michelin Guide. It is also a popular place for Koreans to hold wedding banquets.

Yang Cheng brought translators, bodyguards, and Liu Jianjun, who had changed into a suit, stepped into SamwonGarden. The environment is quiet and the store is as its name. It makes people feel like they are in the garden, with small bridges and flowing water, shaded trees, rockery and small trees. The waterfall has the color of the Jiangnan gardens of Country Z. The restaurant is based on the traditional Hanok as its prototype from the gate. UU Reading www. In fact, the so-called hanoks of are imitating the architecture of the Z Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty. Wooden pillars support the blue brick roof, and a strong traditional atmosphere permeates this brick and tile.

   Liu Jianjun directly contracted one of the hanoks that were independent of the middle of the garden, surrounded by pool water, ensuring privacy while enjoying the picturesque scenery. Yang Cheng was very satisfied with this arrangement.

He deliberately arrived early, one is to show sincerity, and the other is to cultivate some simple tacit understanding with the translator. For example, while translating for him, he must also take into account the task of inquiring whether the other\'s translator has made a mistake in conveying Yang Cheng\'s words. It\'s not easy to do, Yang Cheng will not hesitate to pay an hourly reward of 1 million won, and the bonus is extra.

   "Ms. Zhang, I think my assistant has conveyed my request clearly, so I don\'t need to repeat it again, right?" Yang Cheng sat cross-legged awkwardly on the ground, with a interpreter named Zhang next to him, making it easy to speak.

"Yes, Mr. Yang, please believe in my professional ethics." Ms. Zhang said confidently. She is only a part-time translator. The main job is to teach at the Z Wen School in Seoul. She has coached many Korean celebrities in Chinese. Seen a lot.

But when Liu Jianjun found her in the afternoon and asked her to sign the thick non-disclosure agreement, she was really surprised and wanted to refuse. But for the high salary, he still accepted the task. In accordance with Liu Jianjun\'s instructions, he raided the relevant vocabulary in an emergency and did a lot of preparation.

A few minutes later, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. As the room door was opened by the waiter, Park Tae-young was not at all like the sluggishness in the afternoon. He stepped forward in a vigorous manner. Then came the sound of Hong Zhong’s laughter. Haha, Young Master Yang is coming to South Korea, so I should do my best as a landlord."

   As soon as they met, they took Mawei and sent them. . .