Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 168: Reward the team

As Rolls-Royce approached the stadium, the speed of the car slowed down noticeably, especially on the famous Anfield Road, where crowds were crowded, and the fans were singing loudly to warm up the upcoming game. The fiery atmosphere allowed People seem to be in magma.

Today is just an ordinary league day for Liverpool, and it is not against rivals like Manchester United or Chelsea, but it still can\'t resist the enthusiasm of Liverpool fans.

Yang Cheng watched this scene through the car window and couldn\'t help but smile, "Looking at this scene, I shouldn\'t be able to lose this investment."

In fact, he has been worried about Liverpool\'s relatively small market, but now it seems that he is overly concerned.

Ian Ayre turned around and echoed, "Of course the boss, in fact, many people have misunderstandings about Liverpool. The official data of Liverpool is only a few hundred thousand people. In fact, that is only the number of the city. Many Liverpool people choose to live in the suburbs and surrounding counties. The environment there is quieter and more suitable for living. If you count this part, the entire Liverpool radiation population exceeds 2 million, which is more than enough to feed an Anfield with 50,000 or even 60,000 seats."

Yang Cheng nodded clearly, and turned to take Xu Xianwen\'s soft jade hand and asked, "Have you ever watched a football game before?"

Xu Xian shook her body, but did not break free. Knowing that she could not escape this fate, she had to accept her fate at Yang Cheng\'s mercy, and shook her head with her free hand and said, "I\'ve only seen a baseball game."

Ian interrupted, "The lady is going to have her eyes wide open tonight. The charm of football is unmatched by any other sport."

During the conversation, Rolls-Royce had already driven into the stadium. After getting off the car, Yang Cheng went straight to the top of the stadium from the internal passage and went straight to the team’s locker room. According to the arrangement, Yang Cheng, the big boss, will be the first time. Debut in front of the team.

At this time, less than half an hour before the kick-off, the starting players have returned to the locker room one after another to prepare for the game. When Yang Cheng led Ian to the locker room, the first person to meet was Yang Cheng in the car. The former target of criticism, Liverpool coach Brendan Rogers.

"Good evening, Mr. Rogers, I\'m sorry to choose this time for the first meeting." Yang Cheng stretched out his hand to say hello first.

The head coach of the Premier League has a relatively higher position in the club than coaches in other leagues. Especially on the basis of excellent results, he can be respected and treated by the team owner. Rogers’ leadership results cannot be said to be excellent. But there was no major fault, so he was able to face Yang Cheng with a relatively calm attitude.

"Good evening, Mr. Yang, the team is ready and hopes to greet you with a victory."

Yang Cheng smiled gracefully, "It couldn\'t be better, so, can I meet the players? Don\'t worry, it won\'t delay your pre-match arrangement." Although it is a negotiating tone, a fool would say no.

It was obvious that Rogers was not a fool, "Of course, it should be."

After he said, he opened the door. Seeing that the players were busy tidying up the autumn clothes and socks, Rogers clapped his hands to attract everyone’s attention and said loudly, "Guys, our new boss, Mr. Yang Cheng, just arrived on the court and now thinks Meet everyone, let us applaud and welcome."

The players who were all sitting there stood up and applauded, and looked in the direction of the door with curious eyes. They were all young people and Internet experts. They also read what Yang Cheng said at the press conference and the interviews they received. I have a clear understanding of the financial resources of the new boss, but when Yang Cheng appeared in casual clothes, he couldn\'t help but marvel at Yang Cheng\'s youth.

In particular, the captain of the team is also the soul of the team, Gerrard, looking at the boss who is 7 or 8 years younger than himself, he can\'t help but lament that the years are aging.

"Heyguys, I am very happy to meet you. Time is running out. I will save the nagging words for later. Now I just want to say two points. First: You don’t have to worry about salary anymore. As long as you play the best level, I promise every Zhou’s bonus salary arrived on time, and the next more favorable contract is waiting for you to sign and receive at Ian’s at any time;"

After a pause, scanning a pair of passionate eyes, he continued, "Second: I don’t know if other teams have this precedent, but to celebrate our first meeting tonight, and wish the team a better In the future, I prepared a blank cheque as a winning prize, with a base of 2 million pounds, and a goal difference of 500,000 pounds for every goal tonight. Everyone has a share, and I am ready for the big bleeding. ,what about you?"

Yang Cheng\'s high tone and attractive pound sterling undoubtedly evoke the passion of this group of millions and multimillionaires, who doesn\'t love money?

Of course, what they care most is not that the sudden increase may be a week’s salary. What they value more is the attitude of the boss. The boss’s style of spending money for the team is completely different from the last miser\'s boss. Undoubtedly, Yang Cheng used this unique way of appearance to win people\'s hearts at the fastest speed.

Take a look at the atmosphere in the locker room. It\'s like a boiling pan. All the players are holding their sneakers and bath towels in the air waving cheers, shouting, "The boss is mighty!"

"Long live the boss!"

"I love you, boss!"

. . .

Yang Cheng heard this and couldn\'t help but laughed out, "Damn, who just said that you love me? Are you a virgin? Lao Tzu is not gay, if you have nowhere to vent your energy, then shoot me a **** football Go to the opponent\'s goal."

As the captain, Gerrard naturally took Yang Cheng\'s joke, and hugged the little guy beside him and shouted, "Haha, boss, it\'s Felipe, he said he loves you."

Yang Cheng knew who this kid was at a glance. Ian mentioned it to him in Felipe Coutinho, nicknamed Kuniao, Brazilian, with exquisite technique at his feet and extremely fast dribbling. , Accurate shooting, he is about to turn 22 years old, he is expected to become a superstar like Azad and Iniesta, and is the core target of Liverpool\'s focus.

Regarding his generals, Yang Cheng naturally wanted to show great enthusiasm and whistled, "Look, our Felipe is hungry to this level, so let’s do it, if you can perform a hat trick tonight, I will use How can you be satisfied if you want to smash a Victoria\'s Secret supermodel on your bed?"

They are all young and strong men, this kind of meaty joke is the most popular.

Sure enough, gc was set off in the locker room again, and some shameless people booed on the side, "Felipe, I will deliver the ball to your feet if I play my life tonight, but you have to swear that you will give me the supermodel after finishing the Victoria\'s Secret. Enjoy."

"Hahaha, that\'s right~" Everyone laughed, and the shy and introverted Kuniao blushed and smiled without saying a word, but the desire in his eyes could not be covered.

Seeing that the players\' passion was fully mobilized, Yang Orange clapped his hands and said, "Well, guys, time is left for you, I will look forward to your perfect performance in the stands, don\'t forget, this is Anfield!"

"This is Anfield." Captain Gerrard took the lead and repeated.

After retiring, Yang Cheng shook hands with Rogers for encouragement, and took Xu Xian to follow Ian back to the office and his exclusive box, waiting for the start of the game.

Xu Xian obediently allowed Yang Cheng to hold hands and follow behind, as if it was the first time she met Yang Cheng. Yang Cheng’s speech in the locker room just now, even if she didn’t listen to all her half-hearted English, she was agitated. She felt that she couldn\'t help but become curious, what kind of person is this big villain who did such a thing to herself? ...