Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 166: Visit S-M

In the afternoon, the greetings were to be formally handed over. The managements of both sides had met each other before they held formal talks. Because of the relationship between Sunny, the niece of the sm founder, he became casual.

After lunch at noon, Yang Cheng told Sunny about seeing her uncle in the afternoon, and then there was no more. First of all, he was surprised and took Yang Cheng to Li Xiuman\'s office unimpeded.

However, the layout of this office is very simple, and the atmosphere in a small office is a bit strange.

Yang Cheng and Sunny are sitting on the sofa. Opposite them are Li Xiuman and Jin Yingmin, who are the subjects of sm No. 1 and 2. How does this scene feel like a daughter taking her boyfriend to see her parents.

Of course, the initiator of this low-pressure atmosphere is not Yang Cheng, but Sunny. As soon as he entered the office, Sunny asked Li Xiuman about Jessca. Yang Cheng was familiar with this name and was also one of the members of the young age. It seemed that he was forced to retire soon. Team, ah~ playing games from the perspective of God, it\'s so cool!

"Sunny, jessca is an internal matter of our company. Yang Chengx is now coming to sm as a guest. Isn\'t it appropriate to leave him aside?" Jin Yingmin pushed his glasses and cleared his throat.

"President nm, oppa is not an outsider, no matter what decision the company makes with Sika, I just hope to be psychologically prepared." Sunny\'s small face is serious, and his words are imploring.

This is an internal matter of other people\'s company. Yang Cheng is not easy to interrupt, so she can only hold her lips and watch.

Because of his wife’s illness, Li Xiuman became mellow and natural, a bit of the state of returning to the basics described in martial arts novels, as if nothing in the world could fluctuate his emotions. At this time, he sat there laughing without saying a word, falling into In his own thoughts, everything has nothing to do with him.

If you change to another dol, even if it is a 10-year old qualification, Kim Young-min will not look at it seriously. Can anyone ask the company\'s decision? But Sunny is different, not to mention that she herself is Li Xiuman’s niece, and Yang Cheng, a great god, is standing next to him. With Jin Yingmin, the three dared not to get angry, so she said with a wry smile, "If jessca is still stubborn. , Then only leave the team."

"What? Retire?" Sunny didn\'t even figure out the answer. She opened her mouth and asked. At this moment, Li Xiuman raised her hand and interrupted, "Well, Shun Kyu, don\'t talk about it anymore, you Pay attention to confidentiality and do not disclose it to anyone."

The unquestionable tone made Sunny feel dull. The relationship between her and Li Xiuman’s uncle and nephew has only improved recently. This is also due to her aunt’s illness, which made Li Xiuman aware of the importance of family. Before the two had little communication , Even if there is, it\'s official business.

"Jason, I made you laugh." Li Xiuman turned to Yang Cheng and smiled gently.

Yang Cheng shrugged and hugged Sunny\'s shoulders, "It\'s okay, I don\'t know why you are entangled, but I am on Sunny\'s side, so just don\'t let her be wronged."

Sunny leaned in Yang Cheng\'s arms with emotion, and couldn\'t care if she was in front of her uncle. Yang Cheng\'s unconditional support gave her the greatest comfort.

Yang Cheng smiled and rubbed Sunny\'s head, and changed the subject, "If you are finished talking, it\'s better to talk about our affairs. What do you think of my intention today?"

Kim Young-min and Lee Soo-man looked at each other, and Kim Young-min, who was in charge of the company’s daily affairs, replied, “To be honest, Yang Cheng x’s proposal really caught us off guard. Can you give us something about what you want to invest in sm? Time to consider?"

"I will leave South Korea and fly to Liverpool tomorrow. I am afraid I won\'t come again in the short term, so you\'d better decide as soon as possible, or invite the representatives of the forces behind you to talk in person." Yang Cheng waved his hand and said bluntly.

Li Xiuman still kept smiling, Jin Yingmin\'s face was not so good-looking, and he said perfunctorily, "Yang Cheng x laughed, there is no power behind it."

"Hehe, don’t forget where I came from. The Korean entertainment industry has no secrets to me. The difference lies in whether I want to know or not, and I must remind you that with the upsurge of cultural exchanges between Korea and Korea, It is the general trend to buy shares in Korean entertainment companies. As far as I know, there are no less than 3 z-party capital currently negotiating with several powerful entertainment companies in your country. If you sm don’t know how to seize the opportunity, then this is a gold rush. I\'m afraid the heat won\'t catch up."

Sunny’s EQ and IQ are very high, but it is limited to the things she knows. Now Yang Cheng and the others say she can’t understand her, but Yang Cheng’s tough attitude and tone made her a little worried that she angered her uncle and the president, and she was sneaking. \'S elbows Dingyangcheng\'s ribs.

Yang Cheng noticed Sunny\'s movements, lowered her head and smiled at An Xin, and continued, "Moreover, I didn\'t ask for a controlling stake. I was just the second largest shareholder. Is it difficult to choose? Don\'t forget the cy entertainment under my name, you guys. Sm has always wanted to get involved in the field of film and television production, with new film and television and megabox cinema as the backing, but still worried about desperation and nowhere?"

Undoubtedly, the resources that Yang Cheng held made Jin Yingmin very heart-warming, and Li Xiuman was very calm about it, but instead looked at the niece trapped in Yang Cheng\'s arms with interest.

Yang Cheng continued to add weight to the balance that was already tilting towards him, "I can also tell you one thing, my entertainment industry in the United States, which is the U.S. head office of Cy Entertainment, is negotiating with Ari Films for a joint venture. In the field of national theaters, both parties have intentions. The cooperation is a recent thing. Cooperation with me can not only share the resources of Cy Entertainment in Korea, but also enjoy the care of the resources of the two major markets of the United States and Z."

After a pause, the conversation turned, the sweet date has been given, and now it’s the big stick, "Of course, on the contrary, if you don’t choose to cooperate with me, that’s my enemy. I can’t do anything in Korea. Many, but it’s not too easy to make trouble for you in both the United States and the United States, such as your family concert, ha ha, I’m afraid it will be held at the border of Mexico."

No matter how ugly Kim Young-min’s face is, he stood up and put on his suit, nodded and smiled gracefully, “Then I hope I can receive good news from you before boarding the plane tomorrow, I’m leaving now. Oh, by the way, President Li, take me to Mrs. Li."

Shaking hands with the two of them, they left the sm building with Sunny.

In the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz, Yang Cheng raised his hand to smooth Sunny\'s raised brows, and said amusedly, "If you have something to tell me, don\'t think about it yourself."

"Ah, oppa, why did you bring me out? I still have something to tell my uncle and the others." Sunny waited for the car to start and remembered about Jessca without asking clearly, patted Yang Cheng\'s hand and shouted.

Yang Cheng didn’t care, press the button on the door panel to lay the seat flat, half-lying down and jokingly asked, “You tell me about the jessca thing, and I’ll help you analyze it. My head, you can\'t understand even if you kill it."

Sunny\'s small murderous eyes stared at Yang Cheng, and he whispered for a long time.

Yang Cheng listened for a long time, and probably understood the cause and It should be that jessca was instigated to build a fashion brand, and then did not reach an agreement with sm\'s benefit distribution, and was taught by the company. After all, this involves a little time. The brand image of sm will naturally not give in easily, and then the dual convenience has become dirty.

After pondering for a while, he asked, "Then what do you members think?"

Sunny bit her lip, and replied quite frustrated, "Is there anything that doesn\'t matter, and some are firmly opposed to it."

Yang Cheng chuckled, "That\'s it, it\'s obvious, that jessca is too innocent, and he wants to swallow cakes from several shops? Didn\'t dream such a good thing?"

Sunny is puzzled, "What does oppa mean?"

Yang Cheng turned his head and helped Sunny to smooth her hair, "I mean you shouldn\'t get involved, otherwise it will be overwhelming and the members will complain about the best result."

"Ah, oppa, I am not asking this, I am asking if you have a solution?" Sunny shouted, pinching the tender meat on Yang Orange\'s waist.

Yang Cheng repeatedly told Rao, her eyes turned, "The solution is very simple, let jessca know the current affairs, donate the shares, don\'t need too much, so that your members can eat the cake, even if it is a strawberry on it? At that time, all of your members will stand together and talk to sm in order to attract sm\'s attention and make appropriate concessions. This is to prevent Kim Young-min from attacking your members one by one, so~"

Seeing Yang Cheng spread his hands, Sunny also understands what the unfinished words are. People are selfish and cannot rely on the so-called sisterhood to ask others to stand by your side.

But I understand, but still reluctant to ask, "Is there no other way?"...