Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 155: I'm here, I have money!

"Thank you for the arrival of the various media reporters. Today, I invite you to Anfield to witness the new beginning of the Liverpool Club."

In the press conference hall of Anfield Stadium, CEO Ian Al, standing on the podium, dressed in a black suit, with a friendly smile and generous speeches. He presided over the first news after the new boss took office. The press conference was appointed by Yang Cheng. Just last night, after Yang Cheng and John Henry signed the final assignment contract, Yang Cheng deliberately left him for an all-night long talk.

During the period, Yang Cheng asked him about the daily operation of the club and expressed his expectations for the future championship. His performance was praised by Yang Cheng and Georgina. Therefore, the original club chairman Tom Warner returned to the United States with John Henry. Later, Ian Al will continue to serve as the club’s ceo, and the club’s chairman will be Yang Cheng himself, which means that he will be the actual helm of the new Liverpool, only responsible to the big boss Yang Cheng.

Therefore, even if Ian Aire, who only slept for less than 3 hours last night, still wakes up in the morning, he still has the spring breeze, and he still remembers the passion on the boat with his wife in the morning, showing a strong wind he has not seen for many years.

On the stage, Ian Al spent a few minutes briefly reviewing Liverpool’s glorious history. Just when the reporters off the stage couldn’t bear to prepare to protest, Ian Al’s conversation turned and his voice Become mellow, "Next, let us invite the former owner of Liverpool Fenway Sports chairman and current Liverpool owner Mr. Yang Cheng, chairman of Siwei Space, to take the stage."

As soon as these words came out, the highly professionally sensitive reporters were stunned for less than half a second, and raised their camera at the fastest speed to point at the entrance of the press room, with their index finger on the shutter, like a gun on the battlefield. The target soldier is ready to pull the trigger at any time.

As soon as he finished speaking, John Henry, who was always in a black suit, frowned and had a serious expression. He walked in one after another with Yang Cheng, who was elegant and energetic in a royal blue Burberry couture suit, and the scene seemed to be thrown away. After entering a burning hot stone, it boiled instantly. Everyone realized that Liverpool was about to change the sky, and they had quietly changed their bosses. Oh my god, isn\'t it April Fool\'s Day?

All the reporters seemed to have been provoked. They used cameras as weapons, and flashes turned into bullets to shoot at Yang Cheng. It is true that no one of the media got news about the change of the boss in Liverpool. This is for nerve-sensitive reporters. Say, what is it not to fight face?

The shutter sound of ‘Kaka’ was continuous, and the conference hall was as bright as daylight. Thanks to the experience of the forum company’s press conference last time, Yang Cheng put on sunglasses in advance, otherwise he would have to be blinded by the flash.

The rostrum didn\'t prepare too many positions, so he and John Henry didn\'t take their seats in order. The hustle and bustle of the audience went up a step. Yang Cheng felt like he was in the 4d cinema, with countless arms attacking him.

As the host, Ian Al could not care about being happy. His back was wet with cold sweat. He didn\'t want Yang Cheng to feel that he had no ability to control the field, so he quickly patted the microphone, "Everyone, please keep quiet. Enough time for everyone to ask questions."

Fortunately, the reporters also understood this set of rules, and quickly sorted out the excited emotions and sat back to their original positions, but the flash did not weaken.

Seeing that the scene was temporarily controlled, Ian Al hurriedly said, "Thank you, on behalf of Mr. Yang Cheng, I would like to thank everyone for coming. The purpose of today\'s press conference is to announce good news like Liverpool fans around the world. Liverpool will welcome a new owner.

He is very young, very charismatic, he loves football, he is a die-hard fan of the Red Army, and most importantly, he is very rich. Please allow me to give you a grand introduction. Just last night he paid 500 million US dollars to increase the burden of the club. The price of debt, the acquisition of 100% of Liverpool’s equity, comes from the chairman of the New York Siwei Space Investment Company, Mr. Jason Yang and Yang Orange. "

There were not only the media, but also dozens of diehard Red Army loyalists specially invited by the club. They were sitting at the back of the press hall. With Ian El’s passionate tone, all of them looked at each other to ecstatic.

The red-faced diehards slapped at each other\'s comrades, whether they knew it or not, and couldn\'t help shouting, "Have you heard? We have changed bosses? We finally got rid of that **** miser!"

"I heard it, so I said that magpies kept screaming at my door this morning, and there really is a happy event!"

"Tmd, great, finally sent away that stingy Yankee, did you hear that? Mr. Al said our new boss is rich!"

"Shit, I can\'t believe it, really? Is he really rich? Why don\'t I know him?"

"You idiots, don’t you usually go online? A while ago, he seemed to have had an affair with Miranda Kerr, Orlando Bloom’s ex-wife. He was introduced online as the super second-generation Wall Street heir to tens of billions of dollars. If he is No money, then we should all go to hell."

"Wow, that\'s great, Liverpool is finally turning over."

. . .

Yang Cheng didn\'t know that the gossip between him and Miranda Kerr had spread to the UK, but it was normal. The popularity of the fairy prince in the UK was not low. Naturally, as Miranda Kerr, he also had a lot of fans in the UK.

The press conference continued, and Ian El knew that Yang Cheng should be left to speak at this time, so he said, "Next, please Mr. Yang Cheng to speak for us."

Yang Cheng politely nodded to Ian and John Henry, sitting upright, took off his sunglasses and squinted his eyes jokingly, "Hello, friends from the British journalists, can you make a small request before you speak, just Don’t use the flash too often. You don’t want Liverpool to welcome a blind boss, do you?"


"no problem."

. . .

There were whistles, applause, and echoes in the audience. The humorous opening remarks are the best technique for getting closer to the media, and Yang Cheng is very skilled.

"Thank you, you are all gentlemen." Yang Cheng praised the reporters\' flattery without a trace, cleared his throat and continued.

"Although I was born in Manhattan, I am more familiar with American football than I play football with my feet, but it is undeniable that the strong influence of the Premier League covers the world, even if I am across the Atlantic, I can receive it from time to time. The news of the Premier League, and Liverpool is the first Premier League team I know and know. I was infected by the kop stand culture and moved by the unyielding fighting will of the Red Army fighters. Especially in Istanbul in 2005, that night made me immortal. memorable."

Following Yang Cheng’s whispers on the stage, apart from his emotional voice, no noise was heard in the press room. Red Army loyalists were aroused by Yang Cheng’s words. There were a few emotional ones. The fans are already blushing, and even if the reporters in the audience are not all fans of the Red Army, they will not make trouble at this time. I didn\'t hear Yang Cheng boasting that they are gentlemen and cannot slap themselves in the face.

Yang Cheng said again, "At that moment I set a small goal for myself in my heart, that is, one day I want to own this team and do something for this team and the people who love this team. It\'s a pity. At that time, I had no money. To be precise, my parents would not allow me to buy a football club with their money."

His self-deprecation once again evoked the laughter of the audience below.

"But now I\'m here, although it\'s a bit late, I\'m here after all! Maybe many fans don\'t know me or understand me, the media will have a lot of questions and speculations about me, it doesn\'t matter.

As long as you remember that I have money, you don’t have to worry that Liverpool will replenish their blood by selling their own stars; you don’t have to envy the local tyrants in London and Manchester who brandish roubles and dollars every summer to buy stars all over the world; Watching the players fighting on the tattered vegetable plot, because I am here! "

When Yang Cheng stood up quickly with both hands on the countertop, looked down at the audience, and shouted "I\'m coming" confidently, everyone\'s emotions were mobilized by him, especially the Red Army diehards. The voice cheered Yang Cheng, even if it was Yang Cheng’s first appearance as the Liverpool boss, he used the fastest speed to win a group of supporters, which laid a solid foundation for him to carry out drastic reforms to Liverpool in the future.

. . .

A few hours later, when Bloomberg’s Gulfstream business jet was cruising over the Atlantic Ocean, Yang Cheng was stuck in a large sofa chair, holding Georgina and listening to her proudly reading the news, with the corners of her mouth raised. He smiled and asked, "Hehe, didn\'t you shame you?"

"How come, you are great dear, especially when you call out that I am coming, I will have gc." Georgina was drunk with a kiss, and did not care about the presence of the bodyguards and flight attendants, without concealing Express her most sincere love.

"Haha, waiting for the evening." Yang Cheng laughed openly, and stretched her hand along the skirt, and said softly with a touch of slippery.

Georgina licked her lips, as if she couldn\'t wait, but when she saw Yang Cheng retracted her hand, she patted her flushed cheeks and read the news with a pad solemnly, "Yahoo Britain made the headline. The headline is that the Chinese Prince of Manhattan brings a sword to Great Britain. Shouting that I am coming."

bbc\'s official website: "The wealthy family welcomes a new is this Chinese kid?"

Sky Sports: "Ten billion dollar heirs are coming to Liverpool, are Manchester scared?"

The Sun: "Reveal the mysterious background of the new Liverpool owner, Jason Young!"

The Times: "Jason Yang said, I have money! The stars are ready to sign the blank checks."

Evening News: "The Premier League\'s power and wealth list is updated in real time, and Jason Yang airborne third place."

. . .

Yang Cheng listened to these exaggerated news headlines and waved her hand unhappily, "Why are you all concerned about my wealth? No one can help with the ads for the Toutiao app?"

Georgina put down the pad, pulled Yang Cheng’s head, and her lips were softly printed on Yang Cheng’s cheek, and she comforted, “Don’t worry, it’s only a few hours before the press conference. You have to trust the perseverance of the reporters. You have to Give them time to investigate your information. Believe me, when the American media join the report tomorrow, you and Toutiao app will soon become famous all over the world."