Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 151: Lin Furong at the door

In the afternoon, Yang Cheng and Georgina sat on the same horse and strolled on the green lawn.

"Mom, okay, I see, this will be over." Yang Cheng wrapped Georgina\'s waist, chin resting on her shoulders, and sighed after answering the phone, "Sorry, honey, I have to go back to a family gathering. I can\'t accompany you to dinner."

   "It\'s okay, it happened that I was going home with my father\'s team." Georgina was very understanding, brushing Yang Cheng\'s cheek with the fragrance of her hair, softly itching.

At noon, I had a light meal with Allen in the club. Afterwards Allen went home to play games, while Yang Cheng and Georgina went back to the boat for an after-dinner exercise, took a shower and then bathed in the warm sun. After a nap, Georgina led him with a horse after waking up. The blue sky, white clouds and green grass, a maroon BMW carrying a golden boy and a girl running wildly are picturesque.

  . . .

After coming out of the club, Yang Cheng did not go home the first time. Instead, he took a detour to Flushing Liu’s shop and bought a few gifts. Mom told me on the phone that Lin Furong’s family of three came to the house as guests. For many gifts, she and Yang Sen didn\'t prepare them either, so they deliberately asked Yang Cheng to carefully select some good things in return.

   Yang Cheng was still wondering when he drove, how to invite everyone to the house instead of having a meal together outside? I\'m afraid he will have to agree if he doesn\'t agree with the land.

   At around 4 pm, before the evening peak of Manhattan, Yang Cheng returned home, took a few paper bags from Hansen, and let them go to rest. They should not go out tonight.

The elevator went straight to the home, changed slippers in the elevator hall, entered the password and walked on the black-and-white splicing and polished shiny and reflective marble floor, ears are the familiar sound of water wall waterfall gurgling, because the atmosphere light has not been lit during the day Bright, otherwise walking in this entrance corridor at night, the dreamlike landscape will make people who enter the door for the first time dumbfounded.

   Turned past the promenade, his eyes widened. Following the sudden laughter and prestige, the grandfather, the couple of Yang Sen, and a strange family of three were sitting in the living room and chatting.

   Yang Cheng took off his suit and gave it to the old John who was welcoming him. He walked over and said loudly, "Grandpa, mom and dad, I\'m back."

"Hey~ I came back so late, come and introduce to you." My mother got up and beckoned to Yang Cheng. Today, my mother was not dressed casually at home. To see the guests, she wore a white fluffy dress, generous and decent. , Her hair curled up, and the black pearl necklace on her snow-white neck looked graceful and luxurious.

"Uncle Lin, Auntie, and Kimmy, this is my son Yang Cheng, you can call him jason, this son is..." Liu Yun hesitated halfway through the introduction, really don\'t know what to call this generation. Lin Furong is in her 60s this year, and she is in the same generation as Liu Muqian. She is no problem calling her uncle, but what should Yang Cheng call him? If Yang Cheng is called grandfather, wouldn\'t he call his daughter Kimmy aunt? This is messy, Kimmy is one year older than Yang Cheng.

  Lin Furong saw Liu Yun\'s embarrassment, laughed and waved his hand, "We don\'t need to pay too much attention to each other. Kimmy, please say hello to your brother Jason."

"Hello, Brother Jason, my name is Kimmy, I am glad to meet you." It is Lin Furong\'s daughter Kimmylim, who is a little old-fashioned with a net red face and jeweled dress, wearing a blue and white striped shirt and black skirt, a pair of wheat-colored long He stepped on black high-heeled sandals, stretched out his hand slim and smiled at Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng took a step forward, politely holding Kimmy\'s fingertips, and smiled in a personable manner, "I am also glad to meet you Kimmy, you look much more beautiful than in the photo." Beauty is beautiful, but it is not what Yang Cheng likes. That girl, her face is too stiff, she still won\'t diarrhea when she eats it naturally!

   "Brother Jason, do you know me?" Kimmy asked unexpectedly with his mouth open.

   Yang Cheng let go, shrugged, and laughed jokingly, “Well, one of the three famous white and rich Singaporeans on Facebook, why didn’t I know?”

Kimmy put out her tongue embarrassedly, stepped back and took her mother\'s arm. Lin Furong smiled, "Is she still shy? This girl posts photos on the Internet every day and is shown off her wealth. How many times she doesn\'t know how to converge, Jason , Makes you laugh."

Yang Cheng waved his hand again and again, "Grandpa Lin is serious. Young people should be frivolous. Good birth is also her advantage. As long as you don’t use the money to do illegal things and expose your quality life, it’s nothing wrong with ordinary people. It’s normal to have a meal too."

His decent remarks instantly aroused the goodwill of the Lin family, especially Kimmy. Outside, she has always been a lawless lord. She is not proud, but in front of the Yang family, she has no proud capital and can only restrain herself. I, taking out the side of the cultivated daughter, didn\'t dare to cry.

I was dragged by my parents to visit, and I knew that there was a blind date in it. I wanted to perfuse her, but I didn’t expect Yang Cheng to leave her a very good first impression. The suave appearance and gentle words are true. It seemed that it would be good to marry a charming man like Yang Cheng to make the girl who had eaten it before shined.

   Thinking of this, every move becomes more gentle, showing her feminine side, just like a peacock with a screen.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Lin, sit down, you just laughed so happily after talking about something." Yang Cheng became the center of the picture as soon as he appeared on the scene and began to control the rhythm of the conversation. He didn\'t even realize it, mainly because of the habit of issuing orders in the company recently. Now, the Yang Sen couple and Liu Muqian will naturally not blame them, but are very pleased that their son can be alone.

The three of the Lin family felt that Yang Cheng was a talented person, and he did not have stage fright in front of the old man. He deserves to be the young man of the Yang family who has been famous in the circle recently. The old couple\'s eyes on Yang Cheng are even more transparent. Satisfied, this son-in-law took it out, absolutely long face.

   Okay, I can\'t boast any more, I\'m going to boast.

"What about your grandfather\'s funny story back then, by the way, Jason, you had a quarrel with Lehman\'s son a while ago, and you even got into hospital after hearing it? Are you okay now?" Lin Furong took the opportunity and asked in a caring tone. .

  Kimmy only knows about eating, drinking and having fun, shopping and partying every day. How can I know this? Hearing that Yang Cheng went to the hospital, he couldn\'t help showing curious eyes.

   "A little contradiction is not worth mentioning. I have been in the hospital for half a month, and now I am recovering well. Grandpa Laurin is concerned." Yang Cheng was not careful, and every time this matter was mentioned, his heart went upset.

He hesitated, glanced at Grandpa, cleared his throat and said, "Grandpa Lin, Grandpa told me about your intention to be in South Korea. He has not given a reply before. I want to ask why, I’m afraid not only It’s as simple as making money."

As the saying goes, it is born from the heart. Whether a person is good or bad, treacherous, or cunning, one or two can be seen from his face. Of course, this is not absolute. At least some hypocrites with good acting skills can deceive one. Innocent people.

Yang Cheng\'s experience is definitely not as good as that of the elderly, but it is not comparable to ordinary people. Lin Furong gave him the first feeling that he was a simple old man, leaving commercial competition aside, he was just the son of a fishmonger, and he just made more money than others. This can be learned from his yellowish cuffs. He is nostalgic, so Yang Cheng didn\'t bend around, adopting a straightforward attitude.

   And he asked this sentence, it already means that he agreed to sell the land, but he needs a reason, after all, Lin Furong came out through his grandfather, otherwise he does not need to sell the land for cash now.

   Lin Furong\'s expression turned bitter. He expected Yang Cheng would ask this question, but he didn\'t expect it to be so direct so early.

   Yang Sen and Liu Yun didn\'t deliberately perform a scene criticizing Yang Cheng for being ignorant. The matter itself is not so reasonable, and the land belongs to Yang Cheng, even if they are qualified to manage it, they will not care.

Liu Muqian wanted to say something nice, but he was suffocated by the words, and he could only shook his head secretly. He was old and could not use his old thinking to influence young people\'s thoughts. Besides, Yang Cheng is not what he used to be. Although the net worth is hydrated, it is still at least 230 million US dollars. This is the net worth. The key is how long has it been since Yang Cheng walked out of the haze? Are there 3 months? Don\'t mention anything about relying on the family, replaced ordinary people in the position of Yang Cheng, a few dare to have Yang Cheng do well.

"This..." Lin Furong hesitated. When he was still hesitating to come out, Kimmy couldn\'t help but speak first, "It\'s my uncle. He is a builder with a Korean gangster, so he can\'t bear much ambition. No, I’m not satisfied with taking the project from outsiders and wanting to develop the project myself. Then I don’t know where I learned about the land in the hands of Brother Jason, so I begged my dad to come here. My dad is soft-hearted but uncle, so I have to find Grandpa Liu to help."

"Shut up... who made you talk nonsense?" It was Mrs. Lin who stopped talking. She looked much younger than Lin Furong, and she should be about the same age as Liu Yun. She was also dressed as a noble lady, who was pampered all year round and let Mrs. Lin watch. It looks like Kimmy\'s older sister, and it may also have something to do with the stiffness of Kimmy\'s face. UU reading

   "Mrs. Lin, don\'t blame the child for the truth." Liu Yun stood up and made a round.

Yang Cheng smiled and got up and added some tea to Kimmy\'s teacup, "My mother is right, Grandpa Lin, I think I will definitely give it to you because of grandpa\'s face, but as a junior, I must ask for some unqualified words. ."

After a pause, seeing that the three of Lin\'s family did not show any unpleasant colors, he picked up his mother\'s teacup and drank, "I don\'t know how deep your relationship is with your brother, that is, Kimmy\'s uncle, but from Kimmy\'s words I can also guess that this is an insatiable person. For this kind of person, you can help once or twice by caring for your family. Do you always keep him by your side to **** your blood?

If you want to solve this problem once and for all, the juniors also have contacts in Korea. Both lotte and cj cooperate with me. Even without them, it is not a problem to clean up a few gangsters with my strength in Korea. Of course , Junior is just a suggestion, how to choose is not in my control. "

Yang Cheng also knows that he will accept it when he sees it. His remarks are not abusive to a good person, but just to remind Lin Furong that the help like this is the first and last time. The Yang Sen couple understands, and Liu Muqian understands that Lin Furong, the client, is even more clear. Only Kimmy and her mother don\'t understand, and they are still grateful for Yang Cheng\'s words that seem to be concerned.

   Yang Cheng said again, "Hehe, you can send someone to cy entertainment in South Korea to find the person in charge Liu Jianjun to handle the handover procedures at any time. You can pay the price, don’t let me lose it."