Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 147: Discuss countermeasures (2)

"There used to be contradictions, but with the passing of the older generation, of course, the most important thing is that the Schultzberg family has gradually depressed, and the so-called contradictions have gradually disappeared over time."

   Amanda stroked her blonde hair and looked at Yang Chengdao with a playful look at Georgina\'s arm.

   Yang Cheng scolded mmp secretly, the script was opened in a wrong way.

   After thinking about it, I still said truthfully, "I need your help to squeeze the New York Times market with me."

Seeing Amanda\'s face in confusion, Georgina played the role of a woman, pulling Amanda in her ear and retelling Yang Cheng\'s lunch. When she suddenly nodded, Yang Cheng said again, "You should understand the acquisition. What kind of power will the new era media after the New York Times have formed."

“It’s okay to work together to pressure Arthur, and with Georgina’s help, we all worked together. In the end, Arthur had no choice but to kneel and beg for mercy. But why should I help you? You miser only gave me 5% of the new Times Media shares." Amanda first sentenced Arthur to death with an overbearing declaration, then her face changed, and she pitifully leaned her head on Georgina\'s shoulder, pretending to be aggrieved and complaining.

   "Hey, you must be reasonable. I was the first to find you, but you have to be reserved. Who can you blame?" Yang Cheng screamed.

"Well, you two complained to each other individually, Amanda, how come you are also one of the major shareholders of New Times Media, you should help this if you feel you want to." In the end, Georgina, the eldest sister in the circle, came forward. Just a word.

   Amanda pursed her lips and whispered, "I didn\'t help."

"Jason, your plan." Georgina is about the same age as Amanda, and they are friends who have grown up from playing. Although they have grown up because of the alienation of interests, they still have a basic understanding. A thousand-year-old fox has become a human being. Can you escape the exposure of the demon mirror?

   In front of outsiders, she is always a mad woman, but she can retain her childlike innocence in front of her friends, showing her childish side from time to time. This is also the cuteness of Amanda.

Yang Cheng immediately smiled confidently, stood up and walked to the window, pointing to the horse-horse-ridden Eighth Avenue downstairs, and said, "Someone’s New York Post is for working elephants, and the Wall Street Journal is for wealthy elephants. The party class reads it, while the New York Times is for arrogant pseudo-intellectuals;

There are also people who read the Washington Post as a group of people who think they are the administrators of the country, and the readers of the New York Times are people who think they have elected the administrators of the country. Ironically, the readers of the Wall Street Journal are the real ones. State managers and those who have elected them;

Those who have said these two passages undoubtedly have a deep understanding of the media industry in the United States, and the summary is very incisive. After listening to these two extremely ironic words, others will haha ​​and laugh, and then yell better than a thumb, but I Several interesting points were discovered from it. "

After turning around, she looked at Georgina in a funny way. Both of them looked confused. They obviously didn\'t reach Yang Cheng\'s point. They had also heard these two sentences. Obviously, they both The group that belonged to Yang Cheng only knew one of the members of Shale after listening.

He glanced at each other awkwardly, and Georgina, who had been in a relationship with Yang Cheng, didn’t need to hesitate, pinned the willow\'s always hanging hair behind her ears, and with a beautiful glance, she whited Yang Cheng and said, "Yes. Talk fast, don\'t sell it."

Yang Cheng put his hands in his pockets and looked at Georgina with a domineering look. In fact, the only thing he knew about the New York Times in his previous life came from the daily scolding of Trump classmates. It seems that if he is not scolded every day, the newspaper will not be able to do it tomorrow. It\'s like going down. Of course, this is a joke. In one sentence, the content is very attractive, but the political tendency toward the left is too obvious. The Xiang Party hates the New York Times. This is exactly what Yang Cheng can use.

"In my opinion, pseudo-intellectuals are people who like to put themselves in a high position. They usually use the argument that ordinary people rarely hear to show that they are superior. In other words, they are pretending to be 13. The news catered to the thinking of this group of people and successfully gained a group of loyal fans."

Yang Cheng returned to the sofa and saw that the two women were listening carefully. He smiled and raised his legs. Then he said, "In recent years, the New York Times’s income has gone from bad to worse. There have been several large-scale layoffs. The number of veteran editors is the largest. If we bring these employees together, give them a chance to write again, and provide them with a platform to vent their anger, will you Arthur be vomiting blood?"

Amanda didn’t hear it really well, and she didn’t turn her head fast enough. On the contrary, Georgina, who was rarely involved in shopping malls, knew everything. Her bright black eyes were radiant. “You want to recruit these editors to write articles. Scold the New York Times?"

Yang Cheng smiled and exclaimed with satisfaction, "Not only that, smart, but also can let them go back to their old business at an appropriate time, specifically targeting the readers of the New York Times, loading similar news, and adding a new era to the Hearst Group. It is not difficult for the media\'s newspaper traffic to take a bite from the readership of the New York Times.

   When the New York Times subscription volume reaches a new low, we can buy bottoms in the stock market. "

"But your ultimate goal is still to buy the New York Times. You do a bit of harm to others and yourself." Of course Amanda is not stupid, but didn\'t turn the corner for a while. After Georgina\'s reminder, she immediately figured out Yang Cheng\'s poisonous scheme. If she had read the thirty-six strategies, she would surely be able to taste the taste of one of them.

Yang Orange nodded and shook his head, "It will have an impact, but not that great. My fundamental purpose of acquiring the New York Times is to serve the Toutiao Toutiao app. I value its content creation capabilities more than the customers it owns. In essence, the reasons for my acquisition of the New York Times and Amazon’s Bezos’ acquisition of the Washington Post are similar."

"Well, I will send someone to contact you. If you take down the New York, it will relieve me a little pressure." Amanda took off her black high heels, and her slender white legs set on the sofa. Pan, the round toes painted with black nail polish moved playfully, and his expression was tired.

   Yang Cheng frowned, "I heard more than once that you were being bullied. What is going on? I haven\'t heard anyone attack you?"

Amanda opened her mouth, she stopped talking, and then she shook her head and changed the subject, "No, I listened to reports from my staff that the number of downloads of Toutiao app has exceeded one million? This is an amazing increase. How many days did it officially open for download? One week? ?"

Seeing Amanda staying silent, Yang Cheng was not easy to follow up with her questions, so she had to answer her questions, "It\'s just a week, but it\'s still a bit worse. Round it up. It\'s mainly due to the strong support of your shareholders. Out of publicity expenses.

In fact, the data I pay more attention to is active users. Now the daily active users of the Toutiao app have reached 400,000, which is close to half. This means that the user stickiness is very strong, and the average user online time exceeds 15 minutes, waiting for our content push volume After catching up, I have the confidence to increase this time to 30 minutes or even one hour. "

   Georgina smiled unconsciously, she was happy and proud of Yang Cheng\'s achievements.

Amanda was also smiling, but with a bitter smile in her smile, she sighed, "More than that, Toutiao\'s unique and innovative push mode embedded in ads makes my mother very greedy, especially knowing that I have missed the most A good time to invest in stocks will make me scolded."

   Yang Cheng smiled and did not answer, but thought in her heart, "Fortunately, your mother doesn\'t know how much money this young master burned for the headline, otherwise, will it be crazy?"