Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 124: 15 billion? Ten billion?

The banquet hall was rendered with golden crystal chandelier, and Yang Cheng’s short speech came to an end. The waltz was played, and the center of the venue was emptied. After Yang Cheng and Georgina performed the first dance as the hosts, Stepped aside, the contact with representatives of Wall Street investment banks was the highlight of the evening.

Yang Cheng wears a lv sapphire blue custom dress with a dragon-shaped dark pattern, with a bow tie tied around her neck, and walking around the field with champagne. This kind of imaginary occasion is a true portrayal of Manhattan. It seems sincere, but in fact, the fake smiles can no longer be fake, but no one jumped out to pierce the window paper and immersed in the flashy atmosphere.

"Jason, thank you for your invitation. Do you have time to talk about the financing of New Era Media?"

Yang Cheng had just escaped from the crowd and was immediately blocked again. His head is now as messy as paste, how can he recognize who is who, and perfunctorily said, "It is my honor to be able to come. , Will open a bottle of old wine later, enjoy it."

Everyone knows that the Toutiao app has no difficulty in R&D technology. It wins in creativity and innovation. After that, it continues to burn money for advertising, quickly develop users, staking the land, and then continue to burn money to acquire all potential threats, just like faces. Like the book, stifle all danger in the cradle.

And because of the huge labor cost, it is difficult for Toutiao to insist on manual recommendation, which will greatly reduce the efficiency.

And only through technical means to automate the entire service chain and scale up the business is the time when Toutiao reaps the fruits. Toutiao’s ultimate goal is to wipe out all the media organizations on the market, because no newspaper can publish hundreds of millions every day. Different content for people to filter, and headlines can!

By then Yang Cheng will be invincible.

Now it’s a bit far away. The primary goal is to burn money, and one family alone can’t afford to burn money. It is necessary to bring in those investment banks who don’t make money as money, and willingly send money to Yang Chengshao.

As for why Toutiao should not be split up separately for financing, but the entire media group should be used for financing, Yang Orange also has consideration.

At the current stage, with the insufficient number of Toutiao\'s self-media customers, more than 80% of news sources are from the group\'s media publications, and the rest are reprinted from partners.

And the acquisition of Time Magazine in the name of New Times Media is more convenient for resource integration. On the contrary, if Toutiao is split up and acquires Time Magazine on its own, it will be unclear when using the newspaper news of Forum Company in the future.

After all, so far, Toutiao app still relies on the existence of forum companies.

Moreover, Yang Cheng’s goal is not only Time Magazine, but also the New York Times and DreamWorks. These will build a media ecological chain around the headline. After the integration is completed, the new era media will be packaged into the financial market and will achieve the greatest benefits.化.

At that time, Yang Cheng will use the cash from his shares to promote his plan to enter the industrial field, and finally achieve the vision of industry, finance, and the Internet.

. . .

"Jason, I can guess the future profit model of Toutiao. Through big data analysis of user behavior, accurate embedded advertising push, even if it is done well, it is not impossible to challenge Google\'s position in the future, but I have a question, you How to analyze users in the early stages of app launch? We all know that big data takes time to accumulate."

The one who asked the question was Bill Ackerman, who was dressed in a tailored suit by Giorgio Armani and had gray hair, one of the most famous hedge fund managers on Wall Street, who served as the founder and founder of Pershing Plaza in the first half of this year. CEO, with a net worth of US$18 billion, ranks among the top 100 richest people in the world. He is a highly conflicted figure.

Yang Cheng found Georgina and led her to the corner where the big brothers gathered. Before he started to flicker, Bill Ackerman caught him to answer his doubts.

This issue is also the concern of all investors who have guessed the essence of the Toutiao app.

Yang Cheng and Bill Ackerman are also considered to know each other. The two live close to each other. Since they are acquaintances, he does not have to be polite. He drank a sip of wine to moisturize his throat and coughed softly, "Bill, yours is correct, new user The information available there is very limited.

But we can try to find ways to obtain information through other channels, such as logging in through Twitter or Facebook accounts and collecting the dynamic content posted by users daily, so that we can get a lot of information and solve the problem of cold start;

You can also collect some basic information through mobile phone model, mobile phone in which city, etc. After users have accumulated certain behavioral data, they can use our basic algorithm to calculate their interest characteristics. In short, try to pass limited Information to guess the user’s interest.

There is a well-known saying in the advertising industry that half of the advertising fees put by companies are always wasted, but there is no way to know which part is wasted. The birth of Toutiao app aims to help advertisers solve this age-old problem. Let our product users accept the baptism of advertising in a subtle way. "

Unknowingly, Yang Cheng once again surrounded a group of people, chatting in front of Wall Street elites like a star holding the moon, Georgina beside her looked blurred, and Yang Cheng showed the charm of a man and His explosive power when sprinting on the boat also made her intoxicated, subconsciously clamped her thighs, for fear that the tide would turn into liquid and stay behind, which would be ashamed.

"Well~ It seems that you have a complete plan. So, how many shares are you going to release this time? How much is the financing?" Bill Ackerman did not show a thoughtful look, just nodded and asked Yang Cheng what he cares most. problem.

"The purpose of my financing this time, in addition to software promotion, the most important thing is to improve the content source of the Toutiao app. I will initiate an acquisition of an established magazine company in the near future, and I may need your assistance from Bill at that time."

Bill looked at his friends, shrugged and smiled, "This is not a problem, right, how much do you need? I think the people here today are enough to satisfy your greedy appetite."

"Eon Bill, I haven\'t yet? Why are you greedy?" Yang Cheng shouted helplessly, amused Bill and others.

"I\'m not good for others, but I know your father\'s character better than anyone else. You inherited his genes~, haha, although the lion\'s mouth is open." Bill\'s ridicule, Yang Cheng didn\'t take it seriously. Not ready to be merciful.

"3 billion U.S. dollars, 20% of the shares!" Before Yang Cheng\'s voice, there was a sound of inhaling air-conditioning within 10 meters.

Bill Ackerman was very calm, he had grain in his hand, and he didn\'t panic, and this was expected. He laughed and patted Yang Cheng on the shoulder, "Look, what am I doing? He opened his mouth and pulled the valuation. To the height of 15 billion US dollars."

"Jason, you\'re still a realistic number." Someone next to him couldn\'t see Yang Cheng\'s shameless face, and interjected silently.

Yang Cheng disagrees, "Is 15 billion US dollars very high? Face burned three or four years of US dollars, and was valued at 12 billion US dollars before finding a way to make a profit. My headline has a unique style. Is the valuation of $15 billion with innovative thinking and a clear profit model excessive?

Besides, don’t forget that there are also high-quality assets such as Forum Company and Lionsgate. Only 15 billion US dollars is the price of cabbage. Do you know how determined I am? I am generously sharing the fruits of my victory with you. Can\'t you still ask me to accept it? "

His shameless remarks simply refreshed the three views of the Wall Street elites. They have a thick skin and now they are facing opponents.

Can people be shameless to this point? Why don\'t you go to heaven? Think of Wall Street as idiots with two broken companies with serious debts?

Of course, I think so, but no one dared to turn around and leave. They are now wishing everyone will get out, and then they will stay and bargain with Yang Orange.

share it? Sharing **** is almost the same, but if you can eat alone, you will never let go of a residue.

Don\'t think that Yang Cheng just relies on one application, or even a rookie application that has not been officially launched in the public beta, and it is trivial to call a valuation of 15 billion US dollars.

In fact, everyone who has tried the Toutiao app in the audience understands that as long as Toutiao has enough time to develop, 15 billion dollars is really not out of reach, sooner or later.

But what is missing now? It\'s time! For a company that is destined to grow to a height of 15 billion US dollars, can it be a concept to pay early and pay late to enter the market?

Of course, you can also start anew. Anyway, this software development is not difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, it will take time to develop, right? It is impossible to change a completely new program overnight.

And when you fund a new company from scratch to develop new software that can compete with Toutiao, Toutiao has no idea how many days away.

Among the people around Yang Cheng Ackerman may not be the richest and highest, but he is the most familiar with Yang Cheng, so he had to negotiate, "jason, First of all, we have all seen the value of headlines, I think no one will object to this!"

After looking around at my colleagues, most of them nodded, and then continued confidently, "But 15 billion US dollars is too high, so you can consider my plan."

After taking a sip of red wine, he pondered for a few seconds and said again, "I will include the magazine company you are going to acquire, and give a valuation of 10 billion U.S. dollars in exchange for investing 1 billion U.S. dollars in the name of Pershing Plaza 10% of the shares, but I want a board seat and priority to lead the next round of financing."

Yang Cheng is fighting fiercely in his heart. It stands to reason that this has doubled the valuation of 56 billion he gave when he met Amanda, which is enough. If it is just a headline company, he can have this valuation. It can go to heaven, but New Times Media has integrated more than one high-quality company.

That is to say, the forum company and Lionsgate Pictures, as well as the time magazine company that has not yet been acquired but has regarded it as its own, Bill Ackerman believes that Toutiao’s valuation is at most 1 billion and less than 2 billion US dollars, which makes Yang Cheng felt awkward.

But after hesitating again and again, Georgina also surreptitiously pulled the corner of his clothes, reminding him to accept it when he sees it. Obviously Bill Ackerman said that the price was not good or the alcohol was the cause. Once he was sober, he would regret it again, Yang Orange has no place to cry, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, but I need Pershing Plaza to fully support the next series of acquisitions by New Times Media."

"Of course, this is no problem. As a company shareholder, this is an obligation."

Bill Ackerman suddenly became arrogant, he was the top spot!