Indestructible God King

Chapter 246

It's not that you've never heard of preaching. After all, there were some eminent monks of Xianmen who came to preach scriptures before, but they never did!

In the past, most of the eminent monks who had learned the way talked about compassion and peace. They all talked about how to resolve the hardships in their hearts, how to help the world, how to guide people to good, and how to baptize their hearts.

What are you talking about? Take us straight to the 18th floor of hell?

"This, this is not Buddhist scripture at all!" Some people look ugly.

"Silence, the holy monk is talking about Mahayana Buddhism, not the Mahayana Buddhism you heard before! Mahayana Dharma is pragmatic. You and Hinayana Dharma are all retreat. Study hard! " Wang Ke immediately defends a way.

Mahayana? The monks look stiff, bully us, don't you know the Scriptures?

"Preaching, it's not like him! He's all telling stories? " A monk glared.

"When you wait for the lecture, you are in a fog and don't know what to say. The holy monk's preaching is not for you to like, but for the common people to understand. Only what we all understand can be accepted by all living beings. Buddha said that all living beings are equal! It's Mahayana Wang Ke stares and explains.

A group of monks

When Buddha said that all living beings are equal, is it to speak in vernacular? So that all living beings can understand?

"If you don't know Mahayana Buddhism, you should know Buddhist etiquette, right? I don't know Buddhist etiquette. Should we know the minimum respect? When the holy monk is speaking, can you be quiet and ask questions after listening? The holy monk had no time to preach. You asked him to preach. Now the holy monk preaches to you. Why do you keep interrupting the holy monk? Are you polite? Can't you wait while others are talking? Wait till the others are finished? Later, there will be plenty of time for you to talk! " Wang Ke stares at some monks who are about to explode.

A group of monks have black faces. What's more, it's a mess you're talking about. Can we point it out?

"That's right, that's right, you can ask questions after the holy monk's sermon is over!"

"If we don't understand the rules at all, and even bewitch us to tear down the holy monk's platform, we will have problems with our own character and have the face to question others?"

"The holy monk is right. Such shameless people should go to hell!"




The "Tuo" arranged by the king of the rear area represents a lot of discussion among the people.

Suddenly, let in front of the monks to be noisy face a burst of red, look at each other, a quiet down. Isn't that just waiting? Then wait, hum!

A group of monks listen to the sermons in the main hall of Zhenmo temple.

Holy monk's forehead is sweating at the moment. What are you talking about, Wang Ke?

Eighteen levels of hell, one level at a time.

Because it's very straightforward, ordinary monks can't listen to it, but the common people are interested in it. After all, it's really hard to understand the Scriptures.

One hell is more terrible than another. Bujie monk's eloquence is also very good. The ghost stories told by the monks are creepy to hear.

Hell, it's so terrible. The eighteen level hell is even worse.

People seem to see the picture under the 18 layers of hell. It's very gloomy and terrifying. Many people listen and pull the sleeves of the people beside them. They are full of fear.

The story of the 18 layers of hell is not just a horror novel, but also something that guides people to good. For example, each layer of hell has a meaning, which should be directed against certain bad people. Persuade the world not to do something bad.

Monks don't like these things. What are you talking about? However, the common people were in awe because they understood.

"It turns out that those who do these bad things will go to hell for 18 times!"

"It turns out that those who bully the good and bully the weak, falsely accuse and slander others, and plot to occupy other people's property and wife are going to go to the oil pot hell. Well, this is good. The villager king should go to the oil pot hell!"

"Well, old man Chen, the thief, wants to go to hell. Well, well, evil will be rewarded. That's great!"

"The villain next door disobeyed his parents. His parents brought him up. But when he was old, he suffered so much. Well, he deserved it. That villain should go to hell in the blood pool!"




Countless kind-hearted people clap their hands and cheer at the moment. At the same time, they look at the holy monks one by one, as if they were the gods who presided over the injustice in the world.

"The holy monk is the holy monk, and the Scripture is good!"

"No, how direct is that? Evil is rewarded with evil. It's going to hell! I didn't know what other monks were talking about before. "

"That's right, that's right. The most fierce monk in front of us tells us every day that if we take a step back and fart, will we let the villains be the villains? Why don't you punish the wicked and make us good people angry every day? Look at the holy monk, what he said is very good. It's not that he didn't report. It's just that the time has not come! Go to hell, there are plenty of kids to deal with them




Under the "Tuo" rhythm arranged by Wang Ke, the common people are not so suspicious when they look at the holy monks, and they all look up to them.

This made the monks who were looking for fault look ugly. You ignorant people, what do you know? He's not talking about scripture at all. Forbearance, forbearance. We'll spray him after his lecture.

"Amitabha! I will tell you what I have seen and heard from the 18th floor hell. I hope you can do it yourself The monk put his hands together and made a conclusion.

At last, the monks were choked.

"Holy monk, were you lecturing just now? Do you know what the Sutra is? Do you want to fool us with that? " A monk was the first to jump out and yell.

The holy monk didn't speak, but Wang Ke at the door was the first to say, "master? You question the heart of the monk, we understand! But before you ask, can you tell us, do you know Mahayana Buddhism? "

"I...!" It was the same as Shanton's face.

"You don't know the Mahayana Dharma. How can you question the Mahayana Dharma Wang Ke asked curiously.

The monk said:......! "

What's more, I've come to this topic again. What's breaking the Mahayana Dharma.

But the people below nodded.

"Yes, the Mahayana Dharma that the holy monk said is not the Mahayana Dharma that you usually learn. You don't understand it. Do you want to question it? What a shame

"The holy monk didn't talk about your Hinayana Dharma. What are you doing with your Hinayana Dharma?"

"If you don't understand, you have to learn. You have to shout for a long time. I don't know what you shout!"




A group of people pointed out, the monk's face was stiff, and he didn't know what to say for a long time.

Let's argue with you. You say I don't know Mahayana Buddhism. How can I argue?

"Hum, there is no Mahayana Buddhism or Hinayana Buddhism in the world. You are just talking nonsense!" Another monk said in a low voice.

"How do you know there is no distinction between Mahayana and Hinayana? Did the Buddha tell you that? " Wang Ke looks at the monk.

The monk said:......! "

"If you don't know it, learn with an open mind. Don't use your ignorance to question other people's majors!" Wang Ke reproached.

The monk

"Is there anyone who knows Mahayana Buddhism? If you want to ask questions with Mahayana Dharma, you can come out and ask questions. The holy monk seldom has time to help you. Please open your mouth! " Wang Ke said again.

A group of monks

How to ask? We have never heard of Mahayana Buddhism. How can we ask? The final interpretation of Mahayana Dharma is in your hands. No matter what we ask, you can say that we ask wrong. How can we ask?

"You see, there is no one who knows how to stir up trouble among the people! I advise you to read more books at ordinary times! If you don't have knowledge, don't argue with others! How much time did you delay the holy monk, and how much time did you delay in vain? You guys! Alas Wang Ke sighed that he hated iron but not steel.

At the moment, a group of monks can only stare.

Especially, this kind of dimension reduction attack is the most lethal. People don't even know how to fight back. I know you are talking nonsense, but the format of the questions is in your hands. What should we do?

How sad!

This is also the first time that all monks are so helpless. The key is that the holy monk's sermons have won the common people's resonance, and the common people are all on the side of the holy monk.

A group of monks are going to scold each other with one hundred mouths. No, they are going to argue! However, ten thousand people are on the side of the holy monk. The holy monk has ten thousand more mouths. Who can argue with whom?

For a moment, the entrance of Zhenmo Temple fell into a cold scene.

In the Zhenmo temple, Bujie monk looks at Wang Ke blankly outside. Did your dimension reduction strike really work? Why? My 18 layers of hell are clearly made up by us in the past three days. Why can't anyone tear it down.

"Well, I see the expression of your soul being baptized. If you are convinced by the Mahayana Dharma of the holy monk, let's stop here today!" Wang is going to drive people out.

A group of monks stare at each other. Who is convinced? Who has been baptized? Well, we just don't know how to deal with your rascals. You're so shameless, aren't you?

"Oh, I don't know your Mahayana Dharma, and I don't know whether the Mahayana Dharma that the holy monk said is true or false. But I heard that the holy monk can communicate with the underworld. If the holy monk can communicate with the underworld in front of all of us, it will open our eyes. If he can communicate with the underworld, we will be convinced. How about that?" A husky voice came.

All the people looked around, but saw a black robed man standing in the crowd. Although he could not see his face clearly, he pressed Wang Ke and the holy monk to the point.

Wang Ke eyebrows pick, to a hard stubble? But the eyes of the monks were bright. Yes, you are not boasting. Can you communicate with the underworld? Well, come on, if you communicate with the underworld, we will admit your Mahayana Dharma. If you can't, it's Farting“ Yes, please take us to the underworld to prove your Mahayana Dharma and your eighteen levels of hell A monk said“ Ask the holy monk to communicate with the underworld All the monks cried out. PS: second more! And the third watch!