Indestructible God King

Chapter 242

Zhou Jing, Zhenmo temple!

After Wang Ke's "appeasement", Bujie monk finally accepted this setting. The disciples of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet can't accept it. The contract in black and white is so clear that they can't afford to pay for it!

Fortunately, he was only a disciple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet, not the uncle of the Tathagata Buddha. Bujie monk hypnotized himself with fear.

Wang Ke convinced Bujie monk and went out to the front square.

The Giant Buddha head on the square is no longer a vegetable market or a variety of vendors, but countless believers. After all, the reincarnation of the disciples of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is a little too scary.

There are many Buddhists who practice Buddhism in these 100000 mountains, but who dares to have a relationship with the legendary immortal? However, it's not easy for many people who don't understand to come here to visit. Of course, many unconvinced people have to come to find fault. It's not so easy to pretend to be a Bodhisattva's disciple.

"Come on, take a look. The bank notes of Tiandi bank are personally appraised by the holy monk. They can't be bought anywhere else. Buy a stack and burn them to your dead relatives. They are more valuable than your paper yuan treasures. They are also easy to carry. They are essential property for your ancestors! Come and have a look. One of our precious notes is one million taels of gold! "

"You haven't seen normal hell. Do you know what it's like? Only we monks know, Tiandi bank? You don't understand? You can find some immortals in the immortal gate, or the practitioners in the immortal towns to ask, who doesn't know the bank? Now Shenwang company has banking business! "

"Yes, the bank notes in this world are just like the deposit receipt of Shenwang company. You can withdraw money with it!"

"What do you know? There are many banks in the underworld. This is the most authoritative bank! Heaven and earth bank

"It won't cost you much to buy a pile! This is identified by the holy monk, with quality assurance! If you burn one to the underworld, it's worth 1 million taels of gold. You can buy your ancestors a luxury house, a luxury car and a mahjong game in the underworld

"You want it too? Good, good...! "




There was a lot of shouting in the square. When Zhang Zhengdao saw Wang Ke coming out, he immediately surrounded him.

"Wang Ke, you've done a great job. I suspected you were doing a loss business before. Now I know that you built this magic temple to make money! You help Bujie monk endorsement, Bujie monk incarnation Saint monk, help you endorsement, you don't know, you issued that world bank notes, now sell crazy! I heard from one of your subordinates that it's too late for many workshops to work overtime to print money! It's all about stealing money! You've earned all the money you spent. " Zhang Zhengdao said excitedly.

"A little money, I'll make you excited! This thing has no technical content. After a period of time, it will come out all over the world, and we will make a wave of fast money! " Wang can disdain the way.

"No, we are not the same. We have the identification of the holy monk!" Zhang Zhengdao argued aside.

Wang Ke took a look at Zhang Zhengdao. Just look at this thing. Do you really think the common people are stupid? They just buy Novelty and peace of mind. Once there are countless bank notes listed, who cares who identified them? Anyway, it's all about burning.

Just as they were looking at selling paper money everywhere and countless believers praying to see the holy monk, some disorderly voices still rang out again.

"Get up, all of you. They're lying!"

"Yes, where is the reincarnation of the disciple of the Tibetan Bodhisattva? It's all fake! "

"Hum, if you have the ability to come out, poor monk is also a monk. Come out and compete with me!"




A group of monks were shouting there. It is to prevent believers from coming to worship, and constantly expose the identity of Bujie monk.

Wang Ke's face sank: "you haven't dealt with these people yet?"

"How do you do it? I can't beat the stick. They are monks, and some of them are disciples of Xianmen. You know, in addition to Duxue temple, there are also some xiaoxianmen who practice Buddhism. They ask to see holy monks, but you don't allow them, so they make trouble every day! " Zhang Zhengdao said.

"Especially, they are insane. I didn't provoke them!" Wang Ke looks ugly.

You cut demons and demons to gain merits and virtues. We are just doing propaganda work in the secular mortal world. Do you want to ruin the scene?

"You're slandering their beliefs. Why didn't you provoke them?" Zhang Zhengdao looks strange.

"Over there, let them come!" Wang Ke frowned and yelled at the distance.

"Yes A group of Wang's children suddenly made way.

All of a sudden, a group of monks rushed up in a fierce manner, and countless people were buying money around, and the worshippers were curious.

"Are you Wang Ke? I've heard that you cheated in Shiwandashan for a long time. Now you've cheated into the mortal area? How dare you The first monk said fiercely.

"Cheat? How to cheat? Who lied to you? " Wang Ke stares.

"You see, on your leaflet, it says that the holy monk Jie Se in it is a disciple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. Hum, this is nonsense. How can the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet exist and accept him as a disciple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet? He looks like a liar The monk said fiercely.

"You mean you're jealous?" Wang Ke asked.

"Jealousy? What jealousy? I just don't want a liar to tarnish the reputation of Bodhisattva! " The monk said fiercely.

"Yes, the Bodhisattva of dizang king, you can also arrange it?" A group and Shanton were angry.

"We don't have any arrangement. The holy monk is indeed a disciple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet! Er, who told you that the holy monk is not a disciple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet? Where did you get the news? Did the Bodhisattva tell you that? " Wang Ke asked.

A group of monks face a stiff, who told me? Who else can tell?

"So no one tells you that the holy monk is not a disciple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet! Are you guessing everything by yourself? " Wang Ke was curious.

Guess what?

The monks are very angry. Do you still have to guess? In this world, there has never been a disciple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet.

"The holy monks have said that everyone has the Dharma for everyone to practice. The holy monks are predestined with the Buddhas. What's the matter with the disciples of Bodhisattvas? Do you have the face to question others when you practice Buddhism all your life but have no chance with Buddhism? If you don't say anything else, you will never get the favor of Bodhisattva if you slander the holy monk! Cultivate Buddha, cultivate mind first, Amitabha Wang Ke advised.

The monks look stiff. You are a disciple of Sirius sect. What do you call Amitabha?

"Hum, Wang Ke, even if you are eloquent, you can't change the facts. As disciples of Buddhism, we can't see anyone slandering Buddhism! Monk Jie se, since he is said to be a disciple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet, come out and compare with us. If the Dharma can surpass us, we will leave immediately and never make trouble again! " The monk at the head said in a deep voice.

"Competition? Fight? " Wang Ke asked.

"What's the matter?" The head monk glared.

"Are you kidding? Is the Buddhist dharma of the holy monk used for fighting? Hum, you have to fight. There are many demons outside to cut off demons and get rid of demons. I can tell you that the holy monk has never practiced fighting moves. The holy monk is a disciple of Bodhisattva. This reincarnation is to save all living beings, to save the suffering, to transcend the world's grievances, and to make the world peaceful! It's not all about fighting and killing. It's not about being brave! Have you monks forgotten the original intention of Buddha's compassion? Buddha, is to save people, not to be the leader of the club! You fake monks Wang Ke immediately scolded.

For a moment, countless believers around immediately cast a bad look at these monks.

You're going to fight with the monks? The bravery of a man? How can the monk promise you?

A group of monks stare at Wang Ke.

"Wang Ke, what do you say? My Buddhism practice Buddhism is used to subdue demons and demons. As a holy monk, he can't even practice Buddhism? What kind of monk is that? I am a Buddhist. The higher the Dharma is, the more powerful it is. As a holy monk, has he never practiced force? It must be fake The head monk glared.

"What are you talking about? You are a fake! And Buddhism? Can you represent Buddhism? " Wang Ke stares.

"Why can't I? I've been practicing Buddhism for 50 years since I was three years old. I can't say that I can communicate with hell. I don't know how to use Buddhism to subdue demons and demons? It's a lie, isn't it? In this world, who can communicate with hell? " The monk glared.

"You can't, doesn't mean others can't! What's more, the monk's practice is different from yours. Your practice is Hinayana Buddhism, while the monk's practice is Mahayana Buddhism! It's not a level, you know? " Wang Ke stares.

"Hinayana Buddhism? Mahayana The monk was stunned.

"Yes, you can't even tell Mahayana from Hinayana. What else do you practice? Today, the holy monk is going to hold the world limitless transcendence meeting, which is the Mahayana Dharma. You don't understand, you can learn! You can come and see it then. What are you doing here before it's too late? The holy monk gives universal support to all living beings, transcends the dead in the world, saves the suffering and lives for the common people in the world! Do your own business, you want a penny? I didn't ask you for money. What are you calling for? Do you want to ruin this super conference Wang Ke asked.

"You, me, he...!" That and Shanton's face turned blue.

Obviously, it's worse than boasting, no, it's worse than reasoning.

"Let's go! If the holy monk doesn't care about you, don't feel uncomfortable. Go to kill demons and demons, and practice your Mahayana Dharma. The Mahayana Dharma of the holy monk is not a system with you. What are you arguing about? You don't know Mahayana Dharma. What are you shouting about? Do you know how much the holy monk suffered in order to pass the dead? All day long, you know how to fight. Be fierce! I don't know what kind of Dharma you practice. Do you want to show that you can fight and step on the holy monk? I can tell you clearly that the holy monk won't fight and can't fight with you! Go back where you come from Wang Ke waved.

The monk was annoyed by Wang Ke, and his face suddenly flushed with blood, as if he had suffered internal injury: "I've killed you“ Elder martial brother, don't be angry, elder martial brother. You can't break the precepts of anger! " A group of people and Shanton pulled him back quickly. Wang Ke, in the eyes of a group of Buddhist believers who came to see him, successfully scolded these "fake monks" away. Every believer is full of respect for the Mahayana Dharma of the holy monk. As a result, the banknotes of Tiandi bank are out of stock again. After Wang Ke finished scolding, he went back to the temple with Zhang Zhengdao“ Wang Ke, what is Mahayana Buddhism and what is Hinayana Buddhism? How do you know that? " Zhang Zhengdao was surprised“ I don't understand. I'm talking nonsense Wang Ke waved his hand. Zhang Zhengdao After holding on for a long time, Zhang Zhengdao didn't know how to continue this topic. After all, he couldn't hold on until he said, "Wang Ke, you really know how to brag!"“ Learn a little. Another monk will come to Bujie monk to argue sutras. Just go back to them and ask them if they understand Mahayana Buddhism! Then spray him! He doubted life, and then it was OK! " Wang Ke drank water to say. Zhang Zhengdao was silent for a long time: "you are so shameless!"“ By the way, let's go. We have to unify the caliber with monk Bujie. Don't let him slip his tongue then! " Wang Ke immediately hurried to the main hall. PS: the first one!